
Will You Upgrade to the iPhone 5? [Infographic]

The anticipation leading up to Apple’s next iPhone announcement has reached a fever pitch. Apple geeks everywhere are more excited than ever about what Apple has in store for its beloved smartphone next month.

Will the next iPhone be the iPhone 5 or the iPhone 4S? Will Apple announce the iPhone 5 and the iPhone 4S at once? Do you plan on upgrading from your current iPhone? These are the questions that are being asked…

Mashable has published an interesting infographic, courtesy of AYTM and PaidViewpoint, about who is planning to upgrade to the next gen iPhone. A study was conducted of 1,000 US iPhone owners aged 18 years and older. Some interesting facts were uncovered about iPhone users and who’s more likely to upgrade this Fall.

Some highlights:

  • More than 75% of iPhone owners are still on AT&T.
  • More than 80% of iPhone owners are still locked to one carrier.
  • 11.7% of iPhones on AT&T and Verizon are jailbroken.
  • Nearly 80% of iPhone owners still enjoy a grandfathered unlimited 3G data plan.
  • The iPhone is mostly used for texting.
  • The number one reason people want to upgrade to a new iPhone is for better battery life.
  • A redesigned iPhone is the least wanted feature for the iPhone 5.
  • Nearly half of current iPhone owners plan to upgrade within six months of the next iPhone’s release.

Do you plan on upgrading to the next iPhone?