
[macsupport] Digest Number 8890

Messages In This Digest (4 Messages)

Re: Scanning pdfs to Word - Fujitsu scanner From: Josephine Bacon
Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts... From: Otto Nikolaus
Old & Obsolete Software From: Tony Troiano
Re: [macsupport ]  ipad problem From: luvtoso



Re: Scanning pdfs to Word - Fujitsu scanner

Posted by: "Josephine Bacon" bacon@langservice.com   baconandeggs_2001

Sun May 6, 2012 3:18 am (PDT)

There has been quite a lot of discussion about this lately. I see that
Fujitsu produces a scanner that it claims will convert directly into
Word. These scanners are quite expensive (over $1,000) so I wondered
if anyone has one and how good they are as compared with just using

Josephine Bacon


Re: Mac or PC? Need thoughts...

Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" otto.nikolaus@googlemail.com   nikyzf

Sun May 6, 2012 4:07 am (PDT)

Only briefly, but I didn't notice anything of importance, other than the
bits where Windows users have a better deal.


On 5 May 2012 19:19, Tod Hopkins <hoplist@hillmanncarr.com> wrote:

> Have you compared the Windows and Mac versions of iTunes? Not the same
> experience. Same with Quicktime.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Old & Obsolete Software

Posted by: "Tony Troiano" oraziofotografik@verizon.net   tonee_t2000

Sun May 6, 2012 5:59 am (PDT)

Having gone through a whole lot of storage I have come upon software
I had purchased dating from the days of Mac OS 7, ClarisWorks, a
myriad of Adobe apps, utility apps such as Norton and Virex, early
versions of Toast, and many, many more. All are in their original
boxes with manuals intact.

Its likely that no one would be interested in any of this obsolete
software, even for donation. Having never discarded this kind of
material I am not sure how to proceed. Do I simply put it all out in
the recycle pail?



Re: [macsupport ]  ipad problem

Posted by: "luvtoso" luvtoso@verizon.net   luvtoso@verizon.net

Sun May 6, 2012 5:55 am (PDT)

I have the first generation ipad. In my mail program I have about seven messages I cannot seem to delete. Problem is the amount of these seem to be growing.
The messages show (No Sender) (No Subject) and states This message has no content. A few of the messages like this has a date of 12/31/69.
Any help getting rid of these would be a help. Of course, I would really love to know how and why this is happening. My thoughts are someone with too much time on their hands playing games some where.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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