Messages In This Digest (23 Messages)
- 1a.
- Toying with HTML: what application to use? From: DaveC
- 1b.
- Re: Toying with HTML: what application to use? From: Denver Dan
- 1c.
- Re: Toying with HTML: what application to use? From: Randy B. Singer
- 1d.
- Re: Toying with HTML: what application to use? From: Keith Whaley
- 1e.
- Re: Toying with HTML: what application to use? From: Daly Jessup
- 2a.
- System resource stats From: DaveC
- 2b.
- Re: System resource stats From: Denver Dan
- 3a.
- VLC 2.x, Fast Forward? From: Denver Dan
- 3b.
- Re: VLC 2.x, Fast Forward? From: paul smith
- 3c.
- Re: VLC 2.x, Fast Forward? From: DaveC
- 3d.
- MacBook won't boot From: Ardell Faul
- 3e.
- Re: MacBook won't boot From: Ardell Faul
- 3f.
- Re: MacBook won't boot From: Dane Reugger
- 3g.
- Re: MacBook won't boot From: Jim Saklad
- 3h.
- Re: MacBook won't boot From: Jim Saklad
- 3i.
- Re: MacBook won't boot From: N.A, Nada
- 3j.
- Re: MacBook won't boot From: N.A, Nada
- 3k.
- Re: MacBook won't boot From: Barry Austern
- 3l.
- Re: VLC 2.x, Fast Forward? From: Denver Dan
- 4.
- Recovering Lion From: Jim Smith
- 5.
- X10 Cameras and Safari From: us2forever
- 6a.
- Trusteer Rapport security software From: Patsy Price
- 6b.
- Re: Trusteer Rapport security software From: John Engberg
- 1a.
Toying with HTML: what application to use?
Posted by: "DaveC" davec2468
Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:44 am (PDT)
I'm copying & pasting some web page source code and would like to
experiment with basics.
The web page shows me what it looks like, and I'd like to make small
changes to see how that changes the look. Learning by doing (or as
some might say, "... by destroying" ;-) .
I'm looking for *recommendations* (I can, and have used a search
engine) of a good, free (preferably) application to use for this.
I'm using Snow Leopard.
- 1b.
Re: Toying with HTML: what application to use?
Posted by: "Denver Dan" denverdan22180
Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:22 am (PDT)
Many web browser can reveal the actual html source code, the basic code
used in a web page.
For example, SeaMonkey (browser that I use most often) has the Page
Source command under the View menu.
In Safari, look under the View menu for the View Source command.
You can save the source info as a file, or copy/paste it into a text
You can use Apple's TextEdit program. There are a variety of free and
shareware text editors that specialize in html and other types of code.
Check for the free TextWrangler at MacUpdate. TextWrangler is free
from Bare Bones Software. It's the free version of the great BBEdit
coding program (commercial). TextWrangler grew out of the free BBEdit
Lite coding program.
BBEdit Lite included conveniences for a variety of coding environments
including html and short cuts for using html to reduce key strokes. It
even included markers for different sized monitors such as the 9 inch
screens of the original Macs and the Mac Classic.
I learned basic html coding at an Apple Regional Marketing Center free
3 day seminar in the 1990s and the free and included text editing
program included with Mac OS 9 was used for the class.
Denver Dan
On Fri, 23 Mar 2012 07:44:47 -0700, DaveC wrote:
> I'm copying & pasting some web page source code and would like to
> experiment with basics.
> The web page shows me what it looks like, and I'd like to make small
> changes to see how that changes the look. Learning by doing (or as
> some might say, "... by destroying" ;-) .
> I'm looking for *recommendations* (I can, and have used a search
> engine) of a good, free (preferably) application to use for this.
> I'm using Snow Leopard.
> Thanks,
> Dave
- 1c.
Re: Toying with HTML: what application to use?
Posted by: "Randy B. Singer" randybrucesinger
Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:32 am (PDT)
On Mar 23, 2012, at 7:44 AM, DaveC wrote:
> I'm copying & pasting some web page source code and would like to
> experiment with basics.
I highly recommend:
BlueGriffon (FREE and open-source)
Free video tutorial series:
(The tutorial does not use the Mac version of the program, but the
program should be virtually identical across platforms.) v=bWPj7EGjQt0 v=Nnj6i_ckRp0 v=fRMQQIGIFlA v=ucyHio2JOEM v=zBFYpSi0LEI v=zBFYpSi0LEI v=4IyoMj4OvFQ v=jzfuckw0Gpc v=gEZ97YOsDLg v=rvZitt7aoIo v=wmjEaOgEaBs
BlueGriffon is a WYSIWYG Web site authoring program. It has a mode
that allows you to deal directly with the HTML code, and it will
allow you to quickly see the results of any changes that you make.
_____________________ _________ _________ ____
Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)
Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance html
_____________________ _________ _________ ____
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 1d.
Re: Toying with HTML: what application to use?
Posted by: "Keith Whaley" keith9600
Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:16 am (PDT)
Randy is highly conversant with Mac and Wndoes OS, and when he
recommends something, one need have any fear it will work as he says it
I thought this interesting because it works for both Mac AND Windows.
The instructions are, as he says, interchangeable between the two platforms.
I thought of you because you occasionally do some web site authoring.
P.S. Good luck with your move today. (Or, was that yesterday?!) Take
pictures of your MT house!
Randy B. Singer wrote:
> On Mar 23, 2012, at 7:44 AM, DaveC wrote:
> > I'm copying & pasting some web page source code and would like to
> > experiment with basics.
> I highly recommend:
> BlueGriffon (FREE and open-source)
> Free video tutorial series:
> (The tutorial does not use the Mac version of the program, but the
> program should be virtually identical across platforms.)
> v=bWPj7EGjQt0
> v=Nnj6i_ckRp0
> v=ucyHio2JOEM
> v=zBFYpSi0LEI
> v=zBFYpSi0LEI
> v=4IyoMj4OvFQ
> v=jzfuckw0Gpc
> v=gEZ97YOsDLg
> v=rvZitt7aoIo
> v=wmjEaOgEaBs
> BlueGriffon is a WYSIWYG Web site authoring program. It has a mode
> that allows you to deal directly with the HTML code, and it will
> allow you to quickly see the results of any changes that you make.
> _____________________ _________ _________ ____
> Randy B. Singer
> Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)
> Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance
> html
- 1e.
Re: Toying with HTML: what application to use?
Posted by: "Daly Jessup"
Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:03 pm (PDT)
On Mar 23, 2012, at 7:44 AM, DaveC wrote:
> I'm copying & pasting some web page source code and would like to
> experiment with basics.
> The web page shows me what it looks like, and I'd like to make small
> changes to see how that changes the look. Learning by doing (or as
> some might say, "... by destroying" ;-) .
> I'm looking for *recommendations* (I can, and have used a search
> engine) of a good, free (preferably) application to use for this.
When I've played that way, I just copy the source code into a text documents, fool with it, then save it as a <name>.html file and open that in a the HTML Source window in SeaMonkey (free).
If it's a really simple web page, you can even just save the source and text, save it with an .html suffix and then open that file in a browser.
- 2a.
System resource stats
Posted by: "DaveC" davec2468
Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:53 am (PDT)
I just looked at the stats at the bottom of the Activity Monitor
window: "Page outs: 0 bytes; Swap used: 0 bytes". I think I'm pleases
by what I see: this is the first time I remember these at zero.
Performance is the most responsive since I bought this mini last year.
But something puzzles me: the "Page ins" are at 500-plus MB, while
the "Page outs" are zero, as is the "Swap used" value.
How can "Page outs" be non-zero while the "Page ins" is zero? Doesn't
data have to be written out before it can be read back in?
I'm obviously not understanding something about the process...
2011 Mac mini 2.7 GHz i7 / 4 GB / 750 GB
OS X 10.6.8 (yes, Snow Leopard)
- 2b.
Re: System resource stats
Posted by: "Denver Dan" denverdan22180
Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:23 am (PDT)
You have a good question.
I think what Page In and Page Out refers to is this.
If something calls for data that is already in RAM/Memory, then this is
known as a Page In. Maybe it can be thought of as a "Page In RAM
If something calls for data that is in Virtual Memory (VM), then it's
known as a Page Out, or a "Page Outside of RAM."
So the more physical RAM you have installed the more data can be kept
in RAM/Memory and the system will experience fewer Page Outs to call
for data not in RAM/Memory.
Since VM uses the mechanical hard drive to keep data and since a hard
drive is a slower technology than RAM/Memory which has no moving parts
this is where the slow down happens as data is called from VM more and
more often.
Here's some reading that might answer some questions about VM and Page
ins and outs and other aspects of System Memory seen in Activity
Monitor but probably not your actual question.
- - -
Using Activity Monitor to read System Memory and determine how much RAM
is being used
< >kb/HT1342
Denver Dan
On Fri, 23 Mar 2012 07:53:18 -0700, DaveC wrote:
> I just looked at the stats at the bottom of the Activity Monitor
> window: "Page outs: 0 bytes; Swap used: 0 bytes". I think I'm pleases
> by what I see: this is the first time I remember these at zero.
> Performance is the most responsive since I bought this mini last year.
> But something puzzles me: the "Page ins" are at 500-plus MB, while
> the "Page outs" are zero, as is the "Swap used" value.
> How can "Page outs" be non-zero while the "Page ins" is zero? Doesn't
> data have to be written out before it can be read back in?
> I'm obviously not understanding something about the process...
> Thanks,
> Dave
> --
> 2011 Mac mini 2.7 GHz i7 / 4 GB / 750 GB
> OS X 10.6.8 (yes, Snow Leopard)
- 3a.
VLC 2.x, Fast Forward?
Posted by: "Denver Dan" denverdan22180
Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:10 am (PDT)
Has anyone tried VLC (from VideoLAN) version 2.0, 2.1??
In version 2, the Fast Forward and Fast Reverse arrows instead of doing
a Fast Forward or Fast Reverse jump start the next video in the queue
or start the last video that was played.
I don't see any way to change this very inconvenient behavior back to a
Forward or Backward Jump as is the case in nearly all other video
players from all companies and was the case in all earlier versions of
Any ideas?
Denver Dan
- 3b.
Re: VLC 2.x, Fast Forward?
Posted by: "paul smith" waldonny
Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:53 am (PDT)
I don't see any way to revert the controls. As it stands, those controls flanking the Pause button are now called "Step back" and "Step forward" to the next video (as you noted).
Faster and slower playback are now controlled either from Playback in the menubar or with the Command-equal sign (faster) and Command-dash (slower) key combos.
Very annoying.
MacBook Pro, 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB DDR2 SDRAM, OS 10.7.3 iPhone 4S 64 GB, iOS 5.1
On Mar 23, 2012, at 12:10 PM, Denver Dan wrote:
Has anyone tried VLC (from VideoLAN) version 2.0, 2.1??
In version 2, the Fast Forward and Fast Reverse arrows instead of doing
a Fast Forward or Fast Reverse jump start the next video in the queue
or start the last video that was played.
I don't see any way to change this very inconvenient behavior back to a
Forward or Backward Jump as is the case in nearly all other video
players from all companies and was the case in all earlier versions of
- 3c.
Re: VLC 2.x, Fast Forward?
Posted by: "DaveC" davec2468
Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:13 pm (PDT)
>Has anyone tried VLC (from VideoLAN) version 2.0, 2.1??
>In version 2, the Fast Forward and Fast Reverse arrows instead of doing
>a Fast Forward or Fast Reverse jump start the next video in the queue
>or start the last video that was played.
>Denver Dan
I also haven't found a way to change the function of those buttons.
Instead I use keyboard equivalents to control jumps in the playback.
Hotkeys are *very* customizable.
Open Preferences > Hotkeys
The default faster and slower hotkeys are:
Faster cmd-=
Slower cmd-[dash]
I also use these combinations to jump in the video:
V.s. backward jump cmd-L. arrow
V.s. forward jump cmd-R. arrow
S. backward jump cmd-opt-L. arrow
S. forward jump cmd-opt-R. arrow
M. backward jump opt-ctrl-shift-L. arrow
M. forward jump opt-ctrl-shift-R. arrow
L. backward jump opt-shift-ctrl-cmd-L. arrow
L. forward jump opt-shift-ctrl-cmd-R. arrow
- 3d.
MacBook won't boot
Posted by: "Ardell Faul" computer_monitor_service_company
Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:16 pm (PDT)
Model number is A1181. The apple logo appears with the rotating clock,
but it never gets any further. I pulled the hard drive and ran the
error fixing utility on it in another computer using Macdrive, which
said there were errors and it fixed them all, but it still will not boot.
I have cleared the Pram and tried booting up in the Safe Mode, but
holding down the Shift key will not bring up the proper screen.
Is there another technique I can use to get this unit booted up please?
Ardell Faul
Computer Monitor Service Inc.
Ardell's Laptop and PC Repair
10816 E. Mission Ave.,
Spokane Valley, Wa. 99206
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- 3e.
Re: MacBook won't boot
Posted by: "Ardell Faul" computer_monitor_service_company
Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:15 pm (PDT)
Since I'm not getting any help here, I am wondering if there is a group
I could join that is more technical oriented toward repairing broken
systems, or perhaps has members more willing to share their knowledge.
For the further information of anyone interested, I have also booted up
with the OSX installation disk and used the Disk Utilities to repair
permissions, as well as running the repair function on the drive
itself. It found permission problems and fixed them, but the unit still
hangs at the apple logo. I have also replaced the memory sticks with
known good ones just in case a stick had developed problems, but nothing
Ardell Faul
Computer Monitor Service Inc.
Ardell's Laptop and PC Repair
10816 E. Mission Ave.,
Spokane Valley, Wa. 99206
On 3/23/2012 1:16 PM, Ardell Faul wrote:
> Model number is A1181. The apple logo appears with the rotating clock,
> but it never gets any further. I pulled the hard drive and ran the
> error fixing utility on it in another computer using Macdrive, which
> said there were errors and it fixed them all, but it still will not boot.
> I have cleared the Pram and tried booting up in the Safe Mode, but
> holding down the Shift key will not bring up the proper screen.
> Is there another technique I can use to get this unit booted up please?
> Ardell Faul
> Computer Monitor Service Inc.
> Ardell's Laptop and PC Repair
> 10816 E. Mission Ave.,
> Spokane Valley, Wa. 99206
> <mailto:ardell%40icehouse. net>
> 509-891-5188
> ~-|**|PrettyHtmlEnd|**|-~ end group email -->
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 3f.
Re: MacBook won't boot
Posted by: "Dane Reugger" dar2112
Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:50 pm (PDT)
A1181 describes a lot of different a lot of different models - I think it's
all non-unibody iBooks - but I don't think that it matters in this case.
Been a while since I used Media Four's MacDrive but I would
not recommend using it for repair (just my opinion).
I would run either WD or Seagate diagnostics utilities including a full
media scan on the drive to be sure you don't have a hardware problem (which
I suspect you do). This you can do from a bootable CD, thumb drive, or even
a Windows PC.
If the drive does test OK - Then how you proceed would depend on your
situation and the tools you have available to you (another Mac to verify
the drive, Tech Tools, Disk Warrior, CCC & usb/firewire drive to back up
the drive, and OS disk [Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion, etc] to
reformat the drive and migrate the profile back, etc).
Good luck with it,
On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 3:16 PM, Ardell Faul < > wrote:
> Model number is A1181. The apple logo appears with the rotating clock,
> but it never gets any further. I pulled the hard drive and ran the
> error fixing utility on it in another computer using Macdrive, which
> said there were errors and it fixed them all, but it still will not boot.
> I have cleared the Pram and tried booting up in the Safe Mode, but
> holding down the Shift key will not bring up the proper screen.
> Is there another technique I can use to get this unit booted up please?
> Ardell Faul
> Computer Monitor Service Inc.
> Ardell's Laptop and PC Repair
> 10816 E. Mission Ave.,
> Spokane Valley, Wa. 99206
> 509-891-5188
> ~-|**|PrettyHtmlEnd|**|-~ end group email -->
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> Yahoo! Groups Links
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 3g.
Re: MacBook won't boot
Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc01
Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:13 pm (PDT)
On 3/23/2012 1:16 PM, Ardell Faul wrote:
> Model number is A1181. The apple logo appears with the rotating clock, but it never gets any further. I pulled the hard drive and ran the error fixing utility on it in another computer using Macdrive, which said there were errors and it fixed them all, but it still will not boot.
> I have cleared the Pram and tried booting up in the Safe Mode, but holding down the Shift key will not bring up the proper screen.
> Is there another technique I can use to get this unit booted up please?
On Mar 23, 2012, at 6:15 PM, Ardell Faul wrote:
> Since I'm not getting any help here, I am wondering if there is a group I could join that is more technical oriented toward repairing broken systems, or perhaps has members more willing to share their knowledge.
You may have noticed that this is an entirely user-supported forum.
Most of us have actual lives.
Your second message arrived just 5 hours after your first, on a weekday.
Firstly, "Model number is A1181" is not a particularly helpful designation. After several minutes of searching, I eventually found it in the MacTracker database -- it is a Macbook5,2, introduced May 2009 and discontinued October 2009. It has a Intel Core 2 Duo (P7450) ("Penryn") CPU, with a processor speed of 2.13 GHz and a system bus running at 1066 MHz.
Presumably you knew all this, and might have considered telling us.
Since you appear to have other Macs available, the first thing I *would* have considered doing is trying to boot the sick Macbook into Firewire Target Disk Mode, and connecting it with a firewire cable to another Mac as if it were an external drive for the other machine.
You could then try to access the Macbook's drive, re-partition it, run Disk Utility or other test programs on it, etc. Without having to disassemble the Macbook.
I don't know what state you left this drive in -- wiped, fixed-in-place with original data, re-formatted, re-partitioned, or what. I am guessing your feeling is that the drive is okay, but the computer needs work.
When you "cleared the Pram" did you hold down the <Control><Option><p><r> for the full recommended 3 (or more) cycles, or only for 1?
You state the sick machine will not boot into Safe Mode. I am going to presume you are holding the <Shift> key down starting at the "start-up gong" and keeping it down until the progress bar appears, and presumably that progress bar never appears.
Have you tried any other alternative boots?
1. Put a Leopard (10.5.7 or higher) or Snow Leopard disk in the optical drive and hold <c> down starting at the gong sound.
2. Boot a different machine into Firewire Target Disk Mode, connect the two machines with a firewire cable, then boot the sick Macbook holding down the <Option> key starting at the gong sound, then choosing the other Mac's drive when the row of drive choices appears.
> For the further information of anyone interested, I have also booted up with the OSX installation disk and used the Disk Utilities to repair permissions, as well as running the repair function on the drive itself. It found permission problems and fixed them, but the unit still hangs at the apple logo. I have also replaced the memory sticks with known good ones just in case a stick had developed problems, but nothing changes.
This suggests the computer itself is okay, if it indeed boots up from the Install Disk. Also that the drive itself is accessible internally (the circuit board and SATA hardware must be good).
This further leads me to believe that the problem is the drive's contents. Presuming they are already backed up, I would wipe the drive (including re-partitioning it, even if it is a single partition and you want to keep it as a single partition), and re-installing MacOS on it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
Jim Saklad
- 3h.
Re: MacBook won't boot
Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc01
Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:16 pm (PDT)
> Firstly, "Model number is A1181" is not a particularly helpful designation. After several minutes of searching, I eventually found it in the MacTracker database -- it is a Macbook5,2, introduced May 2009 and discontinued October 2009. It has a Intel Core 2 Duo (P7450) ("Penryn") CPU, with a processor speed of 2.13 GHz and a system bus running at 1066 MHz.
I see now that A1181 actually describes MANY models of Macbook....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
Jim Saklad
- 3i.
Re: MacBook won't boot
Posted by: "N.A, Nada"
Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:28 pm (PDT)
Mac users usually don't use the model number. What you are speaking of
is a MacBook between 2006 and 2007. It could be running between Mac OS
X 10.4.6 and something in 10.6.
You can not install or use a disk that is before the one originally
installed on that model and it also has an upper limit.
I am guessing that what you mean by Apple logo and clock (which some
here call a gear) means it is loading the OS.
First suggestion. Don't repair Mac hard drives using Windows software.
MacDrive will access to Mac-formatted disks from Windows. You will
never hear a Mac user using that software. Not that it matters, but
which version did you use Standard or Pro? You may have worsened the
problem running MacDrive on it.
The model you are speaking of does have an Intel processor, but it
also varies.
To repair a Mac disk, use Mac software like Disk Utility (on the OS
Install disk), Disk Warrior, Tech Tools or some other Mac software.
Reinstall the hard drive in the Mac, insert the appropriate Mac OS
install disk, start it up holding the option key down. After a little
bit you will see several choices to boot from. Chose the optical disk.
Open Disk Utility and then verify and or repair the disk. Repairing
the permissions is optional in my opinion, but you can.
(You should also be able to start up from an appropriate optical disk,
by holding the c key down while starting up.)
When you say "tried booting up in the Safe Mode, but holding down the
Shift key will not bring up the proper screen.", what screen are you
looking for?
On Mar 23, 2012, at 1:16 PM, Ardell Faul wrote:
> Model number is A1181. The apple logo appears with the rotating clock,
> but it never gets any further. I pulled the hard drive and ran the
> error fixing utility on it in another computer using Macdrive, which
> said there were errors and it fixed them all, but it still will not
> boot.
> I have cleared the Pram and tried booting up in the Safe Mode, but
> holding down the Shift key will not bring up the proper screen.
> Is there another technique I can use to get this unit booted up
> please?
> Ardell Faul
> Computer Monitor Service Inc.
> Ardell's Laptop and PC Repair
- 3j.
Re: MacBook won't boot
Posted by: "N.A, Nada"
Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:35 pm (PDT)
When you say it hangs, how long?
After making some repairs the initial boot make take 5 minutes or
more. Let it run, it is fixing things. It is also doing a hardware
Like Jim said many of us are users and have lives off this list.
You will find some very high powered users here.
On Mar 23, 2012, at 3:15 PM, Ardell Faul wrote:
> Since I'm not getting any help here, I am wondering if there is a
> group
> I could join that is more technical oriented toward repairing broken
> systems, or perhaps has members more willing to share their knowledge.
> For the further information of anyone interested, I have also booted
> up
> with the OSX installation disk and used the Disk Utilities to repair
> permissions, as well as running the repair function on the drive
> itself. It found permission problems and fixed them, but the unit
> still
> hangs at the apple logo. I have also replaced the memory sticks with
> known good ones just in case a stick had developed problems, but
> nothing
> changes.
- 3k.
Re: MacBook won't boot
Posted by: "Barry Austern" barryaus
Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:20 pm (PDT)
At 1:16 PM -0700 3/23/12, Ardell Faul wrote:
>Model number is A1181. The apple logo appears with the rotating clock,
>but it never gets any further. I pulled the hard drive and ran the
>error fixing utility on it in another computer using Macdrive, which
>said there were errors and it fixed them all, but it still will not boot.
>I have cleared the Pram and tried booting up in the Safe Mode, but
>holding down the Shift key will not bring up the proper screen.
>Is there another technique I can use to get this unit booted up please?
You've tried the drive in another computer, but have you tried
another drive in this computer, one that you know is good, such as a
recent clone? If you don't have that then try your install DVD, but
it will take a looonnnggg time to boot, so be patient and don't think
the trouble persists.
Can you boot into Single-User mode (Hold down the Command-S keys
while booting). If you can you will get a text screen. At the prompt
type fsck -yf and hit return. Note the space between the k and the -
sign. However, based on your signature you probably already know that.
Barry Austern
- 3l.
Re: VLC 2.x, Fast Forward?
Posted by: "Denver Dan" denverdan22180
Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:04 pm (PDT)
I'm also noting that VLC 2.x doesn't like to launch and play a movie
with a double-click. I double-click a movie something starts, I hear
audio, but no video window appears until I double-click a 2nd time.
VLC 2.0 isn't ready for prime time.
Denver Dan
On Fri, 23 Mar 2012 14:53:42 -0400, paul smith wrote:
> I don't see any way to revert the controls. As it stands, those
> controls flanking the Pause button are now called "Step back" and
> "Step forward" to the next video (as you noted).
> Faster and slower playback are now controlled either from Playback in
> the menubar or with the Command-equal sign (faster) and Command-dash
> (slower) key combos.
> Very annoying.
> --
> PSmith
> MacBook Pro, 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB DDR2 SDRAM, OS 10.7.3
> iPhone 4S 64 GB, iOS 5.1
> On Mar 23, 2012, at 12:10 PM, Denver Dan wrote:
> Has anyone tried VLC (from VideoLAN) version 2.0, 2.1??
> In version 2, the Fast Forward and Fast Reverse arrows instead of doing
> a Fast Forward or Fast Reverse jump start the next video in the queue
> or start the last video that was played.
> I don't see any way to change this very inconvenient behavior back to a
> Forward or Backward Jump as is the case in nearly all other video
> players from all companies and was the case in all earlier versions of
> VLC.
> --------------------- --------- ------
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- 4.
Recovering Lion
Posted by: "Jim Smith" jimmacsmith
Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:44 am (PDT)
You may have seen a previous post from me with subject: Moving data from G3 iMac to 1 year old iMac. I was giving my ganddaughter my 2 year old iMac. I had thought she had an iMac, it is a Power Mac G4 (AGP Graphics).
On my iMac 21.5 I had purchase Lion and Installed it, after a 4 hour download. I setup a new user, using her name, which I should not have done, as this caused a problem later on when I used the Migration Assistant to move her stuff from the G4.
When I got her old computer, G4, it had OS X 3 something on it. Using DVD I had, I updated it to OS X 4. Then update it to 4.11 using Software Update, this is as high as this computer was able to go. Now I was ready to move her stuff over to her new computer. However I discovered that 10.4 does not have Migration Assistant so had to use target mode. That worked, so I got her old stuff moved to her new iMac.
Then I discovered that the move created a new user account, in addition to the one I had set up previously. Also on that new one the home folder was named with her dad's name, which she had used on the G4. I had given it to my son and he had given it to her.
So now I had two accounts, one with data and one without data. So now all I had do was delete the account without the data. So I created a dummy admin account. Then deleted the account without data. The files were deleted but the account was not deleted. Tried to delete this account several time but it would not go away.
Called Apple Care. Explained my situation. His recommendation was to use system recovery which would delete every thing. So following his instruction I got recovery going, after which he hung up.
After four hours or more I got to set up and moved user from old computer to new computer. However I still had the problem with her home folder with the name of her dad. Did a goggle search and got an Apple article on how to change the name of the home folder using the root sign on. Burr!!! Scary stuff. However I got it done without mess up.
Now I had her stuff moved and her home folder with her name on it. But not very many application, no "i" application, like iPhoto. My guess is that PPC application will not migrate to OS X 7.x.
So another four hours or so downloading applications from the App Store. Wish I had taken note of just what applications were on the 'recovery'.
It a good thing my ISP is not throttle bandwidth I must have dl over 20gb getting this done. I mention to the Apple support guy that a month ago I had a Satellite connection and ask if Apple had thought about that and he did not have an answer.
After this experience I would say that having both TimeMaching and making clone copy of my system drive is worth every penny. If I did not have a backup and had to recovery it would take about eight hours to recovery just the system. And that does not include non Apple store app, email and other files.
Jim Smith
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 5.
X10 Cameras and Safari
Posted by: "us2forever" rksangelkayann
Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:49 am (PDT)
Before purchasing these Airsight Outdoor cameras, I made sure they could be used with Safari. After some time I got both cameras working on WiFi and wanted to adjust the settings etc.
All the directions I have found have been for Windows. X10 support just sent me around in circles. Their community forum had 43 people read my post and no one could help me.
Does anyone out there know about these cameras? Could you send me to some directions on how to set them up?
Thank you
MacBook Air
Mac OS X 10.7
1.8 GHz Intel Core i7
4GB 1333 Mhz DDR3
MacBook Pro 1.1
Mac OS X 10.6.8
1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo
Mac OS X 10.6.7
2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 6a.
Trusteer Rapport security software
Posted by: "Patsy Price" beyondwords2
Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:57 pm (PDT)
My bank (Scotiabank in Canada) wants its online customers to download
and install Trusteer Rapport security software. The website says it
works with whatever virus program and firewall we have. A Google
search shows that it's been around for a while. I didn't find many
recent and useful posts from Mac users. (Lots of promo from banks and
from Trusteer!)
Wikipedia quote:
>Some users have reported problems with Rapport, including high CPU
>utilisation and difficulty in removing the software.[9] Recently,
>updates made to Rapport have caused user machines to fail at boot-up
>with a Blue Screen of Death; the problems are resolved by renaming
>the file RapportEI.sys.
>In a recent presentation given at 44con, bypassing Trusteer
>Rapport's keylogger protection was shown to be relatively trivial.
OK to install it?
OS 10.6.8
main browser: Safari 5.1.2
also: Chrome 17.0.963.83, Firefox 11.0
- 6b.
Re: Trusteer Rapport security software
Posted by: "John Engberg" mrbyte
Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:49 am (PDT)
On Mar 23, 2012, at 9:57 PM, Patsy Price wrote:
> My bank (Scotiabank in Canada) wants its online customers to download
> and install Trusteer Rapport security software. The website says it
> works with whatever virus program and firewall we have. A Google
> search shows that it's been around for a while. I didn't find many
> recent and useful posts from Mac users. (Lots of promo from banks and
> from Trusteer!)
> Wikipedia quote:
>> Some users have reported problems with Rapport, including high CPU
>> utilisation and difficulty in removing the software.[9] Recently,
>> updates made to Rapport have caused user machines to fail at boot-up
>> with a Blue Screen of Death; the problems are resolved by renaming
>> the file RapportEI.sys.
>> In a recent presentation given at 44con, bypassing Trusteer
>> Rapport's keylogger protection was shown to be relatively trivial.
> OK to install it?
I've been running it my my three machines (two core 2 duo iMacs and a MacBook Pro, one running 10.6.8 and the other two running 10.7.3) for some time with no problems. The Wikipedia report appears to be reporting on Windows machines. I don't know about the keylogger issue.
John Engberg
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