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Top 5 customer complaints about the iPhone 4S

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 05:11 PM PDT

FixYa, an online tech support community, released a new report over the weekend regarding the top 5 most commonly reported issues in some of today’s most popular smartphones.

The data comes from more than 25 million users, and 650,000 experts. And the report covers top handsets like the iPhone 4S, the Nokia Lumia 900, and the Samsung Galaxy S III…(...)
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"Top 5 customer complaints about the iPhone 4S" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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Apple patches App Store bug that leaked unreleased app updates

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 03:46 PM PDT

Early this morning, we all got a preview of what’s in store for the next Twitter for iPhone update. In fact, we know pretty much everything about version 4.3, despite the fact that it hasn’t been released yet.

The info came from a leaked change log, found in the ‘History’ section of the iOS 6 App Store. Apparently a glitch in the Store was allowing users to view release notes from upcoming app updates…(...)
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"Apple patches App Store bug that leaked unreleased app updates" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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Vancouver hotel replacing guest phones with iPhones

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 02:30 PM PDT

Hotels offer a wide range of amenities for guests-on-the-go. This includes on-site pools, Wi-Fi, bars, and workout rooms. But for one Canadian hotel, this also includes complimentary iPhones.

That’s right, the Opus hotel in Vancouver has started replacing the landline telephones in each of its rooms, with iPhones. And even better, guests can carry the handsets throughout their entire stay…(...)
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"Vancouver hotel replacing guest phones with iPhones" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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More on iPad mini and why it might not require sandpaper after all

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 02:15 PM PDT

I know the sandpaper joke is getting boring at this point, but bear with me for a second. Though Jobs famously dissed seven inchers as being too small to comfortably operate “unless you include sandpaper so users can sand their fingers down to a quarter of their size”, many watchers and journalists have been overanalyzing the repercussions of Apple’s rumored inexpensive 7.85-inch iPad, allegedly slated for a September launch.

I’m also guilty for this, having recently explained why I thought Apple must deliver the iPad mini sooner than later (hint: it’s the ecosystem, stupid). So let’s assume for the argument’s sake that the iPad mini is coming soon, rocking a 1024-by-768 pixels packed on a screen between seven and eight inches diagonally.

How would the new form factor affect developers, end-users and usability?(...)
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"More on iPad mini and why it might not require sandpaper after all" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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The exodus begins: corporate America abandoning BlackBerry for iOS and Android

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 01:27 PM PDT

As Research In Motion’s woes deepen amid lay offs, outrageous losses five times bigger than projected and news that its long-expected BlackBerry 10 software won’t arrive until next year, a significant number of high-profile and profitable corporate customers are readying contingency plans, a tell tale sign that, unfortunately, the window of opportunity for the BlackBerry as we know it is closing fast…(...)
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"The exodus begins: corporate America abandoning BlackBerry for iOS and Android" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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AT&T opens up its Watson speech engine via SDK for iOS and Android

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 12:54 PM PDT

Realizing Apple and Google are moving swiftly to mainstream speech recognition on mobile devices, U.S. carrier AT&T today announced that it is opening up its own Watson speech engine to iOS and Android platforms via a software development kit (SDK), now available on the AT&T Developer website.

Much like Apple’s Siri or Google Voice Actions in Android (and Google Now), Watson takes input, analyzes it, performs one or more services and returns a result. Input can be audio files, speech, gestures, face recognition and text. Here’s a video of Watson in action…(...)
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"AT&T opens up its Watson speech engine via SDK for iOS and Android" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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New report reiterates why Apple needs China Mobile deal

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 12:40 PM PDT

A new report is out this morning regarding the current state of the smartphone market in mainland China. With three providers on the world’s 20 largest carriers list, and more than a billion cell phone users, the country is quickly become a battleground for smartphone-makers.

The new data comes from Needham & Company‘s Charlie Wolf. The analyst issued his quarterly report on the smartphone industry today, and it contains both good news and bad news for Apple’s handset business…(...)
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"New report reiterates why Apple needs China Mobile deal" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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iWatch concept with Retina display and FaceTime

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 11:35 AM PDT

Ever since Steve Jobs joked about iPod nano wrist straps during the September 2010 presser (“one of our board of director members is gonna clip it on to an armband as a watch”), there has been no shortage of futuristic iWatch concepts, ranging from ADR Studio’s James Bond-like thing to Italian designer Federico Ciccarese’s Star Trek-like wearable device with curved glass we told you about last week.

If you can’t get enough of these, you’ll appreciate this one by Swedish designer Anders Kjellberg who earned our respect with a remarkable iWatch vision featuring FaceTime (quite logical, isn’t it?), Retina display (why not?) and a whole bunch of other nice-to-haves…(...)
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"iWatch concept with Retina display and FaceTime" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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AT&T LTE now in 47 markets, still way behind Verizon

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 10:49 AM PDT

AT&T has added LTE coverage to six new areas today, bringing its grand total of LTE-covered markets to 47. The carrier flipped the switch for its new 4G service in Buffalo, New York, Wichita, Kansas and more. Keep reading for a full list of the new markets…(...)
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"AT&T LTE now in 47 markets, still way behind Verizon" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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Apple to bring iOS 6 Maps to Macs?

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 09:30 AM PDT

Having ditched Google Maps in favor of its in-house mapping solution in iOS 6, Apple could now be extending iOS 6 Maps to Macs running OS X Mountain Lion. This would seem logical and inevitable given Apple recently confirmed the use of OpenStreetMap data in iPhoto for both iOS and Mac. Apple conceivably has the maps.apple.com subdomain set up, which currently redirects to the iOS 6 section on its website…(...)
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"Apple to bring iOS 6 Maps to Macs?" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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