
[macsupport] Digest Number 8662

Messages In This Digest (17 Messages)

Re: laptop-screen ontime From: Oneal Neumann
Hitachi New "Mac Compatible HDs From: Denver dan
Re: DVD Player scam/sham From: Jim Saklad
Re: Repairing permissions From: Jim Saklad
Re: Repairing permissions From: Randy B. Singer
SSD for my 27" iMac Quad From: Doug Yelmen
Re: SSD for my 27" iMac Quad From: Bill Boulware
Re: SSD for my 27" iMac Quad From: Collin
Re: SSD for my 27" iMac Quad From: Doug Yelmen
Re: SSD for my 27" iMac Quad From: Doug Yelmen
Re: SSD for my 27" iMac Quad From: Harry Flaxman
"Compatible" Printer Cartridges From: William Coy
Re: "Compatible" Printer Cartridges From: Doug Yelmen
Re: "Compatible" Printer Cartridges From: Randy B. Singer
Re: Mac Mail autocomplete From: N.A. Nada
Re: Mac Mail autocomplete From: Harry Flaxman
Looking for an alternative to Address Book and iCal From: Larson



Re: laptop-screen ontime

Posted by: "Oneal Neumann" wardell.h.s@gmail.com   newalander

Wed Jan 4, 2012 12:55 pm (PST)

> On 2012 January 4 (at 07:13) Chris Jones wrote:
>> NA Nada wrote:
>> Downside, you can burn out the backlight.
> You also burn electricity ununnecessarily.
> Keeping the machine running, not in sleep mode, is one thing, but quite
> why you would want the screen on all the time is beyond me. Chris

I like a bit of a nightlight sometimes. Does not bother me to have it on as the screen faces away from me when I am in bed.

A few pennies of electricity cost is no biggie, although some ecopurists will hit me for that.

The point about the backlight is well-taken. I will henceforth curtail my occasional habit.

Gracias for the input. Oneal


Hitachi New "Mac Compatible HDs

Posted by: "Denver dan" denver.dan@verizon.net   denverdan22180

Wed Jan 4, 2012 1:21 pm (PST)

Hitachi has announced several new "Mac compatible" external hard drives.

One has an 8 Tb capacity.

One is a "G-RAID" model.

Some have a SATA 3 port. SATA 3 raises the optimal data transfer speed from SATA 2 at 3 Gbps to SATA 3 at 6 Gbps.

Just saw a short article on this on TUAW. No mention of warranty periods — to relate this to recents posts here about HD prices, manufacturer consolidations, or reliability issues.

iFrom Denver Dan's iPhone

— my magical animal is a butterfly

Re: DVD Player scam/sham

Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc@me.com   jimdoc01

Wed Jan 4, 2012 1:38 pm (PST)

>> Didn't someone already say that once you exceed the allowed number of region switches, the DVD *firmware* is locked to the last one used?
> Yes, it was stated by me that there was a maximum (for a reason I still can not fathom) of FIVE region switches allowed by DVD Player.

Google "dvd region change".

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com

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Re: Repairing permissions

Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc@me.com   jimdoc01

Wed Jan 4, 2012 1:41 pm (PST)

> **** Warning: SUID file
> "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ARDAgent"
> has been modified and will not be repaired."
> What does that mean?

For 99.999% of users, absolutely nothing.

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com

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Re: Repairing permissions

Posted by: "Randy B. Singer" randy@macattorney.com   randybrucesinger

Wed Jan 4, 2012 3:53 pm (PST)

On Jan 4, 2012, at 7:05 AM, Deborah Shanahan wrote:

> **** Warning: SUID file
> "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/
> MacOS/ARDAgent"
> has been modified and will not be repaired."
> What does that mean? And why does permission repair always find
> things to repair, even right after permissions were repaired?

Those are advisory messages. Nothing still needs to be repaired.
You can safely ignore those messages.

About "ACL found but not expected" or �Warning: SUID file� error

I recommend that you read through:
Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance

Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)

Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance


SSD for my 27" iMac Quad

Posted by: "Doug Yelmen" dougyelmen@earthlink.net   dougyelmen

Wed Jan 4, 2012 2:24 pm (PST)

what is your opinion for having a 120 GB SSD installed on my mid-10 iMac 27" Quad?




Re: SSD for my 27" iMac Quad

Posted by: "Bill Boulware" bill.boulware@gmail.com   boulware0224

Wed Jan 4, 2012 2:34 pm (PST)

If you can afford it then go for it. That is the one thing I am hoping is
affordable in the next gen iMacs (large enough SSD to not have to have
another drive if media is stored elsewhere). Currently I use ~250GB of my
750GB drive but could get it down to less than 200GB and live with a 256GB
drive. I have to 120GB on both my MacBook Airs and get by fine but I don't
have a lot of my Apps installed nor do I have the two Virtual Machines I
use frequently which take up ~60GB total.

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 17:24, Doug Yelmen <dougyelmen@earthlink.net> wrote:

> **
> what is your opinion for having a 120 GB SSD installed on my mid-10 iMac
> 27" Quad?
> TIA,
> doug

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Re: SSD for my 27" iMac Quad

Posted by: "Collin" Collinwhuber@aol.com   collinwhuber

Wed Jan 4, 2012 2:50 pm (PST)

SSDs are a great option for performance. I believe that you can put 2 drives into the 27" and 21.5" iMacs (one 3.5" drive and one 2.5" drive). If this is possible for you to do, then I'd recommend keeping your HDD, and adding an SSD alongside it. You can put your OS and apps onto the SSD, and keep your iTunes library, iPhoto library, etc… on the HDD.

OWC is a VERY good brand, but they can be a little pricey. I have an OWC 60 GB SSD in my MacBook Pro (also have a 320GB HDD in it for most of my storage), and a Corsair 90GB SSD in my Mac Pro (alongside 3 HDDs). Both of the drives have worked similarly, and haven't lost read and write speed over the time that I've used them.

 Collin 

Mac Pro 1,1 8-cores @2.33 GHz, 4GB RAM, Radeon X1900XT with 512 MB VRAM, 90GB SSD, 500GB HDD, 320GB HDD, 160GB HDD
MacBook Pro 5,3 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo, 8GB RAM, 60GB SSD, 320GB HDD
iPad 2 32GB AT&T
iPhone 4 16GB Verizon

On Jan 4, 2012, at 5:24 PM, Doug Yelmen wrote:

> what is your opinion for having a 120 GB SSD installed on my mid-10 iMac 27" Quad?
> TIA,
> doug

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Re: SSD for my 27" iMac Quad

Posted by: "Doug Yelmen" dougyelmen@earthlink.net   dougyelmen

Wed Jan 4, 2012 4:06 pm (PST)

thank you, Colin. OWC is my first choice in all things Mac. to quote a phrase.
yes, i can keep my 1TB iMac HDD.
it is good to hear positive comments from someone who uses an OWC SSD.
so, i am set to send my iMac to OWC, now.
Doug Yelmen

"Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not truthful. Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words are not good." ~ Lao Tzu

On Jan 4, 2012, at 2:50 PM, Collin wrote:

> SSDs are a great option for performance. I believe that you can put 2 drives into the 27" and 21.5" iMacs (one 3.5" drive and one 2.5" drive). If this is possible for you to do, then I'd recommend keeping your HDD, and adding an SSD alongside it. You can put your OS and apps onto the SSD, and keep your iTunes library, iPhoto library, etc… on the HDD.
> OWC is a VERY good brand, but they can be a little pricey. I have an OWC 60 GB SSD in my MacBook Pro (also have a 320GB HDD in it for most of my storage), and a Corsair 90GB SSD in my Mac Pro (alongside 3 HDDs). Both of the drives have worked similarly, and haven't lost read and write speed over the time that I've used them.
>  Collin 
> Mac Pro 1,1 8-cores @2.33 GHz, 4GB RAM, Radeon X1900XT with 512 MB VRAM, 90GB SSD, 500GB HDD, 320GB HDD, 160GB HDD
> MacBook Pro 5,3 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo, 8GB RAM, 60GB SSD, 320GB HDD
> iPad 2 32GB AT&T
> iPhone 4 16GB Verizon
> On Jan 4, 2012, at 5:24 PM, Doug Yelmen wrote:
>> what is your opinion for having a 120 GB SSD installed on my mid-10 iMac 27" Quad?
>> TIA,
>> doug
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Re: SSD for my 27" iMac Quad

Posted by: "Doug Yelmen" dougyelmen@earthlink.net   dougyelmen

Wed Jan 4, 2012 4:12 pm (PST)

hi, Bill.
thanks for your response.
it will be a few years before i can justify another new mac! unfortunately.
i use 336 GBs on my iMac's 1 TB int drive. i like keeping it clean, but i
am not willing to move a lot of stuff, even if i don't always use it.
i have 4 OWC Quad ext. drive enclosures, 3 1 TB and 1 500 MB drives.
i still need a 3rd back up. keep putting it off.

so, i don't see how i could get it down any further. by that i mean, i don't want to offload what is on my int. HDD.
personal choice.

so, the second drive, a SSD, for Lion (and the next OS) plus PS CS5, Mail, and a couple of other apps are all i need on the SSD.

thanks, Bill.

Doug Yelmen

�Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not truthful. Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words are not good.� ~ Lao Tzu

On Jan 4, 2012, at 2:33 PM, Bill Boulware wrote:

> If you can afford it then go for it. That is the one thing I am hoping is
> affordable in the next gen iMacs (large enough SSD to not have to have
> another drive if media is stored elsewhere). Currently I use ~250GB of my
> 750GB drive but could get it down to less than 200GB and live with a 256GB
> drive. I have to 120GB on both my MacBook Airs and get by fine but I don't
> have a lot of my Apps installed nor do I have the two Virtual Machines I
> use frequently which take up ~60GB total.
> On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 17:24, Doug Yelmen <dougyelmen@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> **
>> what is your opinion for having a 120 GB SSD installed on my mid-10 iMac
>> 27" Quad?
>> TIA,
>> doug
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: SSD for my 27" iMac Quad

Posted by: "Harry Flaxman" harry.flaxman@comcast.net   hflaxman001

Thu Jan 5, 2012 1:27 am (PST)

On Jan 4, 2012, at 5:24 PM, Doug Yelmen wrote:

> what is your opinion for having a 120 GB SSD installed on my mid-10 iMac 27" Quad?

I would go for it if you can afford it.

I'm going to install a 60 in my iMac.


Harry Flaxman


"Compatible" Printer Cartridges

Posted by: "William Coy" WCOY2@WOH.RR.COM   coy786

Wed Jan 4, 2012 5:50 pm (PST)

My Epson Stylus Photo R800 printer OEM inks are "Ultrachrome Glossy" pigment inks.

Has anyone had experience using "compatible cartridges" which all seem to be "dye" inks? Or has someone found "compatible cartridges" with pigment ink?

I understand that the color will be different. I am mainly concerned with a potential problem in mixing the inks. Or does one have to "flush" the OEM inks first?

Thanks for sharing any experience � good or bad.

Re: "Compatible" Printer Cartridges

Posted by: "Doug Yelmen" dougyelmen@earthlink.net   dougyelmen

Wed Jan 4, 2012 6:48 pm (PST)

you might try to word that so that it fits under our guidelines of Mac topics.
here are some pretty good prices:

Randy Singer (et al.) might help you out. Some trust "compatible cartridges." i had a bad experience with leakage back in the mid-90s, and have stayed
with (now) Canon ink cartridges.

Doug Yelmen

�Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not truthful. Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words are not good.� ~ Lao Tzu

On Jan 4, 2012, at 5:50 PM, William Coy wrote:

> My Epson Stylus Photo R800 printer OEM inks are "Ultrachrome Glossy" pigment inks.
> Has anyone had experience using "compatible cartridges" which all seem to be "dye" inks? Or has someone found "compatible cartridges" with pigment ink?
> I understand that the color will be different. I am mainly concerned with a potential problem in mixing the inks. Or does one have to "flush" the OEM inks first?
> Thanks for sharing any experience � good or bad.
> ------------------------------------
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Re: "Compatible" Printer Cartridges

Posted by: "Randy B. Singer" randy@macattorney.com   randybrucesinger

Wed Jan 4, 2012 8:53 pm (PST)

On Jan 4, 2012, at 5:50 PM, William Coy wrote:

> Has anyone had experience using "compatible cartridges" which all
> seem to be "dye" inks?

I really like and trust these sources for compatible ink cartridges,
but I haven't specifically looked to see if they have cartridges for
your model of printer:


(note that their free shipping offer doesn't apply to toner or ink


Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)

Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance


Re: Mac Mail autocomplete

Posted by: "N.A. Nada" whodo678@comcast.net

Wed Jan 4, 2012 8:45 pm (PST)

On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:11 AM, Harry Flaxman wrote:

> An aside here, I just tried to print a contact from Address Book for the first time. I was amazed to find out that AB prints in envelop style! All I had to do was put a standard business envelope in my printer, and it was done.
> Will wonders never cease.

Yeah, they did a good job of keep it in quiet and hiding it, didn't they?

Re: Mac Mail autocomplete

Posted by: "Harry Flaxman" harry.flaxman@comcast.net   hflaxman001

Thu Jan 5, 2012 1:28 am (PST)

On Jan 4, 2012, at 11:45 PM, N.A. Nada wrote:

> On Jan 4, 2012, at 3:11 AM, Harry Flaxman wrote:
>> An aside here, I just tried to print a contact from Address Book for the first time. I was amazed to find out that AB prints in envelop style! All I had to do was put a standard business envelope in my printer, and it was done.
>> Will wonders never cease.
> Yeah, they did a good job of keep it in quiet and hiding it, didn't they?

Ha Ha!

:) :)

In all the years I've used Apple, since the IIe, I always find new stuff by accident, without looking! :) :)


Harry Flaxman


Looking for an alternative to Address Book and iCal

Posted by: "Larson" pix@maksimo.de   yovard@ymail.com

Thu Jan 5, 2012 1:59 am (PST)

Hello everybody,

I would like to know what kind of CRM (customer relationship management) program Randy B. Singer is using as a lawyer and what PIMs (personal information manager) other members here can recommend.

Using OS X 10.6.8, I am highly disappointed with Address Book and iCal. One certainly doesn't have to represent a big company in order to want to link a project to all appointments and meetings regarding it, the tasks one has to do for it, and the contacts involved in it. The need to link emails, notes and related files (both received and sent letters) to projects should also be evident. Seeing everything in one place when you manage your projects is of paramount importance, I believe.

Looking for alternatives I found a few PIMs myself but I haven't been able to make up my mind and start using one on a regular basis yet. It's a big decision because it's not always easy to switch once you have started.

DAYLITE (<http://marketcircle.com/daylite/>) is probably what comes closest to what I need but it has an ugly (Windows?) interface which really throws me off every time I start the program.

CONTACTIZER (<http://www.objective-decision.com/>) looks nice and it can link contacts and the pertaining files (letters, mails). Any drawbacks, folks?

Is DEVONthink Pro Office an alternative? It's good for organizing documents � but as a contact and task management tool? Can contacts in Address Book be linked to DEVONthink Pro Office? Probably not.

Anyone using SOHO Organizer with SOHO Notes here and can recommend it?

Thanks in advance,

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