
[macsupport] Digest Number 8664

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Messages In This Digest (15 Messages)



Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "mary pecci" mpecci@sbcglobal.net   mpecci@sbcglobal.net

Thu Jan 5, 2012 5:02 pm (PST)


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From: Doug Yelmen <dougyelmen@earthlink.net>
To: macsupportcentral@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, January 5, 2012 4:58:16 PM
Subject: Re: [macsupport] Copy/paste function issue

i'm onboard with Otto, Jim, and you, Mike.
i use Default Folder, and keep receipts in a special folder.
i feel like a long term "senior moment" for not saving them to a PDF format.
i do it with web pages, sometimes.
good advise.

On Jan 5, 2012, at 10:38 AM, Michael P. Stupinski wrote:

> I'll second Jim's and Otto's suggestion. For years I had been
> actually printing (to paper!) all the payment confirmations I
> received. Then someone on this list (maybe Jim?) pointed out the PDF/
> receipts process, and I slapped myself on the head for not having
> thought of it myself! It's a perfect solution.
> .............Mike
> On Jan 5, 2012, at 1:30 PM, Otto Nikolaus wrote:
>> On 5 January 2012 18:05, Jim Saklad <jimdoc@me.com> wrote:
>>> I am a firm believer in the concept of "If you can't solve a problem,
>>> change the problem."
>>> EVERY time I pay a bill online, or order a product online, I print
>>> out the
>>> receipt page from my browser as a PDF file, and save it in
>>> ~/Documents/_Receipts (a folder I created).
>>> For the non-recurring payments or receipts for purchases, I keep
>>> them for
>>> years.
>>> For the regular monthly payments, I usually delete the PDF after
>>> saving
>>> the next month's copy.
>> I agree. Why copy-paste into a text file, losing the formatting,
>> when you
>> can print the receipt to a PDF?
>> Otto
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "Doug Yelmen" dougyelmen@earthlink.net   dougyelmen

Thu Jan 5, 2012 5:04 pm (PST)

errrr, let us know, Dane, when you have set-up backups, as Otto (and i) recommend.

On Jan 5, 2012, at 11:45 AM, Otto Nikolaus wrote:

> So you *have* now instigated frequent, regular backups?
> ;)
> Otto
> On 5 January 2012 19:31, Dane Robison <macdane@mac.com> wrote:
>> I've been doing this for years, and when saving as PDF I put them in
>> different folders depending on what they're for. Business expenses go into
>> a separate folder and are named with the product/service and price, so at
>> tax time I don't even need to open the PDF to get the info.
>> It's not quite perfect, however...when a recent hard drive crash cost me
>> everything between July and November, these PDFs (as well as the receipts I
>> received by email) were part of the loss.
>> Needless to say, tax time this year will be slightly less fun than usual!
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "hester" dhreik@gmail.com   drhester_06107

Thu Jan 5, 2012 5:09 pm (PST)

--- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups.com, "neelie" <neeliec2000@...> wrote:

> Recently I have not been able to do so, unless I copy one line of text at a time, or sometimes even just one word at a time. This has me baffled. Not sure where to begin troubleshooting.
> Is this a Firefox thing, a TextEdit thing, an OS thing, a thing with the company whose info I'm trying to copy...just not sure.
> BTW, the problem seems to be mostly with receipts for payments made online. I like to copy and paste onto TextEdit at the completion of the transaction to save until I get an "official" receipt from the company.
> Any suggestions are sure welcome!

Hi, I was looking on-line for you and noted in some forums that several people using macs had this problem in Firefox but not Safari. See if switching browsers solves it.



Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "raoullefere" raoullefere@yahoo.com   raoullefere

Thu Jan 5, 2012 5:13 pm (PST)

I've had Firefox do some really funky, weird things when my Firefox profile got corrupted. I'd try creating a new profile with the profile manager and see if the problem persists before I started anywhere else. Here's how:


If it does fix things, there are ways to move all your bookmarks to a new profile.

I, too, use the pdf save method, btw, (and back them up monthly to a flash drive) but I understand doing things the way you want to do them.

--- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups.com, "neelie" <neeliec2000@...> wrote:
> Using an iMac 27" (circa 2007), with OS 10.6.8 and Firefox 8.0.1
> Guess this isn't technically a "Mac" support issue, but not sure what it is, so I'll toss it out to the group.
> Until recently I was able to copy and paste (onto a TextEdit page) most all info from transactions and other things done online.
> Recently I have not been able to do so, unless I copy one line of text at a time, or sometimes even just one word at a time. This has me baffled. Not sure where to begin troubleshooting.
> Is this a Firefox thing, a TextEdit thing, an OS thing, a thing with the company whose info I'm trying to copy...just not sure.
> BTW, the problem seems to be mostly with receipts for payments made online. I like to copy and paste onto TextEdit at the completion of the transaction to save until I get an "official" receipt from the company.
> Any suggestions are sure welcome!


Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "Tim O'Donoghue" tjod@drizzle.net   timodonoghue

Thu Jan 5, 2012 5:16 pm (PST)

Group FAQ:

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> ________________________________
> From: Doug Yelmen <dougyelmen@earthlink.net>
> To: macsupportcentral@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thu, January 5, 2012 4:58:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [macsupport] Copy/paste function issue
> i'm onboard with Otto, Jim, and you, Mike.
> i use Default Folder, and keep receipts in a special folder.
> i feel like a long term "senior moment" for not saving them to a PDF format.
> i do it with web pages, sometimes.
> good advise.
> doug
> On Jan 5, 2012, at 10:38 AM, Michael P. Stupinski wrote:
>> I'll second Jim's and Otto's suggestion. For years I had been
>> actually printing (to paper!) all the payment confirmations I
>> received. Then someone on this list (maybe Jim?) pointed out the PDF/
>> receipts process, and I slapped myself on the head for not having
>> thought of it myself! It's a perfect solution.
>> .............Mike
>> On Jan 5, 2012, at 1:30 PM, Otto Nikolaus wrote:
>>> On 5 January 2012 18:05, Jim Saklad <jimdoc@me.com> wrote:
>>>> I am a firm believer in the concept of "If you can't solve a problem,
>>>> change the problem."
>>>> EVERY time I pay a bill online, or order a product online, I print
>>>> out the
>>>> receipt page from my browser as a PDF file, and save it in
>>>> ~/Documents/_Receipts (a folder I created).
>>>> For the non-recurring payments or receipts for purchases, I keep
>>>> them for
>>>> years.
>>>> For the regular monthly payments, I usually delete the PDF after
>>>> saving
>>>> the next month's copy.
>>> I agree. Why copy-paste into a text file, losing the formatting,
>>> when you
>>> can print the receipt to a PDF?
>>> Otto
>>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Unsubscribing from the group was: Re: [macsupport] Copy/paste functi

Posted by: "Tim O'Donoghue" tjod@drizzle.net   timodonoghue

Thu Jan 5, 2012 5:49 pm (PST)

> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral.com/policies/>
> Yahoo! Groups Links
>> How can you unsubscribe to this macsupport group?
>> Thanks,
>> Mary
>> ________________________________
>> From: Doug Yelmen <dougyelmen@earthlink.net>
>> To: macsupportcentral@yahoogroups.com
>> Sent: Thu, January 5, 2012 4:58:16 PM
>> Subject: Re: [macsupport] Copy/paste function issue
>> i'm onboard with Otto, Jim, and you, Mike.
>> i use Default Folder, and keep receipts in a special folder.
>> i feel like a long term "senior moment" for not saving them to a PDF format.
>> i do it with web pages, sometimes.
>> good advise.
>> doug
>> On Jan 5, 2012, at 10:38 AM, Michael P. Stupinski wrote:
>>> I'll second Jim's and Otto's suggestion. For years I had been
>>> actually printing (to paper!) all the payment confirmations I
>>> received. Then someone on this list (maybe Jim?) pointed out the PDF/
>>> receipts process, and I slapped myself on the head for not having
>>> thought of it myself! It's a perfect solution.
>>> .............Mike
>>> On Jan 5, 2012, at 1:30 PM, Otto Nikolaus wrote:
>>>> On 5 January 2012 18:05, Jim Saklad <jimdoc@me.com> wrote:
>>>>> I am a firm believer in the concept of "If you can't solve a problem,
>>>>> change the problem."
>>>>> EVERY time I pay a bill online, or order a product online, I print
>>>>> out the
>>>>> receipt page from my browser as a PDF file, and save it in
>>>>> ~/Documents/_Receipts (a folder I created).
>>>>> For the non-recurring payments or receipts for purchases, I keep
>>>>> them for
>>>>> years.
>>>>> For the regular monthly payments, I usually delete the PDF after
>>>>> saving
>>>>> the next month's copy.
>>>> I agree. Why copy-paste into a text file, losing the formatting,
>>>> when you
>>>> can print the receipt to a PDF?
>>>> Otto
>>>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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>>> ------------------------------------
>>> Group FAQ:
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>>> Yahoo! Groups Links
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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> ------------------------------------
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Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "Denver Dan" denver.dan@verizon.net   denverdan22180

Thu Jan 5, 2012 6:12 pm (PST)


To unsubscribe

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Denver Dan

On Thu, 05 Jan 2012 17:02:58 -0800 (PST), mary pecci wrote:
> mpecci@sbcglobal.net
> Hello,
> How can you unsubscribe to this macsupport group?
> Thanks,
> Mary


Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "Jurgen Richter" yahoo-1@sympatico.ca   epsongroups

Thu Jan 5, 2012 7:11 pm (PST)

While I also do not have a specific answer, some websites have a print
routine that may open a second window allowing you to print. I have
found that they do not always match what you have to start with. This
function is part of the "offending" website and may not be a browser
issue; perhaps a combination of both. In any case, I resort to screen
grabs of the selected area (rather than full page/window) first,
followed by a save as PDF from the browser print function, not the
website's print option button. This way I'm sure to capture only what I
want, and discard the rest. I also have duplicate backups of these,
just in case, you know what....


Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "neelie" neeliec2000@yahoo.com   neeliec2000

Thu Jan 5, 2012 11:23 pm (PST)

Thanks to everyone who replied to my questions.

FYI, I do often use the "print/pdf" function (NOT to paper) for things I might want to save long term. What I usually use the copy/paste function for is just a short term record until I receive an "official" email receipt from the business or company. I then trash the text file I created and save the email records.

As for troubleshooting the problem, I've done everything except the Safe Disk boot. I've restarted my Mac, deleted cache files, deleted Firefox cache files, done verify and/or repair permissions.

I guess my issue is not really that big of a problem in the larger scheme of things....I was just curious as to why I was not able to do something now that I'd been able to do previously.

I appreciate the input.


--- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups.com, "neelie" <neeliec2000@...> wrote:
> Using an iMac 27" (circa 2007), with OS 10.6.8 and Firefox 8.0.1
> Guess this isn't technically a "Mac" support issue, but not sure what it is, so I'll toss it out to the group.
> Until recently I was able to copy and paste (onto a TextEdit page) most all info from transactions and other things done online.
> Recently I have not been able to do so, unless I copy one line of text at a time, or sometimes even just one word at a time. This has me baffled. Not sure where to begin troubleshooting.
> Is this a Firefox thing, a TextEdit thing, an OS thing, a thing with the company whose info I'm trying to copy...just not sure.
> BTW, the problem seems to be mostly with receipts for payments made online. I like to copy and paste onto TextEdit at the completion of the transaction to save until I get an "official" receipt from the company.
> Any suggestions are sure welcome!


Backups [was Re: Copy/paste function issue]

Posted by: "Dane Robison" macdane@mac.com   macdane1

Thu Jan 5, 2012 11:07 pm (PST)

Otto, Michael, Jim and Doug wrote:

> So you *have* now instigated frequent, regular backups?
> You took the words right out of my mouth, Otto.

> Gee - 4 months of no backups?
> errrr, let us know, Dane, when you have set-up backups, as Otto (and
> i) recommend.

I appreciate your concern, fellas. I *did* have a backup scheme in
place but deviated from it in July and have paid the price. I'm back
to the old routine and will outline it here in case anyone has
constructive feedback (other than noting the lack of offsite backups,
which I'm working on).

I'm a photographer with a *lot* of photos to manage. On any given day,
I may receive orders for photos from events that took place months
ago, so I like to keep as many photos as I can on my primary machine:
a Macbook Pro running Adobe Lightroom. I have a 500GB drive in the

Time Machine isn't a good option for me because my LR catalog file
alone is about 3.5GB and every time I touch it Time Machine backs up
the whole thing. To exacerbate the problem, every time I return from a
shoot with anywhere from 5-50GB of photos, those need to be backed up
as well. That means Time Machine is constantly running and it slows
things down too much. So I leave the Time Capsule to my wife and kids
for their Time Machine backups.

For my needs, I set up a two-part routine. A Drobo holds the archived
photos that simply don't fit on the puny 500GB drive in my MBP. Every
few months when the disk gets too full I plug in the Drobo and drag up
to 100GB worth of photos to it. I do this within LR so the photos'
thumbnails remain in my LR catalog; the older photos just happen to
live on the Drobo instead of the laptop.

That still leaves my laptop drive in need of backup, so anywhere from
daily to weekly (depending on the amount of work I've done) I run a
SuperDuper! clone to a 500GB external FireWire drive when I go to bed.
So my current files are always kept on the MBP as well as a very up-to-
date bootable clone, and my archived files live all by themselves on
the Drobo.

This worked very well until July, when I upgraded my laptop to a 750GB
drive. Suddenly, I wasn't able to clone my laptop to the external
drive because the external wasn't big enough. I foolishly shrugged and
said I'd keep an eye out for a good deal on a new external. Days, then
weeks, then a few months went by and my new 750GB drive fell
critically ill before I made that purchase. I immediately FedExed it
to Drew Janssen <www.driverescue.net> who tried everything he could to
save the data. Alas, only about 1% of my files were salvaged.

I need to pause here to say a few words about Drew. Okay, two words:
use him. Throughout the ordeal, Drew made every effort to contain my
costs and work with me flexibly on payment terms and methods. He's a
stand-up guy, but the type we unfortunately only have reason to work
with under dreadful circumstances.

I'm now back on the original backup routine with two differences.
First, I'm about 40,000 photos lighter than I should be. Second, I now
have a 1TB external drive for clones.

Sorry this got a bit long, but I didn't want you folks thinking I
*never* backup. I just took an expensive break from it.



Re: Looking for an alternative to Address Book and iCal

Posted by: "Larson" pix@maksimo.de   yovard@ymail.com

Thu Jan 5, 2012 11:48 pm (PST)

On Jan. 5, 2012, at 16:13, Rob Frankel wrote:

>> I would like to know what kind of CRM (customer relationship
>> management) program Randy B. Singer is using as a lawyer and what
>> PIMs (personal information manager) other members here can recommend.
> I use the [Contactizer] Pro version (…)

Thank you for your response, Rob. Now I'm waiting for Randy B. Singer to respond.

There must be more people on the list who are looking for an alternative to Address Book and iCal, so come on folks, voice your opinion …




Re: "Compatible" Printer Cartridges

Posted by: "Randy B. Singer" randy@macattorney.com   randybrucesinger

Fri Jan 6, 2012 1:08 am (PST)

On Jan 5, 2012, at 6:47 AM, pat412255 wrote:

> I've been buying my ink cartridges from eforcity thanks to a
> previous recommendation from Randy Singer. I'm very satisfied with
> them & pleased with the savings.

Also, I recommend that folks have a look through eforcity's Web
site. They have amazingly low prices on things like iPhone and iPad
accessories, a huge selection, and the quality is first rate.

I purchased a silicon case, a leather wallet, and a stylus for my
mom's iPhone, and they cost all of about $16.

Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)

Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance


Re: "Compatible" Printer Cartridges

Posted by: "Randy B. Singer" randy@macattorney.com   randybrucesinger

Fri Jan 6, 2012 1:21 am (PST)

On Jan 5, 2012, at 9:40 AM, Jurgen Richter wrote:

> Without deferring to another list, there is a general consensus
> that you
> really should purge any and all current inks out of your printer
> before
> switching to an "unlike" one.

I'm on about a dozen Macintosh discussion lists, and not only have I
not heard of such a "consensus", but I've never before heard such a
thing. At least not with respect to switching from OEM cartridges to
"compatible" cartridges.

It also hasn't been my experience, and I've been using multiple
brands of compatible ink cartridges in multiple printers for many years.

I agree that it isn't a good idea to switch from an entirely
different kind of ink (e.g. from dye-based ink to pigment-based ink)
if your manufacturer doesn't recommend doing so, or without following
the manufacturer's recommendations for the procedure for doing so,
but generally this isn't what you are doing when you are switching
from OEM to compatible ink cartridges (the title of this thread).

I *have* heard of folks having problems with compatible ink
cartridges. Whether it was due to ink chemistry, I can't say. A good
ink provider should make sure that their ink is compatible with
whatever OEM ink is left in a printer. As I said in my previous
post, over many years now I've kept track of the sources for
compatible ink that folks have had good success with.

After several years of personal success with these same companies,
I've passed on my sources to this list.
I don't think that any paranoia, or ridiculous purging rituals, need
accompany using them.

Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)

Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance


Periodic Table of Typefaces!

Posted by: "Randy B. Singer" randy@macattorney.com   randybrucesinger

Fri Jan 6, 2012 2:29 am (PST)

For typography nerds: The Periodic Table of Typefaces!


Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)

Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance


Re: Periodic Table of Typefaces!

Posted by: "Randy B. Singer" randy@macattorney.com   randybrucesinger

Fri Jan 6, 2012 3:14 am (PST)

On Jan 6, 2012, at 2:29 AM, Randy B. Singer wrote:

> For typography nerds: The Periodic Table of Typefaces!
> http://is.gd/cc1qLI

Sorry, that link won't work for most of you. Try this one:


or shortened form:


Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)

Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance

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