
[macsupport] Digest Number 8888

Messages In This Digest (23 Messages)

Re: Cataloging movie files From: Anna Larson
Re: Cataloging movie files From: Anna Larson
Re: Cataloging movie files From: Tod Hopkins
Re: Cataloging movie files From: Anna Larson
Re: Cataloging movie files From: Michael P. Stupinski
Re: Cataloging movie files From: Tod Hopkins
Mac or PC? Need thoughts... From: Jeff
Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts... From: Barry Austern
Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts... From: N.A. Nada
Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts... From: Jim Saklad
Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts... From: Jim Saklad
Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts... From: Tod Hopkins
Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts... From: Otto Nikolaus
Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts... From: Daly Jessup
Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts... From: N.A. Nada
Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts... From: Jeff
Re: Laptops and cellular networks From: Randy B. Singer
Re: Laptops and cellular networks From: N.A. Nada
Re: Laptops and cellular networks From: Randy B. Singer
Re: Laptops and cellular networks From: Otto Nikolaus
Re: Laptops and cellular networks From: Randy B. Singer
Re: Laptops and cellular networks From: Otto Nikolaus
Mail in iOS From: Harold Flaxman



Re: Cataloging movie files

Posted by: "Anna Larson" pix@maksimo.de   yovard@ymail.com

Fri May 4, 2012 6:35 am (PDT)

On 02.05.2012, at 21:46, Denver Dan wrote:

> A good commercial program is called Movie Collector Pro.
> It's by a company called Collectorz.
> <http://www.collectorz.com/>
> <http://www.collectorz.com/movie/>

Thanks a lot, Dan.

I'll take a closer look at it on the weekend. Right now I'm having problems with my external drive Western Digital My Book Essential 3 TB. Unfortunately your warning came too late for me. I should never have bought that drive. It keeps ejecting itself randomly. I suspect the USB 3 connector to be the culprit.



Re: Cataloging movie files

Posted by: "Anna Larson" pix@maksimo.de   yovard@ymail.com

Fri May 4, 2012 6:58 am (PDT)

On 02.05.2012, at 22:26, Michael P. Stupinski wrote:

> I use it [Delicious Library] for books, but not videos because I collect books, but have
> few videos.

The last time I checked Delicious Library was 2009. Then it was version 1.7. With that version you could neither generate formatted bibliographies, nor could you grab a reference and insert it as a citation in a paper. Further you could find "similar" books and import them per drag and drop, but "similar" were only books written by the same author.

Is this still the case?



Re: Cataloging movie files

Posted by: "Tod Hopkins" hoplist@hillmanncarr.com   todhop

Fri May 4, 2012 7:10 am (PDT)

Ah, so we are barking up the wrong tree. You need a "media manager" known colloquially as a "juke box" and professionally as an "MMS" or Media Management System. To be technical, a "jukebox" generally combines media management, which is the database functions, and viewer/players. A media manager does not have to have viewers to be considered a media manager.

So, none of the things I suggested qualify. What you want is tough to find. That's because these are really tough apps to build. They are really "systems" of integrated functions. The big problem is format compatibility in the player/viewer components. It's really, really tough to play everything. Just ask the makers of VLC.

The "leading" professional, video focused MMS is CatDV, but I suspect it's too expensive for your needs. There is a "personal" version, but it's still expensive. It's also very good and the cheapest in it's class. If you have any Adobe suite, you also have "Bridge" which can be used as an MMS though it's not ideal. There is another called "Atomicview" by Antzero that might work better. I have not used this one. If you have FileMaker, you can use this. FileMaker, I'm told, handles media pretty well. And there are a few cloud based services like MediaSilo, and even some Open Source projects building web based MMS systems. I can't remember the names right now.

If you don't want a big investment and you like to keep things simple (I do) then I suggest you keep the two problems distinct. Use something like NeoFinder to track the files themselves, and use Finder linking to link file types to your preferred viewers (VLC, QT, MPEGStreamClip, DVDPlayer, etc...) The limitation that has kept me from using NeoFinder is the one you point out, that I see no ability to add metadata, like categories and tags. All you get is filenames. You might consider sticking with the folder organization and adding a tagging app that tags in the finder, preferably using Spotlight tags so it's searchable in the app and in Spotlight.

It's really tough to handle everything without standardizing formats.


On May 4, 2012, at 9:02 AM, Anna Larson wrote:

> On 02.05.2012, at 21:09, Tod Hopkins wrote:
>> are you tracking actually media (files) or making a database of objects like actual DVDs and tapes.
> All my movies are rips. Some are from YouTube (hard to find black and white movies from the 40ies and 50ies), others more recent ones from various download services. The format is nearly always .flv and .avi. Sometimes .wmv That means, all are incompatible with iTunes. Converting them to a compatible iTunes format is not an option; that would require many months of tedious work. Besides iTunes does not have any genuine data fields for movies (only 8 fields: name, artist, album artist, album, grouping, composer, genre).
> Until now I have organized my movie collection with the Finder which offers very limited options. Here is what I have done so far:
> I download the movie; if it is good and I want to keep it
> I create a folder and give it the original name of the move (when first downloaded the movies usually have cryptic names such as syxf_r930, etc.)
> Then I place the folder into a corresponding genre folder (comedies, drama, etc.) which in turn is located inside a country folder for movies (thus English movies are not in the same folder as US American movies, for example)
> I could perhaps use Path Finder (http://www.cocoatech.com/pathfinder/) or Punakea (http://www.nudgenudge.eu/) to tag the movies but I don't know if metadata such as the names of the director and actors can be attached to the file so that they can be found in Spotlight, other than using the Spotlight Comments field which comes up when you select a file in Finder and then press command + I to bring up Get Info.
>> I use LibraryThing.org on the web for books.
> Seems to be also a social network for book enthusiasts. What about MovieThing.org?
> :-)
>> I use Book Crawler on iPhone.
> You use it for movies?
>> For a more complicated collection, especially if it includes non-commercial materials and music, take a look at CDFinder.
> If I'm not seriously mistaken you can't use CDFinder (now called NeoFinder) for this sort of things. I use it for cataloging my CDs. I just tested a movie DVD right now and all I got was the name of the film and then a kilometer long list of file names, like this:
> VTS_04_1.VOB
> VTS_05_0.BUP
> VTS_05_0.IFO
> VTS_05_0.VOB
> VTS_05_1.VOB
> VTS_06_0.BUP
> VTS_06_0.IFO
> VTS_06_0.VOB
> VTS_06_1.VOB
> VTS_06_2.VOB
> VTS_07_0.BUP
> VTS_07_0.IFO
> VTS_07_0.VOB
> VTS_07_1.VOB
> VTS_08_0.BUP
> VTS_08_0.IFO
> VTS_08_1.VOB
> ....
> Anna
> ----------------------
>> On May 2, 2012, at 8:21 AM, Anna Larson wrote:
>>> Hi everybody,
>>> I'm looking for good software to catalog my movie files.
>>> The primary purpose is to be able to find quickly genres, and names of directors and actors; then, having found what I want, the program should be able to launch the movie directly in my favorite movie player.
>>> Additionally it would be good if the program could download and enter metadata from the Internet for single movies, for example the names of the actors, year of release, the name of the director, country, language etc.
>>> Any recommendations?
> ------------------------------------
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Tod Hopkins
Hillmann & Carr Inc.


Re: Cataloging movie files

Posted by: "Anna Larson" pix@maksimo.de   yovard@ymail.com

Fri May 4, 2012 7:39 am (PDT)

On 03.05.2012, at 17:05, Tod Hopkins wrote:

> If you happen to have FileMaker, you can build one yourself, but it's not easy.

If FileMaker (or Bento) could automatically draw the relevant data from the Internet then that would be the ideal solution, because with FileMaker you can create unlimited number of fields; you have full control of export formats; and a click on the field containing the file path takes you directly to the file and/or starts playing the movie in the movie player of your choice (in my case it would be 'MPlayer OSX Extended').

Maybe there are now plug-ins available that will allow FileMaker to download movie data directly, but I have only seen solutions like this one


where you have to enter all data manually.



Re: Cataloging movie files

Posted by: "Michael P. Stupinski" mpstupinski@snet.net   mstupinski

Fri May 4, 2012 8:14 am (PDT)

I'm using version 2.7.7. I haven't yet had need to create a
bibliography for my purposes, but bibliographies in Delicious Library
are exported files, with 6 styles supported: AMA, Turabian, APA, CBE,
Chicago, and MLA. A Chicago-style bibliography of Malcolm Gladwell's
books in my collection looks like this (copied and pasted here from
the RTF file to which I exported it):

"Delicious Library Bibliography (Chicago Style)
Gladwell, Malcolm. 2002. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can
Make a Big Difference. Back Bay Books.

Gladwell, Malcolm. 2005. Blink: The Power of Thinking Without
Thinking. Little, Brown and Company.

Gladwell, Malcolm. 2008. Outliers: The Story of Success. Little,
Brown and Company.

Gladwell, Malcolm. 2009. What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures.
Little, Brown and Company."

(Note that in the RTF version the titles are italicized — this email
is plain text)

Not sure about "grabbing a reference and inserting it as a citation"
but wouldn't exporting it and pasting it in a paper as I did above
also work with a reference?
Clicking "Similar" for Martin Gilbert's biography "Churchhill: A Life"
resulted in 5 books on Churchill by different authors, and two others:
'Europe Reborn: A History 1914-2000' and 'Decolonization Since 1945:
The Collapse of European Overseas Empires.'

Library of Congress collections include audio and video (including
film) works as well as books, but I think something may have changed
with regard to the functionality of Delicious Library with regard to
its search for details. They now say it only searches the Amazon
database, although I was sure other sources were searched in the
past. (My memory isn't that great, though!)

If you go to their website at <http://www.delicious-monster.com/>, you
can examine the program's features by "mousing over" the feature list
on the right side of the page.


On May 4, 2012, at 9:58 AM, Anna Larson wrote:

> On 02.05.2012, at 22:26, Michael P. Stupinski wrote:
>> I use it [Delicious Library] for books, but not videos because I
>> collect books, but have
>> few videos.
> The last time I checked Delicious Library was 2009. Then it was
> version 1.7. With that version you could neither generate formatted
> bibliographies, nor could you grab a reference and insert it as a
> citation in a paper. Further you could find "similar" books and
> import them per drag and drop, but "similar" were only books written
> by the same author.
> Is this still the case?
> Anna


Re: Cataloging movie files

Posted by: "Tod Hopkins" hoplist@hillmanncarr.com   todhop

Fri May 4, 2012 9:55 am (PDT)

It might be easier to think of this the other way around. Link the file to a standardized record rather than searching for a record to match the file. For instance, in LibaryThing (or any similar app), search for the movie by title and create a record. Now cut and paste the filename for what you have into a custom field in the record. The database does not need to recognize the file. It's just a text string. If you want the file, highlight, right-click, "Search in Spotlight," and play in your app of choice.

With a little creativity, you can make the steps even simpler I'm sure. For instance, there are tiny scripts that can add things like "copy file location" to Finder, and some apps might recognize a file drag and drop as a "link" request.


On May 4, 2012, at 10:39 AM, Anna Larson wrote:

> On 03.05.2012, at 17:05, Tod Hopkins wrote:
> >
> > If you happen to have FileMaker, you can build one yourself, but it's not easy.
> >
> If FileMaker (or Bento) could automatically draw the relevant data from the Internet then that would be the ideal solution, because with FileMaker you can create unlimited number of fields; you have full control of export formats; and a click on the field containing the file path takes you directly to the file and/or starts playing the movie in the movie player of your choice (in my case it would be 'MPlayer OSX Extended').
> Maybe there are now plug-ins available that will allow FileMaker to download movie data directly, but I have only seen solutions like this one
> http://people.virginia.edu/~gct2r/gts/MDB/Movie_Database_Read_Me.htm
> where you have to enter all data manually.
> Anna

Tod Hopkins
Hillmann & Carr Inc.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Mac or PC? Need thoughts...

Posted by: "Jeff" jbturof@yahoo.com   jbturof

Fri May 4, 2012 11:34 am (PDT)

Hi all.
I'm a multimedia designer and been using Macs exclusively since 1993 and it's come time to buy a new system.
I mainly do 3d modeling and simulations and video editing/motion graphics.
I've been looking at the Mac Pro and PC workstations and trying to decide what would work better.

For a configuration, I'd like a Quad Core or better system (Xeon processors), 8 gigs of memory or more and the real key of it all which is a nice nVidia card (Quadro 2000 or better) for my 3d simulations (phys X and overall performance). If iMacs had a good nVidia card, I'd just get one of those. I currently have a late 2008 MacBook Pro and it just isn't cutting it for my requirements anymore. Maxed RAM (so they tell me) and that's about all I can do on it since the video card can't be removed.

I've priced systems and of course the Mac Pro is a good $600+ more than the equivalent PC. This leads me to my question....

What would I truly benefit/gain from getting a Mac Pro vs a good PC workstation (HP Z-series...Dell workstation...etc...)???

Any suggestions are welcome. I would spend the extra $$$ and get the Mac Pro with Parallels for my PC needs (3ds Max) but I need to justify it to myself.

Thanks in advance.

Jeff Turof
MacBook Pro 15" 2.53GHz/4GB/250GB/SuperDrive (2008)
Quicksilver G4 (2002)
PowerMac 8600AV (1997)
Performa 600 (1993)


Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts...

Posted by: "Barry Austern" barryaus@fuse.net   barryaus

Fri May 4, 2012 12:12 pm (PDT)

At 6:34 PM +0000 5/4/12, Jeff wrote:

>For a configuration, I'd like a Quad Core or better system (Xeon
>processors), 8 gigs of memory or more and the real key of it all
>which is a nice nVidia card (Quadro 2000 or better) for my 3d
>simulations (phys X and overall performance). If iMacs had a good
>nVidia card, I'd just get one of those. I currently have a late 2008
>MacBook Pro and it just isn't cutting it for my requirements
>anymore. Maxed RAM (so they tell me) and that's about all I can do
>on it since the video card can't be removed.
>I've priced systems and of course the Mac Pro is a good $600+ more
>than the equivalent PC. This leads me to my question....

No pun intended (well, maybe, but also take it seriously) but you are
comparing apples and oranges. Since you have had Macs for years you
have a slew of other software that you also use, most of which you
will have to replace. This, of course, adds to the cost of the PC.
Also, at least until very recently, Macs have been pretty much immune
to malware. How much would an antivirus subscription cost you over
the term you will be using the machine? How much will an infection
that the software does not catch cost you? You are an experienced Mac
user. How long the learning curve to get as proficient in Windows?
Tim is money, after all. Sharpen your pencils and you might find that
the Mac is actually LESS expensive and it will be a computer you
prefer emotionally.

>What would I truly benefit/gain from getting a Mac Pro vs a good PC
>workstation (HP Z-series...Dell workstation...etc...)???
>Any suggestions are welcome. I would spend the extra $$$ and get the
>Mac Pro with Parallels for my PC needs (3ds Max) but I need to
>justify it to myself.

Or even save that money and reboot into Bootcamp.
Barry Austern


Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts...

Posted by: "N.A. Nada" whodo678@comcast.net

Fri May 4, 2012 1:17 pm (PDT)

Barry beat me to it.

Sharpen your pencil and figure out what it will cost you after you add in any new accessory hardware, and any software you will have to replace. Do this for both sides of the equation, Mac and PC, then compare the price.

And does the PC come with software included you can use to boot into the other OS? Will it be a dedicated computer for one use only? Or will it be your only computer? How does the end product translate to your customers?


On May 4, 2012, at 12:08 PM, Barry Austern wrote:

> At 6:34 PM +0000 5/4/12, Jeff wrote:
> >
> >For a configuration, I'd like a Quad Core or better system (Xeon
> >processors), 8 gigs of memory or more and the real key of it all
> >which is a nice nVidia card (Quadro 2000 or better) for my 3d
> >simulations (phys X and overall performance). If iMacs had a good
> >nVidia card, I'd just get one of those. I currently have a late 2008
> >MacBook Pro and it just isn't cutting it for my requirements
> >anymore. Maxed RAM (so they tell me) and that's about all I can do
> >on it since the video card can't be removed.
> >
> >I've priced systems and of course the Mac Pro is a good $600+ more
> >than the equivalent PC. This leads me to my question....
> No pun intended (well, maybe, but also take it seriously) but you are
> comparing apples and oranges. Since you have had Macs for years you
> have a slew of other software that you also use, most of which you
> will have to replace. This, of course, adds to the cost of the PC.
> Also, at least until very recently, Macs have been pretty much immune
> to malware. How much would an antivirus subscription cost you over
> the term you will be using the machine? How much will an infection
> that the software does not catch cost you? You are an experienced Mac
> user. How long the learning curve to get as proficient in Windows?
> Tim is money, after all. Sharpen your pencils and you might find that
> the Mac is actually LESS expensive and it will be a computer you
> prefer emotionally.
> >What would I truly benefit/gain from getting a Mac Pro vs a good PC
> >workstation (HP Z-series...Dell workstation...etc...)???
> >
> >Any suggestions are welcome. I would spend the extra $$$ and get the
> >Mac Pro with Parallels for my PC needs (3ds Max) but I need to
> >justify it to myself.
> Or even save that money and reboot into Bootcamp.
> --
> Barry Austern
> barryaus@fuse.net


Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts...

Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc@me.com   jimdoc01

Fri May 4, 2012 2:21 pm (PDT)

> For a configuration, I'd like a Quad Core or better system (Xeon processors), 8 gigs of memory or more and the real key of it all which is a nice nVidia card (Quadro 2000 or better) for my 3d simulations (phys X and overall performance).

I think only the Mac Pros have Xeon CPU's, and that line is somewhat overdue for upgrading.

> I've priced systems and of course the Mac Pro is a good $600+ more than the equivalent PC.

You can get a fully warranted refurbished Mac Pro that can accept up to 32 GB of RAM:

Mac Pro 2.66GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
Originally released early 2009
One 2.66GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon "Nehalem" processor
3GB (3 x 1GB) of 1066MHz DDR3 ECC memory
640GB Serial ATA 3Gb/s 7200 rpm
18x SuperDrive (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 with 512MB GDDR3 memory

They are asking $2,039.00 (18% off list).

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com


Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts...

Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc@me.com   jimdoc01

Fri May 4, 2012 2:25 pm (PDT)

> Sharpen your pencil and figure out what it will cost you after you add in any new accessory hardware, and any software you will have to replace. Do this for both sides of the equation, Mac and PC, then compare the price.
> And does the PC come with software included you can use to boot into the other OS? Will it be a dedicated computer for one use only? Or will it be your only computer? How does the end product translate to your customers?

Don't forget the product reliability and the hassle (or not) of dealing with the seller after the sale.

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts...

Posted by: "Tod Hopkins" hoplist@hillmanncarr.com   todhop

Fri May 4, 2012 2:34 pm (PDT)

So, I figure your time is worth... oh, at least $25/hr? Will the Mac save you 30 hours of wasted time over the next year?

Will the Mac make you happier? (Sorry, that should have gone first!)

Have you used Win7 to do actual work?

Do you like Lion? Not that you can't still install Snow Leopard.

Do you carry an iPhone or live in iTunes?

Do you want to use FCP X? Do you use Final Cut Studio now?

Is there a "Bootcamp" for PCs?

Are the tools you prefer written first for Mac or PC?

Do you want or need USB 3.0?

And yes, you should seriously compare the refurb pricing, especially if Thunderbolt holds no real value for you.


On May 4, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Jeff wrote:

> Hi all.
> I'm a multimedia designer and been using Macs exclusively since 1993 and it's come time to buy a new system.
> I mainly do 3d modeling and simulations and video editing/motion graphics.
> I've been looking at the Mac Pro and PC workstations and trying to decide what would work better.
> For a configuration, I'd like a Quad Core or better system (Xeon processors), 8 gigs of memory or more and the real key of it all which is a nice nVidia card (Quadro 2000 or better) for my 3d simulations (phys X and overall performance). If iMacs had a good nVidia card, I'd just get one of those. I currently have a late 2008 MacBook Pro and it just isn't cutting it for my requirements anymore. Maxed RAM (so they tell me) and that's about all I can do on it since the video card can't be removed.
> I've priced systems and of course the Mac Pro is a good $600+ more than the equivalent PC. This leads me to my question....
> What would I truly benefit/gain from getting a Mac Pro vs a good PC workstation (HP Z-series...Dell workstation...etc...)???
> Any suggestions are welcome. I would spend the extra $$$ and get the Mac Pro with Parallels for my PC needs (3ds Max) but I need to justify it to myself.
> Thanks in advance.
> Jeff Turof
> MacBook Pro 15" 2.53GHz/4GB/250GB/SuperDrive (2008)
> Quicksilver G4 (2002)
> PowerMac 8600AV (1997)
> Performa 600 (1993)

Tod Hopkins
Hillmann & Carr Inc.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts...

Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" otto.nikolaus@googlemail.com   nikyzf

Fri May 4, 2012 6:00 pm (PDT)

I'm not sure if iPhone/iTunes belongs in your list. Windows users get the
same deal and, in the case of "legacy" OS support and access to the iPhone
file system, a better deal.


On 4 May 2012 22:34, Tod Hopkins <hoplist@hillmanncarr.com> wrote:

> So, I figure your time is worth... oh, at least $25/hr? Will the Mac save
> you 30 hours of wasted time over the next year?
> Will the Mac make you happier? (Sorry, that should have gone first!)
> Have you used Win7 to do actual work?
> Do you like Lion? Not that you can't still install Snow Leopard.
> Do you carry an iPhone or live in iTunes?
> Do you want to use FCP X? Do you use Final Cut Studio now?
> Is there a "Bootcamp" for PCs?
> Are the tools you prefer written first for Mac or PC?
> Do you want or need USB 3.0?
> And yes, you should seriously compare the refurb pricing, especially if
> Thunderbolt holds no real value for you.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts...

Posted by: "Daly Jessup" jessup@san.rr.com   dalyjessup

Fri May 4, 2012 8:31 pm (PDT)

On May 4, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Tod Hopkins wrote:

> So, I figure your time is worth... oh, at least $25/hr? Will the Mac save you 30 hours of wasted time over the next year?
I'm sure it's at least $75 an hour.

> Will the Mac make you happier? (Sorry, that should have gone first!)
> Have you used Win7 to do actual work?

I have. I use Windows all day every day at work at I don't like it as much as Mac for aesthetic reasons, but I get a LOT of work done very day on my Window machine. What do you mean, really? That Window users can't get work done? Please, get real.

> Do you like Lion? Not that you can't still install Snow Leopard.

I like Lion fine, I like Snow Leopard a bit better.

> Do you carry an iPhone or live in iTunes?

I do. Both.

> Do you want to use FCP X? Do you use Final Cut Studio now?

No, on both. But there are lots of good programs on Windows that don't run on Mac, either. So what?

> Is there a "Bootcamp" for PCs?

No, but what of it? Actually what do you mean? Is there an application in Windows that lets you install the Mac OS? If you have a PC, you don't need BootCamp. of course.

And here is one of many web sites that tells you how to install Leopard under Windows 7:
< http://www.redmondpie.com/how-to-install-os-x-snow-leopard-in-vmware-windows-7-9140301/>

> Are the tools you prefer written first for Mac or PC?

Depends. For the most part, they are written first for PC, of course, based on what I do at work.

> Do you want or need USB 3.0?

Not right now, but give it time.

> And yes, you should seriously compare the refurb pricing, especially if Thunderbolt holds no real value for you.

What is your point? Maybe I lost track of this thread. I probably did. I definitely prefer Macs, but I work 8-10 hours a day on a PC and have no problems. It's not as sweet as it is on a Mac, but I am definitely productive. And when I need to, I have no problem connecting the Mac at work to the PC at work and no problem with VNC to my home Mac from my Windows PC at work. You just have to figure out to do it.

I consider the Mac OS far better than the Windows OS but in my opinion, both are perfectly workable operating systems.

So again I ask, what point are you making?



Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts...

Posted by: "N.A. Nada" whodo678@comcast.net

Fri May 4, 2012 11:12 pm (PDT)

I know I may not be the best one to say this, but everyone take a chill pill.

I took what he said as, have he ever used the software he needs in Windows OS? Is there a built in way to boot into Mac OX on the Window PS he is considering, since he apparently like the Mac OS.

Come on people, give each other the benefit of the doubt.

The full moon is not until Sunday, but everyone, myself including, has been acting aggressive.

On May 4, 2012, at 8:30 PM, Daly Jessup wrote:

> On May 4, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Tod Hopkins wrote:
> > So, I figure your time is worth... oh, at least $25/hr? Will the Mac save you 30 hours of wasted time over the next year?
> >
> I'm sure it's at least $75 an hour.
> > Will the Mac make you happier? (Sorry, that should have gone first!)
> >
> > Have you used Win7 to do actual work?
> I have. I use Windows all day every day at work at I don't like it as much as Mac for aesthetic reasons, but I get a LOT of work done very day on my Window machine. What do you mean, really? That Window users can't get work done? Please, get real.
> > Do you like Lion? Not that you can't still install Snow Leopard.
> I like Lion fine, I like Snow Leopard a bit better.
> > Do you carry an iPhone or live in iTunes?
> I do. Both.
> > Do you want to use FCP X? Do you use Final Cut Studio now?
> No, on both. But there are lots of good programs on Windows that don't run on Mac, either. So what?
> > Is there a "Bootcamp" for PCs?
> No, but what of it? Actually what do you mean? Is there an application in Windows that lets you install the Mac OS? If you have a PC, you don't need BootCamp. of course.
> And here is one of many web sites that tells you how to install Leopard under Windows 7:
> < http://www.redmondpie.com/how-to-install-os-x-snow-leopard-in-vmware-windows-7-9140301/>
> > Are the tools you prefer written first for Mac or PC?
> Depends. For the most part, they are written first for PC, of course, based on what I do at work.
> > Do you want or need USB 3.0?
> Not right now, but give it time.
> > And yes, you should seriously compare the refurb pricing, especially if Thunderbolt holds no real value for you.
> What is your point? Maybe I lost track of this thread. I probably did. I definitely prefer Macs, but I work 8-10 hours a day on a PC and have no problems. It's not as sweet as it is on a Mac, but I am definitely productive. And when I need to, I have no problem connecting the Mac at work to the PC at work and no problem with VNC to my home Mac from my Windows PC at work. You just have to figure out to do it.
> I consider the Mac OS far better than the Windows OS but in my opinion, both are perfectly workable operating systems.
> So again I ask, what point are you making?
> Daly


Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts...

Posted by: "Jeff" jbturof@yahoo.com   jbturof

Sat May 5, 2012 5:56 am (PDT)

Hi all---thanks for all the thoughts...and at some point it looks like someone else jumped in on the thread, possibly from an old post.
A couple of answers...
Yes...I've used Win7 for a couple of years now in my full time job. I actually don't mind it but it definitely isn't a Mac. OS X is much more efficient.
Besides the Autodesk software I use, the Adobe Production Premium Suite is pretty much what I use exclusively. Not FCP. Yes, it would cost a lot to upgrade for PC...so I may just keep my MB Pro for the video and motion graphics and use the PC exclusively for 3d.

I actually saw that refurb Mac in the Mac Store. Thinking about it, but again, I'd still need to replace the video card (nVidia, yes, but 512MB doesn't cut it) and I'd need to upgrade the RAM to 8GB min. After those 2 things, the cost is up to almost $3000. Still less than both workstation solutions I'd been looking at, so worth considering.

Viruses are definitely something to consider---especially if my kids go to some of their sites on it.

I still have more to think about...but you all helped a lot.
Thanks again.


--- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups.com, "N.A. Nada" <whodo678@...> wrote:
> I know I may not be the best one to say this, but everyone take a chill pill.
> I took what he said as, have he ever used the software he needs in Windows OS? Is there a built in way to boot into Mac OX on the Window PS he is considering, since he apparently like the Mac OS.
> Come on people, give each other the benefit of the doubt.
> The full moon is not until Sunday, but everyone, myself including, has been acting aggressive.
> On May 4, 2012, at 8:30 PM, Daly Jessup wrote:
> >
> > On May 4, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Tod Hopkins wrote:
> >
> > > So, I figure your time is worth... oh, at least $25/hr? Will the Mac save you 30 hours of wasted time over the next year?
> > >
> > I'm sure it's at least $75 an hour.
> >
> > > Will the Mac make you happier? (Sorry, that should have gone first!)
> > >
> > > Have you used Win7 to do actual work?
> >
> > I have. I use Windows all day every day at work at I don't like it as much as Mac for aesthetic reasons, but I get a LOT of work done very day on my Window machine. What do you mean, really? That Window users can't get work done? Please, get real.
> >
> > > Do you like Lion? Not that you can't still install Snow Leopard.
> >
> > I like Lion fine, I like Snow Leopard a bit better.
> >
> > > Do you carry an iPhone or live in iTunes?
> >
> > I do. Both.
> >
> > > Do you want to use FCP X? Do you use Final Cut Studio now?
> >
> > No, on both. But there are lots of good programs on Windows that don't run on Mac, either. So what?
> >
> > > Is there a "Bootcamp" for PCs?
> >
> > No, but what of it? Actually what do you mean? Is there an application in Windows that lets you install the Mac OS? If you have a PC, you don't need BootCamp. of course.
> >
> > And here is one of many web sites that tells you how to install Leopard under Windows 7:
> > < http://www.redmondpie.com/how-to-install-os-x-snow-leopard-in-vmware-windows-7-9140301/>
> >
> > > Are the tools you prefer written first for Mac or PC?
> >
> > Depends. For the most part, they are written first for PC, of course, based on what I do at work.
> >
> > > Do you want or need USB 3.0?
> >
> > Not right now, but give it time.
> >
> > > And yes, you should seriously compare the refurb pricing, especially if Thunderbolt holds no real value for you.
> >
> > What is your point? Maybe I lost track of this thread. I probably did. I definitely prefer Macs, but I work 8-10 hours a day on a PC and have no problems. It's not as sweet as it is on a Mac, but I am definitely productive. And when I need to, I have no problem connecting the Mac at work to the PC at work and no problem with VNC to my home Mac from my Windows PC at work. You just have to figure out to do it.
> >
> > I consider the Mac OS far better than the Windows OS but in my opinion, both are perfectly workable operating systems.
> >
> > So again I ask, what point are you making?
> >
> > Daly
> >
> >


Re: Laptops and cellular networks

Posted by: "Randy B. Singer" randy@macattorney.com   randybrucesinger

Fri May 4, 2012 4:27 pm (PDT)

On May 3, 2012, at 7:27 AM, Bill B. wrote:

> Is there any way to get a MacBook Pro online using ATT 4G? Is there
> a USB dongle one can purchase?

What you are asking for is a cellular modem. (Often called: "mobile
broadband.") Basically it is a modem that allows you to access the
internet via a cellular phone system using a USB dongle. All of the
major cell phone companies offer one. Of course, you also have to
purchase a contract with a data plan to go with it.

I got one for my wife's laptop. I looked at the deals being offered
by Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint; and Verizon's was easily the best.
AT&T, typically, didn't want to tell me the bottom line and acted
like they didn't even want my business. Verizon was offering the USB
dongle (cellular modem) and setup for free, plus a $100 rebate on a
new laptop purchased concurrently. They charge $60/ mo for 5GB/mo of
downloading. (At first they said that access is unlimited, but the
truth is that it is limited. However, it would be really hard to go
over 5GB/mo.) The $100 rebate on a laptop offer has expired, but all
of the other stuff should still be in effect.

Performance is good. It's not as fast as my cable modem on my
desktop, but it's many times faster than dial-up.




Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)

Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance


Re: Laptops and cellular networks

Posted by: "N.A. Nada" whodo678@comcast.net

Fri May 4, 2012 5:08 pm (PDT)

I know there are a lot of variables, but what is the range of speeds she is seeing with the cellular modem? That way I have a guestimate of a kind'a sort'a comparison to what I am seeing with cable.

On May 4, 2012, at 4:27 PM, Randy B. Singer wrote:

> Performance is good. It's not as fast as my cable modem on my
> desktop, but it's many times faster than dial-up.


Re: Laptops and cellular networks

Posted by: "Randy B. Singer" randy@macattorney.com   randybrucesinger

Fri May 4, 2012 5:28 pm (PDT)

On May 4, 2012, at 5:08 PM, N.A. Nada wrote:

> I know there are a lot of variables, but what is the range of
> speeds she is seeing with the cellular modem? That way I have a
> guestimate of a kind'a sort'a comparison to what I am seeing with
> cable.

I don't have a numerical figure for you. I can only tell you how it
feels as I surf the Web.

My wife's laptop is a Toshiba running Windows. I use it as rarely as
I can.

It is kinda cool, though, that we can be virtually anywhere, and have
a good connection to the Internet. We even used her laptop to watch
favorite television shows via the Web while on vacation in Hawaii.

Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)

Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance


Re: Laptops and cellular networks

Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" otto.nikolaus@googlemail.com   nikyzf

Fri May 4, 2012 6:07 pm (PDT)

On 5 May 2012 01:28, Randy B. Singer <randy@macattorney.com> wrote:

> I don't have a numerical figure for you. I can only tell you how it
> feels as I surf the Web.
> My wife's laptop is a Toshiba running Windows. I use it as rarely as
> I can.
> It is kinda cool, though, that we can be virtually anywhere, and have
> a good connection to the Internet. We even used her laptop to watch
> favorite television shows via the Web while on vacation in Hawaii.

If you had an iPad with cellular access, would you need anything else away
from home?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Laptops and cellular networks

Posted by: "Randy B. Singer" randy@macattorney.com   randybrucesinger

Fri May 4, 2012 7:43 pm (PDT)

On May 4, 2012, at 6:07 PM, Otto Nikolaus wrote:

> If you had an iPad with cellular access, would you need anything
> else away
> from home?

It would all depend on what I wanted to do.

I still don't like the iPad for writing things, even with an external
keyboard. But it will do. With an external keyboard it is okay for
responding to e-mails; but most external keyboards made specifically
for the iPad are too small to comfortably touch-type on.

I love my iPad, but I just don't see it as a machine that I can
easily get a lot of work done on. It's stupendous for mindless fun,

Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)

Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance


Re: Laptops and cellular networks

Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" otto.nikolaus@googlemail.com   nikyzf

Sat May 5, 2012 3:49 am (PDT)

On 5 May 2012 03:43, Randy B. Singer <randy@macattorney.com> wrote:

> It would all depend on what I wanted to do.
> I still don't like the iPad for writing things, even with an external
> keyboard. But it will do. With an external keyboard it is okay for
> responding to e-mails; but most external keyboards made specifically
> for the iPad are too small to comfortably touch-type on.
> I love my iPad, but I just don't see it as a machine that I can
> easily get a lot of work done on. It's stupendous for mindless fun,
> though.

Exactly. If you on holiday, say, and just want to check email, etc., I
think it would be OK.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Mail in iOS

Posted by: "Harold Flaxman" harry.flaxman@me.com   hflaxman001

Sat May 5, 2012 5:44 am (PDT)

Is there a way to mark all mail as read in iOS Mail as in OS X?

Sent from Harry's iPod !

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