Messages In This Digest (22 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: Looking for an alternative to Address Book and iCal From: Forrest Leedy
- 1b.
- Re: Looking for an alternative to Address Book and iCal From: Michel Munger
- 1c.
- Re: Looking for an alternative to Address Book and iCal From: Randy B. Singer
- 1d.
- Re: Looking for an alternative to Address Book and iCal From: Randy B. Singer
- 2.1.
- Re: Copy/paste function issue From: Bill B.
- 2.2.
- Re: Copy/paste function issue From: James Robertson
- 2.3.
- Re: Copy/paste function issue From: Oneal Neumann
- 2.4.
- Re: Copy/paste function issue From: Denver Dan
- 2.5.
- Re: Copy/paste function issue From: Daly Jessup
- 3a.
- Odd Safari issue... From: Guy Kudlemyer
- 3b.
- Re: Odd Safari issue... From: Larson
- 3c.
- Re: Odd Safari issue... From: Rob Frankel
- 3d.
- Re: Odd Safari issue... From: Jay Abraham
- 3e.
- Re: Odd Safari issue... From: Daly Jessup
- 3f.
- Re: Odd Safari issue... From: Rob Frankel
- 4a.
- Re: Periodic Table of Typefaces! From: Oneal Neumann
- 4b.
- Re: Periodic Table of Typefaces! From: Joan Auclair
- 4c.
- Re: Periodic Table of Typefaces! From: Jurgen Richter
- 4d.
- Re: Periodic Table of Typefaces! From: Oneal Neumann
- 5a.
- Re: "Compatible" Printer Cartridges From: Jurgen Richter
- 5b.
- Re: "Compatible" Printer Cartridges From: Randy B. Singer
- 6.
- PDF hyperlinks in Mail 4.5 From: Island Center for the Arts
- 1a.
Re: Looking for an alternative to Address Book and iCal
Posted by: "Forrest Leedy" forrkazu
Fri Jan 6, 2012 5:47 am (PST)
I have no problem with address book and iCal. They work fine for me.
On Jan 6, 2012, at 2:48 AM, Larson wrote:
> On Jan. 5, 2012, at 16:13, Rob Frankel wrote:
>>> I would like to know what kind of CRM (customer relationship
>>> management) program Randy B. Singer is using as a lawyer and what
>>> PIMs (personal information manager) other members here can recommend.
>> I use the [Contactizer] Pro version ( )
> Thank you for your response, Rob. Now I'm waiting for Randy B. Singer to respond.
> There must be more people on the list who are looking for an alternative to Address Book and iCal, so come on folks, voice your opinion
> :-)
> Anna
- 1b.
Re: Looking for an alternative to Address Book and iCal
Posted by: "Michel Munger" mmungermtl
Fri Jan 6, 2012 7:52 am (PST)
Those of us who have an iPhone and/or an iPad along with their Macs will
have a hard time recommending an alternative since Apple's software is
nicely synced with iCloud now.
That's a monster argument for those who want to minimize risks of losing
Larson said:
> On Jan. 5, 2012, at 16:13, Rob Frankel wrote:
>>> I would like to know what kind of CRM (customer relationship
>>> management) program Randy B. Singer is using as a lawyer and what
>>> PIMs (personal information manager) other members here can recommend.
>> I use the [Contactizer] Pro version ( )
> Thank you for your response, Rob. Now I'm waiting for Randy B. Singer to respond.
> There must be more people on the list who are looking for an alternative to Address Book and iCal, so come on folks, voice your opinion
> :-)
> Anna
- 1c.
Re: Looking for an alternative to Address Book and iCal
Posted by: "Randy B. Singer" randybrucesinger
Fri Jan 6, 2012 8:19 pm (PST)
On Jan 5, 2012, at 1:58 AM, Larson wrote:
> I would like to know what kind of CRM (customer relationship
> management) program Randy B. Singer is using as a lawyer and what
> PIMs (personal information manager) other members here can recommend.
You can find a list of Mac PIM's here (the list is dwindling due to
Apple's own offerings): html#Anchor- Personal- 7905
(For Entourage substitute Outlook/Mac.)
CRM programs:
Ideal CRM $90
SugarCRM (free) community
vTiger (free) index.php/ vtiger520: Mac_Installation
Relationship /
ContaX contax/Home. html uk/
YouMe Hub
SaleSmartz html
Market Master
NetSuite CRM products/ crm_plus/ main.shtml
Your Business Organizer Products/ ybo/ybo.html
People (not for Intel-based Macs)
http://www.brewstersoftware. com/
Elements CRM overview/
_____________________ _________ _________ ____
Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)
Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance html
_____________________ _________ _________ ____
- 1d.
Re: Looking for an alternative to Address Book and iCal
Posted by: "Randy B. Singer" randybrucesinger
Fri Jan 6, 2012 8:32 pm (PST)
On Jan 5, 2012, at 11:48 PM, Larson wrote:
> I'm waiting for Randy B. Singer to respond.
> There must be more people on the list who are looking for an
> alternative to Address Book and iCal, so come on folks, voice your
> opinion
Address Book and iCal are extremely competent, and they are
essentially free, having come with your Mac. Most Mac users use
them, and are very happy with them.
The next most popular PIM is Entourage/Outlook: outlook
which at this point only comes with Microsoft Office.
There were other popular choices in the past, but AB/IC killed them.
Now Contact/UpToDate is gone. ACT for the Mac is gone. InTouch still
exists, but it's companion, DateView, was never updated for OS X.
Attorneys use integrated law office management programs, or at the
minimum general office management programs. These are overkill for
home use.
_____________________ _________ _________ ____
Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)
Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance html
_____________________ _________ _________ ____
- 2.1.
Re: Copy/paste function issue
Posted by: "Bill B." kernos501
Fri Jan 6, 2012 5:59 am (PST)
At 7:23 AM +0000 1/6/12, neelie wrote:
>FYI, I do often use the "print/pdf" function (NOT to paper) for things I might want to save long term. What I usually use the copy/paste function for is just a short term record until I receive an "official" email receipt from the business or company. I then trash the text file I created and save the email records.<<
For "short term" I use clippings Selecting what I want and, click and hold on a wide letter and drag to the desktop.
BIll B
- 2.2.
Re: Copy/paste function issue
Posted by: "James Robertson" jamesrob328i
Fri Jan 6, 2012 6:04 am (PST)
On Jan 5, 2012, at 11:23 PM, neelie wrote:
> As for troubleshooting the problem, I've done everything except the Safe Disk boot. I've restarted my Mac, deleted cache files, deleted Firefox cache files, done verify and/or repair permissions.
> I guess my issue is not really that big of a problem in the larger scheme of things....I was just curious as to why I was not able to do something now that I'd been able to do previously.
> I appreciate the input.
> neelie
I don't use FireFox, but I'll bet:
1. You don't have problems with cut/copy/paste in your favorite word processor.
2. You don't have problems with cut/copy/paste when reading and replying to PLAIN TEXT email in your email client (Yahoo Forum emails and another beast entirely).
3. You don't have problems copying text or items in the Finder.
In other words, I'll bet its a FireFox thing.
Microsoft Outlook for Windows causes similar problems for many people, because there's an option to display text in a format that's only readable by Windows Outlook or Outlook Express clients. So, the unsuspecting Windows user sends mail to people who use other email programs or other operating systems and all they see is a file named "win mail.dat" (or something similar).
It's actually pretty remarkable that so many programs do work so well together, because every software publisher that has any ounce of creativity is likely to "tweak" standards a bit to make things look better in his program.
Jim Robertson
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 2.3.
Re: Copy/paste function issue
Posted by: "Oneal Neumann" newalander
Fri Jan 6, 2012 7:27 am (PST)
> On 2012 January 5 (at 15:21) Denver Dan wrote:
> Well, a mild scold for responders. No one attempted to solve the
> actual copy/paste problem! Denver Dan
Exactly what I thought as I read the responses to the OP's concerns, Dan. Additionally, no subsequent poster addressed the problem as had been posed.
> On 2012 January 5 (at 12:54) Neelie wrote:
> Using an iMac 27" (circa 2007), with OS 10.6.8 and Firefox 8.0.1.
> Guess this isn't technically a Mac support issue, but not sure what it is, so I'll toss it out to the group.
> Until recently I was able to copy and paste (onto a TextEdit page) most info from transactions and other things done online.
> Recently I have not been able to do so, unless I copy one line of text at a time, or sometimes even just one word at a time. This has me baffled. Not sure where to begin troubleshooting.
> Is this a Firefox thing, a TextEdit thing, an OS thing, a thing with the company whose info I'm trying to copy...just not sure.
> BTW, the problem seems to be mostly with receipts for payments made online. I like to copy and paste onto TextEdit at the completion of the transaction to save until I get an "official" receipt from the company.
> Any suggestions are sure welcome!
I too run 10.6.8 and I too have experienced problems of functioning, although not in the same manner as you have, Neelie.
Some wonkiness has crept into my OS. It has been going on for the better part of a year. I can not, for example, move text around in Mail anymore without other text being jumbled or displaced. There have been other Mail malfunctionings.
Refer below to a response to my then (and still) concern about Mail wonk.
I think that your problem (as with my problem) is an OS problem. Perhaps my jump from 10.6.6 to 10.6.8 precipitated something. I'm looking forward to going Lion (10.7) soon to rectify the minor functioning concerns that have crept in.
The irony is that I have been hesitant to move up to Lion from Snow Leopard because of perceived problems, yet what negatives I've heard probably will not personally be relevant and furthermore, I have actually been experiencing problems with my current OS.
The following is from my 'upgrade wonkiness' thread. Oneal
> On 2011 July 27 (at 18:12) Mr X wrote:
> Good to know I was not the only one experiencing this weirdness. I have not upgraded to Lion but I have upgraded most of my apps in anticipation of installing Lion (in a few weeks). This seems to have stopped as of a couple days where I was getting a double-shift instead of a single shift.
>> On 2011.Jul.27, at 1:16 PM, Oneal Neumann wrote:
>> I upgraded to 10.6.8 from 10.6.6 a few weeks ago in anticipation of moving over to the Lion OS, which I will do in a week or two.
>> Ever since then weird things have been happening with some Mac apps, such as Mail. As an example, using the return key sometimes produces doubleshifting. For this, I have to use the up-arrow key to return to the proper email line.
>> Another example of wonkiness is the inability to be able to use keystroke shortcuts. In Safari I always used the 'control-A' feature for 'Arrange In Front', which neatly sorts the windows alphabetically in the center of the screen.
>> That shortcut can no longer be keyboard-activated. I now have to cursor over to the Window menu for such window-sorting activation.
>> I hope that (eventually) moving up to OS 10.7 will get rid of the wonkiness. Oneal
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 2.4.
Re: Copy/paste function issue
Posted by: "Denver Dan" denverdan22180
Fri Jan 6, 2012 8:15 am (PST)
I don't usually use Firefox but just tried to duplicate you copy/paste
problem and could not.
Try the Safe Disk boot and then a couple of other things that might pin
down the problem to something more specific.
1. Try using a different word or text program. I often use Tex-Edit
If copy/paste works OK with Tex-Edit Plus, then that might show that
the problem is with Apple's TextEdit.
2. Perhaps check in TextEdit Preferences to see if something got
checked that shouldn't be checked. There is also a "Restore All
Defaults" button in both New Document and Open and Save tabs in
TextEdit that you could try.
3. Try a different web browser. If the copy/paste problem goes away
when using Safari, then perhaps that points to Firefox as the culprit.
You could save your Firefox bookmarks as an export file, then delete
EVERYTHING from Firefox, then reinstall a current version and re-import
Denver Dan
On Fri, 06 Jan 2012 07:23:52 +0000, neelie wrote:
> As for troubleshooting the problem, I've done everything except the
> Safe Disk boot. I've restarted my Mac, deleted cache files, deleted
> Firefox cache files, done verify and/or repair permissions.
> I guess my issue is not really that big of a problem in the larger
> scheme of things....I was just curious as to why I was not able to do
> something now that I'd been able to do previously.
> I appreciate the input.
> neelie
- 2.5.
Re: Copy/paste function issue
Posted by: "Daly Jessup"
Fri Jan 6, 2012 4:07 pm (PST)
I test this myself and found (as someone else indicated) that it seems to depend on the web sites. Some sites I could copy easilly from either Firefox or Safari. Other sites, seemed to permit copying from only one or the other. So I suspect that it's changes on the sites themselves, not on your system.
- 3a.
Odd Safari issue...
Posted by: "Guy Kudlemyer" truckersroost
Fri Jan 6, 2012 7:16 am (PST)
Hello experts:
PPC Mac Mini
Every time I try to print a coupon for a local favorite restaurant, I get
the following dialog box:
SLOW SCRIPT Safari is no longer responding because of a script on the
webpage ³Coupon Crusaders²
( ). Do you want to stopDefault.aspx? tab=3
running the script, or let it continue?
No matter how many times I push CONTINUE, I keep getting the same dialog.
This has never been an issue before, as I¹ve printed dozens of coupons from
this restaurant.
What does it mean? How do I remedy it?
Thurston, OR
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 3b.
Re: Odd Safari issue...
Posted by: "Larson"
Fri Jan 6, 2012 7:43 am (PST)
On 06.01.2012, at 16:16, Guy Kudlemyer wrote:
> Every time I try to print a coupon for a local favorite restaurant, I get
> the following dialog box:
> SLOW SCRIPT Safari is no longer responding because of a script on the
> webpage "Coupon Crusaders"
> ( ). Do you want to stopDefault.aspx? tab=3
> running the script, or let it continue? ( ) How do I remedy it?
Oh this brings back bad, old memories , I got this (Java?) message frequently when I had PPC and OS 10.4.11. It went away when I updated. I can't say whether it is PPC, 10.4.11 or Safari related because all three components have changed by me now (Intel, 10.6.8 and the latest version of Safari).
- 3c.
Re: Odd Safari issue...
Posted by: "Rob Frankel" robfrankeldotcom
Fri Jan 6, 2012 7:49 am (PST)
I wonder if this is related to my issue, where Chase bank statements
are suddenly not downloadable as PDF's any more when viewed in Safari
or Firefox. Chase recently updated its website and their tech
support reports people having trouble, but no fix is offered.
At 7:16 AM -0800 1/6/12, Guy Kudlemyer wrote thusly:
>Hello experts:
>PPC Mac Mini
>Every time I try to print a coupon for a local favorite restaurant, I get
>the following dialog box:
>SLOW SCRIPT Safari is no longer responding because of a script on the
>webpage "Coupon Crusaders"
>( ). Do you want to stopDefault.aspx? tab=3
>running the script, or let it continue?
>No matter how many times I push CONTINUE, I keep getting the same dialog.
>This has never been an issue before, as I've printed dozens of coupons from
>this restaurant.
>What does it mean? How do I remedy it?
>Thurston, OR
Rob Frankel, Branding Expert
Twitter: @brandingexpert
Yes, there's an RSS feed blog, if you can handle it:
- 3d.
Re: Odd Safari issue...
Posted by: "Jay Abraham" kerala01212001
Fri Jan 6, 2012 8:49 am (PST)
I think your issue is something slightly different. Do you happen by any chance to have Adobe Acrobat or Reader installed. I think there is a conflict with those programs in Safari. If you remove them from your Internet Plug-ins and restart, I think you should have no more problems viewing PDFs.
At least this was the case when I finally got told the solution about six months back.
I've also had the same problem as the OP but since I upgraded to a new Mac Mini running Lion I haven't noticed it. I was running a G5 Tower running Tiger and then Leopard when I was having the OPs problems.
On Jan 6, 2012, at 9:46 AM, Rob Frankel wrote:
> I wonder if this is related to my issue, where Chase bank statements
> are suddenly not downloadable as PDF's any more when viewed in Safari
> or Firefox. Chase recently updated its website and their tech
> support reports people having trouble, but no fix is offered.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 3e.
Re: Odd Safari issue...
Posted by: "Daly Jessup"
Fri Jan 6, 2012 4:41 pm (PST)
On Jan 6, 2012, at 7:46 AM, Rob Frankel wrote:
> I wonder if this is related to my issue, where Chase bank statements
> are suddenly not downloadable as PDF's any more when viewed in Safari
> or Firefox. Chase recently updated its website and their tech
> support reports people having trouble, but no fix is offered.
Interesting. I can still print Chase statements as PDFs. Are you talking about something else, other than opening a statement and printing it as a PDF?
- 3f.
Re: Odd Safari issue...
Posted by: "Rob Frankel" robfrankeldotcom
Fri Jan 6, 2012 7:43 pm (PST)
At 4:41 PM -0800 1/6/12, Daly Jessup wrote thusly:
>On Jan 6, 2012, at 7:46 AM, Rob Frankel wrote:
>> I wonder if this is related to my issue, where Chase bank statements
>> are suddenly not downloadable as PDF's any more when viewed in Safari
>> or Firefox. Chase recently updated its website and their tech
>> support reports people having trouble, but no fix is offered.
>Interesting. I can still print Chase statements as PDFs. Are you
>talking about something else, other than opening a statement and
>printing it as a PDF?
No...I go to the statement page like I always did. When I hover over
the link, the file doesn't show as a PDF in the status bar. Also,
when I hold down the Control key, it doesn't offer the choice to
"Download file". And printing option only offers "print the largest
Oddly, it only happens on the Chase site. Any other site links work
as they should.
Rob Frankel, Branding Expert
Twitter: @brandingexpert
Yes, there's an RSS feed blog, if you can handle it:
- 4a.
Re: Periodic Table of Typefaces!
Posted by: "Oneal Neumann" newalander
Fri Jan 6, 2012 8:28 am (PST)
On 2012 January 6 (at 06:14) Randy B Singer wrote:
On Jan 6, 2012, at 2:29 AM, Randy B. Singer wrote:
> For typography nerds: The Periodic Table of Typefaces!
Sorry, that link won't work for most of you. Try this one: Table_of_ Typefaces/
Periodic_Table_of_Typefaces_ large.jpg
or shortened form:
Randy B. Singer
Sorry Randy, neither works. Your first post linked us to a Google Groups forum [MILO] and the second took us to a page where the first word is 'Forbidden' [no permissible access].
So, I guess typefaces are top-secret stuff. Oneal
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 4b.
Re: Periodic Table of Typefaces!
Posted by: "Joan Auclair" typist37
Fri Jan 6, 2012 8:35 am (PST)
The shortened form worked for me.
On Jan 6, 2012, at 11:28 AM, Oneal Neumann wrote:
> On 2012 January 6 (at 06:14) Randy B Singer wrote:
> On Jan 6, 2012, at 2:29 AM, Randy B. Singer wrote:
> >
> > For typography nerds: The Periodic Table of Typefaces!
> >
> >
> >
> Sorry, that link won't work for most of you. Try this one:
> Table_of_ Typefaces/
> Periodic_Table_of_Typefaces_ large.jpg
> or shortened form:
> Randy B. Singer
> Sorry Randy, neither works. Your first post linked us to a Google
> Groups forum [MILO] and the second took us to a page where the first
> word is 'Forbidden' [no permissible access].
> So, I guess typefaces are top-secret stuff. Oneal
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 4c.
Re: Periodic Table of Typefaces!
Posted by: "Jurgen Richter" epsongroups
Fri Jan 6, 2012 8:46 am (PST)
Thanks for this, Randy! I
Brings back memories of a previous life as a trade typesetter.
- 4d.
Re: Periodic Table of Typefaces!
Posted by: "Oneal Neumann" newalander
Fri Jan 6, 2012 8:58 am (PST)
> On 2012 January 6 (at 11:35) Joan Auclair wrote:
> The shortened form worked for me.
>> On Jan 6, 2012, at 11:28 AM, Oneal Neumann wrote:
>>> On 2012 January 6 (at 06:14) Randy B Singer wrote:
>>>> On Jan 6, 2012, at 2:29 AM, Randy B Singer wrote:
>>>> For typography nerds: The Periodic Table of Typefaces!
>>> Sorry, that link won't work for most of you. Try this one:
>>> Table_of_ Typefaces/
>>> Periodic_Table_of_Typefaces_ large.jpg
>>> or shortened form:
>>> Randy B. Singer
>>> Sorry Randy, neither works. Your first post linked us to a Google
>>> Groups forum [MILO] and the second took us to a page where the first
>>> word is 'Forbidden' [no permissible access].
>>> So, I guess typefaces are top-secret stuff. Oneal
Spoke too soon, Randy. As Joan pointed out, the minilink works.
Cool page. Thanx. Oneal
- 5a.
Re: "Compatible" Printer Cartridges
Posted by: "Jurgen Richter" epsongroups
Fri Jan 6, 2012 8:39 am (PST)
Your mileage and success will vary. Glad you got lucky with your conversion.
I'm on several printer lists, and especially follow the Epson lists and
have for almost a decade, as I own several. The queries coming to the
Epson related ones are frequently asking how to clean the heads which do
not get replaced with the ink cartridges, unlike others like some of the
Canon printers that have heads built into the cartridges that get
replaced with each new batch of ink. It is these Epsons that have a
chemical compatibility problem with non-OEM inks, though some less
problematic than others. Even today on one list another poster was
recommended to print large purge patterns to clear the printer heads and
lines before making the switch. Other brands of printers may not be so
sensitive. And some printer cartridges are not easily refillable.
The printer manufacturers will likely never make any recommendations on
how to switch inks to another brand, as use of OEM inks is their bread
and butter in this business. The several Epson manuals I have never made
mention of it. They barely even suggest how to clean out printers with
clogged heads due to lack of use. Why else would Art Entlich's cleaning
manual be so popular on the various printer lists?
Why else would "compatible" ink vendors also sell so-called "cleaning
cartridges"? and provide information on how to prepare your printer for
making the switch?
Go back and look at any of the lists postings that also cover how to
switch from cartridge to continuous inks systems using non-OEM inks...
you'll find plenty of such recommendations there. I wouldn't make this
up myself.
Randy Singer wrote:
> Without deferring to another list, there is a general consensus
> that you
> really should purge any and all current inks out of your printer
> before
> switching to an "unlike" one.
I'm on about a dozen Macintosh discussion lists, and not only have I
not heard of such a "consensus", but I've never before heard such a
thing. At least not with respect to switching from OEM cartridges to
"compatible" cartridges.
It also hasn't been my experience, and I've been using multiple
brands of compatible ink cartridges in multiple printers for many years.
- 5b.
Re: "Compatible" Printer Cartridges
Posted by: "Randy B. Singer" randybrucesinger
Fri Jan 6, 2012 8:41 pm (PST)
On Jan 6, 2012, at 8:39 AM, Jurgen Richter wrote:
> I'm on several printer lists, and especially follow the Epson lists
> and
> have for almost a decade, as I own several. The queries coming to the
> Epson related ones are frequently asking how to clean the heads
> which do
> not get replaced with the ink cartridges, unlike others like some
> of the
> Canon printers that have heads built into the cartridges that get
> replaced with each new batch of ink.
In general, Epson inkjet printers have by far the largest problems
with clogging heads, irrespective of anything else. That's why I
generally don't recommend them. And that's too bad, because, at
least their high end printers give the best output, which is very
important if you are a graphic professional. Unfortunately Epson
simply has a bad design for their heads. It has little or nothing to
do with changing ink cartridges. Epson also likes to chip their
cartridges so you can't use third party inks. Another reason to
avoid their products.
Recent Canon inkjet printers, at least the better ones, tend not to
have the heads built into the cartridge. They are separate from the
cartridge and you can remove them separately from the printer to
clean them specifically. The most rational of all designs.
_____________________ _________ _________ ____
Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)
Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance html
_____________________ _________ _________ ____
- 6.
PDF hyperlinks in Mail 4.5
Posted by: "Island Center for the Arts" monkeymannmcghee
Sat Jan 7, 2012 2:27 am (PST)
I have created a test PDF document for emailing that contains links to websites.
The links all work when I open the PDF in Preview after exporting it to the desktop from InDesign and/or Pages.
If I email the PDF to myself as a test, the links don't work. Clicking on a link highlights the entire PDF.
The links all work in Safari when opened from the desktop.
I suspect that the problem is in Mail 4.5 but I'm not sure.
Perhaps someone can offer a solution?
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