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Digest #2460
Mon Jul 9, 2012 4:30 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
PlaceBox Location App Free for a Limited Time - Published on 07/09/12
LinkDotz has announced that PlaceBox is now free for a limited time. PlaceBox is the ideal utility for finding locations via its unique category based interface, allowing users to locate the perfect restaurant, bar, or shop in a few quick taps. The app has earned an enthusiastic fan base due to its broad range of capabilities, intuitive interface, practical applications and social sharing potential. Users can access reviews, add their own, and look at the location's check-in history.
Seoul, South Korea - LinkDotz's new app PlaceBox has earned an enthusiastic fan base due to its broad range of capabilities, intuitive interface, practical applications and social sharing potential. Now, the popular new app will be offered on iTunes for no cost for a limited time.
PlaceBox is the ideal utility for finding locations via its unique category based interface, allowing users to locate the perfect restaurant, bar, or shop in a few quick taps. It also offers a range of features helping users narrow down their list to make the best selection by distance, popularity, or rating. When choosing places through PlaceBox, users can access reviews, add their own, and look at the location's check-in history. PlaceBox is an excellent tool for researching and planning travel, world-wide.
In addition to the ability to research their travels, users can record their experiences within the app, and share them easily with PlaceBox's note-taking, camera, and album functions, all of which are seamlessly integrated with the sharing option. PlaceBox can serve to remind users of what they need to do at a location (such as a shopping list attached to a shop) or as a travel journal, where users combine journal entries and photos to share with friends utilizing the app's integration with Facebook and Twitter to easily share.
* Intuitive category-based location search makes it simple to find what you're seeking just by tapping icons~ no typing necessary
* Full-search makes it easy to find specific locations you have in mind
* Sort your results the way that best suits your needs: by rating, popularity, or distance
* Scout out potential locations with loads of helpful info, including reviews, hours of operation, and menus
* Planning a vacation? PlaceBox makes planning ahead easy, anywhere in the world
*Save your points of interest to review later, revisit your check-in history and relive your memories by viewing your photos and notes
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.3 or later
* 3.3 MB
Pricing and Availability:
PlaceBox is usually available on iTunes for a very affordable $0.99, but is now offered free for a limited time only, so anyone who has been unsure of this hot new utility should hurry! For a limited time only, PlaceBox 1.2 is free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Travel category.
PlaceBox 1.2: http://placebox.net
Download From iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id473651275
Screenshot 1: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/062/Purple/v4/3d/ea/27/3dea2792-e25c-eaa2-74c4-ec5546c0e3ef/mza_4862873373288937239.320x480-75.jpg
Screenshot 2: http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/097/Purple/v4/ed/8d/a9/ed8da977-722e-2b62-d80f-f5ac8aa2cb63/mza_1899052533520959716.320x480-75.jpg
App Icon: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/076/Purple/v4/38/99/72/38997215-a993-a969-d99f-8f9e76913f74/mzm.qfxmfmyg.175x175-75.jpg
Based in Seoul, Korea, LinkDotz Inc. is a software developer that creates mobile and web applications as well as client-server. The members have wide experience in the development on GIS, AR, Image processing and so forth. Like the company name, they have been endeavoring to connect everything in the world in useful and interesting ways. Copyright (C) 2012 LinkDotz Inc. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Kim Myoungseob
Korea, Republic Of
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/appsasia
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45135&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45135.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45135
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-7815.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-7815.htm
LinkDotz has announced that PlaceBox is now free for a limited time. PlaceBox is the ideal utility for finding locations via its unique category based interface, allowing users to locate the perfect restaurant, bar, or shop in a few quick taps. The app has earned an enthusiastic fan base due to its broad range of capabilities, intuitive interface, practical applications and social sharing potential. Users can access reviews, add their own, and look at the location's check-in history.
Seoul, South Korea - LinkDotz's new app PlaceBox has earned an enthusiastic fan base due to its broad range of capabilities, intuitive interface, practical applications and social sharing potential. Now, the popular new app will be offered on iTunes for no cost for a limited time.
PlaceBox is the ideal utility for finding locations via its unique category based interface, allowing users to locate the perfect restaurant, bar, or shop in a few quick taps. It also offers a range of features helping users narrow down their list to make the best selection by distance, popularity, or rating. When choosing places through PlaceBox, users can access reviews, add their own, and look at the location's check-in history. PlaceBox is an excellent tool for researching and planning travel, world-wide.
In addition to the ability to research their travels, users can record their experiences within the app, and share them easily with PlaceBox's note-taking, camera, and album functions, all of which are seamlessly integrated with the sharing option. PlaceBox can serve to remind users of what they need to do at a location (such as a shopping list attached to a shop) or as a travel journal, where users combine journal entries and photos to share with friends utilizing the app's integration with Facebook and Twitter to easily share.
* Intuitive category-based location search makes it simple to find what you're seeking just by tapping icons~ no typing necessary
* Full-search makes it easy to find specific locations you have in mind
* Sort your results the way that best suits your needs: by rating, popularity, or distance
* Scout out potential locations with loads of helpful info, including reviews, hours of operation, and menus
* Planning a vacation? PlaceBox makes planning ahead easy, anywhere in the world
*Save your points of interest to review later, revisit your check-in history and relive your memories by viewing your photos and notes
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.3 or later
* 3.3 MB
Pricing and Availability:
PlaceBox is usually available on iTunes for a very affordable $0.99, but is now offered free for a limited time only, so anyone who has been unsure of this hot new utility should hurry! For a limited time only, PlaceBox 1.2 is free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Travel category.
PlaceBox 1.2: http://placebox.
Download From iTunes: http://itunes.
Screenshot 1: http://a1.mzstatic.
Screenshot 2: http://a5.mzstatic.
App Icon: http://a1.mzstatic.
Based in Seoul, Korea, LinkDotz Inc. is a software developer that creates mobile and web applications as well as client-server. The members have wide experience in the development on GIS, AR, Image processing and so forth. Like the company name, they have been endeavoring to connect everything in the world in useful and interesting ways. Copyright (C) 2012 LinkDotz Inc. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Kim Myoungseob
Korea, Republic Of
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Mon Jul 9, 2012 4:31 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Combo Slash iOS Action Adventure Super Sale: Free to Download - Published on 07/09/12
IntSquare today announced that Combo Slash, the combat-heavy tale of fairy-saving heroics, will be available to download at no charge in the iTunes App Store - but only for fans who act fast. Combo Slash is one of the most exciting 2D side scrollers to hit the App Store. The game's draw is due to its overall excellence in design, accent on action, and remarkable replay potential. Combo Slash features exceptional character design, rich environments and so much more.
Seoul, Korea - One of the most exciting 2D side scrollers to hit the App Store in some time has just announced a fantastic limited time offer. Combo Slash, the combat-heavy tale of fairy-saving heroics, will be available to download at no charge in the iTunes App Store - but only for fans who act fast.
The game's draw is due to its overall excellence in design, accent on action, and remarkable replay potential. Combo Slash is a perfect example of polished game development, first exhibited by its exceptional character design and rich environments. The adrenaline rush generated by its smoothly animated combo-heavy combat is heightened by superior sound effects. Depth and complexity are added by RPG inspired skill upgrades, equipment drops, and special abilities engaged by maxing out the hero's Fury meter.
What has truly earned the hearts of its fans, however, is Combo Slash's incredible potential for replay without becoming predictable. Randomized terrain is the first step; randomized maps complete the transformation from a predictable side-scroller to a game that transforms itself each time it's picked up.
Usually retailing at $0.99, Combo Slash is unquestionably an exceptional game at an exceptionally fair price - as a free download, it's a steal. iOS game enthusiasts can download Combo Slash free of charge right now in the iTunes App Store.
* Gorgeously animated attack combos combine realism and fantasy for adrenaline pumping action
* RPG-inspired skill system gives your character an incredible 39 different skills to learn and upgrade
* Smooth graphics, excellent sound effects, and constantly evolving terrain make Combo Slash a uniquely satisfying gameplay experience
* Randomized terrain is complemented by the randomized map system - not only are the individual areas newly created each time you play, the map generated by each new game is unique - you rely entirely on your instincts and crystal detector to find the fairy prisoner and the boss you must defeat!
* Multiple opportunities to increase your character's skills and equipment. Leveling improves your stats, and the potential to learn new skills. Upgrade your equipment and find new equipment by thoroughly exploring levels. Plus, stack combos to fill your Fury gauge to engage your Ultimate skills!
* Hone your search, destroy, and rescue tactics by tailoring your inventory to meet the unique challenges posed by each stage. Grenades, mines, traps, scrolls, various weapons, and multitudes of consumable items add up to flexible ferocity!
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.1 or later
* 28.7 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Combo Slash 1.1 is free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.
Combo Slash 1.0.1: http://comboslash.com/
Download From iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/app/combo-slash/id533732662
YouTube Video (Trailer): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1C53SGb4kU
Screenshot 1: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/e6/16/99/e61699b0-98d9-cf3b-34c1-5cbc10f12dca/mza_7581244732745512426.320x480-75.jpg
Screenshot 2: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/a3/8e/87/a38e874d-9055-fd21-2641-7f4b4329788b/mza_7518122245282218135.320x480-75.jpg
App Icon: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/62/6f/2e/626f2e48-7ec9-e9ca-7897-e601b6e15916/YhTOH2uIAOr2AetRtPjJlw-temp-upload.tqmwzjxp.175x175-75.jpg
IntSquare was established in Seoul, South Korea as a dynamic smartphone game studio. We hope to create exciting games for the iOS that appeal to those who love games. Copyright (C) 2012 IntSquare. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Lee Hyoin
Korea, Republic Of
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/appsasia
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45136&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45136.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45136
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-7815.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-7815.htm
IntSquare today announced that Combo Slash, the combat-heavy tale of fairy-saving heroics, will be available to download at no charge in the iTunes App Store - but only for fans who act fast. Combo Slash is one of the most exciting 2D side scrollers to hit the App Store. The game's draw is due to its overall excellence in design, accent on action, and remarkable replay potential. Combo Slash features exceptional character design, rich environments and so much more.
Seoul, Korea - One of the most exciting 2D side scrollers to hit the App Store in some time has just announced a fantastic limited time offer. Combo Slash, the combat-heavy tale of fairy-saving heroics, will be available to download at no charge in the iTunes App Store - but only for fans who act fast.
The game's draw is due to its overall excellence in design, accent on action, and remarkable replay potential. Combo Slash is a perfect example of polished game development, first exhibited by its exceptional character design and rich environments. The adrenaline rush generated by its smoothly animated combo-heavy combat is heightened by superior sound effects. Depth and complexity are added by RPG inspired skill upgrades, equipment drops, and special abilities engaged by maxing out the hero's Fury meter.
What has truly earned the hearts of its fans, however, is Combo Slash's incredible potential for replay without becoming predictable. Randomized terrain is the first step; randomized maps complete the transformation from a predictable side-scroller to a game that transforms itself each time it's picked up.
Usually retailing at $0.99, Combo Slash is unquestionably an exceptional game at an exceptionally fair price - as a free download, it's a steal. iOS game enthusiasts can download Combo Slash free of charge right now in the iTunes App Store.
* Gorgeously animated attack combos combine realism and fantasy for adrenaline pumping action
* RPG-inspired skill system gives your character an incredible 39 different skills to learn and upgrade
* Smooth graphics, excellent sound effects, and constantly evolving terrain make Combo Slash a uniquely satisfying gameplay experience
* Randomized terrain is complemented by the randomized map system - not only are the individual areas newly created each time you play, the map generated by each new game is unique - you rely entirely on your instincts and crystal detector to find the fairy prisoner and the boss you must defeat!
* Multiple opportunities to increase your character's skills and equipment. Leveling improves your stats, and the potential to learn new skills. Upgrade your equipment and find new equipment by thoroughly exploring levels. Plus, stack combos to fill your Fury gauge to engage your Ultimate skills!
* Hone your search, destroy, and rescue tactics by tailoring your inventory to meet the unique challenges posed by each stage. Grenades, mines, traps, scrolls, various weapons, and multitudes of consumable items add up to flexible ferocity!
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.1 or later
* 28.7 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Combo Slash 1.1 is free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.
Combo Slash 1.0.1: http://comboslash.
Download From iTunes: http://itunes.
YouTube Video (Trailer): http://www.youtube.
Screenshot 1: http://a2.mzstatic.
Screenshot 2: http://a3.mzstatic.
App Icon: http://a1.mzstatic.
IntSquare was established in Seoul, South Korea as a dynamic smartphone game studio. We hope to create exciting games for the iOS that appeal to those who love games. Copyright (C) 2012 IntSquare. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Lee Hyoin
Korea, Republic Of
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Mon Jul 9, 2012 5:00 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Theodolite Augmented Reality Nav App Adds Movie Recording in Version 3.0 - Published on 07/09/12
Hunter Research and Technology announces Theodolite 3.0, a major update to the popular multi-function augmented reality app. Theodolite overlays real-time information about position, altitude, bearing, range, and inclination on the live camera image of an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, turning the device into a sophisticated electronic viewfinder. Version 3.0 adds movie recording, sniper-style stadiametric rangefinders, and many other features.
Williamsburg, Virginia - Hunter Research and Technology is pleased to announce the release of Theodolite 3.0 on the iTunes App Store. This novel multi-function augmented reality nav app works as a compass, GPS, map, zoom camera, rangefinder, and two-axis inclinometer. Theodolite set a new standard for augmented reality navigation apps when it debuted in 2009. It has been featured numerous times in iTunes, and has been the #1 selling navigation app in iTunes stores around the world.
Theodolite overlays real-time information about position, altitude, bearing, range, and horizontal/vertical inclination on the live camera image of an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, turning the device into a sophisticated electronic viewfinder. Uses are endless, and Theodolite is great for outdoor sports, hiking, boating, hunting, golf, sightseeing, photography, and navigation. The app is used in the field every day by surveyors, geologists, architects, engineers, military personnel, competitive sportsmen, and search and rescue workers.
Theodolite lets users take geo-tagged camera images, screenshots, movies, and screen movies directly from the app, with 2X and 4X digital zoom options and fast buffered saves. Users can choose to stamp geographical data and custom notes directly on photos and movies for later reference.
Theodolite includes features for serious users like a zero reference angle mode, an A-B calculator for height, distance, heading, position, triangulation, and relative angles, data logging, e-mail export with KML data, system-wide clipboard integration, percent grade display, mil compass readout, optical rangefinders (including a mil-based reticle and sniper-style stadiametric graphs), colored lens filters to improve use in dark conditions and preserve night vision, military grid reference system (MGRS) coordinates, universal transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates, and six latitude/longitude formats.
Theodolite lets users manage custom markers on the built in map with standard, satellite, and hybrid modes, compass rose, and bearings. Users can share map markers and A-B points with other users of Theodolite via SMS text messages and e-mail. This powerful capability opens up a wide range of collaborative uses which include team land surveying, accident investigations, spotting of wild fires, triangulation of landmarks, and advanced tactical observation and targeting operations.
Theodolite 3.0 introduces a new movie recording feature, with optional screen/watermark overlays and multiple video quality settings. Version 3.0 also includes three large-format sniper-style stadiametric rangefinders showing distance multipliers, yards, or meters, revised position formats with a new decimal minutes option, and color options for photo/movie data stamp watermarks.
With these new capabilities, Theodolite continues its role as a technology demonstrator, showcasing the latest and greatest in iOS hardware and software capabilities.
Pricing and Availability:
Theodolite and Theodolite HD 3.0 are available on the iTunes App Store for an introductory sale price of $3.99. Theodolite runs on any iPhone with iOS 4.3 or later and also works on the 4th generation iPod touch. Theodolite HD requires a camera-equipped iPad with iOS 4.3 or later. More information, including screenshots, is available on the Hunter Research and Technology website. Media professionals interested in reviewing Theodolite can request a promotional code to download the apps from iTunes at no cost.
Theodolite (iPhone, iPod touch): http://hrtapps.com/theodolite/
Theodolite HD (iPad): http://hrtapps.com/theodolitehd/
Purchase and Download Theodolite (iPhone, iPod Touch): http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/theodolite/id339393884?mt=8
Purchase and Download Theodolite HD (iPad): http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/theodolite-hd/id425456242?mt=8
Hunter Research and Technology is run by Dr. Craig Hunter, a practicing engineer with over 20 years of experience in engineering and software development. Dr. Hunter received the NASA Software of the Year Award and Apple Design Award for his work in software development. He founded Hunter Research and Technology in 2008 to create innovative apps that leverage the advanced hardware and software capabilities of iOS devices. The company has 17 apps available on the iTunes App Store, and develops apps for a range of clients worldwide. Copyright (C) 2012 Hunter Research and Technology. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, iTunes, iPhone, iPod, and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Craig Hunter
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45137&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45137.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45137
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-3183.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-3183.htm
Hunter Research and Technology announces Theodolite 3.0, a major update to the popular multi-function augmented reality app. Theodolite overlays real-time information about position, altitude, bearing, range, and inclination on the live camera image of an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, turning the device into a sophisticated electronic viewfinder. Version 3.0 adds movie recording, sniper-style stadiametric rangefinders, and many other features.
Williamsburg, Virginia - Hunter Research and Technology is pleased to announce the release of Theodolite 3.0 on the iTunes App Store. This novel multi-function augmented reality nav app works as a compass, GPS, map, zoom camera, rangefinder, and two-axis inclinometer. Theodolite set a new standard for augmented reality navigation apps when it debuted in 2009. It has been featured numerous times in iTunes, and has been the #1 selling navigation app in iTunes stores around the world.
Theodolite overlays real-time information about position, altitude, bearing, range, and horizontal/vertical inclination on the live camera image of an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, turning the device into a sophisticated electronic viewfinder. Uses are endless, and Theodolite is great for outdoor sports, hiking, boating, hunting, golf, sightseeing, photography, and navigation. The app is used in the field every day by surveyors, geologists, architects, engineers, military personnel, competitive sportsmen, and search and rescue workers.
Theodolite lets users take geo-tagged camera images, screenshots, movies, and screen movies directly from the app, with 2X and 4X digital zoom options and fast buffered saves. Users can choose to stamp geographical data and custom notes directly on photos and movies for later reference.
Theodolite includes features for serious users like a zero reference angle mode, an A-B calculator for height, distance, heading, position, triangulation, and relative angles, data logging, e-mail export with KML data, system-wide clipboard integration, percent grade display, mil compass readout, optical rangefinders (including a mil-based reticle and sniper-style stadiametric graphs), colored lens filters to improve use in dark conditions and preserve night vision, military grid reference system (MGRS) coordinates, universal transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates, and six latitude/longitude formats.
Theodolite lets users manage custom markers on the built in map with standard, satellite, and hybrid modes, compass rose, and bearings. Users can share map markers and A-B points with other users of Theodolite via SMS text messages and e-mail. This powerful capability opens up a wide range of collaborative uses which include team land surveying, accident investigations, spotting of wild fires, triangulation of landmarks, and advanced tactical observation and targeting operations.
Theodolite 3.0 introduces a new movie recording feature, with optional screen/watermark overlays and multiple video quality settings. Version 3.0 also includes three large-format sniper-style stadiametric rangefinders showing distance multipliers, yards, or meters, revised position formats with a new decimal minutes option, and color options for photo/movie data stamp watermarks.
With these new capabilities, Theodolite continues its role as a technology demonstrator, showcasing the latest and greatest in iOS hardware and software capabilities.
Pricing and Availability:
Theodolite and Theodolite HD 3.0 are available on the iTunes App Store for an introductory sale price of $3.99. Theodolite runs on any iPhone with iOS 4.3 or later and also works on the 4th generation iPod touch. Theodolite HD requires a camera-equipped iPad with iOS 4.3 or later. More information, including screenshots, is available on the Hunter Research and Technology website. Media professionals interested in reviewing Theodolite can request a promotional code to download the apps from iTunes at no cost.
Theodolite (iPhone, iPod touch): http://hrtapps.
Theodolite HD (iPad): http://hrtapps.
Purchase and Download Theodolite (iPhone, iPod Touch): http://itunes.
Purchase and Download Theodolite HD (iPad): http://itunes.
Hunter Research and Technology is run by Dr. Craig Hunter, a practicing engineer with over 20 years of experience in engineering and software development. Dr. Hunter received the NASA Software of the Year Award and Apple Design Award for his work in software development. He founded Hunter Research and Technology in 2008 to create innovative apps that leverage the advanced hardware and software capabilities of iOS devices. The company has 17 apps available on the iTunes App Store, and develops apps for a range of clients worldwide. Copyright (C) 2012 Hunter Research and Technology. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, iTunes, iPhone, iPod, and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Craig Hunter
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Mon Jul 9, 2012 5:00 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
24U Software updates 24U SimpleDialog Plug-In for FileMaker Pro 12 - Published on 07/09/12
24U Software today announces 24U SimpleDialog Plug-In 4.1, their best-selling plug-in for FileMaker Pro 12. 24U SimpleDialog Plug-In 4.1 adds extended support for styled text in dialogs, improved performance, and several bugfixes and minor improvements. It comes with ready-to-use examples for both FileMaker Pro 11 and FileMaker Pro 12. This version is a free update for all users of the versions 4.0, discount is available for users upgrading from version 3.
Prague, Czech Republic - 24U Software today is pleased to announce the immediate availability of 24U SimpleDialog Plug-In 4.1 for FileMaker Pro 12. 24U SimpleDialog Plug-In 4.1 adds extended support for styled text in dialogs, improved performance, and several bugfixes and minor improvements. It comes with ready-to-use examples for both FileMaker Pro 11 and FileMaker Pro 12. This version is a free update for all users of the versions 4.0, discount is available for users upgrading from version 3.
What's new in version 4.1:
* Full support for text styles in the dialog fields (except for color on Windows)
* Improved compatibility with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
* Improved compatibility with FileMaker Pro 12
* Added native examples in the FileMaker 12 file format
* Improved performance and stability
* Several minor improvements
New features introduced in version 4.0:
* Rewritten from scratch for FileMaker Pro 11 on Mac OS X 10.6 and Windows 7
* Revolutionary live updating dialogs - change the dialog while it's on the screen
* Conditional value lists for popup menus
* Customizable font size and style
* Selection list as a new field type
* Validations work for all field types (including text areas and pop-up menus)
* Progress dialogs don't block Script Debugger
Primary Features:
* Custom dialogs with unlimited amount of text and unlimited number of buttons
* Unlimited number of input fields of 7 different kinds
* Unlimited number of progress dialogs
* On-the-fly validations of entered data (using a calculation or a regular expression)
* Custom message can be displayed after unsuccessful validation
* Optical optimization (dynamic sizing of dialogs)
* Static text and separators improve readability of your dialogs
* Multi-line text area field can be used to edit long text
* Dialog may take icon from a container field (any size)
* Dialog look can be enhanced by picture from a container field
* Customizable dialog title, position, width, icon, and timeout
Use 24U SimpleDialog Plug-In to make your solutions look professional and prevent support calls
Using 24U SimpleDialog Plug-In can help developers to prevent unnecessary support calls from customers. More on this can be read in the HOnza's blog article "Prevent support calls".
Over 10 thousand people use 24U SimpleDialog Plug-in and 177 independent developers already incorporate SimpleDialog into their solutions. See what some of them say about the product:
"SimpleDialog is a great plug-in. it helps us build solutions that our users love to use by keeping them informed of progress and helps us look much more professional." - Vincenzo p. Menanno, Director of FileMaker Development, Creator of Inspector & Co-Author of Web Services Plug-In, Beezwax
"SimpleDialog extends FileMaker's abilities, providing tools that allow me to design solutions that can effectively reach a global market. The dynamic flexibility of the SimpleDialog plug-in is simply awesome." - Christopher Gauntt, owner Cordega Solutions, FBA Member, Certified Developer
"I love using SimpleDialog in my solutions! The control it provides me, cannot be beat." - Dave Wheelock, Desktop Services, Inc.
Requirements and Compatibility:
24U SimpleDialog Plug-In 4.1 requires Mac OS X 10.4 or newer and FileMaker Pro 8.5 or newer. Recommended is Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and FileMaker Pro 11 Advanced or newer.
Windows XP SP3 and FileMaker Pro 8.5 are minimum requirements for using the plug-in on the Windows platform. Windows 7 and FileMaker Pro 11 Advanced or newer are recommended.
Older versions of the plug-in are still available for FileMaker Pro versions 4 through 8.
Pricing and Availability:
24U SimpleDialog Plug-In 4.1 is immediately available for download free of charge as a fully functional 14-days trial version, which can be activated after purchasing a license code:
Single-user license sells for US $39, volume discounts are available for 5 or more users.
Developer license starts at US $349 limited to 20 concurrent users per site.
Version 4.1 is a free update for users of the version 4.0.
Users of the version 3 can get version 4.1 at a discounted price.
24U Software: http://www.24usoftware.com/
24U SimpleDialog Plug-In: http://www.24usoftware.com/SimpleDialog
Download for Mac: http://www.24usoftware.com/download/24uSimpleDialogPlugIn41.dmg
Download for Windows: http://www.24usoftware.com/download/24uSimpleDialogPlugIn41.zip
Purchase a license: http://www.24usoftware.com/SimpleDialog#buy
24U Software offers solutions for people, not for computers! With FileMaker and Mac experience reaching back into the early 90's and developing FileMaker plug-ins and AppleScript scripting additions since 1997, 24U has become recognized a key vendor of these sorts of products. Dedicated to creating the easiest to use FileMaker plug-ins and scripting additions... Optimizing performance of FileMaker solutions... Inventing unique iOS applications... Helping organizations to get more out of their technologies. We connect the dare of education with the experience of industry to achieve the impossible. (C) 2012 24U s.r.o. All rights reserved. 24U and 24U Software are trademarks of 24U s.r.o. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Mac, Mac OS, OS X, Carbon, Cocoa, AppleScript, and AppleScript Studio are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. FileMaker is a trademark of FileMaker, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective owners. Pricing and availability are subject to change without notice.
HOnza Koudelka
Software Division Manager
Czech Republic
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/24Usro
LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/company/616182
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.com/24u
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45141&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45141.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45141
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-225.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-225.htm
24U Software today announces 24U SimpleDialog Plug-In 4.1, their best-selling plug-in for FileMaker Pro 12. 24U SimpleDialog Plug-In 4.1 adds extended support for styled text in dialogs, improved performance, and several bugfixes and minor improvements. It comes with ready-to-use examples for both FileMaker Pro 11 and FileMaker Pro 12. This version is a free update for all users of the versions 4.0, discount is available for users upgrading from version 3.
Prague, Czech Republic - 24U Software today is pleased to announce the immediate availability of 24U SimpleDialog Plug-In 4.1 for FileMaker Pro 12. 24U SimpleDialog Plug-In 4.1 adds extended support for styled text in dialogs, improved performance, and several bugfixes and minor improvements. It comes with ready-to-use examples for both FileMaker Pro 11 and FileMaker Pro 12. This version is a free update for all users of the versions 4.0, discount is available for users upgrading from version 3.
What's new in version 4.1:
* Full support for text styles in the dialog fields (except for color on Windows)
* Improved compatibility with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
* Improved compatibility with FileMaker Pro 12
* Added native examples in the FileMaker 12 file format
* Improved performance and stability
* Several minor improvements
New features introduced in version 4.0:
* Rewritten from scratch for FileMaker Pro 11 on Mac OS X 10.6 and Windows 7
* Revolutionary live updating dialogs - change the dialog while it's on the screen
* Conditional value lists for popup menus
* Customizable font size and style
* Selection list as a new field type
* Validations work for all field types (including text areas and pop-up menus)
* Progress dialogs don't block Script Debugger
Primary Features:
* Custom dialogs with unlimited amount of text and unlimited number of buttons
* Unlimited number of input fields of 7 different kinds
* Unlimited number of progress dialogs
* On-the-fly validations of entered data (using a calculation or a regular expression)
* Custom message can be displayed after unsuccessful validation
* Optical optimization (dynamic sizing of dialogs)
* Static text and separators improve readability of your dialogs
* Multi-line text area field can be used to edit long text
* Dialog may take icon from a container field (any size)
* Dialog look can be enhanced by picture from a container field
* Customizable dialog title, position, width, icon, and timeout
Use 24U SimpleDialog Plug-In to make your solutions look professional and prevent support calls
Using 24U SimpleDialog Plug-In can help developers to prevent unnecessary support calls from customers. More on this can be read in the HOnza's blog article "Prevent support calls".
Over 10 thousand people use 24U SimpleDialog Plug-in and 177 independent developers already incorporate SimpleDialog into their solutions. See what some of them say about the product:
"SimpleDialog is a great plug-in. it helps us build solutions that our users love to use by keeping them informed of progress and helps us look much more professional.
"SimpleDialog extends FileMaker's abilities, providing tools that allow me to design solutions that can effectively reach a global market. The dynamic flexibility of the SimpleDialog plug-in is simply awesome." - Christopher Gauntt, owner Cordega Solutions, FBA Member, Certified Developer
"I love using SimpleDialog in my solutions! The control it provides me, cannot be beat." - Dave Wheelock, Desktop Services, Inc.
Requirements and Compatibility:
24U SimpleDialog Plug-In 4.1 requires Mac OS X 10.4 or newer and FileMaker Pro 8.5 or newer. Recommended is Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and FileMaker Pro 11 Advanced or newer.
Windows XP SP3 and FileMaker Pro 8.5 are minimum requirements for using the plug-in on the Windows platform. Windows 7 and FileMaker Pro 11 Advanced or newer are recommended.
Older versions of the plug-in are still available for FileMaker Pro versions 4 through 8.
Pricing and Availability:
24U SimpleDialog Plug-In 4.1 is immediately available for download free of charge as a fully functional 14-days trial version, which can be activated after purchasing a license code:
Single-user license sells for US $39, volume discounts are available for 5 or more users.
Developer license starts at US $349 limited to 20 concurrent users per site.
Version 4.1 is a free update for users of the version 4.0.
Users of the version 3 can get version 4.1 at a discounted price.
24U Software: http://www.24usoftw
24U SimpleDialog Plug-In: http://www.24usoftw
Download for Mac: http://www.24usoftw
Download for Windows: http://www.24usoftw
Purchase a license: http://www.24usoftw
24U Software offers solutions for people, not for computers! With FileMaker and Mac experience reaching back into the early 90's and developing FileMaker plug-ins and AppleScript scripting additions since 1997, 24U has become recognized a key vendor of these sorts of products. Dedicated to creating the easiest to use FileMaker plug-ins and scripting additions... Optimizing performance of FileMaker solutions... Inventing unique iOS applications.
property of their respective owners. Pricing and availability are subject to change without notice.
HOnza Koudelka
Software Division Manager
Czech Republic
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook
LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Mon Jul 9, 2012 5:15 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
24U Software releases 24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0 for FileMaker Pro 12 - Published on 07/09/12
24U Software today announces 24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0, their popular file management plug-in for FileMaker Pro 12. Effortlessly read, create, rename, delete, copy/move files and so much more - directly from within FileMaker Pro. 24U SimpleFile Plug-In comes with ready-to-use examples for both FileMaker Pro 11 and FileMaker Pro 12. Version 2.0 brings network volume mounting, RTF file support, and picture converting functions.
Prague, Czech Republic - 24U Software today is pleased to announce the immediate availability of 24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0 for FileMaker Pro 12. 24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0 brings network volume mounting, RTF file support, and picture converting functions. It comes with ready-to-use examples for both FileMaker Pro 11 and FileMaker Pro 12.
What's new in Version 2.0:
* Importing/exporting formatted text to/from RTF files
* Resizing and rotating picture files
* Mounting and unmounting network volumes
* Base64 encoding support
* No limit for long unix paths
* Recorded sound can be written to a file
* Works correctly with FileValut protected folders
* Improved compatibility with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
* Improved compatibility with Windows 7
* Improved compatibility with FileMaker Pro 12
* Added native examples in the FileMaker 12 file format
* Improved stability, performance, and error handling
* Several minor improvements
Primary Features:
* Creating files and folders
* Deleting files and folders (including complete contents)
* Copying files and folders (including complete contents)
* Moving files and folders (including complete contents)
* Renaming files and folders
* Checking kind of items (file/folder/not found)
* Checking size of files and folders (data fork/resource fork/file/folder)
* Checking and setting creation and modification date & time
* Checking and setting file/folder privileges
* Choosing file, folder and new file name via system dialog
* Reading folders (list of items)
* Reading files (whole contents or part)
* Writing files (whole, append, modify)
* Support for full and relative paths (cross-platform)
* Support for explicitly specified text encodings
* Reading and writing binary files as hexadecimal dump
* 100% Unicode
Better integration with office suites, such as MS Office or iWork:
The newly added support for styled text import and export lets FileMaker developers more closely integrate word processing applications with their solutions. 24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0 uses the standard RTF format for styled text exchange. RTF can be opened and saved by every popular word processor, including MS Word and Pages.
Use 24u SimpleFile Plug-In to leverage the power of FileMaker Server:
24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0 is fully functional as a server-side plug-in, allowing FileMaker solutions to manipulate files stored locally on FileMaker Server from within server-side scripts or through web publishing.
For example, Derby Junior Football League is using a FileMaker 11 solution hosted on FileMaker Server Advanced to manage clubs and allow clubs to manage their teams. 24U SimpleFile Plug-In is helping them to allow uploading member pictures directly to the FileMaker database over the web interface using Instant Web Publishing.
Requirements and Compatibility:
24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0 requires Mac OS X 10.4 or newer and FileMaker Pro 8.5 or newer. Recommended is Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and FileMaker Pro 11 Advanced or newer.
Windows XP SP3 and FileMaker Pro 8.5 are minimum requirements for using the plug-in on the Windows platform. Windows 7 and FileMaker Pro 11 Advanced or newer are recommended.
Older versions of the plug-in are still available for FileMaker Pro versions 4 through 8.
Pricing and Availability:
24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0 is immediately available for download free of charge as a fully functional 14-days trial version, which can be activated after purchasing a license code.
Single-user license sells for US$39, volume discounts are available for 5 or more users. Upgrade for users of the version 1 is available at a discounted price, starting from US $29 per user.
Developer license starts at US$349 limited to 20 concurrent users per site, unlimited to a number of solutions or customers. Upgrade for developers using version 1 starts at US $211.
Server license is available for US$499 per server, upgrade from version 1 costs US $349.
24U Software: http://www.24usoftware.com/
24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0: http://www.24usoftware.com/SimpleFile
Download for Mac: http://www.24usoftware.com/download/24uSimpleFilePlugIn20.dmg
Download for Windows: http://www.24usoftware.com/download/24uSimpleFilePlugIn20.zip
Purchase a license: http://www.24usoftware.com/SimpleFile#buy
24U Software offers solutions for people, not for computers! With FileMaker and Mac experience reaching back into the early 90's and developing FileMaker plug-ins and AppleScript scripting additions since 1997, 24U has become recognized a key vendor of these sorts of products. Dedicated to creating the easiest to use FileMaker plug-ins and scripting additions... Optimizing performance of FileMaker solutions... Inventing unique iOS applications... Helping organizations to get more out of their technologies. We connect the dare of education with the experience of industry to achieve the impossible. (C) 2012 24U s.r.o. All rights reserved. 24U and 24U Software are trademarks of 24U s.r.o. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, Mac, Mac OS, OS X, Carbon, Cocoa, AppleScript, and AppleScript Studio are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. FileMaker is a trademark of FileMaker, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective owners. Pricing and availability are subject to change without notice.
HOnza Koudelka
Software Division Manager
Czech Republic
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/24Usro
LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/company/616182
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.com/24u
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45142&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45142.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45142
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-225.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-225.htm
24U Software today announces 24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0, their popular file management plug-in for FileMaker Pro 12. Effortlessly read, create, rename, delete, copy/move files and so much more - directly from within FileMaker Pro. 24U SimpleFile Plug-In comes with ready-to-use examples for both FileMaker Pro 11 and FileMaker Pro 12. Version 2.0 brings network volume mounting, RTF file support, and picture converting functions.
Prague, Czech Republic - 24U Software today is pleased to announce the immediate availability of 24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0 for FileMaker Pro 12. 24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0 brings network volume mounting, RTF file support, and picture converting functions. It comes with ready-to-use examples for both FileMaker Pro 11 and FileMaker Pro 12.
What's new in Version 2.0:
* Importing/exporting formatted text to/from RTF files
* Resizing and rotating picture files
* Mounting and unmounting network volumes
* Base64 encoding support
* No limit for long unix paths
* Recorded sound can be written to a file
* Works correctly with FileValut protected folders
* Improved compatibility with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
* Improved compatibility with Windows 7
* Improved compatibility with FileMaker Pro 12
* Added native examples in the FileMaker 12 file format
* Improved stability, performance, and error handling
* Several minor improvements
Primary Features:
* Creating files and folders
* Deleting files and folders (including complete contents)
* Copying files and folders (including complete contents)
* Moving files and folders (including complete contents)
* Renaming files and folders
* Checking kind of items (file/folder/
* Checking size of files and folders (data fork/resource fork/file/folder)
* Checking and setting creation and modification date & time
* Checking and setting file/folder privileges
* Choosing file, folder and new file name via system dialog
* Reading folders (list of items)
* Reading files (whole contents or part)
* Writing files (whole, append, modify)
* Support for full and relative paths (cross-platform)
* Support for explicitly specified text encodings
* Reading and writing binary files as hexadecimal dump
* 100% Unicode
Better integration with office suites, such as MS Office or iWork:
The newly added support for styled text import and export lets FileMaker developers more closely integrate word processing applications with their solutions. 24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0 uses the standard RTF format for styled text exchange. RTF can be opened and saved by every popular word processor, including MS Word and Pages.
Use 24u SimpleFile Plug-In to leverage the power of FileMaker Server:
24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0 is fully functional as a server-side plug-in, allowing FileMaker solutions to manipulate files stored locally on FileMaker Server from within server-side scripts or through web publishing.
For example, Derby Junior Football League is using a FileMaker 11 solution hosted on FileMaker Server Advanced to manage clubs and allow clubs to manage their teams. 24U SimpleFile Plug-In is helping them to allow uploading member pictures directly to the FileMaker database over the web interface using Instant Web Publishing.
Requirements and Compatibility:
24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0 requires Mac OS X 10.4 or newer and FileMaker Pro 8.5 or newer. Recommended is Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and FileMaker Pro 11 Advanced or newer.
Windows XP SP3 and FileMaker Pro 8.5 are minimum requirements for using the plug-in on the Windows platform. Windows 7 and FileMaker Pro 11 Advanced or newer are recommended.
Older versions of the plug-in are still available for FileMaker Pro versions 4 through 8.
Pricing and Availability:
24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0 is immediately available for download free of charge as a fully functional 14-days trial version, which can be activated after purchasing a license code.
Single-user license sells for US$39, volume discounts are available for 5 or more users. Upgrade for users of the version 1 is available at a discounted price, starting from US $29 per user.
Developer license starts at US$349 limited to 20 concurrent users per site, unlimited to a number of solutions or customers. Upgrade for developers using version 1 starts at US $211.
Server license is available for US$499 per server, upgrade from version 1 costs US $349.
24U Software: http://www.24usoftw
24U SimpleFile Plug-In 2.0: http://www.24usoftw
Download for Mac: http://www.24usoftw
Download for Windows: http://www.24usoftw
Purchase a license: http://www.24usoftw
24U Software offers solutions for people, not for computers! With FileMaker and Mac experience reaching back into the early 90's and developing FileMaker plug-ins and AppleScript scripting additions since 1997, 24U has become recognized a key vendor of these sorts of products. Dedicated to creating the easiest to use FileMaker plug-ins and scripting additions... Optimizing performance of FileMaker solutions... Inventing unique iOS applications.
property of their respective owners. Pricing and availability are subject to change without notice.
HOnza Koudelka
Software Division Manager
Czech Republic
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook
LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Mon Jul 9, 2012 5:30 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Cartoon ABC for iOS - Your Child's First Step to Reading - Published on 07/09/12
New Jersey based educational technology company, Kid's Academy today introduces Cartoon ABC 1.0, their first educational and interactive app for kids aged 2-5. Designed for both iPad and iPhone, Cartoon ABC guides young explorers through the exciting world of letters, sounds, and words and helps them make their first steps in reading. Child-friendly navigation allows kids to be entirely in control of their learning experience. Each word has fun animations that come to life with a tap.
Holmdel, New Jersey - Kid's Academy Company today is proud to announce the release and immediate availability of Cartoon ABC, their first educational and interactive app for kids aged 2-5. Designed for both iPad and iPhone, Cartoon ABC guides young explorers through the exciting world of letters, sounds, and words and helps them make their first steps in reading.
Cartoon ABC involves preschoolers into game-like alphabet learning with 100+ amusing animations, 70+ charming characters, exquisite design, and original sounds. They are able to learn individual letters and how each letter is used within a word. With Cartoon ABC kids will also develop their memory and motor skills, as wells as learn to associate a visual image of an object with its spelling and the way it sounds. As a result of using Cartoon ABC young users will memorize the letters of the alphabet, remember the words that start with a corresponding letter, recognize the way the words get written, and have fun.
A child friendly navigation allows kids to be entirely in control of their learning experience. They can pick any flash card and play it as many times as they want. Each word has fun animations that come to life with a tap. It's an attractive and colorful approach of introducing the alphabet to children.
Parents will appreciate the educational value of the app and a specially designed Parents Area. It serves not only as a place to change settings and add profiles; it also helps parents monitor their children's progress in learning the alphabet through the progress chart. It shows how many times each letter has been played, which letter has been played last, and which letter has been overlooked. Parents will also like the way developers care about children's privacy: the app does not contain neither in-app purchases, nor ads, and is not integrated with any social networks.
Cartoon ABC is created with the help of the state-of-the-art-technology. HTML5, the most mobile ready programming language for developing apps, allows Kid's Academy's IT specialists to embed rich content, such as video, audio, high quality drawings, and animation without using any plug-ins and third party components. As a result, Cartoon ABC's size is slightly bigger than 25MB, which makes it fast to download. Cartoon ABC designers used highly scalable vector images which makes the app look sharp on the whole range of Apple devices - iPhone, iPod touch, and the new iPad with Retina display.
"We wanted to create a high quality application that is educational as well as entertaining for kids and for their parents. Our ultimate goal is to develop a whole series of worthy applications that will help kids get ready for school," says Alex Shingel, CEO at Kid's Academy Company.
Device requirements
* iPhone, iPod touch and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.2 or later
* 25.7 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Cartoon ABC ($1.99 USD or other equivalent currencies) is a universal application available on the App Store in the Education category. The release is celebrated with a 50% discount.
Kid's Academy: http://kidsacademy.mobi
Cartoon ABC 1.0: http://www.kidsacademy.mobi/cartoon-abc
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.apple.com/app/cartoon-abc/id528233122
Screenshot: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/116/Purple/v4/0c/d4/54/0cd45483-1cd2-685c-6b01-51d203f4a680/mza_362647960820954599.320x480-75.jpg
App Icon: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/103/Purple/v4/67/79/16/67791635-a57f-24d5-1d2b-e0d30f12df9e/mza_7779567830311607817.175x175-75.jpg
Press Kit (zip): http://www.kidsacademy.mobi/media/media_kits/Media_Kit_1.zip
Kid's Academy is an educational technology company based in Holmdel, NJ. Founded in 2012, the company unites most talented specialists with various professional backgrounds in order to design, develop and market educational applications and related content for preschool children. Copyright (C) 2012 Kid's Academy. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Alex Shingel
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45143&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45143.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45143
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-21668.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-21668.htm
New Jersey based educational technology company, Kid's Academy today introduces Cartoon ABC 1.0, their first educational and interactive app for kids aged 2-5. Designed for both iPad and iPhone, Cartoon ABC guides young explorers through the exciting world of letters, sounds, and words and helps them make their first steps in reading. Child-friendly navigation allows kids to be entirely in control of their learning experience. Each word has fun animations that come to life with a tap.
Holmdel, New Jersey - Kid's Academy Company today is proud to announce the release and immediate availability of Cartoon ABC, their first educational and interactive app for kids aged 2-5. Designed for both iPad and iPhone, Cartoon ABC guides young explorers through the exciting world of letters, sounds, and words and helps them make their first steps in reading.
Cartoon ABC involves preschoolers into game-like alphabet learning with 100+ amusing animations, 70+ charming characters, exquisite design, and original sounds. They are able to learn individual letters and how each letter is used within a word. With Cartoon ABC kids will also develop their memory and motor skills, as wells as learn to associate a visual image of an object with its spelling and the way it sounds. As a result of using Cartoon ABC young users will memorize the letters of the alphabet, remember the words that start with a corresponding letter, recognize the way the words get written, and have fun.
A child friendly navigation allows kids to be entirely in control of their learning experience. They can pick any flash card and play it as many times as they want. Each word has fun animations that come to life with a tap. It's an attractive and colorful approach of introducing the alphabet to children.
Parents will appreciate the educational value of the app and a specially designed Parents Area. It serves not only as a place to change settings and add profiles; it also helps parents monitor their children's progress in learning the alphabet through the progress chart. It shows how many times each letter has been played, which letter has been played last, and which letter has been overlooked. Parents will also like the way developers care about children's privacy: the app does not contain neither in-app purchases, nor ads, and is not integrated with any social networks.
Cartoon ABC is created with the help of the state-of-the-
"We wanted to create a high quality application that is educational as well as entertaining for kids and for their parents. Our ultimate goal is to develop a whole series of worthy applications that will help kids get ready for school," says Alex Shingel, CEO at Kid's Academy Company.
Device requirements
* iPhone, iPod touch and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.2 or later
* 25.7 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Cartoon ABC ($1.99 USD or other equivalent currencies) is a universal application available on the App Store in the Education category. The release is celebrated with a 50% discount.
Kid's Academy: http://kidsacademy.
Cartoon ABC 1.0: http://www.kidsacad
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.
Screenshot: http://a3.mzstatic.
App Icon: http://a1.mzstatic.
Press Kit (zip): http://www.kidsacad
Kid's Academy is an educational technology company based in Holmdel, NJ. Founded in 2012, the company unites most talented specialists with various professional backgrounds in order to design, develop and market educational applications and related content for preschool children. Copyright (C) 2012 Kid's Academy. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Alex Shingel
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Mon Jul 9, 2012 5:45 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Learning math is fun with Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division - Published on 07/09/12
Moscow based Rucarta Ltd. today announced the release of a newly updated version of Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division. Updated iPhone, iPod support, improved overall app performance, added new levels: easy, medium, hard that make app even more attractive for users. Beautifully designed, Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division features vibrantly colorful 3D graphics,simple and easy navigation requiring no parents' assistance, integrated multiplication table and much more.
Moscow, Russia - Rucarta Ltd. a leading app developer focused on creating educational solutions for young children, is excited today to announce the recent update of Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division. A wildly entertaining math-based app, Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division is a unique educational app blends mathematics aspects with all-out space action game, pushing players to battle their way in order to to destroy meteorites and keep the Earth safe. Complete with interactive game aimed at encouraging mathematics skills, Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division is currently available for download on the App Store for $0.99 in the Education Category.
Multiplication and Division are fundamental skills and with Space Mathematics it's never been more entertaining to do! The application is available as a paid $0.99 version as well as a Lite version on the App Store. Perfect for children of all ages, Space Mathematics Lite will be a quick multiplication and division treat for any engaged children while Space Mathematics Full gives them access to enjoy this classic math concepts in its entirety. Children have to save the planet from meteorites by sending rockets against them. The more accurate calculation kid has the sooner he can complete his mission. Players can train at first to get enough experience and then start playing real game choosing among 3 levels and giving quick answers to send rockets of right capacity to meteorites threaten the Earth.
Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division may convince kids that its simply an awesome mobile game collection but the app stays true to its educational roots. Designed specifically for kids, application features intuitive swipe based controls requiring no parents' assistance and a straightforward structure that makes playing and learning through this app a breeze. Since learning is a hand on process the app features a diverse array of interactive games to help kids do just that. Complete with intricate vivid artwork, exercises created to help youngsters take their mathematics skills to the next levels, and a mission to save the Earth that's sure to motivate children to WANT to learn more, Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division by Rucarta Ltd. is the new gold standard in youth mathematics learning app offerings on the App Store.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.0 or later
* 28.6 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division 1.1 is $0.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Education category.
Rucarta: http://rucarta.com
Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division 1.1: http://rucarta.com/default.asp?trID=2263&cmd=ClrFilter
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.apple.com/app/space-mathematics-multiplication/id520094707
Download Lite from iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/app/space-mathematics-multiplication/id520105685
Screenshot: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/110/Purple/v4/e5/92/88/e592881d-f95b-2f33-54d8-0f96806f457b/mza_7258569602058653906.320x480-75.jpg
App Icon: http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/109/Purple/v4/68/fa/57/68fa5736-344f-7512-c357-43f0cc540064/mza_342287573400756843.175x175-75.jpg
Founded in Moscow, Russia, Rucarta Ltd. is committed to developing educational apps geared towards helping toddlers and preschoolers get a head start in life by showing them that learning is an enormously rewarding and fulfilling experience. (c) Rucarta Ltd. 2012. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Alexey Afanasyev
Russian Federation
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45144&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45144.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45144
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Moscow based Rucarta Ltd. today announced the release of a newly updated version of Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division. Updated iPhone, iPod support, improved overall app performance, added new levels: easy, medium, hard that make app even more attractive for users. Beautifully designed, Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division features vibrantly colorful 3D graphics,simple and easy navigation requiring no parents' assistance, integrated multiplication table and much more.
Moscow, Russia - Rucarta Ltd. a leading app developer focused on creating educational solutions for young children, is excited today to announce the recent update of Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division. A wildly entertaining math-based app, Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division is a unique educational app blends mathematics aspects with all-out space action game, pushing players to battle their way in order to to destroy meteorites and keep the Earth safe. Complete with interactive game aimed at encouraging mathematics skills, Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division is currently available for download on the App Store for $0.99 in the Education Category.
Multiplication and Division are fundamental skills and with Space Mathematics it's never been more entertaining to do! The application is available as a paid $0.99 version as well as a Lite version on the App Store. Perfect for children of all ages, Space Mathematics Lite will be a quick multiplication and division treat for any engaged children while Space Mathematics Full gives them access to enjoy this classic math concepts in its entirety. Children have to save the planet from meteorites by sending rockets against them. The more accurate calculation kid has the sooner he can complete his mission. Players can train at first to get enough experience and then start playing real game choosing among 3 levels and giving quick answers to send rockets of right capacity to meteorites threaten the Earth.
Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division may convince kids that its simply an awesome mobile game collection but the app stays true to its educational roots. Designed specifically for kids, application features intuitive swipe based controls requiring no parents' assistance and a straightforward structure that makes playing and learning through this app a breeze. Since learning is a hand on process the app features a diverse array of interactive games to help kids do just that. Complete with intricate vivid artwork, exercises created to help youngsters take their mathematics skills to the next levels, and a mission to save the Earth that's sure to motivate children to WANT to learn more, Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division by Rucarta Ltd. is the new gold standard in youth mathematics learning app offerings on the App Store.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.0 or later
* 28.6 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division 1.1 is $0.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Education category.
Rucarta: http://rucarta.
Space Mathematics: Multiplication and Division 1.1: http://rucarta.
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.
Download Lite from iTunes: http://itunes.
Screenshot: http://a1.mzstatic.
App Icon: http://a5.mzstatic.
Founded in Moscow, Russia, Rucarta Ltd. is committed to developing educational apps geared towards helping toddlers and preschoolers get a head start in life by showing them that learning is an enormously rewarding and fulfilling experience. (c) Rucarta Ltd. 2012. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Alexey Afanasyev
Russian Federation
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
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Mon Jul 9, 2012 6:00 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Ape Ent. to Create Comic Series Based on The Game Bakers' Squids - Published on 07/09/12
Ape Entertainment and indie video game developer The Game Bakers are announcing a new licensing agreement to create a series of original digital comic books and graphic novels based on The Game Bakers' chart-topping game series, "Squids". "Squids" and its recent sequel, "Squids Wild West", are unique role-playing games with quirky characters, colorful cartoon graphics, and humorous storylines. Ape Entertainment plans to release the full-color comic book series in print as well as a comics app.
San Diego, California - Ape Entertainment, developers of the massively popular Pocket God Comics and Cut the Rope: Comic, and independent video game developer The Game Bakers are announcing a new licensing agreement to create a series of original digital comic books and graphic novels based on The Game Bakers' chart-topping game series, "Squids". Available for iOS, Android, PC, and Mac, the "Squids" games have been downloaded by more than one million players worldwide.
"Squids" and its recent sequel, "Squids Wild West", are unique role-playing games with quirky characters, colorful cartoon graphics, and humorous storylines. A mysterious black ooze is encroaching on the Squids' lush underwater kingdom, prompting a scrappy group of Squid heroes to fight back the only way they know how: by stretching their tentacles to spring into battle. Both Squids games have been praised by fans for their vibrant artwork and lighthearted yet surprisingly epic plotlines - elements that will transition perfectly into Ape's new comic series, which will explore the backstories of scout Steev, healer Vahine, and the rest of the "Squids" crew.
"In terms of graphics and storytelling, the Squids games already have a lot in common with comics, so continuing and expanding the adventure in comic books is a natural step," says Audrey Leprince, The Game Bakers' COO and cofounder. "Ape Entertainment has a proven track record within the comics industry and we're excited to partner with them to bring our hungry fans more of the Squids stories they love."
"What attracted us to the Squids property was its gorgeous cartoon art, comical storyline and intriguing characters," said David Hedgecock, CEO of Ape Entertainment. "This combination is the perfect setup to expand upon its rich storyline and dive deeper into the backstory for an underwater adventure fans will love to read and explore."
Ape Entertainment plans to release the full-color comic book series in print as well as through a standalone "Squids" Comics app for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch in the coming months.
Ape Comics: http://www.apecomics.com/
Download Squids on the App Store: http://itunes.apple.com/app/squids/id467904350
Download Squids Wild West on the App Store: http://itunes.apple.com/app/squids-wild-west/id522145076
Screenshot (Squids): http://www.ape-entertainment.com/press/SQUIDS.jpg
Screenshot (Squids Wild West): http://www.ape-entertainment.com/press/SQUIDS_WILDWEST.jpg
App Icon: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/103/Purple/v4/27/e7/7c/27e77ce4-790a-c009-8fc6-bab0e5db943a/mza_59150904283428681.175x175-75.jpg
Founded in 2003, Ape Entertainment is the brainchild of lifelong comic book devotees David Hedgecock, and Brent E. Erwin. Comic book home to such popular titles as Black Dynamite: Slave Island, White Picket Fences, Little Green Men and the Eisner Award nominated Scratch9. Ape Entertainment is also the North American publisher for licensed properties including Pocket God, Shrek, The Penguins Of Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda, Richie Rich, Casper, Strawberry Shortcake and Cut The Rope. Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Ape Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Greg Dawson
Media Relations
United States
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.com/apecomics
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RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-14637.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-14637.htm
Ape Entertainment and indie video game developer The Game Bakers are announcing a new licensing agreement to create a series of original digital comic books and graphic novels based on The Game Bakers' chart-topping game series, "Squids". "Squids" and its recent sequel, "Squids Wild West", are unique role-playing games with quirky characters, colorful cartoon graphics, and humorous storylines. Ape Entertainment plans to release the full-color comic book series in print as well as a comics app.
San Diego, California - Ape Entertainment, developers of the massively popular Pocket God Comics and Cut the Rope: Comic, and independent video game developer The Game Bakers are announcing a new licensing agreement to create a series of original digital comic books and graphic novels based on The Game Bakers' chart-topping game series, "Squids". Available for iOS, Android, PC, and Mac, the "Squids" games have been downloaded by more than one million players worldwide.
"Squids" and its recent sequel, "Squids Wild West", are unique role-playing games with quirky characters, colorful cartoon graphics, and humorous storylines. A mysterious black ooze is encroaching on the Squids' lush underwater kingdom, prompting a scrappy group of Squid heroes to fight back the only way they know how: by stretching their tentacles to spring into battle. Both Squids games have been praised by fans for their vibrant artwork and lighthearted yet surprisingly epic plotlines - elements that will transition perfectly into Ape's new comic series, which will explore the backstories of scout Steev, healer Vahine, and the rest of the "Squids" crew.
"In terms of graphics and storytelling, the Squids games already have a lot in common with comics, so continuing and expanding the adventure in comic books is a natural step," says Audrey Leprince, The Game Bakers' COO and cofounder. "Ape Entertainment has a proven track record within the comics industry and we're excited to partner with them to bring our hungry fans more of the Squids stories they love."
"What attracted us to the Squids property was its gorgeous cartoon art, comical storyline and intriguing characters," said David Hedgecock, CEO of Ape Entertainment. "This combination is the perfect setup to expand upon its rich storyline and dive deeper into the backstory for an underwater adventure fans will love to read and explore."
Ape Entertainment plans to release the full-color comic book series in print as well as through a standalone "Squids" Comics app for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch in the coming months.
Ape Comics: http://www.apecomic
Download Squids on the App Store: http://itunes.
Download Squids Wild West on the App Store: http://itunes.
Screenshot (Squids): http://www.ape-
Screenshot (Squids Wild West): http://www.ape-
App Icon: http://a2.mzstatic.
Founded in 2003, Ape Entertainment is the brainchild of lifelong comic book devotees David Hedgecock, and Brent E. Erwin. Comic book home to such popular titles as Black Dynamite: Slave Island, White Picket Fences, Little Green Men and the Eisner Award nominated Scratch9. Ape Entertainment is also the North American publisher for licensed properties including Pocket God, Shrek, The Penguins Of Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda, Richie Rich, Casper, Strawberry Shortcake and Cut The Rope. Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Ape Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Greg Dawson
Media Relations
United States
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
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Mon Jul 9, 2012 6:00 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
The Cool Dog App for iPhone and iPad is Pawsitively a-MAZE-ing - Published on 07/09/12
TLC Productions introduce Cool Dog 1.0, their fun and addictive maze game for OS devices. Raise your hand if you like dogs. Raise your hand if you like maze puzzles. Raise your hand if you like supporting animal charities. That's everyone, right? Navigate a maze to collect bones as quickly as possible. You'll find plenty of extra goodies scattered about the maze-food bowls & gold bones. Balls will bounce around the path causing your dog to freeze for a few seconds so technically they're bad.
Mission Viejo, California - Indie developers, TLC Productions have just re-released their fun and addictive maze game "Cool Dog" for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Get Cool Dog "Darby" and friends to the doghouse with all of the white bones and bonus gold bones and receive big points. But it won't be that easy - as you will have to work your way through a maze of bushes and trees. And the maze never repeats on any of the three different levels - always a new maze.
Don't let the easy mechanics fool you into believing that this game is a snap. You will have to explore the maze to find the most efficient route to not only get to the doghouse but to also collect all of the white bones along the way. And you had better keep a watchful eye out for those bouncing tennis balls as they will distract your dog from getting to the doghouse. And to power boost your dog during its run - there are food bowls throughout the maze which will speed up your dog for a set amount of time. Want to give your dog a treat? There are biscuits available which will allow your dog to teleport to any spot within the maze.
As an extra incentive - unlock two of Darby's other Shiba Inu* friends for extra features. The red dog can leap over 5 barriers in the maze per game and the black & tan dog can move super fast through the maze and those tennis balls will have no effect.
You will always have a new maze for every game play so it's a new game every time. Cool Dog will give your hours of fun play as you try to better your score every time you play. Better your time - and receive bonus points. More bonus points - more options become available to you. Post to Facebook or tweet to Twitter and compare scores with your friends.
* The Shiba Inu - Little Brushwood Dog is the smallest of the six original breeds of dog from Japan. With a spirited boldness, a good nature, and an unaffected forthrightness, which together yield dignity and natural beauty. The Shiba has an independent nature and can be reserved toward strangers but is loyal and affectionate to those who earn its respect. It is one of the few ancient dog breeds still in existence in the world today.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.0 or later
* 18.6 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Cool Dog 1.0 is Free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.
Cool Dog 1.0: http://gr8iphonegames.com
Download From iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/app/cool-dog/id499635050
Screenshot 1: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/083/Purple/v4/83/6c/49/836c490a-8c1e-8cce-c3a7-0289a2dd6bb7/mza_9197243851397560386.320x480-75.jpg
Screenshot 2: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/087/Purple/v4/dd/9c/8f/dd9c8f8d-f35f-6c07-2fe5-ec0acc1a3cd9/mza_3345000427655103699.320x480-75.jpg
App Icon: http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/116/Purple/v4/d4/71/6f/d4716f4f-bdcb-295b-87ce-02b6a8871244/mzl.vghyybma.175x175-75.jpg
TLC Productions (aka GR8iPhoneGames) is based in Mission Viejo, California and was established in Oct 2011. We are in the business of producing highly addictive, multi-platform games. Our games are not only about creating excitement but also about giving back to our community. As is the case with "Cool Dog" - a portion of our profits from this game will go to both a research facility focused on making all animals healthy and happy and to our local Shiba Inu Rescue group. Copyright (C) 2012 TLC Productions. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Ted and Loretta Cheron
United States
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/gr8iphonegames
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.com/GR8iPhoneGames
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Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-20998.htm
TLC Productions introduce Cool Dog 1.0, their fun and addictive maze game for OS devices. Raise your hand if you like dogs. Raise your hand if you like maze puzzles. Raise your hand if you like supporting animal charities. That's everyone, right? Navigate a maze to collect bones as quickly as possible. You'll find plenty of extra goodies scattered about the maze-food bowls & gold bones. Balls will bounce around the path causing your dog to freeze for a few seconds so technically they're bad.
Mission Viejo, California - Indie developers, TLC Productions have just re-released their fun and addictive maze game "Cool Dog" for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Get Cool Dog "Darby" and friends to the doghouse with all of the white bones and bonus gold bones and receive big points. But it won't be that easy - as you will have to work your way through a maze of bushes and trees. And the maze never repeats on any of the three different levels - always a new maze.
Don't let the easy mechanics fool you into believing that this game is a snap. You will have to explore the maze to find the most efficient route to not only get to the doghouse but to also collect all of the white bones along the way. And you had better keep a watchful eye out for those bouncing tennis balls as they will distract your dog from getting to the doghouse. And to power boost your dog during its run - there are food bowls throughout the maze which will speed up your dog for a set amount of time. Want to give your dog a treat? There are biscuits available which will allow your dog to teleport to any spot within the maze.
As an extra incentive - unlock two of Darby's other Shiba Inu* friends for extra features. The red dog can leap over 5 barriers in the maze per game and the black & tan dog can move super fast through the maze and those tennis balls will have no effect.
You will always have a new maze for every game play so it's a new game every time. Cool Dog will give your hours of fun play as you try to better your score every time you play. Better your time - and receive bonus points. More bonus points - more options become available to you. Post to Facebook or tweet to Twitter and compare scores with your friends.
* The Shiba Inu - Little Brushwood Dog is the smallest of the six original breeds of dog from Japan. With a spirited boldness, a good nature, and an unaffected forthrightness, which together yield dignity and natural beauty. The Shiba has an independent nature and can be reserved toward strangers but is loyal and affectionate to those who earn its respect. It is one of the few ancient dog breeds still in existence in the world today.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.0 or later
* 18.6 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Cool Dog 1.0 is Free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.
Cool Dog 1.0: http://gr8iphonegam
Download From iTunes: http://itunes.
Screenshot 1: http://a3.mzstatic.
Screenshot 2: http://a4.mzstatic.
App Icon: http://a5.mzstatic.
TLC Productions (aka GR8iPhoneGames) is based in Mission Viejo, California and was established in Oct 2011. We are in the business of producing highly addictive, multi-platform games. Our games are not only about creating excitement but also about giving back to our community. As is the case with "Cool Dog" - a portion of our profits from this game will go to both a research facility focused on making all animals healthy and happy and to our local Shiba Inu Rescue group. Copyright (C) 2012 TLC Productions. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Ted and Loretta Cheron
United States
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
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Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Mon Jul 9, 2012 6:01 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
VideofyMe Challenges Bloggers Worldwide with #Videofymyfashion - Published on 07/09/12
VideofyMe partners with leading blog network Tumblr and Swedish fashion magazine Bon for the chance to win an all expense paid trip to Stockholm, Sweden for the 2013 S/S Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. An international search for the top trendsetters in fashion, the 2012 #Videofymyfashion challenge is a month-long contest to find those fashion forward individuals who can capture their best summer fashion moments using the VideofyMe app.
Stockholm, Sweden - Get ready fashion bloggers, the newest social video app VideofyMe, has teamed up with blog service giant Tumblr, and Swedish fashion publication Bon, to present the first-ever #Videofymyfashion video challenge.
An international search for the top trendsetters in fashion, the 2012 #Videofymyfashion challenge is a month-long contest to find those fashion forward individuals who can capture their best summer fashion moments using the VideofyMe app.
To enter, contestants must first download the free VideofyMe app from the iTunes App Store or Google Play. Next, use the app to capture what inspires and defines their personal summer fashion and tag the video with #videofymyfashion. Finally, share it with friends and family via their blog, Facebook and Twitter, in an effort to gather as many likes within the VideofyMe player as possible. All entries can be watched at videofymyfashion.tumblr.com. Entries will be accepted July 9th through August 12th.
The top 10 videos with the most VideofyMe like's will be critiqued by a jury including Margareta van den Bosch (Creative Advisor, H&M), Valentine Uhovski (Fashion Evangelist, Tumblr), Linda Leopold (Editor in Chief, BON), Marit Woody (Managing Director, Bloggers Wardrobe) and Derya Akol (Marketing Director, VideofyMe).
Winners will be announced on August 17th. First prize includes the opportunity to accompany the Bon editorial team to the 2013 Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Stockholm, a membership to Blogger's Wardrobe, a feature on Tumblr, a five night stay at Story Hotel in Sweden and a crazy busy schedule of fashionable fun!
Second and third place runner-ups will be given exclusive invitations to Blogger's Wardrobe and have featured placement within the VideofyMe app. For more information visit VideofyMe online.
Videofyme 3.0.2: http://www.videofy.me/mobile
#Videofymyfashion Challenge: http://videofymyfashion.tumblr.com
Download from iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/app/videofyme/id394114278
Download from Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.videofy.android&hl=en
Videofyme was founded in 2009 by Robert Mellberg and Oskar Glauser and is a service that connects video creators with advertisers. Users upload their videos through the social video service and take advantage of ad revenue on a per viewing basis. Today VideofyMe has over 250,000 registered users including Coco Rocha, Style Scrapbook, The Blonde Salad, Fashion Chalet, La Carmina and I SPY DIY. Since their start in 2009, VideofyMe has awarded more than 1 million dollars to its users. In September 2011, an international version of VideofyMe was released and video screenings increased from four to 40 million views per month. Copyright (C) 2012 Videofyme. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Jena Vuylsteke
Appency on behalf of VideofyMe
United States
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/lolapanda
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.com/# !/lola_panda
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45139&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45139.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45139
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-3900.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-3900.htm
VideofyMe partners with leading blog network Tumblr and Swedish fashion magazine Bon for the chance to win an all expense paid trip to Stockholm, Sweden for the 2013 S/S Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. An international search for the top trendsetters in fashion, the 2012 #Videofymyfashion challenge is a month-long contest to find those fashion forward individuals who can capture their best summer fashion moments using the VideofyMe app.
Stockholm, Sweden - Get ready fashion bloggers, the newest social video app VideofyMe, has teamed up with blog service giant Tumblr, and Swedish fashion publication Bon, to present the first-ever #Videofymyfashion video challenge.
An international search for the top trendsetters in fashion, the 2012 #Videofymyfashion challenge is a month-long contest to find those fashion forward individuals who can capture their best summer fashion moments using the VideofyMe app.
To enter, contestants must first download the free VideofyMe app from the iTunes App Store or Google Play. Next, use the app to capture what inspires and defines their personal summer fashion and tag the video with #videofymyfashion. Finally, share it with friends and family via their blog, Facebook and Twitter, in an effort to gather as many likes within the VideofyMe player as possible. All entries can be watched at videofymyfashion.
The top 10 videos with the most VideofyMe like's will be critiqued by a jury including Margareta van den Bosch (Creative Advisor, H&M), Valentine Uhovski (Fashion Evangelist, Tumblr), Linda Leopold (Editor in Chief, BON), Marit Woody (Managing Director, Bloggers Wardrobe) and Derya Akol (Marketing Director, VideofyMe).
Winners will be announced on August 17th. First prize includes the opportunity to accompany the Bon editorial team to the 2013 Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Stockholm, a membership to Blogger's Wardrobe, a feature on Tumblr, a five night stay at Story Hotel in Sweden and a crazy busy schedule of fashionable fun!
Second and third place runner-ups will be given exclusive invitations to Blogger's Wardrobe and have featured placement within the VideofyMe app. For more information visit VideofyMe online.
Videofyme 3.0.2: http://www.videofy.
#Videofymyfashion Challenge: http://videofymyfas
Download from iTunes: http://itunes.
Download from Google Play: https://play.
Videofyme was founded in 2009 by Robert Mellberg and Oskar Glauser and is a service that connects video creators with advertisers. Users upload their videos through the social video service and take advantage of ad revenue on a per viewing basis. Today VideofyMe has over 250,000 registered users including Coco Rocha, Style Scrapbook, The Blonde Salad, Fashion Chalet, La Carmina and I SPY DIY. Since their start in 2009, VideofyMe has awarded more than 1 million dollars to its users. In September 2011, an international version of VideofyMe was released and video screenings increased from four to 40 million views per month. Copyright (C) 2012 Videofyme. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Jena Vuylsteke
Appency on behalf of VideofyMe
United States
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Mon Jul 9, 2012 7:00 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Xyrality Releases Large Update for Lords & Knights iOS Version - Published on 07/09/12
Xyrality today announces the release of Lords & Knights 2.0 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Players become rulers of a mighty empire and join other lords in exciting battles against thousands of players to take control of the country. The update includes the exchange of resources between castles, one-click recruiting to make it easier to manage several castles, sound effects and music composed especially for the game that enhance the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, and Game Center integration.
Hamburg, Germany - Xyrality today is pleased to announce the release of Lords & Knights 2.0 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Players become rulers of a mighty empire and join other lords in exciting battles against thousands of players to take control of the country. This update is now available via iTunes, and the Hamburg developer has optimized the hit app with numerous new functions and features.
The update now includes the exchange of resources between castles and one-click recruiting to make it easier to manage several castles. The 2.0 version now also comes with sound effects and music composed especially for the game that enhance the atmosphere of the Middle Ages. Among others, the new Game Center Integration provides additional game depth and contains 20 achievements that can be unlocked.
New Feature Highlights:
* 20 new Achievements can be unlocked in the Game Center
* Over 20 distinct sound effects now complement the game experience
* Specially composed game music now underlines the medieval atmosphere
* Players with at least 10 castles can now recruit units simultaneously across all selected castles
* Players with at least 8 castles can now, with just one click, start their pre-selected missions in all castles
* Players with at least 5 castles can now exchange resources across all selected castles
* Spy and battle reports can be shared with other players
* Supportive units in a foreign castle can now all be recalled, with just one click
* Castles can be marked individually on the map (violet color)
* Players can now unsubscribe from game server, in which they no longer have any castles
* Settings such as marked castles, pre-selected missions, reports and selected castle will be saved in iCloud
* Alliance wings are given a separate diplomacy status: "Vassal" (marked orange on the map)
* The crash in tavern view has been fixed
Language Support:
American English, Arabic, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 4.2 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 46.1 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Lords & Knights - Medieval Strategy MMO 2.0 is free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.
Xyrality: http://www.xyrality.com
Lords & Knights - Medieval Strategy MMO 2.0: http://www.lordsandknights.com
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.apple.com/app/id421864154
Screenshot 1: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/068/Purple/v4/53/5e/c6/535ec695-c12e-1783-f1c6-99ac2a3a178b/mzl.zzdwnijv.480x480-75.jpg
Screenshot 2: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/110/Purple/v4/39/e7/b7/39e7b74b-f9ce-da93-b24d-384d1e652901/mzl.byfbybnu.480x480-75.jpg
App Icon: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/098/Purple/v4/96/a0/e0/96a0e068-8d14-9f65-3dd6-92841cb470fb/mzl.xyyzrdcx.175x175-75.jpg
XYRALITY is an independent, rapidly expanding, profitable start-up company in Hamburg with 30 employees. This young game development studio creates and distributes strategy-construction games that can be played across various platforms, including smartphones and browsers. Their debut title "Lords & Knights" is an innovative strategy-builder MMO set in the Middle Ages and, within just a few months of its release in July 2011, XYRALITY became one of the most successful start-ups in the industry. This has enabled us to achieve several significant milestones including top rankings for the most profitable and most frequently downloaded apps in numerous important markets, and around 2,000 5-star ratings. Copyright (C) 2012 XYRALITY. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Johannes Aschermann
PR Manager
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45075&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45075.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45075
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-18276.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-18276.htm
Xyrality today announces the release of Lords & Knights 2.0 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Players become rulers of a mighty empire and join other lords in exciting battles against thousands of players to take control of the country. The update includes the exchange of resources between castles, one-click recruiting to make it easier to manage several castles, sound effects and music composed especially for the game that enhance the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, and Game Center integration.
Hamburg, Germany - Xyrality today is pleased to announce the release of Lords & Knights 2.0 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Players become rulers of a mighty empire and join other lords in exciting battles against thousands of players to take control of the country. This update is now available via iTunes, and the Hamburg developer has optimized the hit app with numerous new functions and features.
The update now includes the exchange of resources between castles and one-click recruiting to make it easier to manage several castles. The 2.0 version now also comes with sound effects and music composed especially for the game that enhance the atmosphere of the Middle Ages. Among others, the new Game Center Integration provides additional game depth and contains 20 achievements that can be unlocked.
New Feature Highlights:
* 20 new Achievements can be unlocked in the Game Center
* Over 20 distinct sound effects now complement the game experience
* Specially composed game music now underlines the medieval atmosphere
* Players with at least 10 castles can now recruit units simultaneously across all selected castles
* Players with at least 8 castles can now, with just one click, start their pre-selected missions in all castles
* Players with at least 5 castles can now exchange resources across all selected castles
* Spy and battle reports can be shared with other players
* Supportive units in a foreign castle can now all be recalled, with just one click
* Castles can be marked individually on the map (violet color)
* Players can now unsubscribe from game server, in which they no longer have any castles
* Settings such as marked castles, pre-selected missions, reports and selected castle will be saved in iCloud
* Alliance wings are given a separate diplomacy status: "Vassal" (marked orange on the map)
* The crash in tavern view has been fixed
Language Support:
American English, Arabic, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 4.2 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 46.1 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Lords & Knights - Medieval Strategy MMO 2.0 is free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.
Xyrality: http://www.xyrality
Lords & Knights - Medieval Strategy MMO 2.0: http://www.lordsand
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.
Screenshot 1: http://a2.mzstatic.
Screenshot 2: http://a3.mzstatic.
App Icon: http://a4.mzstatic.
XYRALITY is an independent, rapidly expanding, profitable start-up company in Hamburg with 30 employees. This young game development studio creates and distributes strategy-constructi
Johannes Aschermann
PR Manager
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Mon Jul 9, 2012 8:00 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Repair Database App Now Offering Technical Service Manuals - Published on 07/09/12
Ron Rockwell, certified repair technician and Marcus Roskosch, independent developer announce the update of the well-known Repair Database app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Repair Database - The Electronic Repair Reference Database 1.01.03 contains more than 100,000 repair solutions for everyday electronics like TV, CD-Player, PCs, Printers, Laptops and more. The new update now adds a huge library of technical service manuals which makes this app unique on the App Store.
Santa Cruz, California - Ron Rockwell and independent iOS and Mac developer Marcus Roskosch have announced a major update of their app Repair Database for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
Repair Database 1.01.03 for iOS contains more than 100,000 repair solutions for everyday electronics like TV, CD-Player, PCs, Printers, Laptops and more. With its integrated FCC, part- and cross-reference databases, this app is a must-have for technicians and people who like to fix it themselves.
After its successful launch early 2012, there is now a major update available that adds a huge library of service manuals to the app. By this, RepairDB is the first and only app on the App Store providing such a huge information source for all kinds of technicians.
"The idea for this library was born in talks to our loyal users", Ron said. "Users often had difficulties to identify the right PCB, the location of the defect part or even to open a device which can sometimes be quite tricky as companies usually don't like the device to be opened by other people."
With this update, the app already provides a huge amount of Service manuals which can even be viewed offline, without an internet connection, which is often helpful, when being on-site. Moreover, users can use the app to request for service manuals that are not yet included. "By offering this service, we will be able to continuously extend our library for our users", Ron said.
Parallel to this update, Marcus and Ron have re-launched their new website RepairDB online, which now offers video demos of the app and a user forum.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 4.1 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 12.2 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Repair Database - The Electronic Repair Reference Database 1.01.03 is $4.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Reference category.
Repair Database 1.01.03: http://www.repairdb.com
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.apple.com/app/id508728295?mt=8
Screenshot: http://repairdb.com/press/repairdb_iphone_device.png
App Icon: http://repairdb.com/press/repairdb_appicon.jpg
creating-your-app.de was founded 2008 by Marcus Roskosch as Software development company for iOS and Mac Apps. Copyright (C) 2012 creating-your-app.de. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45145&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45145.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45145
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-4226.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-4226.htm
Ron Rockwell, certified repair technician and Marcus Roskosch, independent developer announce the update of the well-known Repair Database app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Repair Database - The Electronic Repair Reference Database 1.01.03 contains more than 100,000 repair solutions for everyday electronics like TV, CD-Player, PCs, Printers, Laptops and more. The new update now adds a huge library of technical service manuals which makes this app unique on the App Store.
Santa Cruz, California - Ron Rockwell and independent iOS and Mac developer Marcus Roskosch have announced a major update of their app Repair Database for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
Repair Database 1.01.03 for iOS contains more than 100,000 repair solutions for everyday electronics like TV, CD-Player, PCs, Printers, Laptops and more. With its integrated FCC, part- and cross-reference databases, this app is a must-have for technicians and people who like to fix it themselves.
After its successful launch early 2012, there is now a major update available that adds a huge library of service manuals to the app. By this, RepairDB is the first and only app on the App Store providing such a huge information source for all kinds of technicians.
"The idea for this library was born in talks to our loyal users", Ron said. "Users often had difficulties to identify the right PCB, the location of the defect part or even to open a device which can sometimes be quite tricky as companies usually don't like the device to be opened by other people."
With this update, the app already provides a huge amount of Service manuals which can even be viewed offline, without an internet connection, which is often helpful, when being on-site. Moreover, users can use the app to request for service manuals that are not yet included. "By offering this service, we will be able to continuously extend our library for our users", Ron said.
Parallel to this update, Marcus and Ron have re-launched their new website RepairDB online, which now offers video demos of the app and a user forum.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 4.1 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 12.2 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Repair Database - The Electronic Repair Reference Database 1.01.03 is $4.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Reference category.
Repair Database 1.01.03: http://www.repairdb
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.
Screenshot: http://repairdb.
App Icon: http://repairdb.
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Mon Jul 9, 2012 9:00 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Siri Says Anything You Type with Ringtone Director Pro - Published on 07/09/12
No Tie's AutoRingtone users have created over 5,000,000 custom Text-To-Speech talking ringtones since November 2009. Their latest AutoRingtone-based app, RINGTONE DIRECTOR PRO, is a fun, creative way to create unlimited Caller ID ringtones that say exactly what you want. Users can select from 50+ voices and now, they can even use the voice of Siri to create talking ringtones!
Rochester, New York - Ringtine Director Pro, No Tie's custom talking ringtone creation app now includes the voice of Siri, in addition to 50 voices that users can use to create talking Caller ID ringtones. With iOS 5, users can even use custom ringtones for incoming text message and email alerts, in addition to alarm clock alerts and more! Unsolicited reviews include:
"Best ringtone app I've ever used - and I've used ALL of them! Keep up the great work, guys! I can't wait to see what comes next!!!"
"Loved this app for a long time now & love the continued enhancements. The addition of Siri rocks!"
"Does exactly what it says on the tin, which sadly cannot be said for all apps!"
No Tie Software's apps and AutoRingtone service enable users to create their own talking "Caller ID" ringtones, that say exactly what they want, such as "Steve, the President is calling. He needs your advice. Again. Should I let it go to voicemail?". Users can select from over 50 text to speech voices, such as British man or woman, valley girl, jersey girl, wise guy, and more, in the latest free update, users can choose a new character named 'Appy' which users will immediately recognize as the voice of Siri!
The original AutoRingtone app has been very successful, and very useful, but users have asked for a more fun, less utilitarian interface. With Ringtone Director, they get it! The user becomes the 'Director' with an empty stage in front of them. The Director touches a music stand to select from dozens of sound effects and music. Touch a 'Playbill'-style program guide to 'cast' the star, selecting from over fifty 'actors' and 'actresses!' As 'Writer/Director', the user can touch a typewriter to write a completely custom script that the voice talent will speak, using Text-To-Speech!
There are no limitations. Users can create unlimited ringtones and messages are completely uncensored. Indeed, many users are taking advantage of that feature! Over 5,000,000 ringtones have been created using the AutoRingtone service since November 2009!
Ringtones are downloadable in both .m4r as well as .MP3 formats, so ringtones can be created on an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad but can be used on iPhones as well as Android and other phones. Imagine creating a ringtone for your friends' phones to play, when you call them! Also, iOS 5-based devices can use ringtones as email and text messaging alerts, as well as alarm clock alerts, i.e. "Chris, it's time to take your medicine..." so it's not just about phone calls. No Tie's Ringtone cloud service, RINGTON.ES, makes it easy to share your custom ringtones with friends, by tweeting, emailing, or posting your custom URL.
No Tie published a funny video, created entirely using the app, narrated in the voice of Siri, that demonstrates how the app works!
No Tie's AutoRingtone and Ringtones Uncensored apps have been consistent bestsellers since introduction, both reaching as high as #3 in their category, and voted Best Ringtone App 2012 at About.com! No Tie reached this milestone the old fashioned way, providing a great app and a great service, at a great price.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 3.1.3 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 22.9 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Ringtone Director Pro 2.0 is only $0.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Social Networking category.
Ringtone Director Pro 2.0: http://www.RINGTON.ES
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.apple.com/app/ringtone-director-pro/id430199232
YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNNxvWQrsEw&feature=plcp
Screenshot 1: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/058/Purple/0f/8e/c7/mzl.kwqjvcyd.640x960-75.jpg
Screenshot 2: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/113/Purple/v4/c7/94/12/c7941221-d5d7-7baf-03dc-e406faeb053d/mzl.azhfekqc.320x480-75.jpg
App Icon: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/082/Purple/v4/f7/51/8f/f7518fe6-5eb5-cb55-4e57-7a48f17d3727/mzl.gpufkxhl.175x175-75.jpg
Since 2008, No Tie Software has been delivering fun and clever iPhone apps, including bestselling Ringtone and Sound FX apps such as AutoRingtone and 100sounds. Copyright (C) 2008-2012 No Tie LLC. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Todd Bernhard
United States
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.com/NoTie
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45161&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45161.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45161
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-3972.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-3972.htm
No Tie's AutoRingtone users have created over 5,000,000 custom Text-To-Speech talking ringtones since November 2009. Their latest AutoRingtone-
Rochester, New York - Ringtine Director Pro, No Tie's custom talking ringtone creation app now includes the voice of Siri, in addition to 50 voices that users can use to create talking Caller ID ringtones. With iOS 5, users can even use custom ringtones for incoming text message and email alerts, in addition to alarm clock alerts and more! Unsolicited reviews include:
"Best ringtone app I've ever used - and I've used ALL of them! Keep up the great work, guys! I can't wait to see what comes next!!!"
"Loved this app for a long time now & love the continued enhancements. The addition of Siri rocks!"
"Does exactly what it says on the tin, which sadly cannot be said for all apps!"
No Tie Software's apps and AutoRingtone service enable users to create their own talking "Caller ID" ringtones, that say exactly what they want, such as "Steve, the President is calling. He needs your advice. Again. Should I let it go to voicemail?". Users can select from over 50 text to speech voices, such as British man or woman, valley girl, jersey girl, wise guy, and more, in the latest free update, users can choose a new character named 'Appy' which users will immediately recognize as the voice of Siri!
The original AutoRingtone app has been very successful, and very useful, but users have asked for a more fun, less utilitarian interface. With Ringtone Director, they get it! The user becomes the 'Director' with an empty stage in front of them. The Director touches a music stand to select from dozens of sound effects and music. Touch a 'Playbill'-style program guide to 'cast' the star, selecting from over fifty 'actors' and 'actresses!' As 'Writer/Director'
There are no limitations. Users can create unlimited ringtones and messages are completely uncensored. Indeed, many users are taking advantage of that feature! Over 5,000,000 ringtones have been created using the AutoRingtone service since November 2009!
Ringtones are downloadable in both .m4r as well as .MP3 formats, so ringtones can be created on an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad but can be used on iPhones as well as Android and other phones. Imagine creating a ringtone for your friends' phones to play, when you call them! Also, iOS 5-based devices can use ringtones as email and text messaging alerts, as well as alarm clock alerts, i.e. "Chris, it's time to take your medicine..." so it's not just about phone calls. No Tie's Ringtone cloud service, RINGTON.ES, makes it easy to share your custom ringtones with friends, by tweeting, emailing, or posting your custom URL.
No Tie published a funny video, created entirely using the app, narrated in the voice of Siri, that demonstrates how the app works!
No Tie's AutoRingtone and Ringtones Uncensored apps have been consistent bestsellers since introduction, both reaching as high as #3 in their category, and voted Best Ringtone App 2012 at About.com! No Tie reached this milestone the old fashioned way, providing a great app and a great service, at a great price.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 3.1.3 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 22.9 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Ringtone Director Pro 2.0 is only $0.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Social Networking category.
Ringtone Director Pro 2.0: http://www.RINGTON.
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.
YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.
Screenshot 1: http://a2.mzstatic.
Screenshot 2: http://a4.mzstatic.
App Icon: http://a4.mzstatic.
Since 2008, No Tie Software has been delivering fun and clever iPhone apps, including bestselling Ringtone and Sound FX apps such as AutoRingtone and 100sounds. Copyright (C) 2008-2012 No Tie LLC. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Todd Bernhard
United States
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Mon Jul 9, 2012 9:15 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
The Future of Sudoku: World's First Multiplayer Casino-Style App - Published on 07/09/12
TV Exec, Bill Biggar, introduces SudokuPDQ 1.1, the world's first multi-player sudoku app for iPad and 10 inch Tablets. Newly launched and the first of its kind, SudokuPDQ transforms a solitary, global gaming phenomenon into an ultra-social, skill-based adrenaline rush. The game is a race against the clock to solve one square of a traditional 99 sudoku grid in the fastest time possible and consists of five 20-second speed rounds, with a brand new, challenging puzzle presented for each round.
Kansas City, Missouri - Revolutionary tablet app SudokuPDQ(TM) 1.1 has taken a popular game enjoyed by hundreds of millions of people internationally and turned it into an ultra fast-paced, high-stakes, competitive game that can be played against multiple opponents in different locations. Newly launched and the first of its kind, SudokuPDQ transforms a solitary, global gaming phenomenon into an ultra-social, skill-based adrenaline rush for iPad and Android(TM) tablet users.
SudokuPDQ - the "PDQ" standing for "Pretty Darn Quick" - is a race against the clock to solve one square of a traditional 99 sudoku grid in the fastest time possible. Each game consists of five 20-second speed rounds, with a brand new, challenging puzzle presented for each round.
App creator and TV writer/producer Bill Biggar designed the game to feel at home in a casino environment. "I almost called the game 'Su-doker,' since SudokuPDQ is essentially a mash-up of sudoku and high-stakes poker."
"We've created an environment for Sudoku enthusiasts to stoke their competitive fire," Biggar said. "We find that people can't put the game down because the competition sparks such fierce rivalries. Play it and you'll see that it doesn't get easier, you just get better."
Yet Biggar says the game is not just for Sudoku players. "Some of the better players in our focus groups don't consider themselves to be numbers people, and have never folded a newspaper in four to sit down and fill in an entire puzzle."
SudokuPDQ brings people together to compete and play with players around the world. For those interested in an individual experience or who want to hone their skills, SudokuPDQ also includes a solo mode that tracks high scores and allows users to play against the clock.
Device Requirements:
* Requires iPad with iOS 4.3 or later
* 15.9 MB
Pricing and Availability:
SudokuPDQ 1.1 is free and available worldwide through the App Store in the Games category. It is also available for 10" or larger Android tablets on Google Play.
SudokuPDQ: http://www.sudokupdq.com
Download from iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/app/sudokupdq/id527244231
YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zU6m-yGSSPM
Screenshot: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/080/Purple/v4/52/e6/c7/52e6c748-b6de-13ac-bd87-6c77915c6f15/3lNiPuUFCuRV75WzPVKttg-temp-upload.sntmnhxx.480x480-75.jpg
App Icon: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/071/Purple/v4/e8/57/30/e857307f-5de7-33d4-4561-cc8f22b093c0/mza_2795939564500695681.175x175-75.jpg
SudokuPDQ, LLC is a trademark and patent pending social gaming company incorporated in the State of Kansas. It was created by award-winning former TV executive and syndicated newspaper game developer Bill Biggar. Its principals include a retired Fortune 500 Chairman and CEO; a former multinational oil executive; an entrepreneurial web-designer and online and mobile technology marketing executive; and a lawyer and former senior level Capitol Hill staffer with extensive relationships in the gaming industry. Copyright (C) 2012 SudokuPDQ LLC. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Tom Emrich
Press Contact
Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/SudokuPDQ
Twitter Profile: https://twitter.com/sudokupdq
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45162&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45162.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45162
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-21678.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-21678.htm
TV Exec, Bill Biggar, introduces SudokuPDQ 1.1, the world's first multi-player sudoku app for iPad and 10 inch Tablets. Newly launched and the first of its kind, SudokuPDQ transforms a solitary, global gaming phenomenon into an ultra-social, skill-based adrenaline rush. The game is a race against the clock to solve one square of a traditional 99 sudoku grid in the fastest time possible and consists of five 20-second speed rounds, with a brand new, challenging puzzle presented for each round.
Kansas City, Missouri - Revolutionary tablet app SudokuPDQ(TM) 1.1 has taken a popular game enjoyed by hundreds of millions of people internationally and turned it into an ultra fast-paced, high-stakes, competitive game that can be played against multiple opponents in different locations. Newly launched and the first of its kind, SudokuPDQ transforms a solitary, global gaming phenomenon into an ultra-social, skill-based adrenaline rush for iPad and Android(TM) tablet users.
SudokuPDQ - the "PDQ" standing for "Pretty Darn Quick" - is a race against the clock to solve one square of a traditional 99 sudoku grid in the fastest time possible. Each game consists of five 20-second speed rounds, with a brand new, challenging puzzle presented for each round.
App creator and TV writer/producer Bill Biggar designed the game to feel at home in a casino environment. "I almost called the game 'Su-doker,' since SudokuPDQ is essentially a mash-up of sudoku and high-stakes poker."
"We've created an environment for Sudoku enthusiasts to stoke their competitive fire," Biggar said. "We find that people can't put the game down because the competition sparks such fierce rivalries. Play it and you'll see that it doesn't get easier, you just get better."
Yet Biggar says the game is not just for Sudoku players. "Some of the better players in our focus groups don't consider themselves to be numbers people, and have never folded a newspaper in four to sit down and fill in an entire puzzle."
SudokuPDQ brings people together to compete and play with players around the world. For those interested in an individual experience or who want to hone their skills, SudokuPDQ also includes a solo mode that tracks high scores and allows users to play against the clock.
Device Requirements:
* Requires iPad with iOS 4.3 or later
* 15.9 MB
Pricing and Availability:
SudokuPDQ 1.1 is free and available worldwide through the App Store in the Games category. It is also available for 10" or larger Android tablets on Google Play.
SudokuPDQ: http://www.sudokupd
Download from iTunes: http://itunes.
YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.
Screenshot: http://a4.mzstatic.
App Icon: http://a1.mzstatic.
SudokuPDQ, LLC is a trademark and patent pending social gaming company incorporated in the State of Kansas. It was created by award-winning former TV executive and syndicated newspaper game developer Bill Biggar. Its principals include a retired Fortune 500 Chairman and CEO; a former multinational oil executive; an entrepreneurial web-designer and online and mobile technology marketing executive; and a lawyer and former senior level Capitol Hill staffer with extensive relationships in the gaming industry. Copyright (C) 2012 SudokuPDQ LLC. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Tom Emrich
Press Contact
Facebook Profile: https://www.
Twitter Profile: https://twitter.
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:01 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Sprightly Software Updates Cruel Solitaire for iPad and iPhone - Published on 07/10/12
Sprightly Software today announces Cruel Solitaire 1.7, an update to their popular solitaire game for iPad and iPhone. Tired of card games that get boring because they're too easy to win? This simple to learn, but hard to win game, will keep users entertained for hours on end. Cruel Solitaire features beautifully rendered high-definition graphics, subtle, 3D animations and more. Version 1.7 includes enhanced graphics for the new iPad Retina Display and a new wood grain background.
Sunshine Coast, BC, Canada - Sprightly Software today is excited to announce Cruel Solitaire 1.7, an update to their popular solitaire game for iPad and iPhone. Tired of card games that get boring because they're too easy to win? This simple to learn, but hard to win game, will keep users entertained for hours on end.
New features in 1.7:
* Enhanced graphics for the new iPad Retina Display.
* New wood grain background
Cruel Solitaire features beautifully rendered high-definition graphics, and subtle, 3D animations that will challenge your conceptions of how fantastic a card game can be.
Players can earn Game Center achievements while they play. They'll work their way through the Rookie and Veteran ranks, and with a little luck, they'll become a Cruel Solitaire Master!
Cruel Solitaire Solitaire features large print high-definition graphics, intuitive game play, Game Center achievements, true-to-life card sound effects, an amusing winning animation, an undo button, a mute button, and easy to understand instructions.
Device Requirements:
* iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 3.0 or later
* 27.1 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Cruel Solitaire 1.7 sells for $1.99 (USD) and is available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category. Sprightly Software has seven other iOS solitaire games that are also available on the App Store.
Sprightly Software: http://www.sprightly.ca
Cruel Solitaire 1.7: http://www.sprightly.ca/cruelsolitaire
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.apple.com/app/id415593316
YouTube Video (iPad): http://www.sprightly.ca/ytcs1
YouTube Video (iPhone): http://www.sprightly.ca/ytcs2
Founded in 2009, Sprightly Software is a energetic, enterprising software developer based on the Sunshine Coast in British Columbia, Canada that develops business, entertainment, and design software for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and Mac. Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Sprightly Software. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod, iPad and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Mike Barcroft
Press Relations
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/sprightlysoft
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.com/sprightlysoft
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45174&ac=dTVcsIjs
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RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-14839.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-14839.htm
Sprightly Software today announces Cruel Solitaire 1.7, an update to their popular solitaire game for iPad and iPhone. Tired of card games that get boring because they're too easy to win? This simple to learn, but hard to win game, will keep users entertained for hours on end. Cruel Solitaire features beautifully rendered high-definition graphics, subtle, 3D animations and more. Version 1.7 includes enhanced graphics for the new iPad Retina Display and a new wood grain background.
Sunshine Coast, BC, Canada - Sprightly Software today is excited to announce Cruel Solitaire 1.7, an update to their popular solitaire game for iPad and iPhone. Tired of card games that get boring because they're too easy to win? This simple to learn, but hard to win game, will keep users entertained for hours on end.
New features in 1.7:
* Enhanced graphics for the new iPad Retina Display.
* New wood grain background
Cruel Solitaire features beautifully rendered high-definition graphics, and subtle, 3D animations that will challenge your conceptions of how fantastic a card game can be.
Players can earn Game Center achievements while they play. They'll work their way through the Rookie and Veteran ranks, and with a little luck, they'll become a Cruel Solitaire Master!
Cruel Solitaire Solitaire features large print high-definition graphics, intuitive game play, Game Center achievements, true-to-life card sound effects, an amusing winning animation, an undo button, a mute button, and easy to understand instructions.
Device Requirements:
* iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 3.0 or later
* 27.1 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Cruel Solitaire 1.7 sells for $1.99 (USD) and is available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category. Sprightly Software has seven other iOS solitaire games that are also available on the App Store.
Sprightly Software: http://www.sprightl
Cruel Solitaire 1.7: http://www.sprightl
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.
YouTube Video (iPad): http://www.sprightl
YouTube Video (iPhone): http://www.sprightl
Founded in 2009, Sprightly Software is a energetic, enterprising software developer based on the Sunshine Coast in British Columbia, Canada that develops business, entertainment, and design software for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and Mac. Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Sprightly Software. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod, iPad and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Mike Barcroft
Press Relations
Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:02 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Oflow 1.0 for iOS - 100 Ways to Enhance Creativity and Experience Flow - Published on 07/10/12
Independent developer Tanner Christensen today introduces Oflow 1.0 for iOS, his lifestyle app that enhances creativity by helping users to see their creative challenge from a new perspective. Designers, inventors, and artists are expected to regularly give birth to new ideas, but engineers, salesmen, and teachers must also find creative means of accomplishing their goals. Oflow offers 100 proven techniques for re-framing any problem and enabling any user to enter the natural state of flow.
Salt Lake City, Utah - Independent developer Tanner Christensen today is pleased to introduce Oflow 1.0 for iOS, his lifestyle app that enhances creativity by helping users to see their creative challenge from a new perspective. Designers, inventors, and artists are expected to regularly give birth to new ideas, but engineers, salesmen, and teachers must also find creative means of accomplishing their goals. Oflow offers 100 proven techniques for re-framing any problem and enabling any user to enter the natural state of flow.
Feature Highlights:
* Oflow is designed to help you be more creative
* Oflow is filled with 100 proven, creative methods that will have you coming up with great ideas in no time
* From creating a mind map to drawing in the dark, Oflow will help you break through any creative block
* Keep notes and favorites
* Share ideas and methods by email
The inspiration for the app came to Christensen as a result of his experience working with creative people (artists, writers, filmmakers, teachers, dancers, musicians, etc.), who consistently experienced periods of frustration while working on a creative project or a personal problem. Because so many creatives have their iPhone nearby, Christensen conceived of the app that became Oflow.
Each time the user opens the app, he or she is presented with one of 100 different suggestions for re-establishing the magical mental state of flow, where ideas, patterns, and concepts become clear without effort. The 100 methods are displayed at random, and the app allows users to bookmark their favorites. Some examples include: focusing on your 5 senses, asking "why?" five times, pretending you are a cartoon, free writing, looking to your past, focusing on the process, people watching, and making your problem or project into a joke. If an insight occurs while using the app, it can be saved in the Notes section.
Example Methods:
* Set Smaller Goals - Identify what you're trying to do and then break it down into smaller goals. Write the goals down somewhere and check one off as you complete it as a way of monitoring your creative progress. (Method #84)
* Disprove the Facts - What are 10 facts about your problem or situation? How can you force a change to at least one of those facts to make it untrue? Use your imagination and push boundaries. (Method #57)
* People Watch - Create stories for people you see. Ask yourself, "How would that person handle my problem?" By removing yourself from your situation, you allow your mind to pursue creative outcomes that may seem somewhat unreasonable. (Method #9)
* Think Big to Small - Look at what the smallest, simplest solution would be for getting back into the flow right now. Then use your imagination to come up with the largest solution. Plot where you would like to be on the chart and get started. (Method #70)
* Make a Matrix - Draw a square matrix and break it into 10 columns and 10 rows. In the top of each row write down one unique idea, and do the same on all of the left columns. Then combine ideas in the open cells. (Method #90)
Oflow is based on a relatively new branch of psychological research, positive psychology. Whereas psychologists have generally studied behavior, emotion and thought, and the various imbalances and disease states to which they are each susceptible, positive psychology takes a different approach. Its goal is to explore and understand positive human functioning in an effort to help individuals realize their full potential and experience happiness and fulfillment. According to Wikipedia, "Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person in an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity. Proposed by Mihaly Cs�kszentmihalyi, the positive psychology concept has been widely referenced across a variety of fields."
"Even the most creative people sometimes get stuck," commented Tanner Christensen. "Oflow will help break your creative logjam and get ideas flowing again."
Device Requirements:
* iPhone 3GS/4/4S, iPod touch (3rd/4th generation), and iPad 1/2/3
* Requires iOS 5.1 or later (iOS 5 tested)
* 1.2 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Oflow 1.0 is $0.99 (USD) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Lifestyle category. Review copies are available on request.
Tanner Christensen : http://TannerChristensen.com
Oflow 1.0: http://oflowapp.com
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.apple.com/app/oflow-creative-ideas-app/id536919134
Screenshot: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/a6/1c/2b/a61c2b7a-ca77-a6ce-58df-38a3a42c39f8/Rcp3DnbUjcbmHvlk80Ry3M-temp-upload.rdwbbjpk.320x480-75.jpg
App Icon: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/fc/88/52/fc885233-74ec-81b0-ef18-d6b83a0917d9/mza_4251381462480936185.175x175-75.jpg
Press Kit (zip): http://oflowapp.com/presskit
Tanner Christensen is a leading creative expert, entrepreneur, and author from Salt Lake City, Utah. He has spent the last several years exploring what it means to be creative and writes regularly about the topic on his blog, Creative Something. He is founder of the creative ebook publishing house Aspindle. Copyright (C) 2012 Tanner Christensen. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Tanner Christensen
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45172&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45172.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45172
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-20813.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-20813.htm
Independent developer Tanner Christensen today introduces Oflow 1.0 for iOS, his lifestyle app that enhances creativity by helping users to see their creative challenge from a new perspective. Designers, inventors, and artists are expected to regularly give birth to new ideas, but engineers, salesmen, and teachers must also find creative means of accomplishing their goals. Oflow offers 100 proven techniques for re-framing any problem and enabling any user to enter the natural state of flow.
Salt Lake City, Utah - Independent developer Tanner Christensen today is pleased to introduce Oflow 1.0 for iOS, his lifestyle app that enhances creativity by helping users to see their creative challenge from a new perspective. Designers, inventors, and artists are expected to regularly give birth to new ideas, but engineers, salesmen, and teachers must also find creative means of accomplishing their goals. Oflow offers 100 proven techniques for re-framing any problem and enabling any user to enter the natural state of flow.
Feature Highlights:
* Oflow is designed to help you be more creative
* Oflow is filled with 100 proven, creative methods that will have you coming up with great ideas in no time
* From creating a mind map to drawing in the dark, Oflow will help you break through any creative block
* Keep notes and favorites
* Share ideas and methods by email
The inspiration for the app came to Christensen as a result of his experience working with creative people (artists, writers, filmmakers, teachers, dancers, musicians, etc.), who consistently experienced periods of frustration while working on a creative project or a personal problem. Because so many creatives have their iPhone nearby, Christensen conceived of the app that became Oflow.
Each time the user opens the app, he or she is presented with one of 100 different suggestions for re-establishing the magical mental state of flow, where ideas, patterns, and concepts become clear without effort. The 100 methods are displayed at random, and the app allows users to bookmark their favorites. Some examples include: focusing on your 5 senses, asking "why?" five times, pretending you are a cartoon, free writing, looking to your past, focusing on the process, people watching, and making your problem or project into a joke. If an insight occurs while using the app, it can be saved in the Notes section.
Example Methods:
* Set Smaller Goals - Identify what you're trying to do and then break it down into smaller goals. Write the goals down somewhere and check one off as you complete it as a way of monitoring your creative progress. (Method #84)
* Disprove the Facts - What are 10 facts about your problem or situation? How can you force a change to at least one of those facts to make it untrue? Use your imagination and push boundaries. (Method #57)
* People Watch - Create stories for people you see. Ask yourself, "How would that person handle my problem?" By removing yourself from your situation, you allow your mind to pursue creative outcomes that may seem somewhat unreasonable. (Method #9)
* Think Big to Small - Look at what the smallest, simplest solution would be for getting back into the flow right now. Then use your imagination to come up with the largest solution. Plot where you would like to be on the chart and get started. (Method #70)
* Make a Matrix - Draw a square matrix and break it into 10 columns and 10 rows. In the top of each row write down one unique idea, and do the same on all of the left columns. Then combine ideas in the open cells. (Method #90)
Oflow is based on a relatively new branch of psychological research, positive psychology. Whereas psychologists have generally studied behavior, emotion and thought, and the various imbalances and disease states to which they are each susceptible, positive psychology takes a different approach. Its goal is to explore and understand positive human functioning in an effort to help individuals realize their full potential and experience happiness and fulfillment. According to Wikipedia, "Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person in an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity. Proposed by Mihaly Cs�kszentmihalyi, the positive psychology concept has been widely referenced across a variety of fields."
"Even the most creative people sometimes get stuck," commented Tanner Christensen. "Oflow will help break your creative logjam and get ideas flowing again."
Device Requirements:
* iPhone 3GS/4/4S, iPod touch (3rd/4th generation), and iPad 1/2/3
* Requires iOS 5.1 or later (iOS 5 tested)
* 1.2 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Oflow 1.0 is $0.99 (USD) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Lifestyle category. Review copies are available on request.
Tanner Christensen : http://TannerChrist
Oflow 1.0: http://oflowapp.
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.
Screenshot: http://a3.mzstatic.
App Icon: http://a1.mzstatic.
Press Kit (zip): http://oflowapp.
Tanner Christensen is a leading creative expert, entrepreneur, and author from Salt Lake City, Utah. He has spent the last several years exploring what it means to be creative and writes regularly about the topic on his blog, Creative Something. He is founder of the creative ebook publishing house Aspindle. Copyright (C) 2012 Tanner Christensen. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Tanner Christensen
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:02 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
MacAppBlocker 1.5 for OS X - A Single Password Protects Selected App - Published on 07/10/12
KnewSense today announces Mac App Blocker 1.5 for OS X, an update to their Utility that enables users to block access to applications by placing them on a Blocked App list that is password protected. A safer and more practical solution for insuring privacy than creating multiple login accounts, MacAppBlocker allows the user to share their computer or leave it unattended, while being assured that sensitive apps and documents cannot be opened. The simple app appears as a convenient Menu Bar icon.
Clinton Twp, Michigan - KnewSense today is pleased to announce the release of Mac App Blocker 1.5 for OS X, an update to their Utility that enables users to block access to Mac application by placing them on a Blocked App list that is password protected. A safer and more practical solution for insuring privacy than creating multiple login accounts, Mac App Blocker allows the user to share their computer or leave it unattended, while being assured that sensitive apps and documents cannot be opened. In addition, a timeout value may be assigned to each app on the list, so that the app will automatically close after a specified period of inactivity. The simple app appears as a convenient Menu Bar icon, and gives the user the option of whether or not it launches automatically at startup.
Mac App Blocker requires minimal setup for operation. First, the user must supply a private password, which will unlock both the utility itself as well as any application that has been placed on its Blocked App list. Once started, the app runs in the background, occupying little RAM and using minuscule CPU resources only when the app's password is entered or changes are made to the Blocked App list. The number of applications that can be placed under the utility's protection is virtually unlimited. The second step is clicking the " " icon to add applications to the list.
On attempting to launch any application on the Blocked App list, the standard OS X "Enter Password" window opens, stating, "Type Your Mac App Blocker password to allow access to this application." Entering the password instantly opens the application, and failed attempts are recorded in the utility's Blocked App list, displaying the number of failed attempts, the date, time, and a photo of the user. The app's Menu Bar lock icon turns red, notifying the user that an unsuccessful attempt has been made to open blocked data/apps. Additional protection is provided by the utility's timeout feature, which automatically closes any listed app after a specified period of inactivity (30 sec., 5 min., 10 min., 20 min.). Of course, listed applications can be easily added or deleted, and all protection can be disabled for a single session, resuming on restart.
Feature Highlights:
* Does not modify any system or application files
* Runs in the background waiting to intercept an application launch
* Works with the majority of Mac applications - Mail, Safari, Firefox, System Preferences, etc.
* Logs invalid or failed attempts to launch application with date and time
* Alerts users to a possible failed attempt with a visible red icon in the taskbar
* Can automatically Exit an inactive application - great for Apple Mail and Safari
* Optionally exit ALL protected apps at System Startup
"Kids, co-workers, family members, guests - no worries," stated Ken Orlo of KnewSense. "You pick which apps will be protected and Mac App Blocker keeps them secure. Tracks failed attempts to access the protected apps - so you'll know when it happened."
System Requirements:
* Mac OS X 10.6 or above
* 2 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Mac App Blocker 1.5 is $14.95 (USD) and available worldwide exclusively through the KnewSense website. A 15-day free trial download is also available.
MacAppBlocker 1.5: http://knewsense.com/macappblocker
Purchase MacAppBlocker: https://sites.fastspring.com/knewsense/instant/macappblocker
Screenshot : http://i1-mac.softpedia-static.com/screenshots/MacAppBlocker_3.jpg
App Icon : http://knewsense.com/macappblocker/MacAppBlocker-Icon (256).png
Based in Clinton Township, Michigan, indie developer Ken Orlo provides software solutions for Mac OS X and iOS. Although the company, KnewSense, LLC, is new to the Mac software community, they strive to provide quality products and service. Copyright (C) 2011-2012 KnewSense, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Ken Orlo
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45173&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45173.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45173
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-18166.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-18166.htm
KnewSense today announces Mac App Blocker 1.5 for OS X, an update to their Utility that enables users to block access to applications by placing them on a Blocked App list that is password protected. A safer and more practical solution for insuring privacy than creating multiple login accounts, MacAppBlocker allows the user to share their computer or leave it unattended, while being assured that sensitive apps and documents cannot be opened. The simple app appears as a convenient Menu Bar icon.
Clinton Twp, Michigan - KnewSense today is pleased to announce the release of Mac App Blocker 1.5 for OS X, an update to their Utility that enables users to block access to Mac application by placing them on a Blocked App list that is password protected. A safer and more practical solution for insuring privacy than creating multiple login accounts, Mac App Blocker allows the user to share their computer or leave it unattended, while being assured that sensitive apps and documents cannot be opened. In addition, a timeout value may be assigned to each app on the list, so that the app will automatically close after a specified period of inactivity. The simple app appears as a convenient Menu Bar icon, and gives the user the option of whether or not it launches automatically at startup.
Mac App Blocker requires minimal setup for operation. First, the user must supply a private password, which will unlock both the utility itself as well as any application that has been placed on its Blocked App list. Once started, the app runs in the background, occupying little RAM and using minuscule CPU resources only when the app's password is entered or changes are made to the Blocked App list. The number of applications that can be placed under the utility's protection is virtually unlimited. The second step is clicking the " " icon to add applications to the list.
On attempting to launch any application on the Blocked App list, the standard OS X "Enter Password" window opens, stating, "Type Your Mac App Blocker password to allow access to this application.
Feature Highlights:
* Does not modify any system or application files
* Runs in the background waiting to intercept an application launch
* Works with the majority of Mac applications - Mail, Safari, Firefox, System Preferences, etc.
* Logs invalid or failed attempts to launch application with date and time
* Alerts users to a possible failed attempt with a visible red icon in the taskbar
* Can automatically Exit an inactive application - great for Apple Mail and Safari
* Optionally exit ALL protected apps at System Startup
"Kids, co-workers, family members, guests - no worries," stated Ken Orlo of KnewSense. "You pick which apps will be protected and Mac App Blocker keeps them secure. Tracks failed attempts to access the protected apps - so you'll know when it happened."
System Requirements:
* Mac OS X 10.6 or above
* 2 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Mac App Blocker 1.5 is $14.95 (USD) and available worldwide exclusively through the KnewSense website. A 15-day free trial download is also available.
MacAppBlocker 1.5: http://knewsense.
Purchase MacAppBlocker: https://sites.
Screenshot : http://i1-mac.
App Icon : http://knewsense.
Based in Clinton Township, Michigan, indie developer Ken Orlo provides software solutions for Mac OS X and iOS. Although the company, KnewSense, LLC, is new to the Mac software community, they strive to provide quality products and service. Copyright (C) 2011-2012 KnewSense, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
Ken Orlo
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:03 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Aventure and Discovery in Italy with Naive Girls iBook for iPad - Published on 07/10/12
Independent publisher, Luigi Savagnone is pleased to announce Naive Girls for iPad, a story of two girls who, after many adventures and changes of fortune, find serenity. This book highlights the importance and value of a sound education and a rich culture. The book tells the story of two girls of Italian origin who, after a happy childhood in Borneo, decide to leave to settle in Italy. A story of self discovery, Naive Girls is intertwined with videos and photos of historic sites in Italy.
Palermo, Italy - Palermo, Italy - Independent publisher, Luigi Savagnone announces Naive Girls for iPad, a story of two girls who, after many adventures and changes of fortune, find serenity. This book highlights the importance and value of a sound education and a rich culture. A coming of age tale, the book tells the story of two girls of Italian origin who, after a happy childhood in Borneo, decide to leave to settle in Italy. A story of adventure and self discovery, Naive Girls is intertwined with videos and photos of historic sites in Italy.
Arriving in Sicily, the girls encounter many difficulties in entering into a very closed society. They manage to find a job and, even a life partner. They visit the beautiful sites of Sicily, such as the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, Palermo and Siracusa. They also visit Rome with the splendid Vatican city and other monuments and places. And they travel to Florence with its famous cathedral and museums and Venice with its gondolas, the Piazza San Marco, the Doge's Palace and its famous small islands.
Everything seems to go well. Then something happens ...The two poor girls are abandoned by their men. They are desperate and alone. But then, in their old school books, they find relief and the inspiration for solving their despair: to go back to their parents in Borneo. Created for the iPad, the book highlights the historical sites they visit and is enriched by videos, image galleries and photos. The book begins with an introductory video that contains some famous phrases that integrate with the plot of the book.
Device Requirements:
* Requires iPad with iOS 5.0 or later
Pricing and Availability:
Naive Girls is only $0.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Family & Relationships category.
Naive Girls: http://naivegirls.wordpress.com/
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.apple.com/book/naive-girls/id539159179
Screenshot 1: http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Publication/v4/c3/51/44/c3514447-74d6-37b0-7499-407fa0dc8f11/Naive_girls_Cover_Art.225x225-75.jpg
Screenshot 2: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Publication/v4/5d/ab/15/5dab15a4-22d6-ab52-0e95-8cdbc0a72403/Titolo_libro.480x480-75.jpg
Screenshot 3: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Publication/v4/e8/f1/2a/e8f12a43-c8db-a238-3e21-7dadacd01b4d/orchidea-maxi.480x480-75.jpg
Screenshot 4: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Publication/v4/12/72/48/127248d1-86a8-3eb8-e1db-1f2c2053e24f/Conclusione_Screenshot.480x480-75.jpg
Luigi Savagnone is a private writer. The book was written in 2012. Everything was done privately without the help of publishers. The book is digital only and free of DRM. Luigi Savagnone only publishes digital books. Copyright (C) 2012 Luigi Savagnone. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Luigi Savagnone
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45163&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45163.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45163
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-21596.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-21596.htm
Independent publisher, Luigi Savagnone is pleased to announce Naive Girls for iPad, a story of two girls who, after many adventures and changes of fortune, find serenity. This book highlights the importance and value of a sound education and a rich culture. The book tells the story of two girls of Italian origin who, after a happy childhood in Borneo, decide to leave to settle in Italy. A story of self discovery, Naive Girls is intertwined with videos and photos of historic sites in Italy.
Palermo, Italy - Palermo, Italy - Independent publisher, Luigi Savagnone announces Naive Girls for iPad, a story of two girls who, after many adventures and changes of fortune, find serenity. This book highlights the importance and value of a sound education and a rich culture. A coming of age tale, the book tells the story of two girls of Italian origin who, after a happy childhood in Borneo, decide to leave to settle in Italy. A story of adventure and self discovery, Naive Girls is intertwined with videos and photos of historic sites in Italy.
Arriving in Sicily, the girls encounter many difficulties in entering into a very closed society. They manage to find a job and, even a life partner. They visit the beautiful sites of Sicily, such as the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, Palermo and Siracusa. They also visit Rome with the splendid Vatican city and other monuments and places. And they travel to Florence with its famous cathedral and museums and Venice with its gondolas, the Piazza San Marco, the Doge's Palace and its famous small islands.
Everything seems to go well. Then something happens ...The two poor girls are abandoned by their men. They are desperate and alone. But then, in their old school books, they find relief and the inspiration for solving their despair: to go back to their parents in Borneo. Created for the iPad, the book highlights the historical sites they visit and is enriched by videos, image galleries and photos. The book begins with an introductory video that contains some famous phrases that integrate with the plot of the book.
Device Requirements:
* Requires iPad with iOS 5.0 or later
Pricing and Availability:
Naive Girls is only $0.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Family & Relationships category.
Naive Girls: http://naivegirls.
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.
Screenshot 1: http://a5.mzstatic.
Screenshot 2: http://a4.mzstatic.
Screenshot 3: http://a2.mzstatic.
Screenshot 4: http://a2.mzstatic.
Luigi Savagnone is a private writer. The book was written in 2012. Everything was done privately without the help of publishers. The book is digital only and free of DRM. Luigi Savagnone only publishes digital books. Copyright (C) 2012 Luigi Savagnone. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Luigi Savagnone
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:03 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
American Presidential Elections: From Washington to Obama - App or eBook - Published on 07/10/12
MultiEducator today announces American Presidential Elections: From Washington to Obama 1.1 for iOS, an update to their Reference app that is also available as an eBook. Featuring comprehensive coverage of all 56 presidential elections, the app includes 400+ photos and illustrations, 20 historic video clips, the upcoming presidential election of 2012, and overviews of the issues and events of every election in U.S. history, including charts of popular votes, electoral votes, and states carried.
New Rochelle, New York - MultiEducator today is pleased to announce American Presidential Elections: From Washington to Obama 1.1 for iOS, an update to their Reference app that is also available as an eBook through the Apple iBookstore. Featuring comprehensive coverage of all 56 presidential elections, the app includes more than 400 photos and illustrations, 20 historic video clips, the upcoming presidential election of 2012, and overviews of the issues and events of every election in U.S. history, including charts showing popular votes, electoral votes, and states carried. The app allows users to email or print any of the text and graphics, and it provides a hierarchical GUI that provides quick access to any election. The eBook has a more formal presentation, with print-quality layout and design and the ability to perform a keyword search of the entire contents.
Retina display compatible, and functional in either portrait or landscape orientations, the app displays a list of 10 Categories. Touching any Category activates a slide transition to a content-searchable list of Sub-Categories and/or Topics. Of the 10 Categories, the first four provide text overviews and multimedia related to the issues and events of every election from George Washington to Barack Obama. The first four Categories include: Understanding Elections, State Results, Election Illustrations, and Election Videos. The remaining six Categories cover the 56 presidential elections chronologically and include: 1789 to 1800, 1804 to 1848, 1852 to 1900, 1904 to 1948, 1952 to 1996, and 2000 to 2012.
Feature Highlights:
* Encyclopedic coverage of every U.S. Presidential Election
* Text Summaries & Overviews
* More than 400 illustrations, photos, documents, historical artifacts, and maps
* 20 built-in videos allow users to see and hear presidential candidates from FDR to the present
* Retina display compatible
* Available as an app, eBook, or print book
* Regular updates on the Election of 2012
The first Category, Understanding Elections, contains summaries and charts on the following Topics: How Elections Work, Conventions, The Nomination Process, Election Campaigns, The Electoral College, Disputed Elections, Voter Turnout, U.S. Turnout, Comparative Turnout, Why Do People Vote, Election Financing, Ethnic/Religious Vote, African Americans, Catholic Americans, Hispanic Americans, Jewish Americans, and Evangelical Christians. The second Category, State Results, contains tabulated data of the number of votes cast for each candidate in every election, accessible through a scrolling list of 50 states.
The Election Illustrations Category contains hundreds of photos of candidates, campaigns, and memorabilia, plus more than 100 documents, posters, newspaper headlines, and original period illustrations. And the fourth Category, Election Videos, contains historic, studio-produced, newsreels of election coverage from FDR to the present. Also included are debates, speeches, conventions, and TV ads.
The final six Categories cover the 56 presidential elections chronologically from 1789 to 2012. For example, choosing the Category 1852 to 1900 reveals a list of 13 Sub-Categories: Election of 1852, Election of 1856, etc. Touching the Election of 1860 button brings up a variety of Topics covered in summaries, charts, tables, illustrations, photographs, and drawings. In addition to a comprehensive overview of the unique historical circumstances of the election of 1860, there are Topics on the Democratic Convention, the Republican Convention, Electoral Votes, the Popular Vote, and an Electoral Map. More than 25 photos and original documents allow the user to view election posters, portraits, ribbons, pendants, political cartoons, banners, and a souvenir Lincoln Wooden Parade Axe.
The latest and largest addition to more than 50 Reference and History apps in the App Store, MultiEducator's American Presidential Elections: From Washington to Obama is ideal for students, teachers, libraries, and history buffs. Requiring no Internet connection, both the app and eBook provide the curious reader with thousands of fascinating facts, figures, ideas, views, controversies, maps, illustrations, photos, documents, and videos.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 4.1 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 347 MB
Pricing and Availability:
American Presidential Elections: From Washington to Obama 1.1 is $4.99 (USD) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Reference category. An iBook version of 243 pages, containing all of the content of the app in book format (does not support email or printing of content) is available from the Apple iBookstore for $4.99 in the Politics & Current Events category. A print book version (180 pages, 50 photos) is available from Amazon or MultiEducator for $14.99. Review copies of all three versions are available on request.
American Presidential Elections: From Washington to Obama 1.1: http://www.multieducator.net/formulator/Elections.html
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.apple.com/app/american-presidential-elections/id502331504
Purchase and Download iBook : http://itunes.apple.com/book/history-american-presidential/id517589031
Screenshot 1 : http://www.multieducator.net/formulator/Elections/Main.jpg
Screenshot 2 : http://www.multieducator.net/formulator/Elections/Picture.jpg
App Icon : http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/110/Purple/v4/31/3a/43/313a4322-f735-fe83-e510-ceeb8df98a8b/mza_9179880232222107744.175x175-75.jpg
Located in New Rochelle, New York, MultiEducator is a privately funded company founded in 1994 by Amy Erani and Marc Schulman. MultiEducator's goal is to enable students to learn history in a completely new way. Throughout MultiEducator's years in business, the company has continuously expanded its services and product line. In the summer of 2008 the company sold its HistoryShopping site to concentrate on the content part of the business. It then started its newest division developing software for the Apple iPhone and iPod touch. In October 2008 it released its first application, Formulator. As one of the earliest producers of multimedia software, MultiEducator has been providing schools and the general public with rich, compelling history software for almost two decades. Copyright 2008-2012 MultiEducator. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks
may be the property of their respective owners.
Marc Schulman
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45171&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45171.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45171
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-1835.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-1835.htm
MultiEducator today announces American Presidential Elections: From Washington to Obama 1.1 for iOS, an update to their Reference app that is also available as an eBook. Featuring comprehensive coverage of all 56 presidential elections, the app includes 400+ photos and illustrations, 20 historic video clips, the upcoming presidential election of 2012, and overviews of the issues and events of every election in U.S. history, including charts of popular votes, electoral votes, and states carried.
New Rochelle, New York - MultiEducator today is pleased to announce American Presidential Elections: From Washington to Obama 1.1 for iOS, an update to their Reference app that is also available as an eBook through the Apple iBookstore. Featuring comprehensive coverage of all 56 presidential elections, the app includes more than 400 photos and illustrations, 20 historic video clips, the upcoming presidential election of 2012, and overviews of the issues and events of every election in U.S. history, including charts showing popular votes, electoral votes, and states carried. The app allows users to email or print any of the text and graphics, and it provides a hierarchical GUI that provides quick access to any election. The eBook has a more formal presentation, with print-quality layout and design and the ability to perform a keyword search of the entire contents.
Retina display compatible, and functional in either portrait or landscape orientations, the app displays a list of 10 Categories. Touching any Category activates a slide transition to a content-searchable list of Sub-Categories and/or Topics. Of the 10 Categories, the first four provide text overviews and multimedia related to the issues and events of every election from George Washington to Barack Obama. The first four Categories include: Understanding Elections, State Results, Election Illustrations, and Election Videos. The remaining six Categories cover the 56 presidential elections chronologically and include: 1789 to 1800, 1804 to 1848, 1852 to 1900, 1904 to 1948, 1952 to 1996, and 2000 to 2012.
Feature Highlights:
* Encyclopedic coverage of every U.S. Presidential Election
* Text Summaries & Overviews
* More than 400 illustrations, photos, documents, historical artifacts, and maps
* 20 built-in videos allow users to see and hear presidential candidates from FDR to the present
* Retina display compatible
* Available as an app, eBook, or print book
* Regular updates on the Election of 2012
The first Category, Understanding Elections, contains summaries and charts on the following Topics: How Elections Work, Conventions, The Nomination Process, Election Campaigns, The Electoral College, Disputed Elections, Voter Turnout, U.S. Turnout, Comparative Turnout, Why Do People Vote, Election Financing, Ethnic/Religious Vote, African Americans, Catholic Americans, Hispanic Americans, Jewish Americans, and Evangelical Christians. The second Category, State Results, contains tabulated data of the number of votes cast for each candidate in every election, accessible through a scrolling list of 50 states.
The Election Illustrations Category contains hundreds of photos of candidates, campaigns, and memorabilia, plus more than 100 documents, posters, newspaper headlines, and original period illustrations. And the fourth Category, Election Videos, contains historic, studio-produced, newsreels of election coverage from FDR to the present. Also included are debates, speeches, conventions, and TV ads.
The final six Categories cover the 56 presidential elections chronologically from 1789 to 2012. For example, choosing the Category 1852 to 1900 reveals a list of 13 Sub-Categories: Election of 1852, Election of 1856, etc. Touching the Election of 1860 button brings up a variety of Topics covered in summaries, charts, tables, illustrations, photographs, and drawings. In addition to a comprehensive overview of the unique historical circumstances of the election of 1860, there are Topics on the Democratic Convention, the Republican Convention, Electoral Votes, the Popular Vote, and an Electoral Map. More than 25 photos and original documents allow the user to view election posters, portraits, ribbons, pendants, political cartoons, banners, and a souvenir Lincoln Wooden Parade Axe.
The latest and largest addition to more than 50 Reference and History apps in the App Store, MultiEducator'
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 4.1 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 347 MB
Pricing and Availability:
American Presidential Elections: From Washington to Obama 1.1 is $4.99 (USD) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Reference category. An iBook version of 243 pages, containing all of the content of the app in book format (does not support email or printing of content) is available from the Apple iBookstore for $4.99 in the Politics & Current Events category. A print book version (180 pages, 50 photos) is available from Amazon or MultiEducator for $14.99. Review copies of all three versions are available on request.
American Presidential Elections: From Washington to Obama 1.1: http://www.multiedu
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.
Purchase and Download iBook : http://itunes.
Screenshot 1 : http://www.multiedu
Screenshot 2 : http://www.multiedu
App Icon : http://a2.mzstatic.
Located in New Rochelle, New York, MultiEducator is a privately funded company founded in 1994 by Amy Erani and Marc Schulman. MultiEducator'
may be the property of their respective owners.
Marc Schulman
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:03 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
UX Write 1.0 Brings Desktop Class Word Processing to the iPad - Published on 07/10/12
Australian startup, UX Productivity today announces UX Write 1.0, a brand-new word processor for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. UX Write is designed for high-end professional authoring tasks, and supports many features that are normally only found in desktop word processors. Facilitating working with large, complex documents such as reports, theses, and books, it supports styles, cross-references, automatic section numbering, extensive formatting options, figures, tables, and more.
Adelaide, Australia - UX Productivity is proud to announce the release of UX Write, a brand-new word processor for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. UX Write is designed for high-end professional authoring tasks, and supports many features that are normally only found in desktop word processors.
UX Write facilitates working with large, complex documents such as reports, theses, and books. It supports styles, cross-references, automatic section numbering and table of contents, extensive formatting options, figures, and tables. It uses HTML5 has its native document format and can also export to PDF, ensuring documents can be viewed on any operating system or device. Synchronization of files between a user's computer and device occurs automatically, thanks to built-in Dropbox support.
Additionally, UX Write also includes features designed to make typing on the iPad's on-screen keyboard a smoother experience. Auto Correct's "fixes" are always highlighted for the user to confirm or change, keyboard gestures can be used to move the cursor and select text, and common punctuation and formatting keys are added to the regular keyboard.
UX Productivity's founder, Dr. Peter Kelly, explained the motivation behind the app as follows: "I think the iPad is a great device, but as a professional academic, none of the existing word processors came anywhere close to meeting my needs for writing research papers and books. I realized this was a market gap just waiting to be filled, so I decided to start work on UX Write. Nine months later, I'm proud to have the first version available to users."
According to Kelly, this is just the beginning of what he intends on being an ongoing journey. "There's a number of features yet to be added - including bibliographic citations, an equation editor, as well as Microsoft Word and LaTeX support. But these are all in the pipeline and will be coming soon."
UX Write is available on the App Store starting today.
Device Requirements:
* 3/4Gen iPhone, iPad, or 3/4 Gen iPod touch
* Requires iOS 5.1 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 3.5 MB
Pricing and Availability:
UX Write 1.0 is $14.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Productivity category.
UX Write 1.0: http://www.uxproductivity.com/
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.apple.com/app/ux-write/id538278306
YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaPO5jH73M0
Screenshot 1: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/069/Purple/v4/f5/f3/e8/f5f3e831-e308-6aa6-28e1-e86448150650/mzl.jztiuaqj.480x480-75.jpg
Screenshot 2: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/062/Purple/v4/d7/bf/71/d7bf7155-e663-82e8-dd85-76b67b9379a4/mzl.mxzgvdrh.480x480-75.jpg
App Icon: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/068/Purple/v4/80/9a/55/809a5574-d034-b949-4de6-1f168df503b2/mza_320186424235356087.175x175-75.jpg
UX Productivity is an Australian-based startup company focusing on the development of high-end content creation apps for mobile devices, in particular the iPad. Copyright (C) 2012 UX Productivity. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Peter Kelly
Video News Release: http://prmac.s3.amazonaws.com/live/45159.m4v
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45159&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45159.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45159
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-21666.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-21666.htm
Australian startup, UX Productivity today announces UX Write 1.0, a brand-new word processor for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. UX Write is designed for high-end professional authoring tasks, and supports many features that are normally only found in desktop word processors. Facilitating working with large, complex documents such as reports, theses, and books, it supports styles, cross-references, automatic section numbering, extensive formatting options, figures, tables, and more.
Adelaide, Australia - UX Productivity is proud to announce the release of UX Write, a brand-new word processor for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. UX Write is designed for high-end professional authoring tasks, and supports many features that are normally only found in desktop word processors.
UX Write facilitates working with large, complex documents such as reports, theses, and books. It supports styles, cross-references, automatic section numbering and table of contents, extensive formatting options, figures, and tables. It uses HTML5 has its native document format and can also export to PDF, ensuring documents can be viewed on any operating system or device. Synchronization of files between a user's computer and device occurs automatically, thanks to built-in Dropbox support.
Additionally, UX Write also includes features designed to make typing on the iPad's on-screen keyboard a smoother experience. Auto Correct's "fixes" are always highlighted for the user to confirm or change, keyboard gestures can be used to move the cursor and select text, and common punctuation and formatting keys are added to the regular keyboard.
UX Productivity'
According to Kelly, this is just the beginning of what he intends on being an ongoing journey. "There's a number of features yet to be added - including bibliographic citations, an equation editor, as well as Microsoft Word and LaTeX support. But these are all in the pipeline and will be coming soon."
UX Write is available on the App Store starting today.
Device Requirements:
* 3/4Gen iPhone, iPad, or 3/4 Gen iPod touch
* Requires iOS 5.1 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 3.5 MB
Pricing and Availability:
UX Write 1.0 is $14.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Productivity category.
UX Write 1.0: http://www.uxproduc
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.
YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.
Screenshot 1: http://a2.mzstatic.
Screenshot 2: http://a3.mzstatic.
App Icon: http://a2.mzstatic.
UX Productivity is an Australian-based startup company focusing on the development of high-end content creation apps for mobile devices, in particular the iPad. Copyright (C) 2012 UX Productivity. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Peter Kelly
Video News Release: http://prmac.
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:03 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Packing Pro Tops App Charts Around the World - Published on 07/10/12
QuinnScape announces that Packing Pro 8.0, their popular travel app for iPhone, iPad & iPod touch, is currently topping the App Store charts around the world. Over the past two weeks, it has climbed into the top 5 for travel apps in the United States, Japan, Germany, South Africa, Argentina, and more. This packing and organizing app features, a master catalog of over 800 items, packing list file sharing, iCloud support and more, and has become a must-have travel app.
Taipei, Taiwan - Packing Pro, QuinnScape's popular travel app for the iPhone, iPad & iPod touch, is currently topping the App Store charts around the world. Over the past two weeks, it has climbed into the top 5 for travel apps in the United States, Japan, Germany, South Africa & Argentina, among others. It has even claimed the #1 spot in both Canada & Italy. In the midst of the summer travel season, it appears that Packing Pro has truly become a must-have app.
The global strength & popularity of Packing Pro can be attributed to several factors, the first being its feature by Apple in its "Plan Your Vacation" promotion. This came on the heels of the version 8.0 update, which added full iCloud auto-syncing to effortlessly keep all packing lists, catalog content & customized settings up-to-date across all of a user's iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch). Packing Pro's customized layout for the iPad, iPhone & iPod touch, as well as its support for multiple languages (English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Japanese & both Traditional & Simplified Chinese), further augment its international appeal.
Since its launch over three years ago, Packing Pro has been featured in Apple's winter 2011 "Traveling Home" section & as a "Staff Favorite," as well as highlighted in the summer 2009 "Travel Guide" promotion. It was also recognized by National Geographic & American Express' Travel + Leisure (two years in a row) as one of the best travel apps for the iPhone, and was chosen as a finalist in both the 2010 and 2011 Best App Ever Award competitions. Packing Pro has earned glowing reviews on major tech & app blogs (Gizmodo, 148Apps, iLounge, TUAW & iPhone Life, among others).
Packing Pro features an extensive, customizable catalog, several handy sample lists that can be used as templates, and unlimited, 100% customizable packing lists. A host of special functions include:
* Multi-item selection for speedy list building
* Collapsable categories with floating headers & running item tallies
* Numerous packing list sorting & display options
* Weight and value totals
* Send to email for print out & file sharing
* Import / export to other Packing apps and devices
* Fully customized device support for iPhones, iPod touches & iPads
* Full multi-lingual support for English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese & Chinese (both traditional & simplified)
Besides the core features listed above (which are also present in the basic Packing app), Packing Pro also gives its users great iCloud auto-syncing support, complete control over the look and feel of the app (themes, layout, fonts, colors, textures), a double-sized Master Catalog with over 800 items and to-do tasks, an Expert packing list wizard that can "automajically" help you create a customized list, twice as many sample lists, Smart Search, and iTunes & email file sharing & out-of-app editing support.
This summer, Packing Pro has topped the charts in five continents, and across several languages, as well as being recommended by Apple itself. Come see why for yourself, and plan your own vacation with Packing Pro!
Language Support:
American English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 4.3 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 10.8 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Packing Pro 8.0 is $2.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Travel category. The basic version (Packing) sells for only $0.99. App Store promo codes are also available upon request for press & bloggers around the world.
QuinnScape: http://www.quinnscape.com/
Packing Pro 8.0: http://www.quinnscape.com/PackingPro.asp
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.apple.com/app/packing-pro/id312266675
Videos (Demo and Reviews): http://www.quinnscape.com/PackingPro-videodemo.asp
Screenshot: http://www.quinnscape.com/images/PackingPro-v7.1-iPad.png
App Icon: http://www.quinnscape.com/images/icon-PackingPro-2011-150x150.png
Since its founding in October 2008, QuinnScape has been managed by Quinn Genzel. Quinn is best known for his popular, top-ranking travel packing apps: Packing and Packing Pro. Both apps have been recognized by Apple and National Geographic (and American Express for Packing Pro) as some of their top apps for traveling. Other app created by Quinn include nature appreciation apps (iLove Nature and iLove Birds), 3D VR action games (R.I.P and Ghost Buddy) and high-quality puzzles (the aQ's Pro Slider Puzzle series). Copyright (C) 2008-2012 QuinnScape. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Quinn Genzel
Founder & Developer
Video News Release: http://prmac.s3.amazonaws.com/live/45158.m4v
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45158&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45158.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45158
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-4157.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-4157.htm
QuinnScape announces that Packing Pro 8.0, their popular travel app for iPhone, iPad & iPod touch, is currently topping the App Store charts around the world. Over the past two weeks, it has climbed into the top 5 for travel apps in the United States, Japan, Germany, South Africa, Argentina, and more. This packing and organizing app features, a master catalog of over 800 items, packing list file sharing, iCloud support and more, and has become a must-have travel app.
Taipei, Taiwan - Packing Pro, QuinnScape's popular travel app for the iPhone, iPad & iPod touch, is currently topping the App Store charts around the world. Over the past two weeks, it has climbed into the top 5 for travel apps in the United States, Japan, Germany, South Africa & Argentina, among others. It has even claimed the #1 spot in both Canada & Italy. In the midst of the summer travel season, it appears that Packing Pro has truly become a must-have app.
The global strength & popularity of Packing Pro can be attributed to several factors, the first being its feature by Apple in its "Plan Your Vacation" promotion. This came on the heels of the version 8.0 update, which added full iCloud auto-syncing to effortlessly keep all packing lists, catalog content & customized settings up-to-date across all of a user's iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch). Packing Pro's customized layout for the iPad, iPhone & iPod touch, as well as its support for multiple languages (English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Japanese & both Traditional & Simplified Chinese), further augment its international appeal.
Since its launch over three years ago, Packing Pro has been featured in Apple's winter 2011 "Traveling Home" section & as a "Staff Favorite," as well as highlighted in the summer 2009 "Travel Guide" promotion. It was also recognized by National Geographic & American Express' Travel + Leisure (two years in a row) as one of the best travel apps for the iPhone, and was chosen as a finalist in both the 2010 and 2011 Best App Ever Award competitions. Packing Pro has earned glowing reviews on major tech & app blogs (Gizmodo, 148Apps, iLounge, TUAW & iPhone Life, among others).
Packing Pro features an extensive, customizable catalog, several handy sample lists that can be used as templates, and unlimited, 100% customizable packing lists. A host of special functions include:
* Multi-item selection for speedy list building
* Collapsable categories with floating headers & running item tallies
* Numerous packing list sorting & display options
* Weight and value totals
* Send to email for print out & file sharing
* Import / export to other Packing apps and devices
* Fully customized device support for iPhones, iPod touches & iPads
* Full multi-lingual support for English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese & Chinese (both traditional & simplified)
Besides the core features listed above (which are also present in the basic Packing app), Packing Pro also gives its users great iCloud auto-syncing support, complete control over the look and feel of the app (themes, layout, fonts, colors, textures), a double-sized Master Catalog with over 800 items and to-do tasks, an Expert packing list wizard that can "automajically" help you create a customized list, twice as many sample lists, Smart Search, and iTunes & email file sharing & out-of-app editing support.
This summer, Packing Pro has topped the charts in five continents, and across several languages, as well as being recommended by Apple itself. Come see why for yourself, and plan your own vacation with Packing Pro!
Language Support:
American English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* Requires iOS 4.3 or later
* Universal app optimized for display on all iOS devices
* 10.8 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Packing Pro 8.0 is $2.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Travel category. The basic version (Packing) sells for only $0.99. App Store promo codes are also available upon request for press & bloggers around the world.
QuinnScape: http://www.quinnsca
Packing Pro 8.0: http://www.quinnsca
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.
Videos (Demo and Reviews): http://www.quinnsca
Screenshot: http://www.quinnsca
App Icon: http://www.quinnsca
Since its founding in October 2008, QuinnScape has been managed by Quinn Genzel. Quinn is best known for his popular, top-ranking travel packing apps: Packing and Packing Pro. Both apps have been recognized by Apple and National Geographic (and American Express for Packing Pro) as some of their top apps for traveling. Other app created by Quinn include nature appreciation apps (iLove Nature and iLove Birds), 3D VR action games (R.I.P and Ghost Buddy) and high-quality puzzles (the aQ's Pro Slider Puzzle series). Copyright (C) 2008-2012 QuinnScape. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Quinn Genzel
Founder & Developer
Video News Release: http://prmac.
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:30 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
SpaceSampler: Making Professional Audio Filters Easy & Fun on the iPhone - Published on 07/10/12
Iowa City based Periscope Audio Lab introduces SpaceSampler v1.2, a smart audio convolution app for iOS devices. SpaceSampler lets you record, apply filters from 15 real acoustic spaces and equipment and then share via E-Mail, Dropbox, Audio Copy, or post to Soundcloud. Alongside the core "Instagram for audio" functionality, the highly rated audio filter will now include a 3 band Parametric EQ with independent variable High Pass and Low Pass filters, looping and Audio Paste.
Iowa City, Iowa - Independent designer Colin Ritchie of Periscope Audio Lab today is pleased to announce the immediate update (v1.2) of his app SpaceSampler - An audio convolution app that lets you record, apply filters from real acoustic spaces and equipment and then share with anyone. Building on the core functionality, v1.2 adds a professional quality, 3-band Parametric Equalizer with independent, variable High Pass and Low Pass filters, the ability to loop audio and Sonoma Wireworks Audio Paste (v1.1). High quality audio convolution reverbs and EQ's are used everyday in professional recording studios to give depth, color, clarity and uniqueness to audio. This technology now comes to iOS as SpaceSampler.
For musicians and non-musicians alike, SpaceSampler can be used with nothing more than an iPhone. Simply record audio via the built in microphone, use the resume-recording feature to stop and add more audio to the end of this recording, audition the impressive selection of 15 meticulously crafted Impulse Response Filters, set the mix via the big red knob, slide over to the Parametric Equalizer to surgically cut or boost frequencies, and then save the audio. Saved audio can then be shared via e-mail, Dropbox, Soundcloud, copied to other compatible music apps or even loaded back into the sampler and looped. With the now included Sonoma Wireworks Audio Paste, recordings or audio made in other apps can be pasted into SpaceSampler for filtering.
iLounge recently said that SpaceSampler is "...doing for audio what apps such as CameraBag and Instagram do for photos" and developer Colin Ritchie said that "Adding a professional quality Parametric Equalizer, Looping and Audio Paste shows our commitment to releasing compelling enhancements to SpaceSampler."
The Filters:
Start with this core set, then combine and set your mix for an infinite variety of tonal colors:
* Tape Echo: A classic old-school tape echo with a touch of spring reverb
* Glitchy: Unique delay pattern blips add a circuit-bent type sound
* Studio Vox: Smooth UK mic pre, EQ and a nice studio vocal booth
* Slap Back: Classic '50s Rock-A-Billy slap back echo
* Dream Plate: The venerable 60s plate reverb
* Great Hall: Long and spacious hall reverb
* Smooth Spring: The classic guitar-amp reverb
* Pop Doubler: A rich doubled sound, perfect for pop vocals
* Warm Room: A medium length, woody sounding, warm room reverb
* Inverse: A strange reversed room effect
* Studio One: Get down with this fun dub delay
* AM Radio: Emulation of a vintage, band-limited AM Radio
* Stadium: Announce your favorite game, or take the stage with this big delay
* Electro: Robotic, vocoder type voice disguise
* Slow Wave: A classic 1980s chamber with a hint of delay
Record, paste or import audio, select between filters, EQ, set the mix, and then share. The high quality filters, or Impulse Responses (IRs), are captured from real gear and acoustic spaces, creating realistic, unusual or far-out effects for any type of audio source.
* Effects are modeled from actual rooms, spaces and gear
* 3 Band Parametric EQ & variable High and Low Pass filters
* Integrated sampler with resume recording and looping
* Live monitoring for low-latency, real-time effects
* Recording browser for easy file management
* Copy & Paste audio in and out via Sonoma Wireworks MAPI
* Share via e-mail, iTunes File Sharing, Dropbox & SoundCloud
* Choose between .wav and .mp4 for file encoding
* Big mix knob blends between effected and dry signals
* Re-load recordings for mulit-layered effects
* Fast convolution algorithm
* Simple, intuitive interface
Device Requirements:
* iPhone 3GS or higher (4S recommended)
* Requires iOS 4.3 or later
* 6.8 MB free space
Pricing and Availability:
SpaceSampler 1.2 is available for $1.99 (or equivalent in other currencies) and is available worldwide on the App Store in the 'Music' category. For more information and screenshots please visit Periscope Audio Lab online.
Periscope Audio Lab: http://www.periscopeaudio.com
SpaceSampler 1.2: http://www.spacesamplerapp.com
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.apple.com/app/spacesampler/id495952674
Screenshot (Main Window): http://www.spacesamplerapp.com/Resources/mainscreen.jpeg
Screenshot (Equalizer): http://www.spacesamplerapp.com/Resources/eqscreen.jpeg
App Icon: http://www.spacesamplerapp.com/Resources/SpaceSampler%20-%20icon_114x114.png
Located in Iowa City, IA/USA, Periscope Audio Lab is a design company specializing in online music mixing, production, product design and consultancy in professional audio and music. All Material and Software (C) 2012 Periscope Audio. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Colin Ritchie
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45175&ac=dTVcsIjs
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Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45175
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Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-18780.htm
Iowa City based Periscope Audio Lab introduces SpaceSampler v1.2, a smart audio convolution app for iOS devices. SpaceSampler lets you record, apply filters from 15 real acoustic spaces and equipment and then share via E-Mail, Dropbox, Audio Copy, or post to Soundcloud. Alongside the core "Instagram for audio" functionality, the highly rated audio filter will now include a 3 band Parametric EQ with independent variable High Pass and Low Pass filters, looping and Audio Paste.
Iowa City, Iowa - Independent designer Colin Ritchie of Periscope Audio Lab today is pleased to announce the immediate update (v1.2) of his app SpaceSampler - An audio convolution app that lets you record, apply filters from real acoustic spaces and equipment and then share with anyone. Building on the core functionality, v1.2 adds a professional quality, 3-band Parametric Equalizer with independent, variable High Pass and Low Pass filters, the ability to loop audio and Sonoma Wireworks Audio Paste (v1.1). High quality audio convolution reverbs and EQ's are used everyday in professional recording studios to give depth, color, clarity and uniqueness to audio. This technology now comes to iOS as SpaceSampler.
For musicians and non-musicians alike, SpaceSampler can be used with nothing more than an iPhone. Simply record audio via the built in microphone, use the resume-recording feature to stop and add more audio to the end of this recording, audition the impressive selection of 15 meticulously crafted Impulse Response Filters, set the mix via the big red knob, slide over to the Parametric Equalizer to surgically cut or boost frequencies, and then save the audio. Saved audio can then be shared via e-mail, Dropbox, Soundcloud, copied to other compatible music apps or even loaded back into the sampler and looped. With the now included Sonoma Wireworks Audio Paste, recordings or audio made in other apps can be pasted into SpaceSampler for filtering.
iLounge recently said that SpaceSampler is "...doing for audio what apps such as CameraBag and Instagram do for photos" and developer Colin Ritchie said that "Adding a professional quality Parametric Equalizer, Looping and Audio Paste shows our commitment to releasing compelling enhancements to SpaceSampler.
The Filters:
Start with this core set, then combine and set your mix for an infinite variety of tonal colors:
* Tape Echo: A classic old-school tape echo with a touch of spring reverb
* Glitchy: Unique delay pattern blips add a circuit-bent type sound
* Studio Vox: Smooth UK mic pre, EQ and a nice studio vocal booth
* Slap Back: Classic '50s Rock-A-Billy slap back echo
* Dream Plate: The venerable 60s plate reverb
* Great Hall: Long and spacious hall reverb
* Smooth Spring: The classic guitar-amp reverb
* Pop Doubler: A rich doubled sound, perfect for pop vocals
* Warm Room: A medium length, woody sounding, warm room reverb
* Inverse: A strange reversed room effect
* Studio One: Get down with this fun dub delay
* AM Radio: Emulation of a vintage, band-limited AM Radio
* Stadium: Announce your favorite game, or take the stage with this big delay
* Electro: Robotic, vocoder type voice disguise
* Slow Wave: A classic 1980s chamber with a hint of delay
Record, paste or import audio, select between filters, EQ, set the mix, and then share. The high quality filters, or Impulse Responses (IRs), are captured from real gear and acoustic spaces, creating realistic, unusual or far-out effects for any type of audio source.
* Effects are modeled from actual rooms, spaces and gear
* 3 Band Parametric EQ & variable High and Low Pass filters
* Integrated sampler with resume recording and looping
* Live monitoring for low-latency, real-time effects
* Recording browser for easy file management
* Copy & Paste audio in and out via Sonoma Wireworks MAPI
* Share via e-mail, iTunes File Sharing, Dropbox & SoundCloud
* Choose between .wav and .mp4 for file encoding
* Big mix knob blends between effected and dry signals
* Re-load recordings for mulit-layered effects
* Fast convolution algorithm
* Simple, intuitive interface
Device Requirements:
* iPhone 3GS or higher (4S recommended)
* Requires iOS 4.3 or later
* 6.8 MB free space
Pricing and Availability:
SpaceSampler 1.2 is available for $1.99 (or equivalent in other currencies) and is available worldwide on the App Store in the 'Music' category. For more information and screenshots please visit Periscope Audio Lab online.
Periscope Audio Lab: http://www.periscop
SpaceSampler 1.2: http://www.spacesam
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.
Screenshot (Main Window): http://www.spacesam
Screenshot (Equalizer): http://www.spacesam
App Icon: http://www.spacesam
Located in Iowa City, IA/USA, Periscope Audio Lab is a design company specializing in online music mixing, production, product design and consultancy in professional audio and music. All Material and Software (C) 2012 Periscope Audio. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Colin Ritchie
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.
Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:30 am (PDT) . Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
2500 Mile Road Trip, inspires App all parents will love - Published on 07/10/12
Pittsburgh based AppAvenger today introduces PlayPlaces - Ultimate Kids Road Trip App 1.2, its new travel app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices. PlayPlaces - Ultimate Kids Road Trip App contains the locations of over 6000 Restaurant locations including McDonald's, Chick-Fil-A, Chuck E Cheese locations as well as Rest Areas across the United States. Now travelers can reach their destination safely and still find places to stop when lunch or dinner time rolls around.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - While taking a 2500 mile road trip with his young daughter, software developer Sean Peck became inspired. He knew many restaurant chains had locations with play areas, but that often times these areas were not marked or directly near interstate exists. Yet he knew his little girl needed to get all the pent up energy out, that sitting in a car seat all day creates, and with that "PlayPlaces - Ultimate Kids Road Trip App" was born.
When asked about the App Sean had this to say, "Traveling with kids is certainly easier today than in the past, with portable DVD players, game systems, and other things, but little kids still have a lot of energy they need an outlet for, particularly when on very long road trips. Everyone wants to reach their destination safely and quickly, and I was always on the look out for places to stop when lunch or dinner time rolls around that I can stop that will also let my daughter play as well. Unfortunately, finding one or planning your trip around one was virtually impossible, it was really a hit or miss proposition particularly if traveling somewhere new. I knew if I could provide a simple easy application that I would use, others would like it."
After initially creating the app, adding Rest Area locations became the next logical step. "When I was testing the app, and I personally use this app every time I travel with my kids, it became obvious, adding rest area information would be something every parent could use as well. Whenever that "I have to go potty" comes from the back seat, its nice to know if the rest area is coming up, or if you should get off at the next exit, so I added that as well."
Currently "PlayPlaces - Ultimate Kids Road Trip App" contains the locations of over 6000 Restaurant locations including McDonald's, Chick-Fil-A & Chuck E Cheese locations and Rest Areas across the US.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.1 or later
* 0.5 MB
Pricing and Availability:
PlayPlaces - Ultimate Kids Road Trip App 1.2 is $2.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Travel category.
AppAvenger: http://www.AppAvenger.com/
PlayPlaces - Ultimate Kids Road Trip App 1.2: http://www.playplacesapp.com/
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.apple.com/app/playplaces/id452521777
Screenshot: http://www.playplacesapp.com/photo.png
App Icon: http://www.playplacesapp.com/icon.png
AppAvenger is a mobile application development company based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania specializing in iPhone and Android applications. Copyright (C) 2012 AppAvenger. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Sean Peck
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=45176&ac=dTVcsIjs
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-45176.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=45176
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-21531.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-21531.htm
Pittsburgh based AppAvenger today introduces PlayPlaces - Ultimate Kids Road Trip App 1.2, its new travel app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices. PlayPlaces - Ultimate Kids Road Trip App contains the locations of over 6000 Restaurant locations including McDonald's, Chick-Fil-A, Chuck E Cheese locations as well as Rest Areas across the United States. Now travelers can reach their destination safely and still find places to stop when lunch or dinner time rolls around.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - While taking a 2500 mile road trip with his young daughter, software developer Sean Peck became inspired. He knew many restaurant chains had locations with play areas, but that often times these areas were not marked or directly near interstate exists. Yet he knew his little girl needed to get all the pent up energy out, that sitting in a car seat all day creates, and with that "PlayPlaces - Ultimate Kids Road Trip App" was born.
When asked about the App Sean had this to say, "Traveling with kids is certainly easier today than in the past, with portable DVD players, game systems, and other things, but little kids still have a lot of energy they need an outlet for, particularly when on very long road trips. Everyone wants to reach their destination safely and quickly, and I was always on the look out for places to stop when lunch or dinner time rolls around that I can stop that will also let my daughter play as well. Unfortunately, finding one or planning your trip around one was virtually impossible, it was really a hit or miss proposition particularly if traveling somewhere new. I knew if I could provide a simple easy application that I would use, others would like it."
After initially creating the app, adding Rest Area locations became the next logical step. "When I was testing the app, and I personally use this app every time I travel with my kids, it became obvious, adding rest area information would be something every parent could use as well. Whenever that "I have to go potty" comes from the back seat, its nice to know if the rest area is coming up, or if you should get off at the next exit, so I added that as well."
Currently "PlayPlaces - Ultimate Kids Road Trip App" contains the locations of over 6000 Restaurant locations including McDonald's, Chick-Fil-A & Chuck E Cheese locations and Rest Areas across the US.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.1 or later
* 0.5 MB
Pricing and Availability:
PlayPlaces - Ultimate Kids Road Trip App 1.2 is $2.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Travel category.
AppAvenger: http://www.AppAveng
PlayPlaces - Ultimate Kids Road Trip App 1.2: http://www.playplac
Purchase and Download: http://itunes.
Screenshot: http://www.playplac
App Icon: http://www.playplac
AppAvenger is a mobile application development company based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania specializing in iPhone and Android applications. Copyright (C) 2012 AppAvenger. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Sean Peck
United States
Trackback URL: http://prmac.
Link To Article: http://prmac.
Link To PDF: http://prmac.
RSS Feed: http://prmac.
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.