
[the_ipod_group] Digest Number 1180

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ITunes Data From: Chief



ITunes Data

Posted by: "Chief" supremechief@supremecentral.com   mannduff

Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:53 pm (PST)

This is probably somewhere on this forum but I've had no luck in finging it so here goers. Sorry if it's a repeat. Links to an answer will be ok and appreciated.

My music library is fairly large ( 25 K songs) and the more it grows, the more obvious inconsistencies are. What I'm talking about are everything from duplicates to track names to missing artwork etc. There are numerous programs that claim to fix all of the above and much more. So, the question is: What are others using and how do they work? I'll be more than happy to summarize responses if members will help me fill in the details.

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