


NYPD encouraging iPhone and iPad users to update to iOS 7

Posted: 22 Sep 2013 04:18 PM PDT

nypd image

The above image was posted to Twitter yesterday by World Bank’s Jim Rosenberg, with the caption: the New York Police Department has a message for you iPhone and iPad folks.

Apparently, the NYPD has been handing out fliers at subway exits and in front of Apple Stores, encouraging people to upgrade to iOS 7 for its new 'Activation Lock' security feature…(...)
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"NYPD encouraging iPhone and iPad users to update to iOS 7" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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iPhone 5s shipping times fall to October

Posted: 22 Sep 2013 12:10 PM PDT

white iPhone 5s camera

Shortly after the iPhone 5s became available for online order here in the US Friday morning, initial inventory for the gold colorway sold out. Within an hour of launch, shipping times for handset configurations including the new color option began slipping to October.

And the rest of the models caught up with it this weekend. Less than 72 hours after launch, it appears that Apple has sold out of all of its initial iPhone 5s supplies, with shipping estimates for all configurations in the US slipping from 7–10 days to the vague date of ‘October.’(...)
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"iPhone 5s shipping times fall to October" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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Apple pulls ATV 6.0 update following user complaints

Posted: 22 Sep 2013 11:00 AM PDT

apple tv up to date

I was met with disappointment yesterday, when I turned on my Apple TV to download and install the new 6.0 update. The set-top box, which is still running ATV software version 5.3, told me that my firmware was already up-to-date.

And apparently, I’m not the only one experiencing this issue. I guess in addition to support for iTunes Radio, AirPlay from iCloud, and iTunes music purchases, the software also included several bugs. Because Apple just pulled it…(...)
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"Apple pulls ATV 6.0 update following user complaints" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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Is iOS 7 battery life getting you down? These tips may just help

Posted: 22 Sep 2013 10:10 AM PDT

iPhone 5 battery charging

It’s a situation we seem to find ourselves in with each iOS update, yet we always seem to be surprised when it happens. Alas, it seems that iOS 7 has left many of us with the same battery problems that plagued almost every other big point-0 release of the operating system that powers the iPhone and iPad.

Anyone with a long memory will remember that we had your back when iOS 5 was causing chaos with iPhone 4S batteries a couple of years ago, and with iPhones the world over seemingly unable to hold a charge as long as they used to, we thought it might be time to offer one or two tips on trying to eek as many hours out of a charge as possible.

So, without further ado, let’s get started turning things off…(...)
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"Is iOS 7 battery life getting you down? These tips may just help" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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BlackBerry halts BBM for iPhone rollout after Android version leaks

Posted: 22 Sep 2013 09:37 AM PDT

bbm 2

Last week, BlackBerry confirmed via its Twitter account that it would be launching BBM for iPhone this weekend—today in fact, September 22. But as you’ve probably noticed, it’s nowhere to be found.

So what happened? Well the app actually landed in the New Zealand App Store, and a handful of other countries yesterday. But it appears that a leaked version of the Android app halted the rollout…(...)
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"BlackBerry halts BBM for iPhone rollout after Android version leaks" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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Wallpapers of the week: parallax ready walls for iOS 7

Posted: 22 Sep 2013 09:09 AM PDT

wotw parallax jordan huxley splash

We are all settled with our new devices after a grueling week of long lines and iOS 7 upgrades. It was a big week for Apple fans the world over and next week will continue to excite as customers who ordered iPhone 5s electronically begin receiving units on Monday and Tuesday.

To prep for my reviews, I purchased a green 5c and silver 5s, of which the 5c arrived Friday. Although I had access to iOS 7 since WWDC, I opted to remain with an iPhone 5 iOS 6 JB until my new device arrived in the mail. Consequently, I have only been running iOS 7 for the past 24 hours through my new device. I must say, it is quite the shocking experience, but I am getting used to the new interface.

As the self proclaimed wallpaper guy for iDB, one of the new features I am very excited about is the parallax effect. Utilizing the iPhone’s accelerometer, gyroscope, and a little coding magic, the wallpaper appears to move behind the icons when tilting the device. To enhance the effect, applying a wallpaper slightly larger than the iPhone’s screen resolution is important. Step inside to download our first featured post with parallax ready images…(...)
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"Wallpapers of the week: parallax ready walls for iOS 7" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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This week’s top stories: iOS 7 and iPhone 5s all the way

Posted: 22 Sep 2013 04:00 AM PDT

iDB Top Stories of the Week banner

Like every Sunday, we bring you the stories that were the most popular on iDB during this past week. Whether it is a news piece, an editorial, a tutorial, a new jailbreak tweak, or an accessory review, we sum it all up in one convenient place.

If you like what you’re reading, please make sure to spread the love by sharing our posts on your favorite social network.

We’re usually hanging out a lot on Twitter and Facebook, more rarely on Google+.

Of course, don’t forget to listen to the latest episode of our podcast, Let’s Talk Jailbreak:

We're social! Find iDB on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, App.net, YouTube, and in your RSS reader. Also make sure to subscribe to our new podcast!

"This week’s top stories: iOS 7 and iPhone 5s all the way" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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Good deal: 50% off Spigen iPhone 5/5s case and GLAS.t bundle

Posted: 22 Sep 2013 01:47 AM PDT


Looking for a way to protect that shiny new iPhone 5s you just purchased? What about your iPhone 5? Either way, if the answer is yes, you should definitely check out this new Spigen promotional bundle from Stack Social.

For a limited time, the deal site is offering the Tough Armor Case, the GLAS.t SLIM—which we reviewed back in March, and loved—and the Ultra Crystal Screen Protector at a significant discount. More details after the fold…(...)
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"Good deal: 50% off Spigen iPhone 5/5s case and GLAS.t bundle" is an article by iDownloadBlog.com.
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