Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1.
- When is(if) Apple offering their summer educational discounts? From: Budd T
- 2a.
- Apple Data Center Maiden NC Picture From: Denver Dan
- 2b.
- Re: Apple Data Center Maiden NC Picture From: N.A. Nada
- 2c.
- Re: Apple Data Center Maiden NC Picture From: Harry Flaxman
- 3a.
- Re: Organizing my digital photos From: James Robertson
- 3b.
- Re: Organizing my digital photos From: Dane Robison
- 3c.
- Re: Organizing my digital photos From: Jim Saklad
- 3d.
- Re: Organizing my digital photos From: Dane Robison
- 3e.
- Re: Organizing my digital photos From: Daly Jessup
- 3f.
- Re: Organizing my digital photos From: Jim Saklad
- 4a.
- Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video From: paul smith
- 4b.
- Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video From: Louie P. (Pete) Nalda
- 4c.
- Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video From: HAL9000
- 4d.
- Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video From: Earle Jones
- 4e.
- Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video From: N.A. Nada
- 4f.
- Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video From: Marc Reavis
- 4g.
- Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video From: OBrien
- 4h.
- Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video From: Daly Jessup
- 4i.
- Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video From: Louie P. (Pete) Nalda
- 4j.
- Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video From: Dave Clark
- 5a.
- Font Embedding - Office for Mac 2011 From: LouisD
- 5b.
- Re: Font Embedding - Office for Mac 2011 From: Barry Austern
- 5c.
- Re: Font Embedding - Office for Mac 2011 From: LouisD
- 5d.
- Re: Font Embedding - Office for Mac 2011 From: Denver Dan
- 6a.
- Re: iMac and external graphics via Thunderbolt From: imran khan
- 1.
When is(if) Apple offering their summer educational discounts?
Posted by: "Budd T" n7eoj
Tue May 22, 2012 7:49 am (PDT)
I previously ordered 2 days before it began and was told "Too bad".
We need another Mac for school and don't want to miss it this year.
- 2a.
Apple Data Center Maiden NC Picture
Posted by: "Denver Dan" denverdan22180
Tue May 22, 2012 7:49 am (PDT)
The new Apple Data Center near Maiden, North Carolina, USA, is now
visible from satellite on Google Maps.
I just did a screen capture of it and posted it to the Photos section
on MacSupportCentral.
Log in to MacSupportCentral with your web browser then click the Photos
section and look for the Photo Album named Apple Company Pictures.
I circled the data center building in red on the screen capture.
If you do a Google Maps search for it, use Maiden, North Carolina,
The building is very large and is located to the west of the town of
Two solar farms and a fuel cell power facility are still under
construction there.
Another large data center may be built by Apple in Prineville, Oregon,
USA. I don't thing any site preparation work has been done yet on the
Oregon facility.
I have a cousin who lives in Prineville and mentioned that Facebook has
a large data center in Prineville and added that this is a region of
Oregon called the "high desert" and apparently one of the benefits for
locating a data center in this area is reduced costs to cool the
facility due to the more temperate weather.
My speculation is that since Maiden, North Carolina, is less than 1,000
feet (304 m) above sea level it is hot and humid and the solar and fuel
cell installations will pay for cooling and powering the facility in
the long run. Prineville, Oregon, OTOH, is 2,868 feet above sea level
(874 m) and less power for cooling would be required. So the question
is will fuel cell and solar facilities be incorporated into the
Prineville Apple facility?
Denver Dan
- 2b.
Re: Apple Data Center Maiden NC Picture
Posted by: "N.A. Nada"
Tue May 22, 2012 11:37 am (PDT)
Or do a Google Maps search for "Apple Data Center near Maiden, North Carolina". You'll get two results with slightly different street addresses. One appears to be before construction, after the ground was cleared.
On May 22, 2012, at 7:49 AM, Denver Dan wrote:
The new Apple Data Center near Maiden, North Carolina, USA, is now
visible from satellite on Google Maps.
I just did a screen capture of it and posted it to the Photos section
on MacSupportCentral.
Log in to MacSupportCentral with your web browser then click the Photos
section and look for the Photo Album named Apple Company Pictures.
I circled the data center building in red on the screen capture.
If you do a Google Maps search for it, use Maiden, North Carolina,
The building is very large and is located to the west of the town of
- 2c.
Re: Apple Data Center Maiden NC Picture
Posted by: "Harry Flaxman" hflaxman001
Tue May 22, 2012 1:09 pm (PDT)
On May 22, 2012, at 10:49 AM, Denver Dan < > wrote:
The new Apple Data Center near Maiden, North Carolina, USA, is now
visible from satellite on Google Maps.
I just did a screen capture of it and posted it to the Photos section
on MacSupportCentral.
Just looked at it here and maps has two pins for the data center, one showing a picture and one not. They are not in the same physical location on the map, however.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 3a.
Re: Organizing my digital photos
Posted by: "James Robertson" jamesrob328i
Tue May 22, 2012 8:02 am (PDT)
On May 22, 2012, at 6:14 AM, Dane Robison wrote:
> Have you considered storing your photo library/catalog on a USB flash drive that can easily move between computers without the need for cables? Obviously a first step would be to determine your capacity needs, but it sounds like you may be in the "few GB" range. Here's a 32GB drive for $13!
(slap of palm of my hand against side of my head).
Nope, I'd not considered that, but it sounds like a possible solution. Thanks so much!
Jim Robertson
(*)/ (*)
````````````````````` ````````` ````````` ````````` ```````
My other car is an S-Works Roubaix
- 3b.
Re: Organizing my digital photos
Posted by: "Dane Robison" macdane1
Tue May 22, 2012 8:08 am (PDT)
On May 22, 2012, at 11:02 AM, James Robertson wrote:
> On May 22, 2012, at 6:14 AM, Dane Robison wrote:
>> Have you considered storing your photo library/catalog on a USB flash drive that can easily move between computers without the need for cables? Obviously a first step would be to determine your capacity needs, but it sounds like you may be in the "few GB" range. Here's a 32GB drive for $13!
> (slap of palm of my hand against side of my head).
> Nope, I'd not considered that, but it sounds like a possible solution. Thanks so much!
If you do decide to try this, I'd recommend backing your library up regularly and replacing the drive now and then. Some of those things are built better than others, but many of them don't seem terribly sturdy to me. And let us know how it works out!
- 3c.
Re: Organizing my digital photos
Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc01
Tue May 22, 2012 3:00 pm (PDT)
> Have you considered storing your photo library/catalog on a USB flash drive that can easily move between computers without the need for cables? Obviously a first step would be to determine your capacity needs, but it sounds like you may be in the "few GB" range. Here's a 32 GB drive for $13!
However, if you are going to use a $13 32GB Flash drive, be sure you invest in other backups as well. The reliability of cheap Flash for storage of valuable data is iffy.
The photo library on the internal drive on my Macbook Pro is just under 90 GB, not counting the 15 GB on the "Spare" external drive.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
Jim Saklad
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 3d.
Re: Organizing my digital photos
Posted by: "Dane Robison" macdane1
Tue May 22, 2012 4:19 pm (PDT)
On May 22, 2012, at 6:00 PM, Jim Saklad wrote:
>> Have you considered storing your photo library/catalog on a USB flash drive that can easily move between computers without the need for cables? Obviously a first step would be to determine your capacity needs, but it sounds like you may be in the "few GB" range. Here's a 32 GB drive for $13!
> However, if you are going to use a $13 32GB Flash drive, be sure you invest in other backups as well. The reliability of cheap Flash for storage of valuable data is iffy.
> The photo library on the internal drive on my Macbook Pro is just under 90 GB, not counting the 15 GB on the "Spare" external drive.
I was wondering about that, Jim. Is that anecdotal or do you have links to info along those lines? Personally, I've never had a flash drive fail from a memory standpoint but several big name and no-name alike have wound up useless due to fragile, flimsy build quality. The best I've encountered was a Corsair drive I bought *years* ago, but I finally stopped using it because the rubbery surface made it tough to get out of my pocket when I needed it. And while in my pocket, it went through wash-and-dry laundry cycles at least once without issue!
- 3e.
Re: Organizing my digital photos
Posted by: "Daly Jessup" dalyjessup
Tue May 22, 2012 5:37 pm (PDT)
On May 22, 2012, at 6:14 AM, Dane Robison wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> Have you considered storing your photo library/catalog on a USB flash drive that can easily move between computers without the need for cables? Obviously a first step would be to determine your capacity needs, but it sounds like you may be in the "few GB" range. Here's a 32GB drive for $13!
> do?sl=VDd1T01nb0 JDamdBQUhUbW5hY0 FBQUFF&item= NIUSB32GBK
> You then just need to launch iPhoto holding down the option key to show it where your library is, and you only have to do that once per computer.
And if a thumb drive is too small, you could get a little tiny USB external drive such as (these are what I have, this is no technical recommendation except that the Seagate has served me faithfully for years and the GoFlex for about a year, no problems):
Seaghate FreeAgent Go (256 GB) ($83.62 at Amazon)
Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex (1.5 TB) ($131 at Amazon)
We got them at Costco.
- 3f.
Re: Organizing my digital photos
Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc01
Tue May 22, 2012 6:52 pm (PDT)
>> However, if you are going to use a $13 32GB Flash drive, be sure you invest in other backups as well. The reliability of cheap Flash for storage of valuable data is iffy.
>> The photo library on the internal drive on my Macbook Pro is just under 90 GB, not counting the 15 GB on the "Spare" external drive.
> I was wondering about that, Jim. Is that anecdotal or do you have links to info along those lines? Personally, I've never had a flash drive fail from a memory standpoint but several big name and no-name alike have wound up useless due to fragile, flimsy build quality. The best I've encountered was a Corsair drive I bought *years* ago, but I finally stopped using it because the rubbery surface made it tough to get out of my pocket when I needed it. And while in my pocket, it went through wash-and-dry laundry cycles at least once without issue!
> Dane
Over the years I've encountered numerous accounts of Flash drive failures. I've never had one. Because my main need for Flash has been camera cards, I've always gone for the fastest ones I could find, which means top-of-the-line Sandisk or Lexar.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
Jim Saklad
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 4a.
Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video
Posted by: "paul smith" waldonny
Tue May 22, 2012 11:12 am (PDT)
I got the same error message when I attempted to view the video in Safari with ClickToPlugin. Loading it in Chromium solved the problem.
I found the video to be interesting mainly as an indication of a *lack* of vision at Microsoft. It mostly portrayed fancier ways of displaying programs and content that are already available to us.
MacBook Pro, 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB DDR2 SDRAM, OS 10.7.4 iPhone 4S 64 GB, iOS 5.1.1
On May 22, 2012, at 3:53 AM, Randy B. Singer wrote:
> "Sorry, the Video failed to load. Please try again later".
I just tried it. It worked perfectly.
- 4b.
Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video
Posted by: "Louie P. (Pete) Nalda" lpnalda
Tue May 22, 2012 11:17 am (PDT)
Yeah. I knew they could never be as forward thinking as Apple.
Egun On, Lagunak! Basque for G'day, Mates
Louie P. (Pete) Nalda
Twitter @lpnalda
On May 22, 2012, at 1:12 PM, paul smith < > wrote:
> I got the same error message when I attempted to view the video in Safari with ClickToPlugin. Loading it in Chromium solved the problem.
> I found the video to be interesting mainly as an indication of a *lack* of vision at Microsoft. It mostly portrayed fancier ways of displaying programs and content that are already available to us.
> --
> PSmith
> MacBook Pro, 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB DDR2 SDRAM, OS 10.7.4 iPhone 4S 64 GB, iOS 5.1.1
> On May 22, 2012, at 3:53 AM, Randy B. Singer wrote:
>> "Sorry, the Video failed to load. Please try again later".
> I just tried it. It worked perfectly.
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> Yahoo! Groups Links
- 4c.
Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video
Posted by: "HAL9000" jrswebhome
Tue May 22, 2012 11:29 am (PDT)
So I am going to have to cook my own food like always, crap.
--- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups. , "Louie P. (Pete) Nalda" < > wrote:
> "Sorry, the Video failed to load. Please try again later".
> On May 21, 2012, at 11:57 PM, Randy B. Singer wrote:
> > Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video shows where Microsoft
> > thinks computing is heading:
> >
> > vision/
> >
> > _____________________ _________ _________ ____
> > Randy B. Singer
> > Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)
> >
> > Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance
> > html
> > _____________________ _________ _________ ____
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --------------------- --------- ------
> >
> > Group FAQ:
> > <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
> Twitter @lpnalda
- 4d.
Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video
Posted by: "Earle Jones" earlejones501
Tue May 22, 2012 2:36 pm (PDT)
On May 21, 12, at 9:57 PM, Randy B. Singer wrote:
> Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video shows where Microsoft
> thinks computing is heading:
> vision/
> _____________________ _________ _________ ____
> Randy B. Singer
Why in hell did Ayla go to Johannesburg?
She could have done all of that from home.
_____________________ __
Earle Jones 
501 Portola Road #8008
Portola Valley CA 94028
Home: 650-424-4362
Cell: 650-269-0035
- 4e.
Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video
Posted by: "N.A. Nada"
Tue May 22, 2012 3:00 pm (PDT)
On May 22, 2012, at 2:36 PM, Earle Jones wrote:
On May 21, 12, at 9:57 PM, Randy B. Singer wrote:
> Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video shows where Microsoft
> thinks computing is heading:
> vision/
> _____________________ _________ _________ ____
> Randy B. Singer
Why in hell did Ayla go to Johannesburg?
She could have done all of that from home.
Shhh! She's having an affair.
- 4f.
Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video
Posted by: "Marc Reavis" seitsaman
Tue May 22, 2012 4:22 pm (PDT)
I wonder if the "Vision" was made on a Mac.
On May 21, 2012, at 9:57 PM, Randy B. Singer wrote:
> Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video shows where Microsoft
> thinks computing is heading:
> vision/
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 4g.
Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video
Posted by: "OBrien" conorboru
Tue May 22, 2012 4:36 pm (PDT)
On Tue, 22 May 2012 18:28:57 -0000, HAL9000 wrote:
> So I am going to have to cook my own food like always, crap.
Well...maybe, with Windows, but........
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
O'Brien ¡V¡V¡V ¡V... .-. .. . -. - 4h.
Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video
Posted by: "Daly Jessup" dalyjessup
Tue May 22, 2012 5:40 pm (PDT)
> On May 21, 2012, at 11:57 PM, Randy B. Singer wrote:
>> Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video shows where Microsoft
>> thinks computing is heading:
>> vision/
On May 21, 2012, at 10:15 PM, Louie P. (Pete) Nalda wrote:
> "Sorry, the Video failed to load. Please try again later".
Did you click the pale "Flash" icon in the middle of the screen?
- 4i.
Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video
Posted by: "Louie P. (Pete) Nalda" lpnalda
Tue May 22, 2012 6:34 pm (PDT)
No. But will try that.
Egun On, Lagunak! Basque for G'day, Mates
Louie P. (Pete) Nalda
Twitter @lpnalda
On May 22, 2012, at 7:40 PM, Daly Jessup < > wrote:
>> On May 21, 2012, at 11:57 PM, Randy B. Singer wrote:
>>> Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video shows where Microsoft
>>> thinks computing is heading:
>>> vision/
> On May 21, 2012, at 10:15 PM, Louie P. (Pete) Nalda wrote:
>> "Sorry, the Video failed to load. Please try again later".
> Did you click the pale "Flash" icon in the middle of the screen?
> Daly
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> Yahoo! Groups Links
- 4j.
Re: Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video
Posted by: "Dave Clark" dave24c
Tue May 22, 2012 6:53 pm (PDT)
Looks like Star Trek, NCIS or a CSI.
Dave Clark
Sent from my iPhone
On May 22, 2012, at 6:34 PM, "Louie P. (Pete) Nalda" < > wrote:
> No. But will try that.
> Egun On, Lagunak! Basque for G'day, Mates
> Louie P. (Pete) Nalda
> Http://
> Http://
> Http://
> Twitter @lpnalda
> On May 22, 2012, at 7:40 PM, Daly Jessup < > wrote:
>>> On May 21, 2012, at 11:57 PM, Randy B. Singer wrote:
>>>> Microsoft's "Visions of the Future" video shows where Microsoft
>>>> thinks computing is heading:
>>>> vision/
>> On May 21, 2012, at 10:15 PM, Louie P. (Pete) Nalda wrote:
>>> "Sorry, the Video failed to load. Please try again later".
>> Did you click the pale "Flash" icon in the middle of the screen?
>> Daly
>> --------------------- --------- ------
>> Group FAQ:
>> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
>> Yahoo! Groups Links
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> Yahoo! Groups Links
- 5a.
Font Embedding - Office for Mac 2011
Posted by: "LouisD" ldina
Tue May 22, 2012 2:03 pm (PDT)
I suspect I know the disappointing answer to this question, but I thought I'd ask here.
I have Office for Mac 2011, which I use mainly with corporate clients who use MS Office on Windows systems. Often, there are a lot of technical, engineering symbols in these documents, and font substitution can cause terrible problems. I need to embed fonts if I hope to interact with Office users on Windows machines.
Is there any way to embed fonts in documents created with Office for Mac 2011? I have heard that Windows versions will embed fonts, but not the Mac version. I can't even see that I can Save As PDF and embed fonts! (OMG!!)
If not, is there any easy workaround?
If the answer is NO to both questions, then I consider Office for Mac to be useless. Might as well use Pages, since neither program interfaces well with Office Windows.
- 5b.
Re: Font Embedding - Office for Mac 2011
Posted by: "Barry Austern" barryaus
Tue May 22, 2012 2:53 pm (PDT)
At 9:03 PM +0000 5/22/12, LouisD wrote:
>I suspect I know the disappointing answer to this question, but I
>thought I'd ask here.
>I have Office for Mac 2011, which I use mainly with corporate
>clients who use MS Office on Windows systems. Often, there are a lot
>of technical, engineering symbols in these documents, and font
>substitution can cause terrible problems. I need to embed fonts if I
>hope to interact with Office users on Windows machines.
>Is there any way to embed fonts in documents created with Office for
>Mac 2011? I have heard that Windows versions will embed fonts, but
>not the Mac version. I can't even see that I can Save As PDF and
>embed fonts! (OMG!!)
If you save as PDF you don't have to embed fonts. The PDF format
pretty much is a graphic. That is why you "print" to PDF, using the
print dialogue box.
Barry Austern
- 5c.
Re: Font Embedding - Office for Mac 2011
Posted by: "LouisD" ldina
Tue May 22, 2012 3:08 pm (PDT)
Thanks, Barry.
It seems both Print to PDF or Save As PDF do embed fonts, which is good. At least that works.
But, I still need to know if there is a way to embed fonts in the native Word Document itself. I need to send revisions back and forth with my customer, have a document that is fully editable in Word, with the correct fonts, etc. Can I embed fonts into the .doc or .docx file?
BTW, does Pages 2009 allow font embedding? I don't see any commands for that in Pages either.
Doesn't look like either Apple or Microsoft want Macs to play in the corporate world. :(
--- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups. , Barry Austern < .> wrote:
> At 9:03 PM +0000 5/22/12, LouisD wrote:
> >
> >
> >I suspect I know the disappointing answer to this question, but I
> >thought I'd ask here.
> >
> >I have Office for Mac 2011, which I use mainly with corporate
> >clients who use MS Office on Windows systems. Often, there are a lot
> >of technical, engineering symbols in these documents, and font
> >substitution can cause terrible problems. I need to embed fonts if I
> >hope to interact with Office users on Windows machines.
> >
> >Is there any way to embed fonts in documents created with Office for
> >Mac 2011? I have heard that Windows versions will embed fonts, but
> >not the Mac version. I can't even see that I can Save As PDF and
> >embed fonts! (OMG!!)
> If you save as PDF you don't have to embed fonts. The PDF format
> pretty much is a graphic. That is why you "print" to PDF, using the
> print dialogue box.
> --
> Barry Austern
> barryaus@...
- 5d.
Re: Font Embedding - Office for Mac 2011
Posted by: "Denver Dan" denverdan22180
Tue May 22, 2012 7:00 pm (PDT)
Font embedding isn't supported in the Macintosh versions of Word.
However, I've seen numerous internet references that incorrectly say it
Font embedding in Windows Word seems limited to TrueType fonts.
I don't know if that means only the Microsoft variant of TrueType that
MS licensed from Apple or other types of TrueType fonts such as the
.ttf TrueType that are included in Mac OS X.
Here is a web site that attempts to compare some Windows and Macintosh
fonts and gives the name and a sample.
< >od/fonts/ l/bl_compare_ fonts.htm
If you do a PDF, be aware that you can do that with the PDF maker
included with Word (which has a poor reputation), or, you can use the
Mac OS X Print command and the Save as PDF feature, or, you can print
to a PostScript file and distill with Acrobat Distiller.
I was curious about all 3 methods of making a PDF and so I just did a
test of the 3 using the same MS Word 2011 file with 4 different fonts
including 1 TT font and 3 Adobe OpenType fonts.
All 3 ways to make a PDF resulted in the fonts being embedded.
However, if using Acrobat Distiller, you can turn the embedding off if
In addition, all 3 PDFs looked almost 100% identical. I asked another
person to look at the 3 PDFs side-by-side at original size, and zoomed
in several times. The PDF made via the Mac OS X Print > save as PDF
command might have been just slightly better in quality but the
difference is very, very slight.
If you need to send a Mac Word file to a Windows user, then use one of
the fonts that is shared between the Mac and Windows versions of
Word/Office and send the font along with the Word document.
Denver Dan
On Tue, 22 May 2012 21:03:29 +0000, LouisD wrote:
> I suspect I know the disappointing answer to this question, but I
> thought I'd ask here.
> I have Office for Mac 2011, which I use mainly with corporate clients
> who use MS Office on Windows systems. Often, there are a lot of
> technical, engineering symbols in these documents, and font
> substitution can cause terrible problems. I need to embed fonts if I
> hope to interact with Office users on Windows machines.
> Is there any way to embed fonts in documents created with Office for
> Mac 2011? I have heard that Windows versions will embed fonts, but
> not the Mac version. I can't even see that I can Save As PDF and
> embed fonts! (OMG!!)
> If not, is there any easy workaround?
> If the answer is NO to both questions, then I consider Office for Mac
> to be useless. Might as well use Pages, since neither program
> interfaces well with Office Windows.
> Thanks,
> Lou
- 6a.
Re: iMac and external graphics via Thunderbolt
Posted by: "imran khan" sj.imran
Tue May 22, 2012 6:57 pm (PDT) gpu-xpander- 0
On Monday, May 21, 2012, Jeff wrote:
> **
> Thanks a ton for all of the great info.
> I'll have to investigate it over my lunch break today.
> Once you said 'card cage' that rang a bell in my memory. Haven't heard it
> in a while. I figured it would be expensive though being such a new
> technology still.
> I'd prefer to get the Mac Pro and just put a different card in it, but
> just can't justify the cash right now. Getting the top-end iMac will get me
> by for a couple of years until I can afford something better.
> Thanks again Dan. Much appreciated!
> Jeff
> --- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups. <javascript:com _e({}, 'cvml',
> 'macsupportcentral%40yahoogroups. com');>, Denver Dan <denver.dan@ ...>
> wrote:
> >
> > Howdy Jeff.
> >
> > I've been trying to post Thunderbolt news here from time-to-time. The
> > technology may finally be taking off.
> >
> > Currently the Thunderbolt cables available are copper based but we are
> > seeing news that Intel may almost have ready a Thunderbolt cable with
> > fiber optic plus a copper line for power transmission.
> >
> > This is an interesting topic to learn about in case Apple decides to
> > never make a tower computer again. Shame shame shame if that is the
> > case (as it were).
> >
> > The cables are also expensive due to limited production and because of
> > a required chip in each plug end.
> >
> > What you are asking about is sometimes called a "card cage." Card
> > cages (under various other names also) have been around for many years
> > but are aimed at higher end and professional users.
> >
> > I think there are now several brands of Thunderbolt card cages
> > available.
> >
> > Try a search with these terms:
> >
> > card cage
> > card case
> > expansion case
> > PCIe expansion case
> > PCIe card adapter expansion
> >
> > Check this Sonnet site for some information.
> >
> > < >thunderbolt/
> >
> > Also check this Magma site:
> >
> > < >asp
> >
> > MLogic may also have a card cage but I'm not sure whether it's actually
> > shipping.
> >
> > < >
> >
> > WHOOPS! Just read a little more on mLogic's mLink device and it
> > apparently doesn't accept video cards.
> >
> > At this time these devices are not cheap.
> >
> > However, the flexibility of adding other cards, of switching cards, and
> > upgrading cards is an important thing to consider.
> >
> > It's also a very good idea to check on potential driver requirements.
> > It may be the situation that a driver is not required for a current Mac
> > with a Thunderbolt port built in. I don't know about a MacPro or
> > Windows system where Thunderbolt is still a foreign topic but this
> > would be worth a message to the makers's tech service/customer support
> > prior to purchase.
> >
> > The Magma device, more expensive, has 3 slots for full length cards
> > while the Sonnet device has 2 slots for the smaller card but only
> > supports 1 full length card.
> >
> > Denver Dan
> >
> >
> > On Fri, 18 May 2012 13:50:32 +0000, Jeff wrote:
> > > I've posted recently about purchasing a Mac Pro vs PC workstation and
> > > now I'm considering buying an 27" i7 iMac instead, but I have a
> > > question regarding Thunderbolt.
> > > I know nothing about it except roughly how it works. I have a real
> > > need to have a better graphics card than the Radeon 6970 that comes
> > > with the iMac as the 3d software I use works best with nVidia
> > > cards---specifically Quadro cards.
> > > Someone told me recently that there is a way to hook up an external
> > > video card via Thunderbolt and use it as the primary instead of the
> > > internal Radeon.
> > > Is this true? And what's involved with doing it?
> > >
> > > Any light you all can shed on this for me would be appreciated.
> > >
> > > Thank you in advance!
> > >
> > > Jeff T.
> >
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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