Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: Having trouble setting up the Mail outgoing server. From: Old Techie
- 1b.
- Re: Having trouble setting up the Mail outgoing server. From: Otto Nikolaus
- 2a.
- Re: I seem to have committed Mac/Computer hair Kari [SP?] From: Tod Hopkins
- 3a.
- Re: Coming to you from Beautiful Downtown OS X Lion From: Old Techie
- 3b.
- Re: Coming to you from Beautiful Downtown OS X Lion From: Tod Hopkins
- 3c.
- Re: Coming to you from Beautiful Downtown OS X Lion From: Old Techie
- 3d.
- Re: Coming to you from Beautiful Downtown OS X Lion From: N.A. Nada
- 4a.
- Re: iTunes update From: neelie
- 5a.
- Re: Question about airport capability From: Old Techie
- 5b.
- Re: Question about airport capability From: Otto Nikolaus
- 6a.
- Re: question - Safari fills my screen From: Louise Stewart
- 7a.
- Re: can't seem to use my camera's card reader in my new MIni From: Louise Stewart
- 7b.
- Re: can't seem to use my camera's card reader in my new MIni From: Otto Nikolaus
- 7c.
- Re: can't seem to use my camera's card reader in my new MIni From: N.A. Nada
- 7d.
- Re: can't seem to use my camera's card reader in my new MIni From: N.A. Nada
- 7e.
- Re: can't seem to use my camera's card reader in my new MIni From: N.A. Nada
- 7f.
- Re: can't seem to use my camera's card reader in my new MIni From: Louise Stewart
- 7g.
- Re: can't seem to use my camera's card reader in my new MIni From: Louise Stewart
- 7h.
- Re: can't seem to use my camera's card reader in my new MIni From: Louise Stewart
- 8a.
- Re: how can I delete this? From: Paul Cartwright
- 8b.
- Re: how can I delete this? From: Barbara Adamski
- 9a.
- Re: using 32-bit kernel in Lion From: Denver Dan
- 10.
- PhotoStream & iPhoto Problem From: Denver Dan
- 11.
- Nothing like starting over again!!! From: Jim
- 12.
- Is Mac HD gone in Lion From: Jim
- 1a.
Re: Having trouble setting up the Mail outgoing server.
Posted by: "Old Techie" jimpurcell2001
Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:24 pm (PDT)
I tried the link in Mail for RR but it failed.
> If you tell us your email provider we can tell you the settings required.
> Otto
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- 1b.
Re: Having trouble setting up the Mail outgoing server.
Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" nikyzf
Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:28 pm (PDT)
Have you tried this?
< >e_OSX_mail. aspx
On 31 March 2012 22:24, Old Techie < > wrote:
> RoadRunner,
> I tried the link in Mail for RR but it failed.
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- 2a.
Re: I seem to have committed Mac/Computer hair Kari [SP?]
Posted by: "Tod Hopkins" todhop
Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:29 pm (PDT)
On Mar 31, 2012, at 12:14 PM, Harry Flaxman wrote:
> On 3/31/2012 11:37 AM, Tod Hopkins wrote:
> > So to restore SL, you need a "proof" disc of an earlier version? You can do a full install from an SL disc, but I does want you to prove you have an earlier version, and I think the earlier version has to be 10.5?
> It is needed??? Really???
While I was aware that the SL disk can do a full install, I thought that one of two things had to be true before it would proceed. You either have to have 10.5 currently installed or you have to have a 10.5 disc. In any case, it may be perfectly happy to do a full install over Lion.
Maybe the only limitation was that it will not "upgrade" a 10.4 installation. But that seems a bigger loophole than I remember since you could do a full install and either restore or "migrate" your users.
So maybe I'm wrong, but I can understand why Jim might hesitate.
Tod Hopkins
Hillmann & Carr Inc.
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- 3a.
Re: Coming to you from Beautiful Downtown OS X Lion
Posted by: "Old Techie" jimpurcell2001
Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:44 pm (PDT)
> If so, type command + j, or go to View in the Menu Bar at the top of
> the screen and scroll down to Show View Options. This will bring up a
> small window. Change to a larger font size.
Been there, done that. Any font change option does NOT affect the small
fonts I'm dealing with, and I am also at almost the lowest resolution,
1024 x 768. =My monitor alloows 1980 by 102o.
TNX forn replying,
> That or go down to a smaller screen resolution.
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- 3b.
Re: Coming to you from Beautiful Downtown OS X Lion
Posted by: "Tod Hopkins" todhop
Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:53 pm (PDT)
Have you tried using the Universal Access settings in System Preferences. I find magnifying the cursor indispensable. You might want to setup the Zoom function. If you use this, I would consider going back to native screen resolution to gain the real estate and use zoom when necessary.
On Mar 31, 2012, at 5:44 PM, Old Techie wrote:
> N.A.,
> >
> > If so, type command + j, or go to View in the Menu Bar at the top of
> > the screen and scroll down to Show View Options. This will bring up a
> > small window. Change to a larger font size.
> >
> Been there, done that. Any font change option does NOT affect the small
> fonts I'm dealing with, and I am also at almost the lowest resolution,
> 1024 x 768. =My monitor alloows 1980 by 102o.
> TNX forn replying,
> Jim
> >
> >
> > That or go down to a smaller screen resolution.
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Tod Hopkins
Hillmann & Carr Inc.
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- 3c.
Re: Coming to you from Beautiful Downtown OS X Lion
Posted by: "Old Techie" jimpurcell2001
Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:01 pm (PDT)
Just tried the UAS settings, but I don't want to lose color. I just need
text a little larger on those ares that do not respond to Zoom
I did click enable zoom, but the things I have trouble with are not
Zoomable. :-)
TNX forn replying,
> Have you tried using the Universal Access settings in System Preferences. I find magnifying the cursor indispensable. You might want to setup the Zoom function. If you use this, I would consider going back to native screen resolution to gain the real estate and use zoom when necessary.
- 3d.
Re: Coming to you from Beautiful Downtown OS X Lion
Posted by: "N.A. Nada"
Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:36 pm (PDT)
On Mar 31, 2012, at 2:44 PM, Old Techie wrote:
> N.A.,
> >
> > If so, type command + j, or go to View in the Menu Bar at the top of
> > the screen and scroll down to Show View Options. This will bring up a
> > small window. Change to a larger font size.
> >
> Been there, done that. Any font change option does NOT affect the small
> fonts I'm dealing with, and I am also at almost the lowest resolution,
> 1024 x 768. =My monitor alloows 1980 by 102o.
Are you saying that is the correct area where the fonts are too small, but it will not increase it enough?
If so, then you options are go to a lower resolution or use Universal Access and the Zoom option. You do not need to change to just B&W.
BTW N.A. is a pseudonym like Old Techie.
My name is Brent
- 4a.
Re: iTunes update
Posted by: "neelie" neeliec2000
Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:51 pm (PDT)
Thanks, Jon. I was afraid that might be the case down the road.
I'll get to work on updating my iTunes as soon as I'm sure all my files are backed up. I don't want any glitches or mess-ups.
I have almost 11K songs, 400+ movies, 200+ apps and few podcasts and TV shows in my library. Wouldn't want to lose anything! :-)
--- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups. , Jon Kreisler <jonkreisler@com ...> wrote:
> You could end up not being able to upgrade you iPhone and/or iPad iOS at
> some point. As newer versions of iOS are released they tend to require
> newer versions of iTunes.
> Jon
- 5a.
Re: Question about airport capability
Posted by: "Old Techie" jimpurcell2001
Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:10 pm (PDT)
>AirPort is just Apple's name for wifi (802.11b/g/n)
I went to prefs>Network, It said WiFi was turned off, clicked OK to turn
it on but it wont work without a password. I use it on my Dell without
the password. I set up my router years ago and have no idea what the
password is now. I have considered just reinstalling the router but I
don't know for certain that I can do it, and if I screw it up I will
lost my laptop connection to the INET.
TNX forn replying,
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- 5b.
Re: Question about airport capability
Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" nikyzf
Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:37 pm (PDT)
On 31 March 2012 23:10, Old Techie < > wrote:
> I went to prefs>Network, It said WiFi was turned off, clicked OK to turn
> it on but it wont work without a password. I use it on my Dell without
> the password. I set up my router years ago and have no idea what the
> password is now. I have considered just reinstalling the router but I
> don't know for certain that I can do it, and if I screw it up I will
> lost my laptop connection to the INET.
> TNX forn replying,
Clearly the Dell must be using a password (which you've forgotten). Can you
get into the router's admin function so you can at least see which
encryption type is in use?
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- 6a.
Re: question - Safari fills my screen
Posted by: "Louise Stewart" pudgybulldog
Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:11 pm (PDT)
Found it. Thanks!!
On Mar 31, 2012, at 4:01 PM, Jim Saklad wrote:
> > OK, still feeling dumb about my new Mini. When I open Safari, it fills my screen, top to bottom, side to side. I can't figure how to make it smaller. And the menu at the top only shows sometimes and I don't know what I do to make it show when it does show. So, I can't Bookmark things, etc., because those images aren't there. Help!!
> > Louise
> You've got it in Full-Screen mode.
> Move the cursor to the top of the screen.
> The menu-bar will appear
> If you want to use it in full-screen mode, and access the menus that way, leave it alone.
> If you want to return ot "normal" mode, when you have the cursor at the top of the screen and the menubar appears, you will see, off on the right edge, a blue icon with 2 arrows on a diagonal, pointing at each other. Click on that.
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
> Jim Saklad
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- 7a.
Re: can't seem to use my camera's card reader in my new MIni
Posted by: "Louise Stewart" pudgybulldog
Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:25 pm (PDT)
Both computers are receiving emails, but I just seldom look at them on the G4 due to its lack of speed. Occasionally I go to the G4 and clean them out. But if I'm not receiving all the emails on the Mini (I haven't checked them one by one, but it seems I'm not getting nearly the previous number) I have no idea why.
On Mar 31, 2012, at 4:24 PM, Otto Nikolaus wrote:
> On 31 March 2012 01:38, Louise Stewart < > wrote:
> > I haven't tried to plug in the card reader to the Mini. I'll see about
> > that. And yes, the G4 is still running. I use a KVM switch to go between
> > the two computers until I buy all the new software I need for the Mini. I
> > still use my old Adobe software on the G4.
> >
> > And it receives the same accts as the Mini. I nearly never check email on
> > the G4, tho, since I'm so in love with the speed of the Mini.
> >
> So the G4 is *still* receiving emails, emails that will therefore *not*
> reach the mini, which is the only place you read them?
> Otto
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 7b.
Re: can't seem to use my camera's card reader in my new MIni
Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" nikyzf
Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:46 pm (PDT)
I've brought this up several times but you still don't seem to understand
why I've done so.
If your G4 is receiving emails (which are then *deleted* automatically from
the email server), they can *not* then be received from the *same account*
on the mini. You are "cleaning out" emails on the G4 that you are
complaining about not seeing on the mini.
On 31 March 2012 23:25, Louise Stewart < > wrote:
> Both computers are receiving emails, but I just seldom look at them on the
> G4 due to its lack of speed. Occasionally I go to the G4 and clean them
> out. But if I'm not receiving all the emails on the Mini (I haven't checked
> them one by one, but it seems I'm not getting nearly the previous number) I
> have no idea why.
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- 7c.
Re: can't seem to use my camera's card reader in my new MIni
Posted by: "N.A. Nada"
Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:40 pm (PDT)
On Mar 31, 2012, at 3:25 PM, Louise Stewart wrote:
> Both computers are receiving emails, but I just seldom look at them on the G4 due to its lack of speed. Occasionally I go to the G4 and clean them out. But if I'm not receiving all the emails on the Mini (I haven't checked them one by one, but it seems I'm not getting nearly the previous number) I have no idea why.
We can't fix "seems".
If the account is IMAP and you delete it on one of the computers, it may be deleting in on the other. Don't worry about the email on the G4, and don't even open the email app, unless you are checking for missing emails. Which I bet you aren't, unless one of the accounts on the new Mini is not set up correctly.
- 7d.
Re: can't seem to use my camera's card reader in my new MIni
Posted by: "N.A. Nada"
Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:44 pm (PDT)
On Mar 31, 2012, at 3:25 PM, Louise Stewart wrote:
> Both computers are receiving emails, but I just seldom look at them on the G4 due to its lack of speed. Occasionally I go to the G4 and clean them out. But if I'm not receiving all the emails on the Mini (I haven't checked them one by one, but it seems I'm not getting nearly the previous number) I have no idea why.
One other thing, have you checked the Junk folder on the Mini for good emails? It could be catching good emails from say yahoo or hotmail accounts and putting them in your Junk folder.
- 7e.
Re: can't seem to use my camera's card reader in my new MIni
Posted by: "N.A. Nada"
Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:47 pm (PDT)
On Mar 31, 2012, at 4:46 PM, Otto Nikolaus wrote:
> Louise,
> I've brought this up several times but you still don't seem to understand
> why I've done so.
> If your G4 is receiving emails (which are then *deleted* automatically from
> the email server), they can *not* then be received from the *same account*
> on the mini. You are "cleaning out" emails on the G4 that you are
> complaining about not seeing on the mini.
> Otto
This is exactly what I am saying in different words. Stop cleaning out emails on the G4!
- 7f.
Re: can't seem to use my camera's card reader in my new MIni
Posted by: "Louise Stewart" pudgybulldog
Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:01 pm (PDT)
So far, my Mini junk emails are appearing in the regular list of emails, but as a different color to indicate possible junk. I see them as they come thru and then ID them as junk or not. I figured once I'd done this for a while, I'd put them into a junk folder like my G4 has. So, I do see everything that comes in.
On Mar 31, 2012, at 8:44 PM, N.A. Nada wrote:
> On Mar 31, 2012, at 3:25 PM, Louise Stewart wrote:
> > Both computers are receiving emails, but I just seldom look at them on the G4 due to its lack of speed. Occasionally I go to the G4 and clean them out. But if I'm not receiving all the emails on the Mini (I haven't checked them one by one, but it seems I'm not getting nearly the previous number) I have no idea why.
> One other thing, have you checked the Junk folder on the Mini for good emails? It could be catching good emails from say yahoo or hotmail accounts and putting them in your Junk folder.
> Brent
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- 7g.
Re: can't seem to use my camera's card reader in my new MIni
Posted by: "Louise Stewart" pudgybulldog
Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:04 pm (PDT)
No, I don't understand lots of things sometimes because I'm sort of a computer dunce in some areas. :-( I always look at the emails on the Mini before cleaning them out on the G4. Does that make a difference? If I don't clean out the G4 occasionally, I'll have thousands of emails in no time.
On Mar 31, 2012, at 8:47 PM, N.A. Nada wrote:
> On Mar 31, 2012, at 4:46 PM, Otto Nikolaus wrote:
> > Louise,
> >
> > I've brought this up several times but you still don't seem to understand
> > why I've done so.
> >
> > If your G4 is receiving emails (which are then *deleted* automatically from
> > the email server), they can *not* then be received from the *same account*
> > on the mini. You are "cleaning out" emails on the G4 that you are
> > complaining about not seeing on the mini.
> >
> > Otto
> This is exactly what I am saying in different words. Stop cleaning out emails on the G4!
> Brent
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- 7h.
Re: can't seem to use my camera's card reader in my new MIni
Posted by: "Louise Stewart" pudgybulldog
Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:21 pm (PDT)
OK, in re-reading this, I think I misunderstood AGAIN. Sorry. So, you're saying the email shouldn't be going to the G4 at all? At first I had the G4 set to only download from the server manually, but because I get so many emails, I kept getting messages from Earthlink that I had about exceeded or had exceeded the available memory. So I went back in to the G4 and made it download every hour. But the Mini is set to download every 5 or 10 minutes, I think.
Sorry if I'm still in the dark. :-(
On Mar 31, 2012, at 8:47 PM, N.A. Nada wrote:
> On Mar 31, 2012, at 4:46 PM, Otto Nikolaus wrote:
> > Louise,
> >
> > I've brought this up several times but you still don't seem to understand
> > why I've done so.
> >
> > If your G4 is receiving emails (which are then *deleted* automatically from
> > the email server), they can *not* then be received from the *same account*
> > on the mini. You are "cleaning out" emails on the G4 that you are
> > complaining about not seeing on the mini.
> >
> > Otto
> This is exactly what I am saying in different words. Stop cleaning out emails on the G4!
> Brent
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- 8a.
Re: how can I delete this?
Posted by: "Paul Cartwright" mactechservices
Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:54 pm (PDT)
I would log into webmail, and if possible create a new folder and move the important mail to keep out of your inbox into that folder. Then I would delete all the messages that are not important until you can get some space for the deletion...
On Mar 31, 2012, at 9:37 AM, Barbara Adamski wrote:
> No, I can't delete it there either.
> b
> On 2012-03-30, at 10:25 PM, Barbara Adamski wrote:
>> I sent a huge file that bounced back. I am trying to delete the bounce notification but can't. I get the following message: The IMAP command "UID COPY" (to Deleted Messages) failed for the mailbox "INBOX" with server error: Message creation failed; mailbox is full..
>> Any idea how to delete?
>> Barb
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- 8b.
Re: how can I delete this?
Posted by: "Barbara Adamski" bkadamski
Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:26 pm (PDT)
Thanks, Paul.
It actually did end up working. It just took a while (and initially gave me a notice in webmail too that it couldn't be deleted).
All is well now.
On 2012-03-31, at 3:54 PM, Paul Cartwright wrote:
> Barbara,
> I would log into webmail, and if possible create a new folder and move the important mail to keep out of your inbox into that folder. Then I would delete all the messages that are not important until you can get some space for the deletion...
> On Mar 31, 2012, at 9:37 AM, Barbara Adamski wrote:
>> No, I can't delete it there either.
>> b
>> On 2012-03-30, at 10:25 PM, Barbara Adamski wrote:
>>> I sent a huge file that bou
- 9a.
Re: using 32-bit kernel in Lion
Posted by: "Denver Dan" denverdan22180
Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:17 pm (PDT)
To tell if your Mac has booted into 32-bit or 64-bit kernel boot mode
open System Profiler.
In Mac OS X 10.7, it is called "System Information."
In earlier versions of Mac OS X, it is called Apple System Profiler.
It lives in the Utilities folder.
A short cut is to open About This Mac¡Ã„ under the Apple menu then click
More Info¡Ã„ button which invokes System Information.
When System information opens scroll down the list and click on
Software. This may take some time to display and populate the window
since it has to gather a lot of information.
When it populates look at this batch of info which I've copy/pasted
from my Mac.
System Software Overview:
System Version: Mac OS X 10.7.3 (11D50)
Kernel Version: Darwin 11.3.0
Boot Volume: ViennaHD1
Boot Mode: Normal
Computer Name: dan¡Ã‡s Mac Pro
User Name: dan (dan)
Secure Virtual Memory: Enabled
64-bit Kernel and Extensions: No
Time since boot: 3 days 8:25
The line that says "64-bit Kernel and Extensions: No" is my MacPro
first gen.
If I had a 2nd generation MacPro, it would have a "Yes" in this line
because it can boot into 64-bit kernel boot mode.
There is a helpful and free little utility at this web site:
<http://www.ahatfullofsky.comuv. >com/English/ Programs/ SMS/SMS.html
The utility is named: 32- or 64-bit Kernel Startup Mode Selector.
That can tell you about this 32 and 64 bit kernel boot mode stuff. The
web site has an excellent bunch of info that explains this in plain
English. You can also download the free utility and use it to find
Denver Dan
On Sat, 31 Mar 2012 10:15:17 -0700, William P. Gallagher wrote:
> On Mar 31, 2012, at 10:06 AM, W. Patrick Gallagher wrote:
>> Dan, Thanks for your prompt reply. How do I know if I've been
>> successful in booting in 32-bit kernel? Patrick
>> On Mar 31, 2012, at 9:56 AM, Denver dan wrote:
>>> Nothing is harmed by booting in 32-bit "kernel boot mode.".
>>> Your system will still run many things in 64-bit.
- 10.
PhotoStream & iPhoto Problem
Posted by: "Denver Dan" denverdan22180
Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:27 pm (PDT)
The iCloud Photo Stream feature just doesn't seem to make much sense
for me.
It is working from my iPhone. I take a picture and a bit later the
picture is also shown in the iPhone's Photo Stream album.
Photo Stream WAS working in my iPhoto application on my Mac. Now it is
now longer working.
Zero photos are shown in iPhoto's Photo Stream source.
The Help for iPhoto says to click the Photo Stream source in the
Library column and then click "turn on."
I've copied this phrase from the Help feature and pasted it here,
"Click Turn On Photo Stream (on the right)."
However, there is no way to turn on anything on the right.
Photo Stream is configured correctly in iCloud in System Prefs, it's
turned on in iPhoto prefs, it's working on my iPhone, Photo Stream WAS
working a month or so ago but no longer.
So. What's going on?
Denver Dan
- 11.
Nothing like starting over again!!!
Posted by: "Jim" jimpurcell2001
Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:55 pm (PDT)
I seem to have fixed my MacMail problem. I just punched both mail accounts in Mac Mail and created them again and they worked. WOW!!
- 12.
Is Mac HD gone in Lion
Posted by: "Jim" jimpurcell2001
Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:42 pm (PDT)
I suddenly realized that I had not seen the Mac HD icon. I was reading one of miy old files about OS X adding items to the menu. It mentioned Mac HD, so I looked for it, and couldn't find it. I ran Disk Util to see whether Mac HD showed, and DU froze with the perpetual beach ball. I clicked to send message to Apple.
I'm guarding that Mac HD IS gone, I noticed too that Finder is completely different too.
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