
[macsupport] Digest Number 8985

25 New Messages
Digest #8985
Web Security by "James Robertson" jamesrob328i
Re: used mac mini by "pat412255" pat412255
Re: used mac mini by "OBrien" conorboru
Re: used mac mini by "OBrien" conorboru
Re: used mac mini by "Jim Saklad" jimdoc01
Re: used mac mini by "OBrien" conorboru
iPhone newbie needs question answered by "Guy Kudlemyer" truckersroost
Re: iPhone newbie needs question answered by "Denver Dan" denverdan22180
Re: iPhone newbie needs question answered by "Jay Abraham" kerala01212001
Re: http://search.searchonme.com/?m=1 by "Terry Pogue" terrypogue_2000
Re: http://search.searchonme.com/?m=1 by "Jim Saklad" jimdoc01
Re: Gather Items into new folder by "Denver Dan" denverdan22180
Re: Gather Items into new folder by "HAL9000" jrswebhome
Re: Gather Items into new folder by "Christopher Collins" cjc1959au
Re: Gather Items into new folder by "Otto Nikolaus" nikyzf
Re: Gather Items into new folder by "Daly Jessup" dalyjessup
July 9th Malware warning and detection by "Louise Stewart" pudgybulldog
Re: July 9th Malware warning and detection by "Randy B. Singer" randybrucesinger
Re: Mac.com question by "Daly Jessup" dalyjessup
Re: Mac.com question by "Daly Jessup" dalyjessup
iPhoto issue by "wvdjyknits" wvdjyknits

Sun Jul 8, 2012 8:11 am (PDT) . Posted by: "James Robertson" jamesrob328i
I use TripIt to organize and store my travel plans. They have well regarded mobile apps (glowing reviews on the iTunes App Store), both free and paid (advertisement free), both iApps supported by a website that provides, among other things, calendar server functions.

Here's the oddity: when I log in to my TripIt account, the web page is still http://, not https://

I wrote to them about this once in May. They said they'd get back to me but never did. I've done so again today, but I'm wondering how they can be so dominant in this space without implementing even basic security features.

Any other Tripit users here who can offer some comments? My question can be generalized, I think, to any other services that ask for login credentials but don't go to SSL once the user does so. And, it that vein, what's the purpose of a "logout" link if the connection isn't secure anyway (there is such a link button on the Tripit web pages once a user has logged in).

Jim Robertson
(*)/ (*)
My other car is an S-Works Roubaix

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Sun Jul 8, 2012 9:06 am (PDT) . Posted by: "pat412255" pat412255
I just found these Mac Mini refurbs on the Apple site:


I use a widget called RefurbMe that lists them & clicking on each takes you to the item at the Apple Store. Most of my Apple purchases have been refurbs thanks to advice from list members & I've never had a problem with any of them.

--- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups.com, "cnltnn" <cnltnn@...> wrote:
> Thanks for the info! I've got a lot of catching up to do. I've never heard of a track pad.
> -Carrie
> --- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups.com, Jim Saklad <jimdoc@> wrote:
> >
> > > I think I finally saved up enough money to buy a used Mac Mini to replace my 12 yr old G4. A long time ago a yahoo mac group suggested a good site that sold used Macs. I cannot find it in my bookmarks and was not able to search the old posts and find it. Any suggestions on where to buy?
> > >
> > > I also wanted to make sure the criteria hasn't changed since I first considered buying a Mac mini. I need to have at least a Intel Core 2 Duo processor to run the latest operating system, right? Are there any other things I should keep in mind?
> >
> > 1. I would suggest you get the most recent version.
> > The *earliest* version to consider is the "Mid-2007" model, Macmini2,1 -- Model Number A1176. This is the first model that will run Lion. You will probably want to get a trackpad to use with Lion. A mouse works, but when you have learned the trackpad, it is pretty slick.
> >
> > 2. The most recent models are easier to upgrade RAM or hard drive than earlier models.
> >
> > 3. <http://lowendmac.com/deals/best-mac-mini-prices.html>
> >
> > 4. Apple's refurbished store sells like-new models at a significant discount, fully warranted. Unfortunately, when I checked just now, they didn't list any Minis.
> > <http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/specialdeals/mac>
> >
> > --
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@
> >

Sun Jul 8, 2012 11:22 am (PDT) . Posted by: "OBrien" conorboru
On Sat, 07 Jul 2012 13:12:50 -0400, Jim Saklad wrote:
> The most recent models are easier to upgrade RAM or hard drive than
> earlier models.

I'm considering buying the low-end Intel Mini and upgrading the RAM and HD myself.

Can anyone suggest a +good+ tutorial for upgrading RAM and HD on a new/newish Mini?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

O'Brien ––– –... .-. .. . -.
Sun Jul 8, 2012 11:24 am (PDT) . Posted by: "OBrien" conorboru
>> Thanks for the info! I've got a lot of catching up to do. I've
>> never heard of a track pad.
>> -Carrie
> <http://www.apple.com/magictrackpad/>

Wacom.com has some nice tablets, too.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

O'Brien ––– –... .-. .. . -.
Sun Jul 8, 2012 12:45 pm (PDT) . Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc01
>> The most recent models are easier to upgrade RAM or hard drive than earlier models.
> I'm considering buying the low-end Intel Mini and upgrading the RAM and HD myself.
> Can anyone suggest a +good+ tutorial for upgrading RAM and HD on a new/newish Mini?

1. The Intel Mac Mini of mid 2010 was a major re-design, and is much easier to get into than earlier models. Personally, if I thought I could afford it, I would go for the i5/i7 models rather than the Core2Duo.

2. That said, while RAM is easy to upgrade, hard drive is still quite complex.

3. <http://www.ifixit.com/Device/Mac_Mini>

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com

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Sun Jul 8, 2012 2:39 pm (PDT) . Posted by: "OBrien" conorboru
On Sun, 08 Jul 2012 15:45:39 -0400, Jim Saklad wrote:
> 2. That said, while RAM is easy to upgrade, hard drive is still
> quite complex.
> 3. <http://www.ifixit.com/Device/Mac_Mini>

Well...it looks a little complicated, but it doesn't look difficult.

I'm thinking I'd save quite a bit by buying the low-end Mini and installing more RAM and a faster, maybe larger HD myself.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

O'Brien ––– –... .-. .. . -.
Sun Jul 8, 2012 9:40 am (PDT) . Posted by: "Guy Kudlemyer" truckersroost
Help, please:

I just bought an iPhone after years of owning a flip-style dumb phone.
However, I can靖 seem to get it to connect to my Comcast wireless router.
Every time I try to connect, it asks for a password. Where can I find this?

Also, don靖 I have to set up some DNS information or IP address or
something? It oftentimes asks me for that also. Should I just take it back
to Verizon and ask them to do this for me? I雋 not very techy, I雋 afraid...


Thurston, OR

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Sun Jul 8, 2012 10:55 am (PDT) . Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc01
> I just bought an iPhone after years of owning a flip-style dumb phone.
> However, I can� seem to get it to connect to my Comcast wireless router.
> Every time I try to connect, it asks for a password. Where can I find this?

My guess is that Comcast set up your router, using a password for security purposes, and never told you what they did. Perhaps other Comcast users here can tell us if their routers can be user-managed?

I would contact Comcast and ask them to tell you what type of security they set upmon your router, and what the password is, and how to change it.

Then you will go to Settings -- Wi-Fi -- and enter the password when asked.

Sun Jul 8, 2012 11:12 am (PDT) . Posted by: "Denver Dan" denverdan22180

Router and WiFi Stuff.

Your router was set up by someone who named the WiFi network (or didn't
name it and just used the default name) then gave that WiFi network a
password which encrypted the data transmission for privacy. To access
the encrypted WiFi network you need to be in range of the network and
you need the password.

You router will broadcast a WiFi signal that has a name that everybody
in range can see. The password means that only people who know the
password can tune in to the WiFi network.

You have to know your own passwords.

If you don't know the password or don't have it written down, then most
routers can be reset to factory default. This is usually done by
pressing a small pin hole button somewhere on the router. This will
reset the WiFi network name and password and other things to defaults.

Note that routers have an Administrative ID name and Password. This is
NOT the same as the WiFi name and password. Folks just getting started
with coping with routers often get this confused. You need the
router's Admin name/ID and Admin password so you can access the
configuration setup stuff to turn on WiFi and more.

To reconfigure your router, should you have to reset it, you need to
access a setup page generated by the router. Access it with Safari.
The instructions that came with the router will have an IP address to
use for this. Typically, but not always, this configuration IP address
is But it could but slightly different so best find the
manual or call Concast tech support.

You launch Safari then (with router turned on and your computer
connected via Ethernet cable) you type that router's IP address into
the text box in Safari.

When you access the configuration page that is generated by the router
you will be able to rename your WiFi network and give it a password.
With no manual, I suggest you call Comcast tech support for help.

When you access a router's configuration page to change it you must do
so as an "Administration" level user. This Admin user has a name and a
password. Resetting the router also resets the Admin name and Admin
password to default.

Typically, but not always, the default Admin name for a router is the
word "admin" for the Admin name and also "admin" for the password.
I've seen some routers where the password was the word "password."
After you reset a router and then access it you can change the Admin
name and Password to your choice of words (which you will write down
and keep in a safe place).

Again, repeating myself for emphasis, the Admin name and Password on
the router is different from the WiFi name and Password.

Access the reset router, create a new WiFi network name and give it an
understandable name like GuysCrashPad (GuySkyNet?, ThrustonComm?,
MyWife'sRightComm?). Then give it a password.

When you, or near neighbors, or visitors to your house need to access
the WiFi network the device (like an iPhone) should see the network
named, just an example, GuysCrashPad. Then you would have to key in
the password for GuysCrashPad.

- - - - -

IP Address and DNS Stuff.

This happens almost 100% automatically on an iPhone. However, you can
tap Settings and then WiFi and explorer the settings. The iPhone will
automatically use an IP address that your router sends to the iPhone.
It will also send a DNS address automatically to the iPhone.

When you travel to a different location with a different WiFi network
your iPhone will let you try to join that other WiFi network. You
might want to check Settings to be sure WiFi is turned on. Note that
if you turn on Airplane mode it turns off WiFi and cell signal as
required for many passenger plane flights.

Also check in Settings > WiFi, the item named Ask to join networks. If
you travel around, you can keep this on for convenience. If you do
travel, check first to see if this might increase your bill! Some
hotels and motels, for example, will charge an arm and a leg for WiFi
service but then they also require a password for access to it which
you have to obtain from guest service. They can't charge for cell
service but they can charge for WiFi and some charge gobs.

You want to be aware of the cell coverage info on your iPhone's top
menu bar. I have iPhone via ATT so when I'm in an ATT region the top
menu bar says ATT. If I'm in a roaming region, the ATT can change and
the result can be a roaming charge on your bill. Fortunately ATT has
coverage in most parts of inhabited North America - even Anchorage,
Alaska, where I visit occasionally.

Denver Dan

On Sun, 08 Jul 2012 09:40:01 -0700, Guy Kudlemyer wrote:
> I just bought an iPhone after years of owning a flip-style dumb phone.
> However, I can靖 seem to get it to connect to my Comcast wireless router.
> Every time I try to connect, it asks for a password. Where can I find this?
> Also, don靖 I have to set up some DNS information or IP address or
> something? It oftentimes asks me for that also. Should I just take it back
> to Verizon and ask them to do this for me? I雋 not very techy, I雋 afraid...
> Thanks
> Guy

Sun Jul 8, 2012 5:52 pm (PDT) . Posted by: "Jay Abraham" kerala01212001
I think most of the companies who set up their customer passwords are using the serial number of the modem as the default. You may want to try that - it can be found on the bottom of your phone or cable modem.


Sent from my iPad

On Jul 8, 2012, at 1:12 PM, Denver Dan <denver.dan@verizon.net> wrote:

> I just bought an iPhone after years of owning a flip-style dumb phone.
> > However, I can繒t seem to get it to connect to my Comcast wireless router.
> > Every time I try to connect, it asks for a password. Where can I find this?

Mon Jul 9, 2012 3:33 am (PDT) . Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" nikyzf
Failing that, a "hard reset" will reset a router back to factory settings.
This will mean that no encryption is applied, allowing you to choose your
own encryption and settings.


On 9 July 2012 01:52, Jay Abraham <jaygroups@abrahamgroup.net> wrote:

> I think most of the companies who set up their customer passwords are
> using the serial number of the modem as the default. You may want to try
> that - it can be found on the bottom of your phone or cable modem.

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Sun Jul 8, 2012 10:03 am (PDT) . Posted by: "tdbaeza" tdbaeza
When ever I open Safari this is what I find..



Sun Jul 8, 2012 11:59 am (PDT) . Posted by: "Terry Pogue" terrypogue_2000
Well, that's handy. Mine opens to the page I have set in preferences.

鵃�Sent from my iPadHD

On Jul 8, 2012, at 1:03 PM, "tdbaeza" <tamaradeleon@gmail.com> wrote:

> When ever I open Safari this is what I find..
> http://search.searchonme.com/?m=1
> HELP!!!
> ------------------------------------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral.com/policies/>
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Sun Jul 8, 2012 12:50 pm (PDT) . Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc01
> When ever I open Safari this is what I find.
> http://search.searchonme.com/?m=1

Safari -- Preferences -- General -- Homepage

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com

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Sun Jul 8, 2012 11:18 am (PDT) . Posted by: "Denver Dan" denverdan22180

I see your 2nd note about a script.

However! In Lion, there is a new contextual Finder command called New
folder with selection (xx items).

It's great and I used it all the time. IIRC, I discovered this shortly
after upgrading to Lion and posted a note to the group.

Denver Dan

On Sun, 08 Jul 2012 04:00:36 +0000, HAL9000 wrote:
> Snow Leopard
> I used to have a contextual menu with the above command, but it is no
> longer there. Have I not used this since Leopard or earlier, or have
> I somehow removed this command? Or was this an applescript I had
> added? But I know it was a contextual menu item.
> Curious. jr

Sun Jul 8, 2012 12:05 pm (PDT) . Posted by: "HAL9000" jrswebhome
Thanks, Dan.

--- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups.com, Denver Dan <denver.dan@...> wrote:
> Howdy.
> I see your 2nd note about a script.
> However! In Lion, there is a new contextual Finder command called New
> folder with selection (xx items).
> It's great and I used it all the time. IIRC, I discovered this shortly
> after upgrading to Lion and posted a note to the group.
> Denver Dan
> On Sun, 08 Jul 2012 04:00:36 +0000, HAL9000 wrote:
> > Snow Leopard
> >
> > I used to have a contextual menu with the above command, but it is no
> > longer there. Have I not used this since Leopard or earlier, or have
> > I somehow removed this command? Or was this an applescript I had
> > added? But I know it was a contextual menu item.
> >
> > Curious. jr

Sun Jul 8, 2012 4:31 pm (PDT) . Posted by: "Christopher Collins" cjc1959au
I wish it also worked on single items, not just multiple items!


On 09/07/2012, at 4:18 AM, Denver Dan wrote:

> Howdy.
> I see your 2nd note about a script.
> However! In Lion, there is a new contextual Finder command called New
> folder with selection (xx items).
> It's great and I used it all the time. IIRC, I discovered this shortly
> after upgrading to Lion and posted a note to the group.
> Denver Dan
> On Sun, 08 Jul 2012 04:00:36 +0000, HAL9000 wrote:
> > Snow Leopard
> >
> > I used to have a contextual menu with the above command, but it is no
> > longer there. Have I not used this since Leopard or earlier, or have
> > I somehow removed this command? Or was this an applescript I had
> > added? But I know it was a contextual menu item.
> >
> > Curious. jr
> _

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Sun Jul 8, 2012 4:40 pm (PDT) . Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" nikyzf
I'm not sure how it works out in terms of speed/key-presses, but how about
duplicating (command d) *then* New Folder, etc. (Lose the dup after, of

I find it odd that the option is excluded if you select just one file, but
how often would this arise?


On 9 July 2012 00:31, Christopher Collins <maclist@analogdigital.com.au>wrote:

> I wish it also worked on single items, not just multiple items!

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Mon Jul 9, 2012 5:36 am (PDT) . Posted by: "Daly Jessup" dalyjessup

On Jul 7, 2012, at 9:39 PM, HAL9000 wrote:

> found a script
> --- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups.com, "HAL9000" <jrswebhome@...> wrote:
>> Snow Leopard
>> I used to have a contextual menu with the above command, but it is no longer there. Have I not used this since Leopard or earlier, or have I somehow removed this command? Or was this an applescript I had added? But I know it was a contextual menu item.

Does the script work on a single item in the Finder? What script did you find, and where did you find it?


Sun Jul 8, 2012 11:26 am (PDT) . Posted by: "Denver Dan" denverdan22180

Marc, I suspect your slot loading DVD player/burner has become
defective. Apple slot loading DVD optical drives are just damn poor
quality. Many need to be replaced as a number of members of this group
can attest.

A slot loader in a MacBook Pro in my household had to be replaced.

Note that the tray loading DVD player/burner in my MacPro tower has
probably burned well over a thousand DVDs and CDs and is still cooking.

The clicking noise that you mention is one of the clues about it
needing to be replaced.

If you have this done at Apple, it can cost more but you also get a

You could consider getting an external DVD/CD burner. Prices around a
low of $50 USD and on up.

You can now even get a BluRay external burner for around $100 USD to
$300 USD. A BD burner will also burn and play CDs, DVDs, and BluRay

Denver Dan

On Sat, 07 Jul 2012 21:22:40 -0700, Marc Reavis wrote:
> I've tried to find help online, in the various Mac web sites and from
> Apple support. I've tried a laser lens cleaner. Nothing has helped.
> I put in a music or data disk; the drive makes various clicking
> noises, then ejects the disk. But not all disks: those I burned on
> Windows machines appear on the desktop and can be opened as normal.
> Model Name: iMac
> Model Identifier: iMac8,1
> Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
> Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz
> Number Of Processors: 1
> Total Number Of Cores: 2
> L2 Cache: 6 MB
> Memory: 2 GB
> Bus Speed: 1.07 GHz
> Boot ROM Version: IM81.00C1.B00
> SMC Version (system): 1.30f1
> OS: 10.6.8, fully updated.
> Any help will be insanely appreciated.
> Marc

Sun Jul 8, 2012 2:54 pm (PDT) . Posted by: "Louise Stewart" pudgybulldog
> Sorry to sound dumb, but is this something I should worry about?

> Be prepared for "Malware Monday" when the FBI turns off
> the safety net for users infected by DNSChanger malware.
> For more info see: www.dcwg.org

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Sun Jul 8, 2012 5:45 pm (PDT) . Posted by: "Randy B. Singer" randybrucesinger

On Jul 8, 2012, at 2:54 PM, Louise Stewart wrote:

> > Sorry to sound dumb, but is this something I should worry about?

Go to this Web site:

If it is green, you don't even have to think about it.

If it is red, come back here and I'll give you more info.

My strong suspicion is that not a single person on this list will
come up red.

Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)

Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance

Mon Jul 9, 2012 5:18 am (PDT) . Posted by: "Daly Jessup" dalyjessup

On Jul 5, 2012, at 12:26 PM, N.A. Nada wrote:

> Calm down Daly.
> Since the thread was about mac.com, and iCloud, and you were talking about iWork documents stored on the web, I was talking about, and I even said it was a beta, hint, hint, the web site. That is why I said copy it or lose it.
> When I responded just minutes ago, it seemed you were talking about the apps and so I made it very clear in my reply I was talking about the site.
> Brent
> On Jul 5, 2012, at 7:07 AM, Daly Jessup wrote:
> On Jul 5, 2012, at 6:09 AM, Chris Jones wrote:
>> On 05/07/12 13:49, Daly Jessup wrote:
>>> But iWorks going away? Can you please expand on that statement?#
>> Did you bother to try your own research ? Its not hard to find hundreds
>> of references on the web, e.g.
>> http://www.apple.com/iwork/iwork-dot-com/
>> Also, if you are requested yo would have received an email or two about
>> it. I certainly did.
> You know, the rudeness level of this list has reached a whole new low. Not that anyone cares, but I will instantly unsubscribe the next time I see a post with this kind of attitude.
> Of course I got those notices. I had understood him to be saying that iWork itself is going away. I did not understand that he was talking about a Cloud service for iWork. Notice that he said iWork is going away, not that "iwork.com" or "iwork-dot-com." (Actually, what he said was "iWorks" was going away, though of course there is no product of that name at all.) So I misunderstood his reference.
> As for your rude implication that I didn't bother to do my own research, I did. And I could find no reference that "iWork" OR "iWorks" was going away. Which it isn't. And I spend a shockingly large amount of time googling things for other people who write to various lists without doing their own research, and I seldom find it necessary to even mention it.
> Daly
> ------------------------------------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral.com/policies/>
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Mon Jul 9, 2012 5:20 am (PDT) . Posted by: "Daly Jessup" dalyjessup

On Jul 5, 2012, at 12:26 PM, N.A. Nada wrote:
> Since the thread was about mac.com, and iCloud, and you were talking about iWork documents stored on the web, I was talking about, and I even said it was a beta, hint, hint, the web site. That is why I said copy it or lose it.
> When I responded just minutes ago, it seemed you were talking about the apps and so I made it very clear in my reply I was talking about the site.

I was talking about the "storage" option offered by iCloud. I was not talking about an "iWork" web site. We were talking about iCloud storage. Someone asked what the 5GB was for, if it did not include PhotoStream and music. I said that it would be for documents, which currently includes mainly iWork documents.

Then you said that "iWorks" was a beta and was going away.

Mon Jul 9, 2012 5:25 am (PDT) . Posted by: "wvdjyknits" wvdjyknits
I've not used iPhoto for a little more than a week (no electricity/internet. Everything but the water works now, so it won't be long until we're back to normal.) I was attempting to attach a recent photo of storm damage to a document and iPhoto said it had to update my library. After the update, there are no photos newer than December 14, 2011.

I've backed up my computer, photos and music to a partitioned external hard drive, but am not sure how to reimport that iPhoto library. It is my only back-up, and I'd hate to have to go through the update process again and lose anything.

I feel fairly certain all my 2012 photos are on my computer hard drive somewhere, but I'm not sure where and I'm not sure how to access them or reimport them into iPhoto. I've looked a couple of likely places with no luck.

Thanks for your help ...