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Digest #2456
Thu Jul 5, 2012 3:45 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Motivation Words 1.0 released for iOS: Motivate Yourself and Feel Better - Published on 07/05/12
Creativity Apps today introduces Motivation Words 1.0, its new entertainment app for iOS devices. Motivation Words offers a simple concept to make you feel happier, through words said by the most successful people. Wakeup in the morning and charge your soul with these words and start a successful day. Add motivational quotes to your pictures just for free, to inspire yourself and others and be happier, use existing pictures, enjoy images taken previously, and make your life easier.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Creativity Apps today is pleased to announce that Motivation Words 1.0 is now available in the App Store. Motivation Words offers a simple concept to make you feel happier, through words said by the most successful people. Wakeup in the morning charge your soul with these words and start a successful day. Add motivational quotes to your pictures just for free, to inspire yourself and others and be happier, use existing pictures, enjoy images taken previously, and make your life easier.
Swipe to change quotes, you don't need to go back and forward to change them if you did not like the quote just swipe on the screen and the quote will change to a different one until you get the quote you like. Enjoy up to 100 most motivational free quotes, and get happier just for free, want more, enjoy the Pro version with more than two hundred quotes, updated and added frequently for ever, for just $0.99.
Are you somewhere with a nice view? Then take photos from the camera, and add a motivational quote to them, keep a memorial images with a great quote on it, don't keep it to yourself share with friends in facebook. Inspire them, motivate them and make everyone remember you with those great words. Also share with your friends in twitter, don't limit your shares, and spread it to all your friends to keep everyone happy. Save pictures with motivational quotes, to your library to use it with any other application on your iPhone to enjoy great words from great people.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.0 or later
* 4.1 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Motivation Words 1.0 is Free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Entertainment category. More inspiration quotes are available as in-app purchase for just $0.99 (USD).
Creativity Apps: http://creativityiapps.webs.com
Motivation Words 1.0: http://itunes.apple.com/app/motivation-words/id532241566
Screenshot: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/b6/48/ee/b648ee1c-f4a0-b762-2359-b54161498a69/mza_960356685014315725.320x480-75.jpg
App Icon: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/76548504/MoreApps/Motivation.png
Based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Creativity Apps is a privately held company. Here at creativity app, we look always to deliver the quality apps that add at least one thing positive to your life. Copyright (C) 2012 Creativity Apps. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Ashraf Jandali
United Arab Emirates
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/creativityapp
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45038&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45038.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45038
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-20525.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-20525.htm
Creativity Apps today introduces Motivation Words 1.0, its new entertainment app for iOS devices. Motivation Words offers a simple concept to make you feel happier, through words said by the most successful people. Wakeup in the morning and charge your soul with these words and start a successful day. Add motivational quotes to your pictures just for free, to inspire yourself and others and be happier, use existing pictures, enjoy images taken previously, and make your life easier.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Creativity Apps today is pleased to announce that Motivation Words 1.0 is now available in the App Store. Motivation Words offers a simple concept to make you feel happier, through words said by the most successful people. Wakeup in the morning charge your soul with these words and start a successful day. Add motivational quotes to your pictures just for free, to inspire yourself and others and be happier, use existing pictures, enjoy images taken previously, and make your life easier.
Swipe to change quotes, you don't need to go back and forward to change them if you did not like the quote just swipe on the screen and the quote will change to a different one until you get the quote you like. Enjoy up to 100 most motivational free quotes, and get happier just for free, want more, enjoy the Pro version with more than two hundred quotes, updated and added frequently for ever, for just $0.99.
Are you somewhere with a nice view? Then take photos from the camera, and add a motivational quote to them, keep a memorial images with a great quote on it, don't keep it to yourself share with friends in facebook. Inspire them, motivate them and make everyone remember you with those great words. Also share with your friends in twitter, don't limit your shares, and spread it to all your friends to keep everyone happy. Save pictures with motivational quotes, to your library to use it with any other application on your iPhone to enjoy great words from great people.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.0 or later
* 4.1 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Motivation Words 1.0 is Free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Entertainment category. More inspiration quotes are available as in-app purchase for just $0.99 (USD).
Creativity Apps: http://creativityia
Motivation Words 1.0: http://itunes.
Screenshot: http://a4.mzstatic.
App Icon: https://dl.dropbox.
Based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Creativity Apps is a privately held company. Here at creativity app, we look always to deliver the quality apps that add at least one thing positive to your life. Copyright (C) 2012 Creativity Apps. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Ashraf Jandali
United Arab Emirates
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Thu Jul 5, 2012 4:00 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
HTML5 - Go native where power is at the touch of your fingertips - Published on 07/05/12
ShinobiControls proves native leads the way when it comes to providing interactive, engaging solutions. ShinobiControls gives users greater control over their data and its analysis. Using touch-screen technology offered by modern mobile devices, allows users intuitive interactions with their data such as pinch zoom and pan on charts, highlighting points with simple touch, and dragging or pinching grid rows and columns to reordered and resize them.
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom - Offering unparalleled user interactivity and control through touch-screen functionalities integrated into native platforms, improved performance and efficiency, a more engaging user experience, global user interface controls experts ShinobiControls is backing native all the way.
Jesse Beaumont, of ShinobiControls, said: "Both native components and web apps have their benefits but with native apps the possibilities are much greater and limits less severe. You are able to offer users a more unique and interactive experience, which is more personal and engaging."
Through their world-class native controls, ShinobiControls, which provides the perfect tools for developers and iOS users to transform data sets into high-performing charts, graphs and grids, offers higher performance and efficiency rates than their HTML5 counterparts.
Native apps are also able to handle a higher volume of data with more detailed accuracy. ShinobiControls' charts can support hundreds of thousands of points at 60 frames per second, with the grids supporting millions of rows. These levels are virtually impossible to achieve in HTML5, which would struggle in both performance and memory usage.
User interactivity and experience is another key area where native offers greater flexibility and power over HTML5 and ShinobiControls gives users greater control over their data and its analysis. Using touch-screen technology offered by modern mobile devices, allows users intuitive interactions with their data such as pinch zoom and pan on charts, highlighting points with simple touch, and dragging or pinching grid rows and columns to reordered and resize them.
Jesse said: "If you go HTML5 you have to either break from native look and feel and provide a neutral experience or try and simulate the native feel in HTML, which isn't always possible and rarely easy.
"With native apps you can really push the boundaries and at ShinobiControls that's something we like to do."
ShinobiControls is a global leader, offering developers building an iPhone or iPad app a simple solution to show off data sets by transforming them into slick, easily-digestible and highly interactive grids and charts.
ShinobiControls: http://www.shinobicontrols.com/
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ShinobiControls?ob=0&feature=results_main
Screenshots: http://www.flickr.com/photos/77300362@N08/sets/72157629079443130/
Media Assets: http://www.shinobicontrols.com/media/
ShinobiControls are creating a comprehensive set of powerful, interactive UI controls to help iOS developers create awesome apps for businesses. All our controls are built with both the developer and the end-user in mind: so we have a clear and logical API to delight the developer, alongside an engaging level of intuitive interaction that users now expect from their Apple devices. Our overall aim is to reduce the time, cost and effort involved in developing data-driven business apps, so that they can increase both in quantity and in quality. Copyright (C) 2012 ShinobiControls. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Marissa Carruthers
Marketing Director
United Kingdom
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.com/# !/shinobicontrols
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45037&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45037.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45037
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-19381.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-19381.htm
ShinobiControls proves native leads the way when it comes to providing interactive, engaging solutions. ShinobiControls gives users greater control over their data and its analysis. Using touch-screen technology offered by modern mobile devices, allows users intuitive interactions with their data such as pinch zoom and pan on charts, highlighting points with simple touch, and dragging or pinching grid rows and columns to reordered and resize them.
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom - Offering unparalleled user interactivity and control through touch-screen functionalities integrated into native platforms, improved performance and efficiency, a more engaging user experience, global user interface controls experts ShinobiControls is backing native all the way.
Jesse Beaumont, of ShinobiControls, said: "Both native components and web apps have their benefits but with native apps the possibilities are much greater and limits less severe. You are able to offer users a more unique and interactive experience, which is more personal and engaging."
Through their world-class native controls, ShinobiControls, which provides the perfect tools for developers and iOS users to transform data sets into high-performing charts, graphs and grids, offers higher performance and efficiency rates than their HTML5 counterparts.
Native apps are also able to handle a higher volume of data with more detailed accuracy. ShinobiControls' charts can support hundreds of thousands of points at 60 frames per second, with the grids supporting millions of rows. These levels are virtually impossible to achieve in HTML5, which would struggle in both performance and memory usage.
User interactivity and experience is another key area where native offers greater flexibility and power over HTML5 and ShinobiControls gives users greater control over their data and its analysis. Using touch-screen technology offered by modern mobile devices, allows users intuitive interactions with their data such as pinch zoom and pan on charts, highlighting points with simple touch, and dragging or pinching grid rows and columns to reordered and resize them.
Jesse said: "If you go HTML5 you have to either break from native look and feel and provide a neutral experience or try and simulate the native feel in HTML, which isn't always possible and rarely easy.
"With native apps you can really push the boundaries and at ShinobiControls that's something we like to do."
ShinobiControls is a global leader, offering developers building an iPhone or iPad app a simple solution to show off data sets by transforming them into slick, easily-digestible and highly interactive grids and charts.
ShinobiControls: http://www.shinobic
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.
Screenshots: http://www.flickr.
Media Assets: http://www.shinobic
ShinobiControls are creating a comprehensive set of powerful, interactive UI controls to help iOS developers create awesome apps for businesses. All our controls are built with both the developer and the end-user in mind: so we have a clear and logical API to delight the developer, alongside an engaging level of intuitive interaction that users now expect from their Apple devices. Our overall aim is to reduce the time, cost and effort involved in developing data-driven business apps, so that they can increase both in quantity and in quality. Copyright (C) 2012 ShinobiControls. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Marissa Carruthers
Marketing Director
United Kingdom
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Thu Jul 5, 2012 4:01 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
New Layout App for iPad - Arrange Photos with a Swipe of Your Finger - Published on 07/05/12
Juicy Bits, the makers of 5-star app Halftone, today announced its latest app, Layout, is now available on the App Store for iPad. Layout uses touch to split frames into sections and populate them with images from the photo library, Facebook, Instagram and Flickr. Photos are enhanced with built-in filters and effects, captions can be added to tell a story, and borders are styled using 100 built-in patterns. Layout supports undo/redo, and projects can be stored in iCloud for multi-device sharing.
Sammamish, Washington - Juicy Bits, the makers of 5-star app Halftone, today announced its latest app, Layout, is now available on the App Store for iPad. Layout uses touch to split frames into sections and populate them with images from the photo library, Facebook, Instagram and Flickr. Photos are enhanced with built-in filters and effects, captions can be added to tell a story, and borders are styled using 100 built-in patterns. Layout supports sharing via e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr, and projects can be stored in iCloud, making them easy to open on multiple iOS devices.
"One of the most common requests by users of our Halftone App has been the ability to arrange multiple photos on a single page," says Mike Swanson, Founder of Juicy Bits. "After exploring many touch-first methods that take full advantage of iOS, we ended up creating an app that is incredibly useful on its own. We hope that Layout makes it quick and easy for customers to create photo arrangements that they're proud to share with their family and friends."
Layout introduces a unique radial menu that reduces finger travel distance when selecting commands. Because its center button reflects the prior selection, a quick double-tap can be used to repeat commands.
Other features
* iCloud support for sharing documents and settings with other iOS devices
* Ability to open photos and captions directly from Facebook, Flickr, and Instagram
* Automatic face detection for quick framing of individual faces and groups
* Customizable aspect ratios
* Templates that can be modified and saved for later use
* Undo and redo
* Snap points for precise border alignment
* Customizable captions that can be positioned and formatted with built-in fonts
* Photo editing tools from Aviary that include filters, effects, automatic enhancements, cropping, rotation, brightness, contrast, saturation, sharpness, and more
* 100 included border and background patterns
* Direct sharing via e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr
* Wireless support for AirPrint-enabled printers
* Interactive tutorial
Pricing and Availability:
The Layout App is available for $2.99 from the App Store on iPad.
Juicy Bits: http://www.juicybitssoftware.com/
Layout: http://www.juicybitssoftware.com/layout
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.com/apps/Layout
YouTube Video (Walk-Thru): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxB2Y0TYMfk
App Icon: http://www.juicybitssoftware.com/images/media/layout/1.0/Layout%20Icon.png
Press Kit (zip): http://www.juicybitssoftware.com/files/layout/Layout 1.0 Press Pack.zip
Founded in 2009, Juicy Bits is a small company that produces unique, freshly squeezed software for mobile devices. Their first release, 3D Camera, earned 4 1/2 mice (out of 5) from Macworld and is frequently among the top 100 photography apps worldwide. Their most recent app, Halftone, has over one million users and was named by Apple as one of the best photo apps of 2011. Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Juicy Bits. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Michael Swanson
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45036&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45036.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45036
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-4022.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-4022.htm
Juicy Bits, the makers of 5-star app Halftone, today announced its latest app, Layout, is now available on the App Store for iPad. Layout uses touch to split frames into sections and populate them with images from the photo library, Facebook, Instagram and Flickr. Photos are enhanced with built-in filters and effects, captions can be added to tell a story, and borders are styled using 100 built-in patterns. Layout supports undo/redo, and projects can be stored in iCloud for multi-device sharing.
Sammamish, Washington - Juicy Bits, the makers of 5-star app Halftone, today announced its latest app, Layout, is now available on the App Store for iPad. Layout uses touch to split frames into sections and populate them with images from the photo library, Facebook, Instagram and Flickr. Photos are enhanced with built-in filters and effects, captions can be added to tell a story, and borders are styled using 100 built-in patterns. Layout supports sharing via e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr, and projects can be stored in iCloud, making them easy to open on multiple iOS devices.
"One of the most common requests by users of our Halftone App has been the ability to arrange multiple photos on a single page," says Mike Swanson, Founder of Juicy Bits. "After exploring many touch-first methods that take full advantage of iOS, we ended up creating an app that is incredibly useful on its own. We hope that Layout makes it quick and easy for customers to create photo arrangements that they're proud to share with their family and friends."
Layout introduces a unique radial menu that reduces finger travel distance when selecting commands. Because its center button reflects the prior selection, a quick double-tap can be used to repeat commands.
Other features
* iCloud support for sharing documents and settings with other iOS devices
* Ability to open photos and captions directly from Facebook, Flickr, and Instagram
* Automatic face detection for quick framing of individual faces and groups
* Customizable aspect ratios
* Templates that can be modified and saved for later use
* Undo and redo
* Snap points for precise border alignment
* Customizable captions that can be positioned and formatted with built-in fonts
* Photo editing tools from Aviary that include filters, effects, automatic enhancements, cropping, rotation, brightness, contrast, saturation, sharpness, and more
* 100 included border and background patterns
* Direct sharing via e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr
* Wireless support for AirPrint-enabled printers
* Interactive tutorial
Pricing and Availability:
The Layout App is available for $2.99 from the App Store on iPad.
Juicy Bits: http://www.juicybit
Layout: http://www.juicybit
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.
YouTube Video (Walk-Thru): http://www.youtube.
App Icon: http://www.juicybit
Press Kit (zip): http://www.juicybit
Founded in 2009, Juicy Bits is a small company that produces unique, freshly squeezed software for mobile devices. Their first release, 3D Camera, earned 4 1/2 mice (out of 5) from Macworld and is frequently among the top 100 photography apps worldwide. Their most recent app, Halftone, has over one million users and was named by Apple as one of the best photo apps of 2011. Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Juicy Bits. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Michael Swanson
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Thu Jul 5, 2012 4:15 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Sneak Peak: Snake Returns and recaptures mobile devices - Published on 07/05/12
mobivention today announces the upcoming release of Snake Returns, revitalizing the retro game for iOS. The very hungry snake comes back with an exciting style and new game modes to iPhone, iPod and iPad. Snake Returns promises two different game modes. In the Premium version, the game ships with several designs and additional game worlds. In those worlds the snake can be played in high quality designs, such as Retro, Toy, Holo and Robo. Available August 2012.
Cologne, Germany - Beginning of August mobivention turns the spotlight back on the well-known mobile retro game: the release of Snake Returns. The very hungry snake comes back with an exciting style and new game modes to iPhone, iPod and iPad. The basic version is available for free in Apple's App Store. The price for the full version is $1.99 (USD).
Snake is a classic mobile game and has been very popular in times when displays have been small and black/white only. Snake Returns offers two different game modes. In the Eat Mode the snake has to eat a certain number of eggs without colliding with one of the trappy obstacles. With each level it becomes more difficult. Whereas in the Survive mode the snake has to eat as many yummy eggs as possible to gain a high score. The tricky thing is: The more eggs the snake has been eating the longer it grows. So it gets more and more difficult to avoid obstacles.
In the Premium version Snake Returns comes with several designs and additional game worlds. In those worlds the snake can be played in high quality designs, such as Retro, Toy, Holo and Robo. For even longer gaming fun special features which can inhibit the growth of the snake or slow it down. Those features can be unlocked via in-app purchase.
mobivention: http://www.mobivention.com
Snake Returns: http://www.mobivention.com/?option=com_content&view=article&id=670
YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Te3j4f1JZk
Screenshots: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151012191159851.451188.361053629850&type=3&l=fec4629daa
Based in Cologne Germany, mobivention is a leading international provider of applications and personalization products for smart phones and tablets. Founded in 2003, the company's product portfolio addresses app stores, mobile network operators, brands and advertising agencies world-wide. The company employs 30 staff members and has a longstanding wealth of experience in the development of mobile content and realisation of customer projects. This unique expertise is the basis for a successful cooperation with namable and well-known customers of various lines of business. Copyright (C) 2003-2012 mobivention. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Bibiana Hesseler
Director Marketing
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/mobivention
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.com/mobivention
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45039&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45039.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45039
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-9372.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-9372.htm
mobivention today announces the upcoming release of Snake Returns, revitalizing the retro game for iOS. The very hungry snake comes back with an exciting style and new game modes to iPhone, iPod and iPad. Snake Returns promises two different game modes. In the Premium version, the game ships with several designs and additional game worlds. In those worlds the snake can be played in high quality designs, such as Retro, Toy, Holo and Robo. Available August 2012.
Cologne, Germany - Beginning of August mobivention turns the spotlight back on the well-known mobile retro game: the release of Snake Returns. The very hungry snake comes back with an exciting style and new game modes to iPhone, iPod and iPad. The basic version is available for free in Apple's App Store. The price for the full version is $1.99 (USD).
Snake is a classic mobile game and has been very popular in times when displays have been small and black/white only. Snake Returns offers two different game modes. In the Eat Mode the snake has to eat a certain number of eggs without colliding with one of the trappy obstacles. With each level it becomes more difficult. Whereas in the Survive mode the snake has to eat as many yummy eggs as possible to gain a high score. The tricky thing is: The more eggs the snake has been eating the longer it grows. So it gets more and more difficult to avoid obstacles.
In the Premium version Snake Returns comes with several designs and additional game worlds. In those worlds the snake can be played in high quality designs, such as Retro, Toy, Holo and Robo. For even longer gaming fun special features which can inhibit the growth of the snake or slow it down. Those features can be unlocked via in-app purchase.
mobivention: http://www.mobivent
Snake Returns: http://www.mobivent
YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.
Screenshots: https://www.
Based in Cologne Germany, mobivention is a leading international provider of applications and personalization products for smart phones and tablets. Founded in 2003, the company's product portfolio addresses app stores, mobile network operators, brands and advertising agencies world-wide. The company employs 30 staff members and has a longstanding wealth of experience in the development of mobile content and realisation of customer projects. This unique expertise is the basis for a successful cooperation with namable and well-known customers of various lines of business. Copyright (C) 2003-2012 mobivention. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Bibiana Hesseler
Director Marketing
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Thu Jul 5, 2012 6:00 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
iPhone App To Connect Comic-Con Attendees To Upcoming Movies - Published on 07/05/12
Flickdirect Inc. will be attending Comic-Con San Diego next week to promote its award winning movie centric iPhone app 'Movie Clock'. Movie Clock allows simple social interaction over various networks with a focus on upcoming movies. Movie Clock's central feature is its unique ever-running countdown clock for movies coming soon to theaters. Users can easily search the extensive movie database for their favorite upcoming movie and set an alert to remind them on the film's day of release.
San Diego, California - FlickDirect Inc. will unleash its movie centric mobile app 'Movie Clock' on Comic-Con San Diego next week. Free copies of the app will be available to attendees who spot the FlickDirect team on the floor or out and about town.
Movie Clock is the first and only app to allow simple social interaction over various networks with a focus on upcoming movies. A single tap allows users to 'check-in' to upcoming films and interact with friends and followers around the globe.
Fans worldwide have used the app to connect with each other for the summers hottest blockbusters. Over 3,600 fans (from 89 countries) of the highly anticipated Superhero film, 'The Amazing Spider-man' have already engaged around the unique social features of the app.
Eric English, President of FlickDirect Inc. and lead developer, has enjoyed helping movie fans communicate on a global scale. "The feedback we get from the app has been great." he said. "By checking in with each other, tweeting about the film, and counting down with friends, fans have been able to connect in new, revolutionary ways."
"It's also fun to be a part of the run up to a film such as 'Spider-man' . A few days before a big release, app activity always spikes with the anticipation having been built up for so long."
Movie Clock's central feature is its unique ever-running countdown clock for movies coming soon to theaters. Users can easily search the extensive movie database for their favorite upcoming movie and set an alert to remind them on the film's day of release.
Nathan Rose, CEO of FlickDirect and avid app user said "Watching the days, hours, minutes and seconds tick by to 'The Amazing Spider-man' has been really exciting. We have over 350 fans checked in through Movie Clock and more than 3600 unique users have used the app just for 'The Amazing Spider-man. "
Once checked-in, users will be able to see how many others around the world are counting down with them and connect with new friends and followers who share the enthusiasm for their favorite films.
Other extended features of Movie Clock include the ability to find show times for local theaters based on your GPS coordinates, in-app ticket purchasing and newly added streaming movie trailers.
Movie Clock has a growing database of Movies with current release dates up to 2014. FlickDirect strives to include every movie regardless of genre. "If it's not there, just ask. I'll add it in personally!" Said Rose.
Previous versions of Movie Clock were named one of the Top 9 Movie Apps of 2011 by NextMovie.com and have been featured in iTunes "Whats Hot-> Entertainment" category.
Movie Clock is available on the Apple iTunes app store in a full and lite version. 'Movie Clock' and 'Movie Clock Lite', respectively. The lite version has a limited feature set but allows an in app upgrade to bring the functionality up to par with the full paid version.
"Try Move Clock for free," said English "Like one of our international reviewers wrote - we know it's one awesome app you'll want to upgrade and permanently keep on your iPhone."
* Facebook integration to share your countdown with your friends
* Twitter integration to share your countdown with your followers
* Notification center integration to control your individual movie alerts
* Extensive and automatically updating movie release database
* Movie trailers, show times and in app ticket purchasing
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.0 or later
* 2.0 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Movie Clock 3.4 is only $0.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Entertainment category. If you'd like more information, or to schedule an interview with our staff please e-mail our pr department.
Movie Clock 3.6: http://www.movieclockapp.com
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.apple.com/app/movie-clock/id467164083
Screenshot: http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/087/Purple/v4/00/5b/92/005b92e9-73b1-30ed-1086-5fa4a6d667b2/mza_5546836813571166148.320x480-75.jpg
App Icon: http://www.movieclockapp.com/itunesartwork.png
FlickDirect Inc, a privately held company, is one of the online leaders in social entertainment. Delivering breaking industry news, theatrical/home entertainment reviews and television reviews, and entertainment application development FlickDirect drives the pulse of the entertainment landscape. FlickDirect is strategically partnered with various studios to provide content exclusive to its visitors. FlickDirect's holdings also include flck.it, a film industry URL shortener, movie clock, a countdown clock for iOS, and Buzango, a film social network. Copyright (C) 2012 FlickDirect, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Photos & certain artwork used on Movie Clock are the property of their respective owners. Studio logos & other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.
Eric English
United States
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/MovieClock
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.com/# !/MovieClockApp
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45035&ac=dTVcsIjs
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RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-17681.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-17681.htm
Flickdirect Inc. will be attending Comic-Con San Diego next week to promote its award winning movie centric iPhone app 'Movie Clock'. Movie Clock allows simple social interaction over various networks with a focus on upcoming movies. Movie Clock's central feature is its unique ever-running countdown clock for movies coming soon to theaters. Users can easily search the extensive movie database for their favorite upcoming movie and set an alert to remind them on the film's day of release.
San Diego, California - FlickDirect Inc. will unleash its movie centric mobile app 'Movie Clock' on Comic-Con San Diego next week. Free copies of the app will be available to attendees who spot the FlickDirect team on the floor or out and about town.
Movie Clock is the first and only app to allow simple social interaction over various networks with a focus on upcoming movies. A single tap allows users to 'check-in' to upcoming films and interact with friends and followers around the globe.
Fans worldwide have used the app to connect with each other for the summers hottest blockbusters. Over 3,600 fans (from 89 countries) of the highly anticipated Superhero film, 'The Amazing Spider-man' have already engaged around the unique social features of the app.
Eric English, President of FlickDirect Inc. and lead developer, has enjoyed helping movie fans communicate on a global scale. "The feedback we get from the app has been great." he said. "By checking in with each other, tweeting about the film, and counting down with friends, fans have been able to connect in new, revolutionary ways."
"It's also fun to be a part of the run up to a film such as 'Spider-man' . A few days before a big release, app activity always spikes with the anticipation having been built up for so long."
Movie Clock's central feature is its unique ever-running countdown clock for movies coming soon to theaters. Users can easily search the extensive movie database for their favorite upcoming movie and set an alert to remind them on the film's day of release.
Nathan Rose, CEO of FlickDirect and avid app user said "Watching the days, hours, minutes and seconds tick by to 'The Amazing Spider-man' has been really exciting. We have over 350 fans checked in through Movie Clock and more than 3600 unique users have used the app just for 'The Amazing Spider-man. "
Once checked-in, users will be able to see how many others around the world are counting down with them and connect with new friends and followers who share the enthusiasm for their favorite films.
Other extended features of Movie Clock include the ability to find show times for local theaters based on your GPS coordinates, in-app ticket purchasing and newly added streaming movie trailers.
Movie Clock has a growing database of Movies with current release dates up to 2014. FlickDirect strives to include every movie regardless of genre. "If it's not there, just ask. I'll add it in personally!" Said Rose.
Previous versions of Movie Clock were named one of the Top 9 Movie Apps of 2011 by NextMovie.com and have been featured in iTunes "Whats Hot-> Entertainment" category.
Movie Clock is available on the Apple iTunes app store in a full and lite version. 'Movie Clock' and 'Movie Clock Lite', respectively. The lite version has a limited feature set but allows an in app upgrade to bring the functionality up to par with the full paid version.
"Try Move Clock for free," said English "Like one of our international reviewers wrote - we know it's one awesome app you'll want to upgrade and permanently keep on your iPhone."
* Facebook integration to share your countdown with your friends
* Twitter integration to share your countdown with your followers
* Notification center integration to control your individual movie alerts
* Extensive and automatically updating movie release database
* Movie trailers, show times and in app ticket purchasing
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.0 or later
* 2.0 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Movie Clock 3.4 is only $0.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Entertainment category. If you'd like more information, or to schedule an interview with our staff please e-mail our pr department.
Movie Clock 3.6: http://www.movieclo
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.
Screenshot: http://a5.mzstatic.
App Icon: http://www.movieclo
FlickDirect Inc, a privately held company, is one of the online leaders in social entertainment. Delivering breaking industry news, theatrical/home entertainment reviews and television reviews, and entertainment application development FlickDirect drives the pulse of the entertainment landscape. FlickDirect is strategically partnered with various studios to provide content exclusive to its visitors. FlickDirect'
Eric English
United States
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
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RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Thu Jul 5, 2012 6:01 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Monkey Prism releases New Zombie Word Game for iOS - Published on 07/05/12
Monkey Prism today introduces ZombieWords 1.0, its new gaming title for iOS. ZombieWords combines tongue-in-cheek survival horror with the vocabulary-building aspects of an anagram game. Using the power of your words, only you can help retired gunslinger Jebediah Moses save the world from the seemingly endless brain-eating zombie hordes. ZombieWords features Game Center support, with 40 levels of action and tons of interactive audio/visual elements to keep the player engaged.
San Diego, California - Monkey Prism today is proud to announce the release of ZombieWords, an app for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch combining tongue-in-cheek survival horror with the vocabulary-building aspects of an anagram game. Using the power of your words, only you can help retired gunslinger Jebediah Moses save the world from the seemingly endless brain-eating zombie hordes. With at least 40 levels of action and tons of interactive audio/visual elements to keep the player engaged, ZombieWords is sure to be an addictive addition to any player's app collection. The new app also features original music by Seattle band Uncle Roman's Jetboat.
"We wanted ZombieWords to be both educational and ridiculously fun, while having tons of replay value through interactivity and endless multiplayer action", says Chris Danielson, Monkey Prism CEO. "Plus, who doesn't love zombies?"
Features include:
* Interactive/immersive audio that responds to gameplay
* Tons of different zombies
* 40 levels of play in multiple environments (or is there more?)
* Competitive multiplayer action through Game Center
* Leaderboards for multiple achievements
* Facebook integration. Prove your zombie-killing word prowess to the world
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 5.0 or later
* 146 MB
Pricing and Availability:
The free basic version of ZombieWords includes the first 5 levels of play, including multiplayer - the rest of the journey can be unlocked through a one-time $0.99 (USD) in-app purchase.
Monkey Prism: http://monkeyprism.com
ZombieWords 1.0: http://www.monkeyprism.com/publications/zombiewords/
Download from iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/app/zombiewords/id522136629
YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdTV-JHOx88
Screenshot: http://www.monkeyprism.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/ZombieWords_Title_Screenshot.png
App Icon: http://www.monkeyprism.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/ZombieWords_Icon_Rounded.png
Monkey Prism was the hair brained idea of Chris and Nic Danielson. During a game brainstorming session in late 2010 a game and company were created. At Monkey Prism we love to create happy, fun games and other entertaining products. We focus on products developed for Android, iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Copyright (C) 2012 Monkey Prism. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Chris Danielson
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45034&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45034.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45034
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-15393.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-15393.htm
Monkey Prism today introduces ZombieWords 1.0, its new gaming title for iOS. ZombieWords combines tongue-in-cheek survival horror with the vocabulary-building aspects of an anagram game. Using the power of your words, only you can help retired gunslinger Jebediah Moses save the world from the seemingly endless brain-eating zombie hordes. ZombieWords features Game Center support, with 40 levels of action and tons of interactive audio/visual elements to keep the player engaged.
San Diego, California - Monkey Prism today is proud to announce the release of ZombieWords, an app for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch combining tongue-in-cheek survival horror with the vocabulary-building aspects of an anagram game. Using the power of your words, only you can help retired gunslinger Jebediah Moses save the world from the seemingly endless brain-eating zombie hordes. With at least 40 levels of action and tons of interactive audio/visual elements to keep the player engaged, ZombieWords is sure to be an addictive addition to any player's app collection. The new app also features original music by Seattle band Uncle Roman's Jetboat.
"We wanted ZombieWords to be both educational and ridiculously fun, while having tons of replay value through interactivity and endless multiplayer action", says Chris Danielson, Monkey Prism CEO. "Plus, who doesn't love zombies?"
Features include:
* Interactive/
* Tons of different zombies
* 40 levels of play in multiple environments (or is there more?)
* Competitive multiplayer action through Game Center
* Leaderboards for multiple achievements
* Facebook integration. Prove your zombie-killing word prowess to the world
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 5.0 or later
* 146 MB
Pricing and Availability:
The free basic version of ZombieWords includes the first 5 levels of play, including multiplayer - the rest of the journey can be unlocked through a one-time $0.99 (USD) in-app purchase.
Monkey Prism: http://monkeyprism.
ZombieWords 1.0: http://www.monkeypr
Download from iTunes: http://itunes.
YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.
Screenshot: http://www.monkeypr
App Icon: http://www.monkeypr
Monkey Prism was the hair brained idea of Chris and Nic Danielson. During a game brainstorming session in late 2010 a game and company were created. At Monkey Prism we love to create happy, fun games and other entertaining products. We focus on products developed for Android, iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Copyright (C) 2012 Monkey Prism. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Chris Danielson
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Thu Jul 5, 2012 6:30 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Free Copies of JPG to PDF Converter for Mac Giveaway - Published on 07/05/12
Reezaa today started 15-day giveaway of JPG to PDF Converter for Mac. JPG to PDF Converter is a new application for rapid conversion of images in popular formats to PDF on Mac OS X. The user drops scanned images or photos onto the program. The application allows changing the sequence of pages by clicking Move Up and Move Down. Now users can get free copies of JPG to PDF Converter for Mac to convert JPG, TIFF, PNG, BMP and GIF images to PDF documents.
Xi'an, China - Reezaa today started 15-day giveaway of JPG to PDF Converter for Mac. The product regular price is $29.95 USD, but users can get it for free during this giveaway period. JPG to PDF Converter for Mac is a business PDF creation tool creates PDF documents and contracts from scanned images or digital photos on Mac OS. To get started, Users drops scanned images or photos onto the application, and the image format can be in JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PNG or GIF.
If necessary, the converter allows changing the sequence of pages by clicking Move Up and Move Down buttons, or dragging and dropping the file list row. Once that's done, users click Convert Now, and the process begins. In a few seconds, the PDF file can be found in the output folder. Now it's possible to send the PDF document by email, copy to flash disk, or upload to the website for the world to see.
This giveaway is 100% free and full functional.
Pricing and Availability:
During the giveaway period, JPG to PDF Converter for Mac is available for free from the product website. It requires Mac OS X 10.6 or later. More information on JPG to PDF Converter for Mac can be found online. JPG to PDF Converter for Mac is available for reviews and cover disk of magazines.
JPG to PDF Converter: http://www.jpgtopdfconverterformac.com
Giveaway: http://www.jpgtopdfconverterformac.com/#giveaway
Download JPG to PDF Converter: http://www.jpgtopdfconverterformac.com/down/jpg2pdf.dmg
Purchase: https://secure.avangate.com/order/checkout.php?PRODS=4560596&QTY=1&CART=1&CARD=1
Sceenshot: http://www.jpgtopdfconverterformac.com/jpg2pdfmac.jpg
App Icon: http://www.jpgtopdfconverterformac.com/jpg2pdfmacicon.gif
Founded in 2004, Reezaa develops conversion software for Windows and Mac OS. The company relies on its extensive experience in developing conversion utilities that have already demonstrated their technical excellence and ease of use in thousands of homes worldwide. Its products include PDFZilla, MP3 Converter, MP3 Cutter, PDF OCR and JPG To PDF Converter. Copyright (C) 2012 Reezaa. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Derk Noz
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45033&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45033.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45033
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-21447.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-21447.htm
Reezaa today started 15-day giveaway of JPG to PDF Converter for Mac. JPG to PDF Converter is a new application for rapid conversion of images in popular formats to PDF on Mac OS X. The user drops scanned images or photos onto the program. The application allows changing the sequence of pages by clicking Move Up and Move Down. Now users can get free copies of JPG to PDF Converter for Mac to convert JPG, TIFF, PNG, BMP and GIF images to PDF documents.
Xi'an, China - Reezaa today started 15-day giveaway of JPG to PDF Converter for Mac. The product regular price is $29.95 USD, but users can get it for free during this giveaway period. JPG to PDF Converter for Mac is a business PDF creation tool creates PDF documents and contracts from scanned images or digital photos on Mac OS. To get started, Users drops scanned images or photos onto the application, and the image format can be in JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PNG or GIF.
If necessary, the converter allows changing the sequence of pages by clicking Move Up and Move Down buttons, or dragging and dropping the file list row. Once that's done, users click Convert Now, and the process begins. In a few seconds, the PDF file can be found in the output folder. Now it's possible to send the PDF document by email, copy to flash disk, or upload to the website for the world to see.
This giveaway is 100% free and full functional.
Pricing and Availability:
During the giveaway period, JPG to PDF Converter for Mac is available for free from the product website. It requires Mac OS X 10.6 or later. More information on JPG to PDF Converter for Mac can be found online. JPG to PDF Converter for Mac is available for reviews and cover disk of magazines.
JPG to PDF Converter: http://www.jpgtopdf
Giveaway: http://www.jpgtopdf
Download JPG to PDF Converter: http://www.jpgtopdf
Purchase: https://secure.
Sceenshot: http://www.jpgtopdf
App Icon: http://www.jpgtopdf
Founded in 2004, Reezaa develops conversion software for Windows and Mac OS. The company relies on its extensive experience in developing conversion utilities that have already demonstrated their technical excellence and ease of use in thousands of homes worldwide. Its products include PDFZilla, MP3 Converter, MP3 Cutter, PDF OCR and JPG To PDF Converter. Copyright (C) 2012 Reezaa. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Derk Noz
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Thu Jul 5, 2012 6:45 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Digital Heaven Makes Final Cut Pro 7 eBook Available for Free - Published on 07/05/12
Digital Heaven today announces their eBook, Final Cut Pro Killer Secrets, by Martin Baker is now available for free download. This PDF eBook is packed with the hottest tips and time saving techniques for the Final Cut Pro 7 editor. With useful reference material and keyboard shortcuts, it unlocks the potential of the application. Written in a clear, accessible style, its 10 chapters cover a comprehensive range of subjects including capturing, importing, editing, effects, audio and exporting.
London, United Kingdom - Digital Heaven, one of the leading third party developers for Apple Final Cut Pro and Motion, today announces that 'Final Cut Pro Killer Secrets' by Martin Baker is available for free download (previously $9.99). This 122 page eBook is a collection of over 170 tips and time saving techniques for the Final Cut Pro 7 editor. Written in a clear and accessible style, its 10 chapters cover a comprehensive range of subjects including capturing, importing, editing, effects, audio and exporting.
"While the debate about Final Cut Pro X continues to rumble on, there are many thousands of editors continuing to do great work with earlier versions of Final Cut Pro." said author Martin Baker. "As the last release of its generation, Final Cut Pro 7 contains a tremendous number of hidden features just waiting to be discovered and that's where 'Final Cut Pro Killer Secrets' comes in."
The eBook will appeal to a broad audience and has something for everyone whether the user has been editing for five months or five years. Packed with useful reference material and keyboard shortcuts, it unlocks the potential of the application and helps the reader to work faster and more efficiently. The ability to search the PDF document enables fast access to information when it's needed, making it the ideal companion to Final Cut Pro 7.
'Final Cut Pro Killer Secrets' joins freeware plug-ins such as grid, guides and widescreen safe area generators. Digital Heaven continues to offer its popular range of products for Final Cut Pro 7 and X including 'Final Cut Pro X Unleashed' ($14.99), a 300 page must-have eBook for anyone making the transition.
About the Author:
Martin Baker is the founder and managing director of Digital Heaven and was a broadcast editor for 13 years. His extensive work with Final Cut Pro includes post production for the BBC and Channel 4. Martin is one of the leading innovative third party developers within the Final Cut Pro community and has previously been an Apple Certified Trainer.
Final Cut Pro Killer Secrets is available for free download by request on the Digital Heaven website.
Digital Heaven: http://www.digital-heaven.co.uk
Final Cut Pro Killer Secrets: http://www.digital-heaven.co.uk/killersecrets
Download: http://www.digital-heaven.co.uk/freeware
Meida Kit: http://www.digital-heaven.co.uk/press/
Digital Heaven was founded in 2000 by ex-BBC Resources video editor Martin Baker. For six years the company provided broadcast post production facilities for clients such as the BBC, Channel Four and many independent production companies. After the success of their first software products, the company shifted its focus in 2005 to exclusively concentrate on software development. In total, 20 Final Cut Plug-ins, 6 Final Cut Effects, 6 applications and 2 eBooks have been added to the product range. Copyright (C) 2012 Digital Heaven. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac OS X, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
Martin Baker
Managing Director
United Kingdom
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.com/digitalheaven
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45051&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45051.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45051
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-714.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-714.htm
Digital Heaven today announces their eBook, Final Cut Pro Killer Secrets, by Martin Baker is now available for free download. This PDF eBook is packed with the hottest tips and time saving techniques for the Final Cut Pro 7 editor. With useful reference material and keyboard shortcuts, it unlocks the potential of the application. Written in a clear, accessible style, its 10 chapters cover a comprehensive range of subjects including capturing, importing, editing, effects, audio and exporting.
London, United Kingdom - Digital Heaven, one of the leading third party developers for Apple Final Cut Pro and Motion, today announces that 'Final Cut Pro Killer Secrets' by Martin Baker is available for free download (previously $9.99). This 122 page eBook is a collection of over 170 tips and time saving techniques for the Final Cut Pro 7 editor. Written in a clear and accessible style, its 10 chapters cover a comprehensive range of subjects including capturing, importing, editing, effects, audio and exporting.
"While the debate about Final Cut Pro X continues to rumble on, there are many thousands of editors continuing to do great work with earlier versions of Final Cut Pro." said author Martin Baker. "As the last release of its generation, Final Cut Pro 7 contains a tremendous number of hidden features just waiting to be discovered and that's where 'Final Cut Pro Killer Secrets' comes in."
The eBook will appeal to a broad audience and has something for everyone whether the user has been editing for five months or five years. Packed with useful reference material and keyboard shortcuts, it unlocks the potential of the application and helps the reader to work faster and more efficiently. The ability to search the PDF document enables fast access to information when it's needed, making it the ideal companion to Final Cut Pro 7.
'Final Cut Pro Killer Secrets' joins freeware plug-ins such as grid, guides and widescreen safe area generators. Digital Heaven continues to offer its popular range of products for Final Cut Pro 7 and X including 'Final Cut Pro X Unleashed' ($14.99), a 300 page must-have eBook for anyone making the transition.
About the Author:
Martin Baker is the founder and managing director of Digital Heaven and was a broadcast editor for 13 years. His extensive work with Final Cut Pro includes post production for the BBC and Channel 4. Martin is one of the leading innovative third party developers within the Final Cut Pro community and has previously been an Apple Certified Trainer.
Final Cut Pro Killer Secrets is available for free download by request on the Digital Heaven website.
Digital Heaven: http://www.digital-
Final Cut Pro Killer Secrets: http://www.digital-
Download: http://www.digital-
Meida Kit: http://www.digital-
Digital Heaven was founded in 2000 by ex-BBC Resources video editor Martin Baker. For six years the company provided broadcast post production facilities for clients such as the BBC, Channel Four and many independent production companies. After the success of their first software products, the company shifted its focus in 2005 to exclusively concentrate on software development. In total, 20 Final Cut Plug-ins, 6 Final Cut Effects, 6 applications and 2 eBooks have been added to the product range. Copyright (C) 2012 Digital Heaven. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac OS X, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
Martin Baker
Managing Director
United Kingdom
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Thu Jul 5, 2012 7:00 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
A Long Way Home Free - Now on the iPad, Droid, Kindle Fire and Nook - Published on 07/05/12
Indie Developer Jonathan Mulcahy today announces A Long Way Home Free 1.4 for iPad. A Long Way Home Free is an action, physics, puzzle game set in space. Players make their way through 10 levels, jumping from asteroid to asteroid, collecting enough dark matter to open a portal to the next level. After a catastrophic ship explosion, players must make their way home, 1 light year at a time. Encounter exploding asteroids, teleporting dark matter, comets and more on an epic journey home.
Kingston, Massachusetts - You have been stranded 100 light years from Earth, can you survive the long way home? Indie Developer Jonathan Mulcahy is pleased to announce A Long Way Home Free, now available on the iPad. After a catastrophic ship explosion, you must make your way home 1 light year at a time. Encounter exploding asteroids, teleporting dark matter, comets and more on your epic journey home.
A Long Way Home Free is a action, physics, puzzle game set in space. Making you way through the first 10 levels of A Long Way Home you must jump from asteroid to asteroid collecting enough dark matter to open a portal to the next level.
"A Long Way Home has all the hallmarks for an indie sleeper hit on the iPad." - Pocket Gamer
"Not many mobile or tablet games actually evoke an emotional response, but this game does." - The Smart Phone App Review"
"If you're up for patient, thoughtful gameplay that makes for an evocative experience, you should give A Long Way Home a shot." - Touch Arcade
4 Stars - Touch Arcade
"Only a handful of games for the iPad can produce an emotional response, as A Long Way Home did for me. I hope it can do the same for you." - Appolicious
* Game Center Leaderboards for each stage (iOS only)
* 10 Levels)
* Physics Style Gameplay
* Multiple Control Methods
* Stunning Graphics
* Fantastic Ambient Music
Device Requirements:
* Requires iPad with iOS 4.2 or later
* 78.6 MB
Pricing and Availability:
A Long Way Home Free 1.4 for iPad is free and available worldwide through the App Store in the Games category. A full version of the app is available for $0.99. A Long Way Home Free is available for iPad, Google Play, Amazon App Store, Kindle Fire and Nook Tablet.
How I Hate The Night: http://www.howihatethenight.com/
A Long Way Home 1.4: http://howihatethenight.com/app/alongwayhome/
Download from iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/app/a-long-way-home-free/id533842857
Amazon App Store: http://www.amazon.com/A-Long-Way-Home-Free/dp/B008DKAZE0/ref=sr_1_4?s=mobile-apps&ie=UTF8&qid=1340330061&sr=1-4
Nook Color: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-long-way-home-jonathan-mulcahy/1108428154
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.howihatethenight.alongwayhomefree
Jonathan Mulcahy is an independent software developer living 30 minutes south of Boston, MA. Previously released games include Z is for Zombie, Obliteration and A Long Way Home. When not developing mobile Games, he spends his time at home with his Wife and Daughter. Copyright (C) 2012 Jonathan Mulcahy. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Jonathan Mulcahy
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45015&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45015.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45015
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-13235.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-13235.htm
Indie Developer Jonathan Mulcahy today announces A Long Way Home Free 1.4 for iPad. A Long Way Home Free is an action, physics, puzzle game set in space. Players make their way through 10 levels, jumping from asteroid to asteroid, collecting enough dark matter to open a portal to the next level. After a catastrophic ship explosion, players must make their way home, 1 light year at a time. Encounter exploding asteroids, teleporting dark matter, comets and more on an epic journey home.
Kingston, Massachusetts - You have been stranded 100 light years from Earth, can you survive the long way home? Indie Developer Jonathan Mulcahy is pleased to announce A Long Way Home Free, now available on the iPad. After a catastrophic ship explosion, you must make your way home 1 light year at a time. Encounter exploding asteroids, teleporting dark matter, comets and more on your epic journey home.
A Long Way Home Free is a action, physics, puzzle game set in space. Making you way through the first 10 levels of A Long Way Home you must jump from asteroid to asteroid collecting enough dark matter to open a portal to the next level.
"A Long Way Home has all the hallmarks for an indie sleeper hit on the iPad." - Pocket Gamer
"Not many mobile or tablet games actually evoke an emotional response, but this game does." - The Smart Phone App Review"
"If you're up for patient, thoughtful gameplay that makes for an evocative experience, you should give A Long Way Home a shot." - Touch Arcade
4 Stars - Touch Arcade
"Only a handful of games for the iPad can produce an emotional response, as A Long Way Home did for me. I hope it can do the same for you." - Appolicious
* Game Center Leaderboards for each stage (iOS only)
* 10 Levels)
* Physics Style Gameplay
* Multiple Control Methods
* Stunning Graphics
* Fantastic Ambient Music
Device Requirements:
* Requires iPad with iOS 4.2 or later
* 78.6 MB
Pricing and Availability:
A Long Way Home Free 1.4 for iPad is free and available worldwide through the App Store in the Games category. A full version of the app is available for $0.99. A Long Way Home Free is available for iPad, Google Play, Amazon App Store, Kindle Fire and Nook Tablet.
How I Hate The Night: http://www.howihate
A Long Way Home 1.4: http://howihatethen
Download from iTunes: http://itunes.
Amazon App Store: http://www.amazon.
Nook Color: http://www.barnesan
Google Play: https://play.
Jonathan Mulcahy is an independent software developer living 30 minutes south of Boston, MA. Previously released games include Z is for Zombie, Obliteration and A Long Way Home. When not developing mobile Games, he spends his time at home with his Wife and Daughter. Copyright (C) 2012 Jonathan Mulcahy. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Jonathan Mulcahy
United States
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Thu Jul 5, 2012 7:15 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Maintain Releases Cocktail 6.0 (Mountain Lion Edition) - Published on 07/05/12
Maintain has released Cocktail 6.0 (Mountain Lion Edition). Cocktail (Mountain Lion Edition) is a new edition of Cocktail that is fully compatible with the upcoming OS X Mountain Lion (10.8). Cocktail is a general purpose utility for OS X that lets you clean, repair and optimize your Mac. It comes with an automatic Pilot mode that allows you to simply press a button to activate Cocktail. Note that Cocktail (Mountain Lion Edition) requires OS X Mountain Lion or OS X Mountain Lion Server to run.
Ekero, Sweden - Maintain has announced the release and immediate availability of Cocktail 6.0 (Mountain Lion Edition). Cocktail (Mountain Lion Edition) is a new edition of Cocktail that is fully compatible with the upcoming Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8).
Cocktail is a general purpose utility for OS X that lets you clean, repair and optimize your Mac. The application serves up a perfect mix of maintenance tools and tweaks, all accessible through a clean and easy to use interface. Cocktail's features are arranged into five categories that helps you manage various aspects of your computer. It also comes with an automatic Pilot mode that allows you to simply press a button and relax, knowing that Cocktail will take care of the rest.
System Requirements:
Cocktail 6.0 (Mountain Lion Edition) requires OS X Mountain Lion or OS X Mountain Lion Server (10.8). Cocktail (Lion Edition) for OS X 10.7, Cocktail (Snow Leopard Edition) for OS X 10.6 and Cocktail (Leopard Edition) for OS X 10.5 are available for download from our website.
Pricing and Availability:
Cocktail is $14.00 (USD) for a Single User License and available for purchase from the Maintain website. The license is valid for Mountain Lion, Lion and Snow Leopard and editions of Cocktail. Cocktail (Leopard Edition) is distributed as freeware and does not require a license.
Cocktail 6.0 (Mountain Lion Edition): http://maintain.se/cocktail
Download Cocktail 6.0 (Mountain Lion Edition): http://usa.maintain.se/CocktailMLE.dmg
Purchase Cocktail 6.0 (Mountain Lion Edition): http://maintain.se/cocktail
Screenshot 1: http://www.maintain.se/downloads/screenshots/screenshot1.png
Screenshot 2: http://www.maintain.se/downloads/screenshots/screenshot2.png
App Icon: http://www.maintain.se/downloads/screenshots/icon.png
Maintain develops tailored applications for Mac users. We work towards creating technical solutions which maintain your computer and make it as efficient and easy to use as possible. In addition, we offer comprehensive consultancy and support services which cover everything from operation of existing systems to purchase and implementation of new technical solutions. Among our clients are: Puma, The New York Times, Sony Pictures, Ericsson, Fortum, The City Of Calgary, Peak Performance, Loreal, Harvard University, Los Angeles Times, Swedish Film Institute, Weber, ESPN, Business Week, Swedish National Police Board, Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, Getty Images, University of Texas, South Park Studios, CompUSA, bwin, Lockheed Martin, Defense Intelligence Agency, University of Michigan and hundred of thousands of Mac users around the world. Copyright (C) 2012 Maintain. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo and Mac are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other
Kristofer Szymanski
Media contact
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45052&ac=dTVcsIjs
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RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-372.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-372.htm
Maintain has released Cocktail 6.0 (Mountain Lion Edition). Cocktail (Mountain Lion Edition) is a new edition of Cocktail that is fully compatible with the upcoming OS X Mountain Lion (10.8). Cocktail is a general purpose utility for OS X that lets you clean, repair and optimize your Mac. It comes with an automatic Pilot mode that allows you to simply press a button to activate Cocktail. Note that Cocktail (Mountain Lion Edition) requires OS X Mountain Lion or OS X Mountain Lion Server to run.
Ekero, Sweden - Maintain has announced the release and immediate availability of Cocktail 6.0 (Mountain Lion Edition). Cocktail (Mountain Lion Edition) is a new edition of Cocktail that is fully compatible with the upcoming Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8).
Cocktail is a general purpose utility for OS X that lets you clean, repair and optimize your Mac. The application serves up a perfect mix of maintenance tools and tweaks, all accessible through a clean and easy to use interface. Cocktail's features are arranged into five categories that helps you manage various aspects of your computer. It also comes with an automatic Pilot mode that allows you to simply press a button and relax, knowing that Cocktail will take care of the rest.
System Requirements:
Cocktail 6.0 (Mountain Lion Edition) requires OS X Mountain Lion or OS X Mountain Lion Server (10.8). Cocktail (Lion Edition) for OS X 10.7, Cocktail (Snow Leopard Edition) for OS X 10.6 and Cocktail (Leopard Edition) for OS X 10.5 are available for download from our website.
Pricing and Availability:
Cocktail is $14.00 (USD) for a Single User License and available for purchase from the Maintain website. The license is valid for Mountain Lion, Lion and Snow Leopard and editions of Cocktail. Cocktail (Leopard Edition) is distributed as freeware and does not require a license.
Cocktail 6.0 (Mountain Lion Edition): http://maintain.
Download Cocktail 6.0 (Mountain Lion Edition): http://usa.maintain
Purchase Cocktail 6.0 (Mountain Lion Edition): http://maintain.
Screenshot 1: http://www.maintain
Screenshot 2: http://www.maintain
App Icon: http://www.maintain
Maintain develops tailored applications for Mac users. We work towards creating technical solutions which maintain your computer and make it as efficient and easy to use as possible. In addition, we offer comprehensive consultancy and support services which cover everything from operation of existing systems to purchase and implementation of new technical solutions. Among our clients are: Puma, The New York Times, Sony Pictures, Ericsson, Fortum, The City Of Calgary, Peak Performance, Loreal, Harvard University, Los Angeles Times, Swedish Film Institute, Weber, ESPN, Business Week, Swedish National Police Board, Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, Getty Images, University of Texas, South Park Studios, CompUSA, bwin, Lockheed Martin, Defense Intelligence Agency, University of Michigan and hundred of thousands of Mac users around the world. Copyright (C) 2012 Maintain. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo and Mac are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other
Kristofer Szymanski
Media contact
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Thu Jul 5, 2012 7:45 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Jump Dog vs. Angry Monsters 1.0 for iOS: A Next-Gen Cinematic Jumper - Published on 07/04/12
Jump Dog vs. Angry Monsters 1.0, a new iOS jumper, pushes the jumper genre forward with a game that features fluid animations, cinematic music and a touch of humor. Gamers play as a cute dog with superpowers, including the very canine "toxic toot". Jump Dog battles his way up 9 different stages by jumping and flying while collecting coins and powerups, shooting zombies and avoiding powerdowns. The player decides when to use his powers instead of picking them up, as in popular jumpers.
Montreal, Canada - Montreal, Canada - Maguy Studios today introduces Jump Dog vs. Angry Monsters 1.0, a new iOS jumper, free for a limited time.
"I am a big fan of jumping games like Doodle Jump and Mega Jump so our goal was to push the genre forward by creating a game that is like a mini-movie with fluid animations, cinematic music and a touch of humor," says Louis-Marius Gendreau, owner of Maguy Studios.
As Jump Dog, an adorable dog with floppy ears and a cape, you jump, fly and battle monsters. As we all know, a "Toxic Toot" is Fido's most formidable super power and Jump Dog uses it to funny effect to get rid of the bad guys. You can also use "Super Jump" and "Magnetic Pull". As a further twist, the player decides when to use his superpowers instead of picking them up in the levels as in other popular games of the genre.
Jump Dog battles his way up through 9 different stages: hell, caves, crypts, cemeteries and all the way up to space in search of the wicked zombies. The levels are dynamically generated from hand-crafted blocks so game-play is always new and exciting and the developer says there are more to come. The cute dog can pick up power-ups like levitation, coin multipliers and boosts while avoiding traps like time warps and blackouts. He can also upgrade his superpowers using the coins he picks up along the way.
The universal app is now free and plays on the iPhone, iPod touch or on the big screen iPad for an even better gaming experience. For additional information and a gameplay video, visit Maguy Studios online.
* Upgradable superpowers
* Special visual effects like zooms and the use of slow motion
* Fly through nine stages: Hell, the Cave, the Crypt, the Cemetery, Space and more
* Zip through levels by picking up coins and power-ups
* Avoid power-downs
* The game offers a cinematic musical score.
* Play it on your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad
Language Support:
American English and German
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 4.1 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 18.3 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Jump Dog vs. Angry Monsters 1.0 is free for a limited time and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.
Jump Dog vs. Angry Monsters 1.0: http://www.maguystudios.com
Download from iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/app/id488719552
Screenshot 1: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/101/Purple/v4/ab/e2/90/abe290d3-1304-7388-9faa-f90ae03b080e/mza_5729761912861701894.320x480-75.jpg
Screenshot 2: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/106/Purple/v4/83/cc/60/83cc606a-110b-4618-7efb-aadc5e61cfda/mza_3461029091373092359.320x480-75.jpg
Screenshot 3: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/061/Purple/v4/0c/05/43/0c0543de-7596-4a44-228c-8a37825bf052/mza_8443349446234073353.320x480-75.jpg
App Icon: http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/088/Purple/v4/3a/3a/7c/3a3a7c68-eab8-ba9e-e2f0-6955a79fd380/mza_7090529463162201838.175x175-75.jpg
Maguy Studios develops apps that aim to be quick gaming fixes for the iOS platform. The studio was founded in 2011 by Louis-Marius Gendreau, a serial entrepreneur who has been active in the tech industry since 1991. Copyright (C) 2012 Maguy Studios. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Louis-Marius Gendreau
Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/JumpDogVsKillerMonsters
Twitter Profile: https://twitter.com/# !/MaguyStudios
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45053&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45053.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45053
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-21595.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-21595.htm
Jump Dog vs. Angry Monsters 1.0, a new iOS jumper, pushes the jumper genre forward with a game that features fluid animations, cinematic music and a touch of humor. Gamers play as a cute dog with superpowers, including the very canine "toxic toot". Jump Dog battles his way up 9 different stages by jumping and flying while collecting coins and powerups, shooting zombies and avoiding powerdowns. The player decides when to use his powers instead of picking them up, as in popular jumpers.
Montreal, Canada - Montreal, Canada - Maguy Studios today introduces Jump Dog vs. Angry Monsters 1.0, a new iOS jumper, free for a limited time.
"I am a big fan of jumping games like Doodle Jump and Mega Jump so our goal was to push the genre forward by creating a game that is like a mini-movie with fluid animations, cinematic music and a touch of humor," says Louis-Marius Gendreau, owner of Maguy Studios.
As Jump Dog, an adorable dog with floppy ears and a cape, you jump, fly and battle monsters. As we all know, a "Toxic Toot" is Fido's most formidable super power and Jump Dog uses it to funny effect to get rid of the bad guys. You can also use "Super Jump" and "Magnetic Pull". As a further twist, the player decides when to use his superpowers instead of picking them up in the levels as in other popular games of the genre.
Jump Dog battles his way up through 9 different stages: hell, caves, crypts, cemeteries and all the way up to space in search of the wicked zombies. The levels are dynamically generated from hand-crafted blocks so game-play is always new and exciting and the developer says there are more to come. The cute dog can pick up power-ups like levitation, coin multipliers and boosts while avoiding traps like time warps and blackouts. He can also upgrade his superpowers using the coins he picks up along the way.
The universal app is now free and plays on the iPhone, iPod touch or on the big screen iPad for an even better gaming experience. For additional information and a gameplay video, visit Maguy Studios online.
* Upgradable superpowers
* Special visual effects like zooms and the use of slow motion
* Fly through nine stages: Hell, the Cave, the Crypt, the Cemetery, Space and more
* Zip through levels by picking up coins and power-ups
* Avoid power-downs
* The game offers a cinematic musical score.
* Play it on your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad
Language Support:
American English and German
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 4.1 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 18.3 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Jump Dog vs. Angry Monsters 1.0 is free for a limited time and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.
Jump Dog vs. Angry Monsters 1.0: http://www.maguystu
Download from iTunes: http://itunes.
Screenshot 1: http://a4.mzstatic.
Screenshot 2: http://a2.mzstatic.
Screenshot 3: http://a3.mzstatic.
App Icon: http://a5.mzstatic.
Maguy Studios develops apps that aim to be quick gaming fixes for the iOS platform. The studio was founded in 2011 by Louis-Marius Gendreau, a serial entrepreneur who has been active in the tech industry since 1991. Copyright (C) 2012 Maguy Studios. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Louis-Marius Gendreau
Facebook Profile: https://www.
Twitter Profile: https://twitter.
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Thu Jul 5, 2012 8:30 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Nihilumbra 1.1 for iOS: Nihilism Has Never Been So Beautiful - Published on 07/05/12
Beautifun Games announces Nihilumbra 1.1 for iOS, a new video game that brings new experiences to the Apple store.
Not only does it boast hand painted dark environments, nightmarish monsters, and a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack, it tells a story that really panders to the existential dread lurking within us all. Gamers play as the main character, Born, created from a type of anti-matter known as The Void, a dark mass of nothingness, on a quest to restore balance to the universe.
Barcelona, Spain - Beautifun Games is pleased to announce Nihilumbra 1.1 for iOS, a new video game that brings new experiences to the Apple store. Not only does it boast hand painted dark environments, nightmarish monsters, and a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack, it tells a story that really panders to the existential dread lurking within us all.
Face an inevitable fate:
You play as the main character, Born, created from a type of anti-matter known as The Void, a dark mass of nothingness. The Void turns out to be the main antagonist throughout the game; it abhors the very existence of Born and will relentlessly pursue him, destroying all in it's path and sending out shadowy minions to reabsorb him and thus restore balance to the universe.
A totally different experience:
More than your typical platform game, Nihilumbra's main feature is the ability to modify the environment through the use of color. There are five colors to find, which grant you various abilities to change the physics of the world. Different colors may solve puzzles or dispatch enemies depending on how you apply them. There is often more than one way of solving each puzzle, and the ability to paint wherever you please and experiment really adds a unique creative element to the game.
A long and dangerous journey:
The game is also huge as far as iOS games go with over 10 hours of gameplay. There are 5 worlds increasing in complexity, culminating in an exciting twist that opens up a whole new challenge. Plus, once the game is completed in it's entirety a great surprise is unlocked ensuring replayability.
Nihilumbra has been received very well by the iOS gaming community and has already been given many glowing reviews:
"Nihilumbra is one of those games you're going to finish and remember. It feels like a combination of S&S and Waking Mars. Memorable." - Sean Yuan, USA. 5 stars.
"It's gorgeous, entertaining and clever. And that's before we get to the story." - Nissa Campbell, Touch Arcade. 4.5 Stars.
"Really beautiful game. Thought-provoking, colorful, imaginative, dark, simple, and fun. More games like this please!" - Zimmerman's Way, USA. 5 star.
Device Requirements:
* 3/4Gen iPhone, iPad, or 3/4Gen iPod touch
* Requires iOS 3.1.3 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 144.0 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Nihilumbra 1.1 is only $0.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.
Beautifun Games: http://www.beautifungames.com
Nihilumbra 1.1: http://www.nihilumbra.com
Press Kit (zip): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5881643/Press%20Kit%20 (English).zip
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.apple.com/app/nihilumbra/id500161349
YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4Tzy_p6wEU
App Icon: http://i50.tinypic.com/15ocorc.png
Beautifun Games is an Indie development team based in Sabadell, near Barcelona. We are committed to creating original and quality games that are above all, beautiful and fun. For more information, or if you would like to schedule an interview with us, please contact us. Copyright (C) 2012 Beautifun Games. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Aniol Alcaraz
General Manager
Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/BeautiFunGames
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45054&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45054.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45054
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-21612.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-21612.htm
Beautifun Games announces Nihilumbra 1.1 for iOS, a new video game that brings new experiences to the Apple store.
Not only does it boast hand painted dark environments, nightmarish monsters, and a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack, it tells a story that really panders to the existential dread lurking within us all. Gamers play as the main character, Born, created from a type of anti-matter known as The Void, a dark mass of nothingness, on a quest to restore balance to the universe.
Barcelona, Spain - Beautifun Games is pleased to announce Nihilumbra 1.1 for iOS, a new video game that brings new experiences to the Apple store. Not only does it boast hand painted dark environments, nightmarish monsters, and a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack, it tells a story that really panders to the existential dread lurking within us all.
Face an inevitable fate:
You play as the main character, Born, created from a type of anti-matter known as The Void, a dark mass of nothingness. The Void turns out to be the main antagonist throughout the game; it abhors the very existence of Born and will relentlessly pursue him, destroying all in it's path and sending out shadowy minions to reabsorb him and thus restore balance to the universe.
A totally different experience:
More than your typical platform game, Nihilumbra's main feature is the ability to modify the environment through the use of color. There are five colors to find, which grant you various abilities to change the physics of the world. Different colors may solve puzzles or dispatch enemies depending on how you apply them. There is often more than one way of solving each puzzle, and the ability to paint wherever you please and experiment really adds a unique creative element to the game.
A long and dangerous journey:
The game is also huge as far as iOS games go with over 10 hours of gameplay. There are 5 worlds increasing in complexity, culminating in an exciting twist that opens up a whole new challenge. Plus, once the game is completed in it's entirety a great surprise is unlocked ensuring replayability.
Nihilumbra has been received very well by the iOS gaming community and has already been given many glowing reviews:
"Nihilumbra is one of those games you're going to finish and remember. It feels like a combination of S&S and Waking Mars. Memorable." - Sean Yuan, USA. 5 stars.
"It's gorgeous, entertaining and clever. And that's before we get to the story." - Nissa Campbell, Touch Arcade. 4.5 Stars.
"Really beautiful game. Thought-provoking, colorful, imaginative, dark, simple, and fun. More games like this please!" - Zimmerman's Way, USA. 5 star.
Device Requirements:
* 3/4Gen iPhone, iPad, or 3/4Gen iPod touch
* Requires iOS 3.1.3 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 144.0 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Nihilumbra 1.1 is only $0.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.
Beautifun Games: http://www.beautifu
Nihilumbra 1.1: http://www.nihilumb
Press Kit (zip): http://dl.dropbox.
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.
YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.
App Icon: http://i50.tinypic.
Beautifun Games is an Indie development team based in Sabadell, near Barcelona. We are committed to creating original and quality games that are above all, beautiful and fun. For more information, or if you would like to schedule an interview with us, please contact us. Copyright (C) 2012 Beautifun Games. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Aniol Alcaraz
General Manager
Facebook Profile: https://www.
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Thu Jul 5, 2012 9:45 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Scanner Pro 4.1 for iOS: Portable Scanner Redesigned, Gets iCloud Sync - Published on 07/05/12
Readdle today announces Scanner Pro 4.1, the latest update to their popular scanning application, that turns the new iPad and iPhone into portable scanners. Scans saved on the iPhone can be emailed, sent to Dropbox, printed or faxed worldwide. The new version introduces a totally redesigned interface that streamlines scanning experience on the iPhone, and gets iCloud integration to keep scans accessible from both iPad and iPhone.
Odessa, Ukraine - Readdle has today launched Scanner Pro 4.1, its latest update to a popular scanning application, that turns the new iPad and iPhone into portable scanners. The new version introduced a totally redesigned interface that streamlines scanning workflow on the iPhone, and gets iCloud integration to keep scans accessible from both iPad and iPhone.
The latest version sports a completely new interface, making scanning quicker and more efficient on the iPhone. With the updated set of tools scanning can be done in a few taps. Once the photo of the document is taken, Scanner Pro will identify the document edges and save the picture as either a greyscale, document or colour photographic scan. After the scan is saved on the iPhone, it can be emailed, sent to Dropbox, printed or even faxed worldwide.
Thanks to the new iCloud syncing, once the contract, receipt or letter is scanned using the iPhone, within seconds it will appear in Scanner Pro on the iPad. This can be fantastic, as on-the-go documents can be scanned using your iPhone, and then reviewed on the iPad's larger screen later in the day. Scanner Pro 4.1 syncs scans between iPad and iPhone without any interaction from users. Everything is done automatically.
"A lot of thought went into the design of Scanner Pro 4.1. Every detail, button and tool was reworked to make scanning process as fast and reliable as it can be. iCloud integration in Scanner Pro is the next logical step to increase our user's productivity and efficiency. The ability to access all scans from both iPhone and iPad is a huge lead for business professionals who need to stay flexible and paperless wherever they go". says Readdle CEO, Igor Zhadanov.
For best scanning results it is recommended to use devices with high quality cameras, which includes iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and the new iPad.
Language Support:
American English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Turkish
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 5.0 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 16.9 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Scanner Pro 4.1 is $6.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Business category. The upgrade is free for existing application owners. Enterprise licensing is available upon request.
Readdle: http://readdle.com
Scanner Pro 4: http://readdle.com/products/scannerpro/
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.apple.com/app/scanner-pro-scan-multipage/id333710667?mt=8
Screenshot: http://readdle.com/prmac/ScannerPro4.1.png
App Icon: http://readdle.com/img/scannerpro/main_banner_icon.png
Readdle provides productivity and business software that helps iOS users to use desktop-class features on their mobile devices. Readdle products include top rated software centered on document management, collaboration and personal productivity on the go. Since 2008 more than 1,400,000 people around the the world rely on Readdle's software to carry files, review documents, capture important information and manage personal schedules. Readdle products are available through the Apple App Store and enterprise licensing. Copyright (C) 2011 Readdle. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Irene Chernyavska
PR Manager
+1 (408) 512-2630
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/Readdle
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.com/readdle
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45055&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45055.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45055
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-547.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-547.htm
Readdle today announces Scanner Pro 4.1, the latest update to their popular scanning application, that turns the new iPad and iPhone into portable scanners. Scans saved on the iPhone can be emailed, sent to Dropbox, printed or faxed worldwide. The new version introduces a totally redesigned interface that streamlines scanning experience on the iPhone, and gets iCloud integration to keep scans accessible from both iPad and iPhone.
Odessa, Ukraine - Readdle has today launched Scanner Pro 4.1, its latest update to a popular scanning application, that turns the new iPad and iPhone into portable scanners. The new version introduced a totally redesigned interface that streamlines scanning workflow on the iPhone, and gets iCloud integration to keep scans accessible from both iPad and iPhone.
The latest version sports a completely new interface, making scanning quicker and more efficient on the iPhone. With the updated set of tools scanning can be done in a few taps. Once the photo of the document is taken, Scanner Pro will identify the document edges and save the picture as either a greyscale, document or colour photographic scan. After the scan is saved on the iPhone, it can be emailed, sent to Dropbox, printed or even faxed worldwide.
Thanks to the new iCloud syncing, once the contract, receipt or letter is scanned using the iPhone, within seconds it will appear in Scanner Pro on the iPad. This can be fantastic, as on-the-go documents can be scanned using your iPhone, and then reviewed on the iPad's larger screen later in the day. Scanner Pro 4.1 syncs scans between iPad and iPhone without any interaction from users. Everything is done automatically.
"A lot of thought went into the design of Scanner Pro 4.1. Every detail, button and tool was reworked to make scanning process as fast and reliable as it can be. iCloud integration in Scanner Pro is the next logical step to increase our user's productivity and efficiency. The ability to access all scans from both iPhone and iPad is a huge lead for business professionals who need to stay flexible and paperless wherever they go". says Readdle CEO, Igor Zhadanov.
For best scanning results it is recommended to use devices with high quality cameras, which includes iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and the new iPad.
Language Support:
American English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Turkish
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 5.0 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 16.9 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Scanner Pro 4.1 is $6.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Business category. The upgrade is free for existing application owners. Enterprise licensing is available upon request.
Readdle: http://readdle.
Scanner Pro 4: http://readdle.
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.
Screenshot: http://readdle.
App Icon: http://readdle.
Readdle provides productivity and business software that helps iOS users to use desktop-class features on their mobile devices. Readdle products include top rated software centered on document management, collaboration and personal productivity on the go. Since 2008 more than 1,400,000 people around the the world rely on Readdle's software to carry files, review documents, capture important information and manage personal schedules. Readdle products are available through the Apple App Store and enterprise licensing. Copyright (C) 2011 Readdle. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Irene Chernyavska
PR Manager
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Thu Jul 5, 2012 10:00 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Outwitters 1.0 for iOS - Asynchronous Multiplayer Strategy Game - Published on 07/05/12
From the makers of Tilt to Live, Outwitters 1.0 for iOS is a multiplayer strategy gamethat can be played 1-on-1 or 2-on-2, asynchronously or as a "pass and play" session. It features a league matchmaking system designed to pair up users of similar skill, so you don't even need to bring friends to have fun. The game is multiplayer only, played by spawning and maneuvering troops across the battlefield to reach and destroy an opposing player's base.
Montgomery, Alabama - One Man Left today is pleased to introduce Outwitters 1.0 for iOS, a multiplayer strategy game that can be played 1-on-1 or 2-on-2, asynchronously or as a "pass and play" session. It features a league matchmaking system designed to pair up users of similar skill, so you don't even need to bring friends to have fun. The app is universal for iPhone and iPad, it uses your Game Center account so there's no extra sign up, and is free to play.
The game is multiplayer only, played by spawning and maneuvering troops across the battlefield to reach and destroy an opposing player's base. All movement and character spawning is tied to a resource called Wits. Winning a match depends on making wise Wit investments, and on clever use of the board's fog of war system. Each player can only see as far as their army can move, so strategic use of the faster scout units can keep you one step ahead of your opponent.
There are three teams in the release version, each sharing five standard unit types (soldier, runner, heavy, medic and sniper), but boasting one specialty unit with a unique advantage. The Scallywags, a free team available on install, are fish pirates whose special character functions as a super-sniper with splash damage. For in-app purchase, users can unlock a robot army called the Feedback, whose Scrambler character enslaves enemy units, and a collection of ridiculously cute creatures called the Adorables, whose Mobi whale unit teleports allies across the map. Each team purchase includes 3 themed, home-turf maps for use in Friendly and Pass-n-Play matches.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 4.3 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 247.0 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Outwitters 1.0 is free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.
Outwitters 1.0: http://www.onemanleft.com/
iTunes Store Link: http://itunes.apple.com/app/outwitters/id432969074
YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z9R7H-OZb8
Press Kit: http://www.onemanleft.com/outwitterspresskit.rar
One Man Left is a two man team based in Montgomery, Alabama, USA. Adam Stewart provides the artwork, and Alex Okafor writes the code. They first arrived on the App Store scene in 2010 with an iPhone title called Tilt to Live, which won critical acclaim including a Game of the Year nod from AppAdvice online. Outwitters is their fourth iOS app and second IP. Copyright (C) 2012 One Man Left. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Adam Stewart
United States
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RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-5888.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-5888.htm
From the makers of Tilt to Live, Outwitters 1.0 for iOS is a multiplayer strategy gamethat can be played 1-on-1 or 2-on-2, asynchronously or as a "pass and play" session. It features a league matchmaking system designed to pair up users of similar skill, so you don't even need to bring friends to have fun. The game is multiplayer only, played by spawning and maneuvering troops across the battlefield to reach and destroy an opposing player's base.
Montgomery, Alabama - One Man Left today is pleased to introduce Outwitters 1.0 for iOS, a multiplayer strategy game that can be played 1-on-1 or 2-on-2, asynchronously or as a "pass and play" session. It features a league matchmaking system designed to pair up users of similar skill, so you don't even need to bring friends to have fun. The app is universal for iPhone and iPad, it uses your Game Center account so there's no extra sign up, and is free to play.
The game is multiplayer only, played by spawning and maneuvering troops across the battlefield to reach and destroy an opposing player's base. All movement and character spawning is tied to a resource called Wits. Winning a match depends on making wise Wit investments, and on clever use of the board's fog of war system. Each player can only see as far as their army can move, so strategic use of the faster scout units can keep you one step ahead of your opponent.
There are three teams in the release version, each sharing five standard unit types (soldier, runner, heavy, medic and sniper), but boasting one specialty unit with a unique advantage. The Scallywags, a free team available on install, are fish pirates whose special character functions as a super-sniper with splash damage. For in-app purchase, users can unlock a robot army called the Feedback, whose Scrambler character enslaves enemy units, and a collection of ridiculously cute creatures called the Adorables, whose Mobi whale unit teleports allies across the map. Each team purchase includes 3 themed, home-turf maps for use in Friendly and Pass-n-Play matches.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 4.3 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 247.0 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Outwitters 1.0 is free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.
Outwitters 1.0: http://www.onemanle
iTunes Store Link: http://itunes.
YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.
Press Kit: http://www.onemanle
One Man Left is a two man team based in Montgomery, Alabama, USA. Adam Stewart provides the artwork, and Alex Okafor writes the code. They first arrived on the App Store scene in 2010 with an iPhone title called Tilt to Live, which won critical acclaim including a Game of the Year nod from AppAdvice online. Outwitters is their fourth iOS app and second IP. Copyright (C) 2012 One Man Left. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Adam Stewart
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
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Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Thu Jul 5, 2012 12:00 pm (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Mobile Mouse update met with widespread crashing. App Store to blame? - Published on 07/05/12
RPA Technology today announces across the board updates for all their Mobile Mouse apps and has released a free version of their Mobile Mouse app for the iPad. The update has caused frustration for many users, who were not able to run the app because it crashed on startup. Today, it is being reported that the App Store may be to blame. Users who have experienced the problem with Mobile Mouse should delete the app and download a new copy from the App Store, which should correct the problem.
Cambridge, Massachusetts - Cambridge, Massachusetts - RPA Technology today announces across the board updates for Mobile Mouse Pro, Mobile Mouse Lite for the iPhone, Mobile Mouse for the iPad, Mobile Mouse server for OS X, and a new, free version of the Mobile Mouse app for the iPad.
Unfortunately this update has caused frustration for many users who were not able to run the app because it crashed on startup, rendering their purchase useless. After spending a great deal of time investigating the issue and troubleshooting it with users, no bugs were found that could be causing the problem. Today tech sites like TechCrunch, CNET, ars technica, and many others are reporting that the issue is affecting many other apps as well and may be caused by the App Store itself. Users who have experienced the problem with Mobile Mouse or any other recently updated app should delete the app and download a new copy from the App Store, which should correct the problem.
"Our consistent 4.5 rating in the App Store has dropped overnight because of all the 1 star reviews resulting from this issue. We hope that Apple acknowledges the issue and removes the 1 reviews that were posted in response to this issue" stated Ramzi Audeh, CEO of RPA Technology. In the mean time, users can help out developers by removing the 1 star reviews they posted for apps experiencing these problems and post a new review once they have downloaded a functional copy of the app.
Mobile Mouse Pro has received widespread critical acclaim and was the number one paid Utility in the App Store (2009), one of Apple's "Awesome iOS 4 Apps" (2010), and was featured in Apple's "Better Together" spotlight in the Mac App Store (2011). Mobile Mouse Pro has been written up in top publications such as The New York Times, MacWorld, and CNET.
An ideal app for the remote control of any computer being displayed on a flat screen or projection TV, Mobile Mouse Pro allows the user to view the screen from a comfortable distance, while using their iOS device as a wireless mouse or trackpad. Using an innovative application notification system, the iOS device is always aware of what applications are running at any time and shows the appropriate keys for that program, providing the user with a single screen for controlling all media and web applications. The app is the only one of its kind to feature a dock that looks and functions just like the one in Mac OS X.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* iOS 3.2 or later
* 8.8 MB
System Requirements:
* Mac OS X 10.5 or greater, Leopard/Snow Leopard/Lion/Mountain Lion (Intel)
* Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32/64 bit)
* Wi-Fi router (works best on a local area network or wireless ad hoc network)
* Mobile Mouse Server Software (Free download for Mac, PC, or Linux)
Pricing and Availability:
Mobile Mouse Pro 2.6.3 for iPhone/iPod is only $1.99 (USD) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Utilities category. The optional Pro Presentation Mode is available as an in-app purchase for $1.99. Mobile Mouse 2.1.1 for iPad is $2.99, and a new, lite version of the iPad app is available free of charge. Review copies are available upon request.
RPA Technology: http://www.mobilemouse.com/company.html
Mobile Mouse: http://mobilemouse.com
Purchase and Download (iphone): http://itunes.apple.com/app/air-mouse-pro-remote-trackpad/id289616509
Purchase and Download (iPad): http://itunes.apple.com/app/mobile-mouse-remote-trackpad/id363573369
Video: http://www.mobilemouse.com/overview.html
Screenshot: http://www.mobilemouse.com/prmac/main.png
Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, RPA Technology was founded in 2007 by Ramzi Audeh. They specialize in web, desktop, and mobile software solutions for companies large and small. Copyright (C) 2007-2011 RPA Technology All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Ramzi Audeh
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45058&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45058.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45058
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-15349.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-15349.htm
RPA Technology today announces across the board updates for all their Mobile Mouse apps and has released a free version of their Mobile Mouse app for the iPad. The update has caused frustration for many users, who were not able to run the app because it crashed on startup. Today, it is being reported that the App Store may be to blame. Users who have experienced the problem with Mobile Mouse should delete the app and download a new copy from the App Store, which should correct the problem.
Cambridge, Massachusetts - Cambridge, Massachusetts - RPA Technology today announces across the board updates for Mobile Mouse Pro, Mobile Mouse Lite for the iPhone, Mobile Mouse for the iPad, Mobile Mouse server for OS X, and a new, free version of the Mobile Mouse app for the iPad.
Unfortunately this update has caused frustration for many users who were not able to run the app because it crashed on startup, rendering their purchase useless. After spending a great deal of time investigating the issue and troubleshooting it with users, no bugs were found that could be causing the problem. Today tech sites like TechCrunch, CNET, ars technica, and many others are reporting that the issue is affecting many other apps as well and may be caused by the App Store itself. Users who have experienced the problem with Mobile Mouse or any other recently updated app should delete the app and download a new copy from the App Store, which should correct the problem.
"Our consistent 4.5 rating in the App Store has dropped overnight because of all the 1 star reviews resulting from this issue. We hope that Apple acknowledges the issue and removes the 1 reviews that were posted in response to this issue" stated Ramzi Audeh, CEO of RPA Technology. In the mean time, users can help out developers by removing the 1 star reviews they posted for apps experiencing these problems and post a new review once they have downloaded a functional copy of the app.
Mobile Mouse Pro has received widespread critical acclaim and was the number one paid Utility in the App Store (2009), one of Apple's "Awesome iOS 4 Apps" (2010), and was featured in Apple's "Better Together" spotlight in the Mac App Store (2011). Mobile Mouse Pro has been written up in top publications such as The New York Times, MacWorld, and CNET.
An ideal app for the remote control of any computer being displayed on a flat screen or projection TV, Mobile Mouse Pro allows the user to view the screen from a comfortable distance, while using their iOS device as a wireless mouse or trackpad. Using an innovative application notification system, the iOS device is always aware of what applications are running at any time and shows the appropriate keys for that program, providing the user with a single screen for controlling all media and web applications. The app is the only one of its kind to feature a dock that looks and functions just like the one in Mac OS X.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* iOS 3.2 or later
* 8.8 MB
System Requirements:
* Mac OS X 10.5 or greater, Leopard/Snow Leopard/Lion/
* Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32/64 bit)
* Wi-Fi router (works best on a local area network or wireless ad hoc network)
* Mobile Mouse Server Software (Free download for Mac, PC, or Linux)
Pricing and Availability:
Mobile Mouse Pro 2.6.3 for iPhone/iPod is only $1.99 (USD) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Utilities category. The optional Pro Presentation Mode is available as an in-app purchase for $1.99. Mobile Mouse 2.1.1 for iPad is $2.99, and a new, lite version of the iPad app is available free of charge. Review copies are available upon request.
RPA Technology: http://www.mobilemo
Mobile Mouse: http://mobilemouse.
Purchase and Download (iphone): http://itunes.
Purchase and Download (iPad): http://itunes.
Video: http://www.mobilemo
Screenshot: http://www.mobilemo
Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, RPA Technology was founded in 2007 by Ramzi Audeh. They specialize in web, desktop, and mobile software solutions for companies large and small. Copyright (C) 2007-2011 RPA Technology All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Ramzi Audeh
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
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Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.