
[macsupport] Digest Number 8663

Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)

batteries/chargers From: hester reik
Re: batteries/chargers From: Tod Hopkins
Re: batteries/chargers From: Jim Saklad
Re: batteries/chargers From: hester
Re: batteries/chargers From: Tim O'Donoghue
Re: "Compatible" Printer Cartridges From: pat412255
Re: "Compatible" Printer Cartridges From: Jurgen Richter
"Compatible" Printer Cartridges From: William Coy
Re: Looking for an alternative to Address Book and iCal From: Rob Frankel
Copy/paste function issue From: neelie
Re: Copy/paste function issue From: Jim Saklad
Re: Copy/paste function issue From: Otto Nikolaus
Re: Copy/paste function issue From: Michael P. Stupinski
Re: Copy/paste function issue From: Bill B.
Re: Copy/paste function issue From: Dane Robison
Re: Copy/paste function issue From: Otto Nikolaus
Re: Copy/paste function issue From: Denver Dan
Re: Copy/paste function issue From: Michael P. Stupinski
Re: Copy/paste function issue From: Jim Saklad
Re: Copy/paste function issue From: Otto Nikolaus
Re: Copy/paste function issue From: Keith Whaley
Re: Copy/paste function issue From: Doug Yelmen
Re: Mac Mail autocomplete From: Oneal Neumann
Re: no time for TimeDisc ??? From: Oneal Neumann
Re: Mac OCD ??? From: Oneal Neumann




Posted by: "hester reik" dhreik@gmail.com   drhester_06107

Thu Jan 5, 2012 5:47 am (PST)


I have another question regarding batteries and chargers. I have a unibody
13" macbook pro bought mid-2010, but it's the 2009 model. Intel core 2 duo,
I added memory so have 4 G of Ram.

When I travel my battery discharges but never completely. The mbp is
usually plugged in. Tuesday I went to use it and noticed that the charging
light was amber and not green. It was 93% charged and I realized to my
chagrin and embarrassment that in 18 months of use, I'd never calibrated
the battery. So I did that. Unplugged it until it ran down and went to
sleep. Then I plugged it in (followed instructions from the Apple site). It
took only 4 hours to get to 98%, then 9 hours to get to 100%. But that 100%
was transitory.

I note that I have 99% of the original capacity (5423 of 5450 mAh) but
current charge is 98% of that (namely:5354 of 5423 mAh).

My question is this:

Why wouldn't the current charge be 100% of the current capacity (5423)? I
understand why the original capacity is lower, but can't figure out why it
won't charge (or stay) @ 100%.

Thanks in advance.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: batteries/chargers

Posted by: "Tod Hopkins" hoplist@hillmanncarr.com   todhop

Thu Jan 5, 2012 7:02 am (PST)

To be honest, I think you've asked a question that only a battery engineer, preferably one at Apple who is deeply familiar with the MacBook's reporting methods, can answer.

My guess is that you're probably talking about numbers within various margins of error.


On Jan 5, 2012, at 8:47 AM, hester reik wrote:

> Gurus,
> I have another question regarding batteries and chargers. I have a unibody
> 13" macbook pro bought mid-2010, but it's the 2009 model. Intel core 2 duo,
> I added memory so have 4 G of Ram.
> When I travel my battery discharges but never completely. The mbp is
> usually plugged in. Tuesday I went to use it and noticed that the charging
> light was amber and not green. It was 93% charged and I realized to my
> chagrin and embarrassment that in 18 months of use, I'd never calibrated
> the battery. So I did that. Unplugged it until it ran down and went to
> sleep. Then I plugged it in (followed instructions from the Apple site). It
> took only 4 hours to get to 98%, then 9 hours to get to 100%. But that 100%
> was transitory.
> I note that I have 99% of the original capacity (5423 of 5450 mAh) but
> current charge is 98% of that (namely:5354 of 5423 mAh).
> My question is this:
> Why wouldn't the current charge be 100% of the current capacity (5423)? I
> understand why the original capacity is lower, but can't figure out why it
> won't charge (or stay) @ 100%.
> Thanks in advance.
> hester
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Tod Hopkins
Hillmann & Carr Inc.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: batteries/chargers

Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc@me.com   jimdoc01

Thu Jan 5, 2012 9:13 am (PST)

> My question is this:
> Why wouldn't the current charge be 100% of the current capacity (5423)? I understand why the original capacity is lower, but can't figure out why it won't charge (or stay) @ 100%.

I've noticed this in the past. Never severe. Never saw an explanation. Stopped worrying about it.

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: batteries/chargers

Posted by: "hester" dhreik@gmail.com   drhester_06107

Thu Jan 5, 2012 9:14 am (PST)

Okay, thanks.

--- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups.com, Tod Hopkins <hoplist@...> wrote:
> To be honest, I think you've asked a question that only a battery engineer, preferably one at Apple who is deeply familiar with the MacBook's reporting methods, can answer.
> My guess is that you're probably talking about numbers within various margins of error.
> Cheers,
> tod
> On Jan 5, 2012, at 8:47 AM, hester reik wrote:
> > Gurus,
> >
> > I have another question regarding batteries and chargers. I have a unibody
> > 13" macbook pro bought mid-2010, but it's the 2009 model. Intel core 2 duo,
> > I added memory so have 4 G of Ram.
> >
> > When I travel my battery discharges but never completely. The mbp is
> > usually plugged in. Tuesday I went to use it and noticed that the charging
> > light was amber and not green. It was 93% charged and I realized to my
> > chagrin and embarrassment that in 18 months of use, I'd never calibrated
> > the battery. So I did that. Unplugged it until it ran down and went to
> > sleep. Then I plugged it in (followed instructions from the Apple site). It
> > took only 4 hours to get to 98%, then 9 hours to get to 100%. But that 100%
> > was transitory.
> >
> > I note that I have 99% of the original capacity (5423 of 5450 mAh) but
> > current charge is 98% of that (namely:5354 of 5423 mAh).
> >
> > My question is this:
> >
> > Why wouldn't the current charge be 100% of the current capacity (5423)? I
> > understand why the original capacity is lower, but can't figure out why it
> > won't charge (or stay) @ 100%.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> > hester
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> Tod Hopkins
> Hillmann & Carr Inc.
> todhopkins@...
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: batteries/chargers

Posted by: "Tim O'Donoghue" tjod@drizzle.net   timodonoghue

Thu Jan 5, 2012 9:46 am (PST)

I saw a "fix" (for lack of a better term) for that. I believe it was on this list.

I've tested this on a 2008 MBP and a 2010 MBP and it's consistent.

- Unplug the charger from the Mac.
- use the machine, or wait, until the battery indicator goes below 94%
- plug the charger back in.

Battery indicator will go back to 100% after charging up.


On Jan 5, 2012, at 9:13 AM, Jim Saklad wrote:

>> My question is this:
>> Why wouldn't the current charge be 100% of the current capacity (5423)? I understand why the original capacity is lower, but can't figure out why it won't charge (or stay) @ 100%.
> I've noticed this in the past. Never severe. Never saw an explanation. Stopped worrying about it.
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
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Re: "Compatible" Printer Cartridges

Posted by: "pat412255" pat412@mac.com   pat412255

Thu Jan 5, 2012 6:47 am (PST)

I've been buying my ink cartridges from eforcity thanks to a previous recommendation from Randy Singer. I'm very satisfied with them & pleased with the savings.

--- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups.com, "Randy B. Singer" <randy@...> wrote:
> On Jan 4, 2012, at 5:50 PM, William Coy wrote:
> > Has anyone had experience using "compatible cartridges" which all
> > seem to be "dye" inks?
> I really like and trust these sources for compatible ink cartridges,
> but I haven't specifically looked to see if they have cartridges for
> your model of printer:
> http://www.eforcity.com/
> http://www.megatoners.com/
> (note that their free shipping offer doesn't apply to toner or ink
> cartridges)
> http://www.Meritline.com
> ___________________________________________
> Randy B. Singer
> Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)
> Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance
> http://www.macattorney.com/ts.html
> ___________________________________________


Re: "Compatible" Printer Cartridges

Posted by: "Jurgen Richter" yahoo-1@sympatico.ca   epsongroups

Thu Jan 5, 2012 9:40 am (PST)

Without deferring to another list, there is a general consensus that you
really should purge any and all current inks out of your printer before
switching to an "unlike" one. There is a chemical incompatibility
between the various inks and this could cause the once-liquid inks to
gel in your printer and not function as expected. Often this causes
further complications in trying to clean the heads and lines out once
the damage is done.

I see many printers in the recycling depots and thrift shops that have
been abandoned with "compatible" cartridges in them. Not a function of
particular ink brands, but more likely that they did not purge and flush
out the old ink before switching and having no technical inclination
thereafter to try to clean it out and fix the problem. Many of these can
be resurrected, but it is a time consuming and somewhat technically
challenging process. With the cost of cheap printers nowadays, it does
not appear worth the time to try to fix them. I do, in principle, but
then again, what is your time worth.


"Compatible" Printer Cartridges

Posted by: "William Coy" WCOY2@WOH.RR.COM   coy786

Thu Jan 5, 2012 1:07 pm (PST)

Thanks for all the helpful replies. I should have mentioned that I am using an iMac.

On Jan 4, 2012, at 5:50 PM, William Coy wrote:

> My Epson Stylus Photo R800 printer OEM inks are "Ultrachrome Glossy" pigment inks.
> Has anyone had experience using "compatible cartridges" which all seem to be "dye" inks? Or has someone found "compatible cartridges" with pigment ink?
> I understand that the color will be different. I am mainly concerned with a potential problem in mixing the inks. Or does one have to "flush" the OEM inks first?
> Thanks for sharing any experience - good or bad.


Re: Looking for an alternative to Address Book and iCal

Posted by: "Rob Frankel" rob@robfrankel.com   robfrankeldotcom

Thu Jan 5, 2012 7:21 am (PST)

At 10:58 AM +0100 1/5/12, Larson wrote thusly:
>Hello everybody,
>I would like to know what kind of CRM (customer relationship
>management) program Randy B. Singer is using as a lawyer and what
>PIMs (personal information manager) other members here can recommend.
>Using OS X 10.6.8, I am highly disappointed with Address Book and
>iCal. One certainly doesn't have to represent a big company in order
>to want to link a project to all appointments and meetings regarding
>it, the tasks one has to do for it, and the contacts involved in it.
>The need to link emails, notes and related files (both received and
>sent letters) to projects should also be evident. Seeing everything
>in one place when you manage your projects is of paramount
>importance, I believe.
>Looking for alternatives I found a few PIMs myself but I haven't
>been able to make up my mind and start using one on a regular basis
>yet. It's a big decision because it's not always easy to switch once
>you have started.
>DAYLITE (<http://marketcircle.com/daylite/>) is probably what comes
>closest to what I need but it has an ugly (Windows?) interface which
>really throws me off every time I start the program.

Tried it a while back and wasn't impressed. Seemed like overkill to
me, but YMMV.

>CONTACTIZER (<http://www.objective-decision.com/>) looks nice and it
>can link contacts and the pertaining files (letters, mails). Any
>drawbacks, folks?

I use the Pro version. It's pretty good, except that for some reason,
I can't get my version to drag and drop iCal event files to show up
in the Calendar. No idea why. Support is spotty. On the other hand,
ContactizerPro integrates really well with everything else. It
merges contacts with Microsoft Office and e-mail apps, which is a
real help to me.


Rob Frankel

Branding Expert http://www.RobFrankel.com
Twitter: @brandingexpert
AIM/Skype: ROBFRANKEL ICQ: 249862730
1-888-ROBFRANKEL * 818-990-8623 * E-Fax 413-778-0909
Yes, there's an RSS feed blog, if you can handle it:


Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "neelie" neeliec2000@yahoo.com   neeliec2000

Thu Jan 5, 2012 9:54 am (PST)

Using an iMac 27" (circa 2007), with OS 10.6.8 and Firefox 8.0.1

Guess this isn't technically a "Mac" support issue, but not sure what it is, so I'll toss it out to the group.

Until recently I was able to copy and paste (onto a TextEdit page) most all info from transactions and other things done online.

Recently I have not been able to do so, unless I copy one line of text at a time, or sometimes even just one word at a time. This has me baffled. Not sure where to begin troubleshooting.

Is this a Firefox thing, a TextEdit thing, an OS thing, a thing with the company whose info I'm trying to copy...just not sure.

BTW, the problem seems to be mostly with receipts for payments made online. I like to copy and paste onto TextEdit at the completion of the transaction to save until I get an "official" receipt from the company.

Any suggestions are sure welcome!


Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc@me.com   jimdoc01

Thu Jan 5, 2012 10:05 am (PST)

> Guess this isn't technically a "Mac" support issue, but not sure what it is, so I'll toss it out to the group.
> Until recently I was able to copy and paste (onto a TextEdit page) most all info from transactions and other things done online.
> Recently I have not been able to do so, unless I copy one line of text at a time, or sometimes even just one word at a time. This has me baffled. Not sure where to begin troubleshooting.
> Is this a Firefox thing, a TextEdit thing, an OS thing, a thing with the company whose info I'm trying to copy...just not sure.
> BTW, the problem seems to be mostly with receipts for payments made online. I like to copy and paste onto TextEdit at the completion of the transaction to save until I get an "official" receipt from the company.
> Any suggestions are sure welcome!

I am a firm believer in the concept of "If you can't solve a problem, change the problem."

EVERY time I pay a bill online, or order a product online, I print out the receipt page from my browser as a PDF file, and save it in ~/Documents/_Receipts (a folder I created).

For the non-recurring payments or receipts for purchases, I keep them for years.
For the regular monthly payments, I usually delete the PDF after saving the next month's copy.

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com


Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" otto.nikolaus@googlemail.com   nikyzf

Thu Jan 5, 2012 10:30 am (PST)

On 5 January 2012 18:05, Jim Saklad <jimdoc@me.com> wrote:

> I am a firm believer in the concept of "If you can't solve a problem,
> change the problem."
> EVERY time I pay a bill online, or order a product online, I print out the
> receipt page from my browser as a PDF file, and save it in
> ~/Documents/_Receipts (a folder I created).
> For the non-recurring payments or receipts for purchases, I keep them for
> years.
> For the regular monthly payments, I usually delete the PDF after saving
> the next month's copy.

I agree. Why copy-paste into a text file, losing the formatting, when you
can print the receipt to a PDF?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "Michael P. Stupinski" mpstupinski@snet.net   mstupinski

Thu Jan 5, 2012 10:38 am (PST)

I'll second Jim's and Otto's suggestion. For years I had been
actually printing (to paper!) all the payment confirmations I
received. Then someone on this list (maybe Jim?) pointed out the PDF/
receipts process, and I slapped myself on the head for not having
thought of it myself! It's a perfect solution.


On Jan 5, 2012, at 1:30 PM, Otto Nikolaus wrote:

> On 5 January 2012 18:05, Jim Saklad <jimdoc@me.com> wrote:
>> I am a firm believer in the concept of "If you can't solve a problem,
>> change the problem."
>> EVERY time I pay a bill online, or order a product online, I print
>> out the
>> receipt page from my browser as a PDF file, and save it in
>> ~/Documents/_Receipts (a folder I created).
>> For the non-recurring payments or receipts for purchases, I keep
>> them for
>> years.
>> For the regular monthly payments, I usually delete the PDF after
>> saving
>> the next month's copy.
> I agree. Why copy-paste into a text file, losing the formatting,
> when you
> can print the receipt to a PDF?
> Otto
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
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> Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "Bill B." bill501@mindspring.com   kernos501

Thu Jan 5, 2012 11:11 am (PST)

At 6:30 PM +0000 1/5/12, Otto Nikolaus wrote:
>I agree. Why copy-paste into a text file, losing the formatting, when you
>can print the receipt to a PDF?

Ditto. I have even assigned command-p to Save as PDF, so to do this I just type cmp-p, cmd-p.

Bill B


Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "Dane Robison" macdane@mac.com   macdane1

Thu Jan 5, 2012 11:31 am (PST)

I've been doing this for years, and when saving as PDF I put them in different folders depending on what they're for. Business expenses go into a separate folder and are named with the product/service and price, so at tax time I don't even need to open the PDF to get the info.

It's not quite perfect, however...when a recent hard drive crash cost me everything between July and November, these PDFs (as well as the receipts I received by email) were part of the loss.

Needless to say, tax time this year will be slightly less fun than usual!


On Jan 5, 2012, at 1:38 PM, "Michael P. Stupinski" <mpstupinski@snet.net> wrote:

> I'll second Jim's and Otto's suggestion. For years I had been
> actually printing (to paper!) all the payment confirmations I
> received. Then someone on this list (maybe Jim?) pointed out the PDF/
> receipts process, and I slapped myself on the head for not having
> thought of it myself! It's a perfect solution.


Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" otto.nikolaus@googlemail.com   nikyzf

Thu Jan 5, 2012 11:45 am (PST)

So you *have* now instigated frequent, regular backups?

On 5 January 2012 19:31, Dane Robison <macdane@mac.com> wrote:

> I've been doing this for years, and when saving as PDF I put them in
> different folders depending on what they're for. Business expenses go into
> a separate folder and are named with the product/service and price, so at
> tax time I don't even need to open the PDF to get the info.
> It's not quite perfect, however...when a recent hard drive crash cost me
> everything between July and November, these PDFs (as well as the receipts I
> received by email) were part of the loss.
> Needless to say, tax time this year will be slightly less fun than usual!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "Denver Dan" denver.dan@verizon.net   denverdan22180

Thu Jan 5, 2012 12:21 pm (PST)


Well, a mild scold for responders. No one attempted to solve the
actual copy/paste problem!

While I also just print a PDF for receipt/proof I'm not sure what is
causing the copy/paste problem.

Have you done anything to troubleshoot this? Restarted your Mac?
Deleted cache files? deleted Firefox cache files? Tried a Safe Disk

Denver Dan

p.s. you can just "print" a PDF of anything you see on screen. Use the
Print command, then click the PDF button and you will see a Save as PDF
command. Use it and you get a dialog box to navigate to a folder to
save the PDF file and you can name the file. I have a large Finder
folder with online company names, site names all in alpha order for
saving this stuff. I also save email messages into the same folder
when I get receipts, confirmations, etc.

On Thu, 05 Jan 2012 17:54:22 +0000, neelie wrote:
> Using an iMac 27" (circa 2007), with OS 10.6.8 and Firefox 8.0.1
> Guess this isn't technically a "Mac" support issue, but not sure what
> it is, so I'll toss it out to the group.
> Until recently I was able to copy and paste (onto a TextEdit page)
> most all info from transactions and other things done online.
> Recently I have not been able to do so, unless I copy one line of
> text at a time, or sometimes even just one word at a time. This has
> me baffled. Not sure where to begin troubleshooting.
> Is this a Firefox thing, a TextEdit thing, an OS thing, a thing with
> the company whose info I'm trying to copy...just not sure.
> BTW, the problem seems to be mostly with receipts for payments made
> online. I like to copy and paste onto TextEdit at the completion of
> the transaction to save until I get an "official" receipt from the
> company.
> Any suggestions are sure welcome!


Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "Michael P. Stupinski" mpstupinski@snet.net   mstupinski

Thu Jan 5, 2012 12:28 pm (PST)

You took the words right out of my mouth, Otto.


On Jan 5, 2012, at 2:45 PM, Otto Nikolaus wrote:

> So you *have* now instigated frequent, regular backups?
> ;)
> Otto
> On 5 January 2012 19:31, Dane Robison <macdane@mac.com> wrote:
>> I've been doing this for years, and when saving as PDF I put them in
>> different folders depending on what they're for. Business expenses
>> go into
>> a separate folder and are named with the product/service and price,
>> so at
>> tax time I don't even need to open the PDF to get the info.
>> It's not quite perfect, however...when a recent hard drive crash
>> cost me
>> everything between July and November, these PDFs (as well as the
>> receipts I
>> received by email) were part of the loss.
>> Needless to say, tax time this year will be slightly less fun than
>> usual!
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral.com/policies/>
> Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc@me.com   jimdoc01

Thu Jan 5, 2012 1:03 pm (PST)

> It's not quite perfect, however...when a recent hard drive crash cost me everything between July and November, these PDFs (as well as the receipts I received by email) were part of the loss.

Gee - 4 months of no backups?

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" otto.nikolaus@googlemail.com   nikyzf

Thu Jan 5, 2012 1:17 pm (PST)

True, but why not mention what we think is a better solution anyway? Most
sites offer a "print receipt" button, and for those that don't (are there
any?) you can always use the browser's 'print page' function.


On 5 January 2012 20:21, Denver Dan <denver.dan@verizon.net> wrote:

> Howdy.
> Well, a mild scold for responders. No one attempted to solve the
> actual copy/paste problem!
> While I also just print a PDF for receipt/proof I'm not sure what is
> causing the copy/paste problem.
> Have you done anything to troubleshoot this? Restarted your Mac?
> Deleted cache files? deleted Firefox cache files? Tried a Safe Disk
> boot?
> Denver Dan
> p.s. you can just "print" a PDF of anything you see on screen. Use the
> Print command, then click the PDF button and you will see a Save as PDF
> command. Use it and you get a dialog box to navigate to a folder to
> save the PDF file and you can name the file. I have a large Finder
> folder with online company names, site names all in alpha order for
> saving this stuff. I also save email messages into the same folder
> when I get receipts, confirmations, etc.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "Keith Whaley" keith_w@dslextreme.com   keith9600

Thu Jan 5, 2012 1:36 pm (PST)

Otto Nikolaus wrote:
> True, but why not mention what we think is a better solution anyway? Most
> sites offer a "print receipt" button, and for those that don't (are there
> any?) you can always use the browser's 'print page' function.
> Otto

Hi Otto! I have been wondering that too...

Between my use of print document, print page and Apple's "Grab" I can
solve most print receipt problems before they occur...

And that's before even considering what to "Save As".

Good ol' Apple. So many ways to skin the cat. <g>

keith whaley


Re: Copy/paste function issue

Posted by: "Doug Yelmen" dougyelmen@earthlink.net   dougyelmen

Thu Jan 5, 2012 4:58 pm (PST)

i'm onboard with Otto, Jim, and you, Mike.
i use Default Folder, and keep receipts in a special folder.
i feel like a long term "senior moment" for not saving them to a PDF format.
i do it with web pages, sometimes.
good advise.

On Jan 5, 2012, at 10:38 AM, Michael P. Stupinski wrote:

> I'll second Jim's and Otto's suggestion. For years I had been
> actually printing (to paper!) all the payment confirmations I
> received. Then someone on this list (maybe Jim?) pointed out the PDF/
> receipts process, and I slapped myself on the head for not having
> thought of it myself! It's a perfect solution.
> .............Mike
> On Jan 5, 2012, at 1:30 PM, Otto Nikolaus wrote:
>> On 5 January 2012 18:05, Jim Saklad <jimdoc@me.com> wrote:
>>> I am a firm believer in the concept of "If you can't solve a problem,
>>> change the problem."
>>> EVERY time I pay a bill online, or order a product online, I print
>>> out the
>>> receipt page from my browser as a PDF file, and save it in
>>> ~/Documents/_Receipts (a folder I created).
>>> For the non-recurring payments or receipts for purchases, I keep
>>> them for
>>> years.
>>> For the regular monthly payments, I usually delete the PDF after
>>> saving
>>> the next month's copy.
>> I agree. Why copy-paste into a text file, losing the formatting,
>> when you
>> can print the receipt to a PDF?
>> Otto
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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>> Group FAQ:
>> <http://www.macsupportcentral.com/policies/>
>> Yahoo! Groups Links
> ------------------------------------
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Re: Mac Mail autocomplete

Posted by: "Oneal Neumann" wardell.h.s@gmail.com   newalander

Thu Jan 5, 2012 12:00 pm (PST)

> On 2012 January 4 (at 14:32) Jim McGarvie wrote:
> Wow, thanks for the thoughtful, thorough information,
> Oneal. I'll give it a try. Jim

Hope it works, Jim. I spent a lot of time crafting that post.

Did you know that Autofill can read your mind? It knows to whom you are likely to send your email based on your frequency of communication.

I've been emailing back and forth pretty hot-and-heavy to Hungary. My friend's nickname (which I gave to her) begins with zee (or zed north of 49).

As soon as I type zee/zed in the To field, the entire email addy automatically (correctly) shows up, even though I have quite a few first/last names in Address Book that begin with zee/zed.

When frequency of emailing is not used as a factor, Autofill may have to wait until the @ mark if potential-recipient names very nearly resemble each other. For example: Jack Parr and Jack Part. I usually don't bother entering an entire name. I might just enter Jack, then chose the correct recipient-to-be from the dropdown window that shows all first (or last) names beginning with Jack.



Re: no time for TimeDisc ???

Posted by: "Oneal Neumann" wardell.h.s@gmail.com   newalander

Thu Jan 5, 2012 12:00 pm (PST)

> On 2012 January 3 (at 22:59) Daly Jessup wrote:
>> On Jan 2, 2012, at 11:14 AM, Oneal Neumann wrote:
>> I recently reconnected with my TimeDisc app, which I know Randy Singer likes. I noticed a strange thing with respect to it: Even though the app exists in my Applications folder, it does not register elsewhere.
> Do you mean to say TimeDisk or do you mean TimeMachine? Daly

TimeDisc is a free applet that shows a nicely variable (though difficult to interpret at times) clock that might satisify some sort of creative bent, Daly. It resides on the screen.

Time Machine is my backup when I remember to hook up my laptop to my 1000 GB WD.

I've decided to leave my TimeDisc clock in space #9, a groove the Beatles would like. ON

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Re: Mac OCD ???

Posted by: "Oneal Neumann" wardell.h.s@gmail.com   newalander

Thu Jan 5, 2012 12:00 pm (PST)

On 2012 January 1 (at 09:32) Les Streater wrote:

> Hourly seemed excessive to me too, so I tried a programme called Time Machine Editor. Works alongside Time Machine but allows you to control what is backed up and when. I have mine set to twice a day.
> I also use a programme called Back Up Loupe to watch exactly what is being archived.
> Can recommend both, have used for about 12 months
>> On 1 Jan 2012, at 14:18, Budd wrote:
>> > Hourly backups are good for a production environment, but overkill for personal use. In retrospect though, that means little will have changed and the b/u will be short.
> Les Streater

This follows the Rotating Ext. HDD thread.

I don't get it: Those who complain about the hourly Time Machine backups make it sound like there is some sort of cost involved.

I work from a laptop and I don't have my two external harddrives (the 1000 GB one for Time Machine and the 500 GB one for SuperDuper!) connected all the time. They are connected almost daily at some point, however.

When I had a working desktop, my 250 GB LaCie was always connected to Time Machine. No probs as far as I could tell. Hourly I could see the TM menubar icon doing its spinning thing. I never noticed any diminution of computer capability while backups were occurring.

Sure, in some (most?) cases hourly TM backups may be obsessive, but so what. Cui malo? This is not like someone checking a gas stove a dozen times before being able to exit the house. This is minimal prudence. Why buy an app to do less ultimate good?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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