
[apple-iphone] Digest Number 2859

Messages In This Digest (13 Messages)



Re: Sprint reportedly confirms data throttling for 'top one percent'

Posted by: "whiterabbit32@gmail.com" whiterabbit32@gmail.com   lwr0032

Fri Jan 6, 2012 12:59 am (PST)

If I'm paying for unlimited use with Sprint, I don't understand why I would get throttled and maybe get kicked and called an abuser. Shouldn't I be able to use to its fullest what I'm paying for?


Sent from my iPhone 4

On Jan 5, 2012, at 3:46 PM, Brent <flapdoodle@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sent to you by Brent via Google Reader: Sprint reportedly confirms
> data throttling for 'top one percent' of abusers via Engadget by Darren
> Murph on 1/5/12
> So, wait -- is unlimited just unlimited, or is it "unlimited?" Let's
> ask the man who spent a solid 30 seconds (and countless millions)
> explaining precisely that back in March of last year... oh, wait.
> Despite Sprint's claims of keeping its "unlimited" plans "truly
> unlimited," it seems that there is a special asterisk reserved for
> those who really attempt to push the boundaries. No real surprise,
> honestly, but CEO Dan Hesse was quoted earlier today as saying the
> following in regard to heavy data users: "For those that want to abuse
> it, we can knock them off." Moreover, he affirmed that throttling can
> be implemented for "about one percent of users," but did continue to
> say that there were no immediate plans for The Now Network to follow
> its contemporaries into the deep, dark world of tiered data. Of course,
> this is also the man who told us that "nothing is guaranteed forever,"
> so make of it what you will -- particularly with an LTE network going
> live in around six months.
> Sprint reportedly confirms data throttling for 'top one percent' of
> abusers originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 05 Jan 2012 18:15:00
> EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
> Permalink MacRumors | NASDAQ | Email this | Comments
> Things you can do from here:
> - Subscribe to Engadget using Google Reader
> - Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your
> favorite sites
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: Sprint reportedly confirms data throttling for 'top one percent'

Posted by: "Patrick W" androidtechguy@gmail.com   pwrigg

Fri Jan 6, 2012 7:08 am (PST)

You wont unless you are ROAMING on another carriers network and hogging
Your only alloowed 300 megs of roaming data before your in violation of
your contract.

Again, this article was misleading as it was stated he was talking about
the people who were NOT on a Sprint Network.

On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 2:59 AM, <whiterabbit32@gmail.com> wrote:

> **
> If I'm paying for unlimited use with Sprint, I don't understand why I
> would get throttled and maybe get kicked and called an abuser. Shouldn't I
> be able to use to its fullest what I'm paying for?
> Alice
> Sent from my iPhone 4
> On Jan 5, 2012, at 3:46 PM, Brent <flapdoodle@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Sent to you by Brent via Google Reader: Sprint reportedly confirms
> > data throttling for 'top one percent' of abusers via Engadget by Darren
> > Murph on 1/5/12
> > So, wait -- is unlimited just unlimited, or is it "unlimited?" Let's
> > ask the man who spent a solid 30 seconds (and countless millions)
> > explaining precisely that back in March of last year... oh, wait.
> > Despite Sprint's claims of keeping its "unlimited" plans "truly
> > unlimited," it seems that there is a special asterisk reserved for
> > those who really attempt to push the boundaries. No real surprise,
> > honestly, but CEO Dan Hesse was quoted earlier today as saying the
> > following in regard to heavy data users: "For those that want to abuse
> > it, we can knock them off." Moreover, he affirmed that throttling can
> > be implemented for "about one percent of users," but did continue to
> > say that there were no immediate plans for The Now Network to follow
> > its contemporaries into the deep, dark world of tiered data. Of course,
> > this is also the man who told us that "nothing is guaranteed forever,"
> > so make of it what you will -- particularly with an LTE network going
> > live in around six months.
> > Sprint reportedly confirms data throttling for 'top one percent' of
> > abusers originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 05 Jan 2012 18:15:00
> > EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
> > Permalink MacRumors | NASDAQ | Email this | Comments
> > Things you can do from here:
> > - Subscribe to Engadget using Google Reader
> > - Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your
> > favorite sites
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: Sending Messages to an ex-iphone user

Posted by: "whiterabbit32@gmail.com" whiterabbit32@gmail.com   lwr0032

Fri Jan 6, 2012 1:04 am (PST)

A Yugo ROFLMAO. I've found that in order to send someone with iMessage a green text message, I had to go in to my settings and turn off iMessage. A pain in the butt. I hope someone has a better suggestion.


Sent from my iPhone 4

On Jan 5, 2012, at 1:33 PM, "keith pollard" <keith_pollard@att.net> wrote:

> My wife just moved off an iphone to some other POS, now I cannot send her text messages becuase my iPhone recognizes her number as an iphone and will only send an iMessage. I have deleted her contact and added a new contact with a different name but my iphone still thinks her number is associated with an iphone. Any ideas how to reset her number on my phone so it no longer thinks she is iSmart?
> Can't believe she wanted to move off the iphone, next she will be driving a Yugo!
> Thanks, Keith

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Sending Messages to an ex-iphone user

Posted by: "Archie C Grapa" archiegrapa@yahoo.com   archiegrapa

Fri Jan 6, 2012 2:54 am (PST)

Or switch on Send As SMS.
But I hate it when I'm sending an international iMessage. I get charged without a warning.

 Archie 

On Jan 6, 2012, at 17:04, whiterabbit32@gmail.com wrote:

> A Yugo ROFLMAO. I've found that in order to send someone with iMessage a green text message, I had to go in to my settings and turn off iMessage. A pain in the butt. I hope someone has a better suggestion.
> Alice
> Sent from my iPhone 4
> On Jan 5, 2012, at 1:33 PM, "keith pollard" <keith_pollard@att.net> wrote:
> > My wife just moved off an iphone to some other POS, now I cannot send her text messages becuase my iPhone recognizes her number as an iphone and will only send an iMessage. I have deleted her contact and added a new contact with a different name but my iphone still thinks her number is associated with an iphone. Any ideas how to reset her number on my phone so it no longer thinks she is iSmart?
> >
> > Can't believe she wanted to move off the iphone, next she will be driving a Yugo!
> >
> > Thanks, Keith
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Sending Messages to an ex-iphone user

Posted by: "Eb" powercx@yahoo.com   powercx

Fri Jan 6, 2012 5:35 am (PST)

Go to: https://supportprofile.apple.com/MySupportProfile.do
Log in if not already logged in.
Click on "edit products"
Click on the "x" to the right of the product.
Click "unregister"

On Jan 6, 2012, at 5:37 PM, Archie C Grapa <archiegrapa@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Or switch on Send As SMS.
> But I hate it when I'm sending an international iMessage. I get charged without a warning.
>  Archie 
> On Jan 6, 2012, at 17:04, whiterabbit32@gmail.com wrote:
> > A Yugo ROFLMAO. I've found that in order to send someone with iMessage a green text message, I had to go in to my settings and turn off iMessage. A pain in the butt. I hope someone has a better suggestion.
> >
> > Alice
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone 4
> >
> > On Jan 5, 2012, at 1:33 PM, "keith pollard" <keith_pollard@att.net> wrote:
> >
> > > My wife just moved off an iphone to some other POS, now I cannot send her text messages becuase my iPhone recognizes her number as an iphone and will only send an iMessage. I have deleted her contact and added a new contact with a different name but my iphone still thinks her number is associated with an iphone. Any ideas how to reset her number on my phone so it no longer thinks she is iSmart?
> > >
> > > Can't believe she wanted to move off the iphone, next she will be driving a Yugo!
> > >
> > > Thanks, Keith


Re: Throttling

Posted by: "whiterabbit32@gmail.com" whiterabbit32@gmail.com   lwr0032

Fri Jan 6, 2012 1:14 am (PST)

I agree too. I have heard that the unlimited with AT&T isn't "true" unlimited. Do we know what the limit is?


Sent from my iPhone 4

On Jan 5, 2012, at 6:44 AM, Tequila Allen <lashaunej@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Totally agree I'm being throttle as we speak hubby and I are at 3gb
> On Jan 5, 2012, at 9:19 AM, "4 Nikonkelly.com" <kelly@nikonkelly.com> wrote:
> > although it may be heavy usage, if you are paying for unlimited
> > service, then wheres the beef. you have unlimited service. I
> > have no clue as to what I use at home on my DSL, but since I have
> > unlimited service, I had better never hear that I am using too
> > much service. I am paying for it under the terms of the
> > agreement and AT&T is not giving me a rebate for not using as much
> > as I need.
> > Kelly Todd
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Jim Saklad
> > To: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 11:43 PM
> > Subject: Re: [apple-iphone] Throttling
> >
> > >> You cannot sign up for unlimited if you don't already have
> > it. They continue "grandfathered" unlimited plans, although they
> > will throttle download speed for high users.
> > >
> > > It sounds like that is somewhere between 2 and 3 GB/month,
> > which is not exactly high use.
> >
> > I disagree.
> >
> > Reviewing my usage on the AT&T website, I see that since October
> > 2010 I have had one month of 2.5 GB (when I activated HotSpot and
> > "supported" by laptop, and otherwise none as much as 1 GB.
> >
> > My housemate, who routinely streams radio throughout her 40-hour
> > work week, had ranged from 1.4 to 2.0 GB.
> >
> > I agree with AT&T that over 3 GB in a month is heavy usage.
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Throttling

Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc@me.com   jimdoc01

Fri Jan 6, 2012 2:54 am (PST)


"The world�s congested mobile airwaves are being divided in a lopsided manner, with 1 percent of consumers generating half of all traffic. The top 10 percent of users, meanwhile, are consuming 90 percent of wireless bandwidth."

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com



Posted by: "Allan" aaunkst@gmail.com   tama.drummer62

Fri Jan 6, 2012 4:42 am (PST)

Anyone here know if entourage calendar syncs with iphone calendar?

Email sent by iphone 4


Problem sending pictures to Verizon Droid Bionic?????

Posted by: "rkkeller8" thekellergroup@gmail.com   rkkeller8

Fri Jan 6, 2012 11:34 am (PST)

I have the iPhone 4S and the latest iOS and a friend has Verizon
and the Droid Bionic and everytime I try to send him a picture he
doesn't get it and gets a message to download it or something. He
was alittle vague when explaining it to me.

Any ideas?

I can send to other Android phone on other providers with no
problem, seems like either the Droid or Verizon.



Re: Problem sending pictures to Verizon Droid Bionic?????

Posted by: "Bill Boulware" bill.boulware@gmail.com   boulware0224

Fri Jan 6, 2012 11:53 am (PST)

Chances are he is using a third party SMS/MMS App and/or he has MMS auto
download turned off in the Messaging App - there are several things he can
check but I would start with asking which Messaging App he is using and
then inside the messaging app, touch menu then settings and make sure
"Auto-Retrieve" is enabled under "Multimedia Message (MMS) Settings" - this
can be turned on/off for both SMS and MMS to limit going over text and/or
data plan limits.

On a side note - I have the Bionic, granted I only used it for a few months
before getting the Galaxy Nexus - this phone was my worst tech purchase
that I didn't return in as long as I can remember. There are some really
great features to Android but between Motorola and Verizon there was so
much wrong with that device it was barely usable.

On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 14:34, rkkeller8 <thekellergroup@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have the iPhone 4S and the latest iOS and a friend has Verizon
> and the Droid Bionic and everytime I try to send him a picture he
> doesn't get it and gets a message to download it or something. He
> was alittle vague when explaining it to me.
> Any ideas?
> I can send to other Android phone on other providers with no
> problem, seems like either the Droid or Verizon.
> Rich
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Photos sent as Messages

Posted by: "bas6231" bas6231@yahoo.com   bas6231

Fri Jan 6, 2012 12:35 pm (PST)

I receive a lot of photos of my family sent to me as a "message". Since I am not very familiar with the iTunes 4s, can anyone tell me how I can move these "messages" to the photos? Thanks for any help.


Re: Photos sent as Messages

Posted by: "Bill Boulware" bill.boulware@gmail.com   boulware0224

Fri Jan 6, 2012 12:50 pm (PST)

Just tap and hold the photo and a "Save" dialog will pop up allowing you to
save the photo to Camera Roll (Photos App).

On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 15:32, bas6231 <bas6231@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I receive a lot of photos of my family sent to me as a "message". Since I
> am not very familiar with the iTunes 4s, can anyone tell me how I can move
> these "messages" to the photos? Thanks for any help.


Re: Photos sent as Messages

Posted by: "Golden One 7" gryone77@yahoo.com   gryone77

Fri Jan 6, 2012 12:51 pm (PST)

Just look on the bottom left of the message. You should see an arrow coming out of a box. Click on it and hit save image.

On Jan 6, 2012, at 3:32 PM, "bas6231" <bas6231@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I receive a lot of photos of my family sent to me as a "message". Since I am not very familiar with the iTunes 4s, can anyone tell me how I can move these "messages" to the photos? Thanks for any help.

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