
[macsupport] Digest Number 8841

Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)



Issue with disappearing entries in iCal - potentially connected to M

Posted by: "Jay Abraham" jaygroups@abrahamgroup.net   kerala01212001

Mon Apr 9, 2012 8:05 am (PDT)

Hi all,

I've noticed an intermittent problem. Yesterday, I put 3 entries into iCal into a shared Calendar. While putting in a 4th entry, I noticed that my previous 3 entries had disappeared. Nothing had happened to iCal (it hadn't quit or frozen). I just figured I must have made a mistake and not saved - I was making the entry from Mail and figured I must not have edited it correctly. I refreshed the calendars to make sure. Nothing updated so I reentered the information.

A couple of hours later, my wife asked me why I had made double entries for a number of events. All the events that disappeared were on her computer and on my iPad. I then went back to the MacMini I had entered the original events on. Now, the MacMini was showing both the original events that I thought had disappeared as well as the new events I had typed in.

I've noticed something similar in the past but usually only for a few moments. Any thoughts on why this is happening? I'm assuming the issue will be the same when we migrate to iCloud - haven't done so since my wife doesn't have a lot of HD capacity on her iBook and needs to delete some music and photos so we can upgrade her to Lion.



Re: Anti-Flashback Util - Freebie!

Posted by: "DaveC" davec2468@yahoo.com   davec2468

Mon Apr 9, 2012 8:53 am (PDT)

The result after running this utility is this message:

"Your computer may be clean!"

Such confidence is overwhelming. ;-)



Re: Anti-Flashback Util - Freebie!

Posted by: "Steve B." macosx@xebrawerx.com   xebrawerx

Mon Apr 9, 2012 8:59 am (PDT)

Smart because I was immediately reluctant.

Pretty sure ClamXav removes Flashback. I'm not infected so I haven't confirmed that.

Steve B.

On Apr 8, 2012, at 1:15 PM, Harry Flaxman wrote:

On Apr 8, 2012, at 1:56 PM, DaveC wrote:

> Has anyone on the list used this yet?

Being as I posted it, I used it. I also followed up with the Terminal commands, for the second time, to ensure nothing screwy was afoot.

Macupdate is promoting this as well.


Harry Flaxman

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Re: Anti-Flashback Util - Freebie!

Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" otto.nikolaus@googlemail.com   nikyzf

Mon Apr 9, 2012 10:09 am (PDT)

Here's something that I found interesting. From


On execution, the malware checks if the following path exists in the system:

- /Library/Little Snitch
- /Developer/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode
- /Applications/VirusBarrier X6.app
- /Applications/iAntiVirus/iAntiVirus.app
- /Applications/avast!.app
- /Applications/ClamXav.app
- /Applications/HTTPScoop.app
- /Applications/Packet Peeper.app

If any of these are found, the malware will skip the rest of its routine
and proceed to delete itself.


So the mere presence of one of these apps means you are safe?

On 9 April 2012 16:59, Steve B. <macosx@xebrawerx.com> wrote:

> Smart because I was immediately reluctant.
> Pretty sure ClamXav removes Flashback. I'm not infected so I haven't
> confirmed that.

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Re: Anti-Flashback Util - Freebie!

Posted by: "Bekah" bekah0176@sbcglobal.net   bekalex

Mon Apr 9, 2012 10:38 am (PDT)

Wow - that's pretty thorough and yes, very interesting.


On Apr 9, 2012, at 10:09 AM, Otto Nikolaus wrote:

> Here's something that I found interesting. From
> <http://www.f-secure.com/v-descs/trojan-downloader_osx_flashback_i.shtml>
> ----
> *Installation*
> On execution, the malware checks if the following path exists in the system:
> - /Library/Little Snitch
> - /Developer/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode
> - /Applications/VirusBarrier X6.app
> - /Applications/iAntiVirus/iAntiVirus.app
> - /Applications/avast!.app
> - /Applications/ClamXav.app
> - /Applications/HTTPScoop.app
> - /Applications/Packet Peeper.app
> If any of these are found, the malware will skip the rest of its routine
> and proceed to delete itself.
> ----
> So the mere presence of one of these apps means you are safe?
> Otto
> On 9 April 2012 16:59, Steve B. <macosx@xebrawerx.com> wrote:
>> Smart because I was immediately reluctant.
>> Pretty sure ClamXav removes Flashback. I'm not infected so I haven't
>> confirmed that.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
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Re: Anti-Flashback Util - Freebie!

Posted by: "Randy B. Singer" randy@macattorney.com   randybrucesinger

Mon Apr 9, 2012 3:57 pm (PDT)

On Apr 9, 2012, at 10:09 AM, Otto Nikolaus wrote:

> If any of these are found, the malware will skip the rest of its
> routine
> and proceed to delete itself.

That is, of course, very interesting. You can just download ClamXav,
which is free, and be protected from Flashback simply for having it
on your computer.

The thing is that Flashback has been evolving rapidly. It started
out as a Trojan Horse that was easy to avoid, and it is now something
entirely different....a "drive-by download" that installs with no
warning or user interaction that takes advantage of a Java security
hole. That's a big change, and it indicates that the bad guys are
involved and continually updating Flashback to make it more virulent.

So I haven't been emphasizing that simply having certain apps on your
computer seems to protect you. Because at any time that could
change, and I don't want folks to get caught with their guard down.

Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)

Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance


Re: Sophos Anti-Virus Program

Posted by: "paul smith" kullervo@nycap.rr.com   waldonny

Mon Apr 9, 2012 12:26 pm (PDT)

I am using the current free home version. Very low level of CPU and RAM use. No perceptible slowdown of any sort.
I do not have it set to scan inside packages or compressed files, or to scan network volumes. Sophos warns that using those options can cause system slowdowns. But I do have it using its on-access scanning option.
MacBook Pro, 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB DDR2 SDRAM, OS 10.7.3 iPhone 4S 64 GB, iOS 5.1

On Apr 8, 2012, at 3:36 PM, Jim Hamm wrote:

I'd appreciate comments from readers of this forum that might be using
Sophos. Does it use much RAM, any noticeable slowdown in the Mac while
this program is running? Other pluses and minuses noticed?


Re: Sophos Anti-Virus Program

Posted by: "Jim Hamm" machamm@gmail.com   jimhamm90

Mon Apr 9, 2012 4:11 pm (PDT)

Thanks, Paul, for your comments on Sophos. I received mixed comments on
Sohos from other forums I belong to. A friend of mine, who is a true geek,
uses Sophos and likes it. I think I'll give it a try and see what I think.
I'll report back later on my feelings about Sophos.....Jim

On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 12:26 PM, paul smith <kullervo@nycap.rr.com> wrote:

> **
> I am using the current free home version. Very low level of CPU and RAM
> use. No perceptible slowdown of any sort.
> I do not have it set to scan inside packages or compressed files, or to
> scan network volumes. Sophos warns that using those options can cause
> system slowdowns. But I do have it using its on-access scanning option.
> --
> PSmith
> MacBook Pro, 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB DDR2 SDRAM, OS 10.7.3 iPhone 4S
> 64 GB, iOS 5.1
> On Apr 8, 2012, at 3:36 PM, Jim Hamm wrote:
> I'd appreciate comments from readers of this forum that might be using
> Sophos. Does it use much RAM, any noticeable slowdown in the Mac while
> this program is running? Other pluses and minuses noticed?

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Lion restart with "option" grey screen

Posted by: "Tod Hopkins" hoplist@hillmanncarr.com   todhop

Mon Apr 9, 2012 12:40 pm (PDT)

Just configured a MacPro to dual boot 10.6.8 and 10.7.3... both boots appear to work fine so far, but having trouble using the option key to bring up the boot selector.

When restarting from Lion, but not from SL, if I hold the Option key to get the boot drive selection screen, the system goes to the grey screen but no further. No icons, no indicators. Releasing the key does not help. They system stays on grey screen until I push power to kill. I can then hold the option during the cold boot and it works properly.

This does not happen when restarting from Snow Leopard.

Possibly related, on some Lion boots, the mac icon is replaced by the universal "no" symbol - the circle with slash - for a period of time, but the wheel indicator continues to spin and Lion boots successfully. I believe I've seen this before but can't remember the cause.

Any ideas?


Tod Hopkins
Hillmann & Carr Inc.

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Re: Lion restart with "option" grey screen

Posted by: "Barry Austern" barryaus@fuse.net   barryaus

Mon Apr 9, 2012 2:02 pm (PDT)

At 3:40 PM -0400 4/9/12, Tod Hopkins wrote:

>Just configured a MacPro to dual boot 10.6.8 and 10.7.3... both
>boots appear to work fine so far, but having trouble using the
>option key to bring up the boot selector.
>When restarting from Lion, but not from SL, if I hold the Option key
>to get the boot drive selection screen, the system goes to the grey
>screen but no further. No icons, no indicators. Releasing the key
>does not help. They system stays on grey screen until I push power
>to kill. I can then hold the option during the cold boot and it
>works properly.
>This does not happen when restarting from Snow Leopard.
>Possibly related, on some Lion boots, the mac icon is replaced by
>the universal "no" symbol - the circle with slash - for a period of
>time, but the wheel indicator continues to spin and Lion boots
>successfully. I believe I've seen this before but can't remember the

This, or sometimes a flashing question mark, means that the computer
is having trouble finding a bootable system. My suspicion is that
your Lion volume is somehow fouled up. Next time you boot from it
hold down the command-S keys to get the prompt and run (without the
quotes) "fsck -yf" and hit return (note the space before the hyphen).
If it says the system has been modified then rerun it again until it
no longer says that it has been modified, only that it appears to be
okay. Then type "reboot" to, guess what, reboot.
Actually, I have no experience with Lion, but I am assuming that fsck
is already in its arsenal.

Oh, alternatively, before you do that reboot, while booted from your
10.6 partition, run Disk Utility's repair disk on the Lion volume.
Barry Austern


Re: Lion restart with "option" grey screen

Posted by: "Tod Hopkins" hoplist@hillmanncarr.com   todhop

Mon Apr 9, 2012 2:11 pm (PDT)

Will try your suggestions. It's a brand new install, but that means nothing of course. Also found this useful support doc from Apple for decoding the boot sequence:


The "circle with slash" indicates a problem loading the "boot.efi". The fact that it boots anyway means that whatever the problem is, it does not halt the boot sequence.

Now all I need to know is what is the boot.efi? ;O I'm guessing "boot.efi" is the rough equivalent to the boot.ini in Windows but that is just a guess.


On Apr 9, 2012, at 5:02 PM, Barry Austern wrote:

> At 3:40 PM -0400 4/9/12, Tod Hopkins wrote:
> >
> >
> >Just configured a MacPro to dual boot 10.6.8 and 10.7.3... both
> >boots appear to work fine so far, but having trouble using the
> >option key to bring up the boot selector.
> >
> >When restarting from Lion, but not from SL, if I hold the Option key
> >to get the boot drive selection screen, the system goes to the grey
> >screen but no further. No icons, no indicators. Releasing the key
> >does not help. They system stays on grey screen until I push power
> >to kill. I can then hold the option during the cold boot and it
> >works properly.
> >
> >This does not happen when restarting from Snow Leopard.
> >
> >Possibly related, on some Lion boots, the mac icon is replaced by
> >the universal "no" symbol - the circle with slash - for a period of
> >time, but the wheel indicator continues to spin and Lion boots
> >successfully. I believe I've seen this before but can't remember the
> >cause.
> This, or sometimes a flashing question mark, means that the computer
> is having trouble finding a bootable system. My suspicion is that
> your Lion volume is somehow fouled up. Next time you boot from it
> hold down the command-S keys to get the prompt and run (without the
> quotes) "fsck -yf" and hit return (note the space before the hyphen).
> If it says the system has been modified then rerun it again until it
> no longer says that it has been modified, only that it appears to be
> okay. Then type "reboot" to, guess what, reboot.
> Actually, I have no experience with Lion, but I am assuming that fsck
> is already in its arsenal.
> Oh, alternatively, before you do that reboot, while booted from your
> 10.6 partition, run Disk Utility's repair disk on the Lion volume.
> --
> Barry Austern
> barryaus@fuse.net

Tod Hopkins
Hillmann & Carr Inc.

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apple stock

Posted by: "Doug Yelmen" dougyelmen@earthlink.net   dougyelmen

Mon Apr 9, 2012 1:34 pm (PDT)

i bought some shares of apple (APPL) in 1996 as a show of faith. i believe it was floundering at the time.
i think that was just before i got a disability retirement from the dept of vet affairs, after only 6 years of working there.
recently, i decided to sell those shares. the stocks had split, and were in the $550 range.
a few weeks later, they split again, and were work $630 or there abouts. i can see them getting up to 1,000 a share.
but, i want to buy a house soon, while i can still deal with it all.
what i made is significant, to me. i talked to other people, and they just see $ signs. they would not and cannot understand
the idea was not to make a profit, but to, as i said, show faith.
who knew steve jobs would return to apple, and turn the company around, to put it mildly.

a friend suggested, from my check to buy some more shares. tim cook is or already has done something for apple shareholders.
perhaps the second split?

i love apple. always have, well, since 1994. i do wish their drive to make desktops more iOS is not to my satisfaction. i don't' care for gimmicks,
or simplicity for newcomers. i would prefer desktops to be a niche product. that is my preference, or bias.

i have a hard drive with snow leopard on it. just in case. i won't be buying the next cat OS.

i hope this is on topic. other moderators have talked about it. i also hope working conditions improve for the chinese workers. i admire
tim cook, though he is now steve jobs, nobody is, for going to china, and instigating changes in that (obstinate) country. my hats off to tim.

i wonder if Lightroom 4 and PS CS6 would work on SL. well, i don't' go backwards, always forward.

it will be interesting to see the changes and improvements in the future of apple. i hope it stays on top for a long, long time.

Doug Yelmen

"Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere."
― Albert Einstein

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Re: apple stock

Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc@me.com   jimdoc01

Mon Apr 9, 2012 3:44 pm (PDT)

> i bought some shares of apple (APPL) in 1996 as a show of faith.
> ...
> recently, i decided to sell those shares.
> the stocks had split, and were in the $550 range.
> ...
> a few weeks later, they split again, and were work $630 or thereabouts.
> i can see them getting up to 1,000 a share.

I was under the impression that Apple stock had never split.
At leas not in the last 15 years.
And I know not in the last 2-3 years, since I've been following it.

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com


Re: apple stock

Posted by: "Denver Dan" denver.dan@verizon.net   denverdan22180

Mon Apr 9, 2012 3:54 pm (PDT)


Apple stock has had at least two splints but I couldn't tell you what
years those were in.

The newly declared dividend, due to begin at end of June 2012, will
probably help the stock price.

There are some prognostications that it will rise to $1,000 USD per

I bought some Apple stock about 4 years ago to "put my money where my
mouth is." Mercy. It was a good thing to do and most of the people I
know thought I was nuts. Might have been!

Denver Dan

On Mon, 09 Apr 2012 18:44:49 -0400, Jim Saklad wrote:
>> i bought some shares of apple (APPL) in 1996 as a show of faith.
>> ...
>> recently, i decided to sell those shares.
>> the stocks had split, and were in the $550 range.
>> ...
>> a few weeks later, they split again, and were work $630 or thereabouts.
>> i can see them getting up to 1,000 a share.
> I was under the impression that Apple stock had never split.
> At leas not in the last 15 years.
> And I know not in the last 2-3 years, since I've been following it.
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Saklad


Re: apple stock

Posted by: "Ron West" ronwest@gmail.com   ronwestb12

Mon Apr 9, 2012 4:04 pm (PDT)

2-for-1 in 2005

On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 6:44 PM, Jim Saklad <jimdoc@me.com> wrote:

> **
> > i bought some shares of apple (APPL) in 1996 as a show of faith.
> > ...
> > recently, i decided to sell those shares.
> > the stocks had split, and were in the $550 range.
> > ...
> > a few weeks later, they split again, and were work $630 or thereabouts.
> > i can see them getting up to 1,000 a share.
> I was under the impression that Apple stock had never split.
> At leas not in the last 15 years.
> And I know not in the last 2-3 years, since I've been following it.
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com

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Re: apple stock

Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc@me.com   jimdoc01

Mon Apr 9, 2012 4:08 pm (PDT)

>> I was under the impression that Apple stock had never split.
>> At leas not in the last 15 years.
>> And I know not in the last 2-3 years, since I've been following it.
> Apple stock has had at least two splints but I couldn't tell you what
> years those were in.

How many times has Apple stock split?
> There have been three 2-for-1 stock splits. The payable dates were;
> June 15, 1987
> June 21, 2000
> February 28, 2005

It was about $10 the first time, $70 the second, and $175 the third.

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com


Re: apple stock

Posted by: "Barry Austern" barryaus@fuse.net   barryaus

Mon Apr 9, 2012 4:22 pm (PDT)

At 6:44 PM -0400 4/9/12, Jim Saklad wrote:

>I was under the impression that Apple stock had never split.
>At leas not in the last 15 years.
>And I know not in the last 2-3 years, since I've been following it.

I do remember one split AFTER I sold it.

Barry Austern


OS 'ex'  "a good laugh'

Posted by: "Harry Flaxman" harry.flaxman@me.com   hflaxman001

Mon Apr 9, 2012 2:06 pm (PDT)

I usually watch several CNET video podcasts every day or so. I watched
'Loaded' this afternoon. As usual, they are a day late and a dollar
short. At first, the commentator mentioned the 'Russian' security firm
that reported it first predicts that many more than 600,000 Macs will be
affected by the Flashback malware. (hehehe), they reported it FIRST,
mind you. Russian?? No personal attack intended, but don't you think
we ought to consider the source, as my parents tought me.

The commentator used the terminology, "OS ex', not 10, I cracked up
laughing. It was used several times. What?????

I know of no one that has even known anyone else that has seen the
virus. I belong to several mailing lists, including what remains of the
Boston Computer Society's Mac group. No one has heard 'boo' about it.

As was mentioned here yesterday, it is being overblown. I now will
watch with exceptional skepticism. Especially CNET's stuff

Consider the source, indeed folks!



Re: OS 'ex'  "a good laugh'

Posted by: "N.A. Nada" whodo678@comcast.net

Mon Apr 9, 2012 3:52 pm (PDT)

Hey, I saw it on the local news here in Portland, Oregon last night. Sounds like they both read the same wire story. Neither seemed to have a clue, they were just spouting words with fake authority.

As I understand it, the correct name is Mac OS X ("ex") 10(point)(whatever). Although the X is Roman numeral for 10.


On Apr 9, 2012, at 2:06 PM, Harry Flaxman wrote:

> I usually watch several CNET video podcasts every day or so. I watched
> 'Loaded' this afternoon. As usual, they are a day late and a dollar
> short. At first, the commentator mentioned the 'Russian' security firm
> that reported it first predicts that many more than 600,000 Macs will be
> affected by the Flashback malware. (hehehe), they reported it FIRST,
> mind you. Russian?? No personal attack intended, but don't you think
> we ought to consider the source, as my parents tought me.
> The commentator used the terminology, "OS ex', not 10, I cracked up
> laughing. It was used several times. What?????
> I know of no one that has even known anyone else that has seen the
> virus. I belong to several mailing lists, including what remains of the
> Boston Computer Society's Mac group. No one has heard 'boo' about it.
> As was mentioned here yesterday, it is being overblown. I now will
> watch with exceptional skepticism. Especially CNET's stuff
> Consider the source, indeed folks!


Terminal question.

Posted by: "Jim" oldtechie@wi.rr.com   jimpurcell2001

Mon Apr 9, 2012 3:25 pm (PDT)

Not my last question, one about TERMINAL. :-)
Is there a way to create the equivalent of a .bat [batch file that will run the utilities within it. Would Script work that way? I have read about script but nothing was mentioned about using it like a batch file.



Re: Terminal question.

Posted by: "Denver Dan" denver.dan@verizon.net   denverdan22180

Mon Apr 9, 2012 3:47 pm (PDT)


Are you referring to AppleScript?

Are you familiar with Automator?

Denver Dan

On Mon, 09 Apr 2012 22:25:05 +0000, Jim wrote:
> Not my last question, one about TERMINAL. :-)
> Is there a way to create the equivalent of a .bat [batch file that
> will run the utilities within it. Would Script work that way? I have
> read about script but nothing was mentioned about using it like a
> batch file.
> Jim


Re: Terminal question.

Posted by: "OldTechie" oldtechie@wi.rr.com   jimpurcell2001

Mon Apr 9, 2012 4:19 pm (PDT)


> Are you referring to AppleScript?
No the script utility in terminal
> Are you familiar with Automator?
I know the name but haven't tried to use it. Would it wok in terminal?
What I am thinking of is a simple file that in terminal would cd to the desktop dir then to my practice dir
This from where terminal opens.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Almost forgot important, Can't get into my account folder in finder

Posted by: "Jim" oldtechie@wi.rr.com   jimpurcell2001

Mon Apr 9, 2012 3:39 pm (PDT)

Subject says it all. Can't get into my account folder in finder or Terminal



Re: Almost forgot important, Can't get into my account folder in fin

Posted by: "Denver Dan" denver.dan@verizon.net   denverdan22180

Mon Apr 9, 2012 3:47 pm (PDT)


Have you logged in as a different user?

Denver Dan

On Mon, 09 Apr 2012 22:39:30 +0000, Jim wrote:
> Subject says it all. Can't get into my account folder in finder or Terminal
> Jim


Re: Almost forgot important, Can't get into my account folder in fin

Posted by: "OldTechie" oldtechie@wi.rr.com   jimpurcell2001

Mon Apr 9, 2012 4:21 pm (PDT)


> Have you logged in as a different user?
No, my Mac knows only me. :-)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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