
[MacBook] Digest Number 3636

2 New Messages
Digest #3636

Mon Jul 9, 2012 5:55 pm (PDT) . Posted by: "Carol" were_koala
I upgraded to OS 10.7.4 for good reasons, but didn't know that it would not let me use Eudora for mail, which I have used for about 15 years. Now I'm using "Mail" which came with my MBP, but having some problems getting used to it.

Most notably, where are the mail files and attachments? Eudora had them in a "Eudora Folder" but "Mail" does not have an equivalent folder. I want to know where they are so I can (1) be sure I back them up, and (2) delete attachments or open them with any application I want to use.

A search with Finder finds attachments in a folder called Library inside a folder with my name, but I can't find the Library folder there.

Assistance appreciated. adTHANKSvance!

Mon Jul 9, 2012 6:06 pm (PDT) . Posted by: "Carol" were_koala
My MacBook Pro runs OS 10.7.4. I recently found an iPod Mini from 2005 that I had never used. Tried to install the iPod software but the MBP says it won't work with it.

Is there any way to fix this? adTHANKSvance!