Messages In This Digest (3 Messages)
- 1.
- Remoter VNC 3.4 - Access your Computer from your iPhone or iPad From: prMac Mailer
- 2.
- RainAware - Breakthrough Weather App Forecasts Rain/Snow to the Minu From: prMac Mailer
- 3.
- Blowing bubbles away is more fun than ever w/ Bouncing Bubbles LITE From: prMac Mailer
- 1.
Remoter VNC 3.4 - Access your Computer from your iPhone or iPad
Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:02 am (PST)
Remoter VNC 3.4 - Access your Computer from your iPhone or iPad - Published on 02/29/12
Remoter Labs today announces Remoter VNC 3.4 for iOS, an update to their productivity app that allows users to remotely control Macs via Screen Sharing, and Windows or Linux PCs using the VNC or RDP standards right from their iOS devices. The app uses Bonjour to make setup a cinch, and also features a novel "virtual trackpad" to precisely control of the mouse cursor. Sound redirection, RDP, Telnet and SSH which also allows for secure VNC/RDP over SSH, are available as in-app purchases.
Vestal, New York - Remoter Labs today is pleased to announce the release of Remoter VNC 3.4 for iPhone and iPad, an update to their productivity app that enables users to remotely control Macs via Screen Sharing, and Windows or Linux computers using the VNC or RDP standards right from their iOS devices. The app uses Bonjour and NetBIOS to make setup a cinch, and it features a novel and highly praised "virtual trackpad" that allows to control the mouse cursor intuitively. RemoterFusion, which provides sound redirection and easy setup, RDP, Telnet and SSH support are available as in-app purchases.
The app offers one of the fastest implementations of the VNC and RDP protocols on the iOS platform. Operation is intuitive, with a well thought out interface that allows users to either tap on the screen and have taps converted into clicks on the remote system, or use a unique "virtual trackpad" that gives users precise control, and ease of use. A drag or stylus mode on the iPad version is also provided, which gives users the ability of easily dragging items, or drawing on their computers directly from their iPad just by using their fingers or a stylus.
On Macs, setup is now ultra-simple with the RemoterFusion add-on. Port-forwarding and/or dynamic DNS is no longer needed in order to establish connections from outside the computer's network. This add-on also provides sound redirection, which allows listening to music tracks, or any sound playing remotely on the computer from the iOS device. RemoterFusion can be tested for free for 24 hours.
Otherwise, local session set-up is still simple, all the computers from the WiFi network are found using both the Bonjour and NetBIOS standards. The user then taps on the desired connection, and all queried information such as computer name, IP address, service port, and more auto-populates the set-up screen. The user then only needs to enter the VNC password to complete setup. A button labeled "Advanced" reveals many useful advanced options, like color depth, server scaling setting, compression level and more.
The new RDP add-on allows connecting to Windows computers that include an RDP server (Remote Desktop Protocol). This allows connecting to these machines without having to install a server, as is the case with VNC.
Via the SSH add-on, the app allows users to establish secure and tunneled VNC, or RDP if the RDP add-on is also used, connections to their computer desktop. This add-on also gives users the ability of establishing terminal connections to any SSH server. Featuring full terminal control, including special keys such as Control, Alt, F1-F14. Terminal support implements font foreground and background color, a terminal buffer, and clicking. SSH authentication includes both passwords and private/public key support. A fully featured SSH Key manager allows users to create SSH keys using RSA or DSA. Passphrases can also be set, and independent SSH keys can be used for each SSH session.
The SSH add-on also gives users the ability of create up to five TCP tunnels. The tunnels can then be accessed while the app is in the background by any other app on the iOS device. Providing a VPN connection to the SSH server. Background connections can stay active for a full ten minutes.
The Telnet add-on enables users to connect to server computers using the Telnet protocol. Like with SSH, the app provides full color support, a terminal buffer, and special keys.
Both the SSH and Telnet add-ons allow for selection of text which is then synchronized with the device's pasteboard, and can then be pasted within the application, or into any other app.
The app features a connection selection interface that is controlled by swiping on the iOS device to graphically select the desired connection. For professional users that have many connections, a "Session Selection" screen is also available. This option presents a list view of all available connections. Sessions can be sorted by name, type or usage.
Wake-on-LAN support is also built-in, when the server session is setup using Bonjour or NetBIOS, the MAC address is automatically populated. Otherwise the field is provided to allow the user to populate it manually. Wake-on-LAN can then be sent either from the main screen of the app, or via the session selection screen.
Macros can also be created and run. Macro support is included for VNC, RDP, SSH and Telnet sessions, and a Macros manager allows for renaming and deleting of existing macros.
The app is extremely configurable, in the "Remoter Config" screen users can select from a variety of options to best suit their needs. Options such as trackpad type and acceleration, visual clicks, international keyboard support for OS X are included.
While connected to a server, the app supports both landscape and portrait mode, full-screen mode, different pre-set zoom levels, along with a smooth pinch-to-zoom interface. Pasteboard synchronization is also supported for all connection modes. Full external keyboard support, either USB or Bluetooth is also provided.
What's New in Version 3.4:
* External keyboard: Now all keys are supported. This includes special keys such as command, alt, control, escape, F-keys, arrow keys, home, end, page up, pagedown.
* Ability to run multiple sessions simultaneously: Switch between them using the session list.
* RDP cursor shape supported (remote mouse pointer)
* Terminal: Added support for blinking text and cursor, and font size selection
* Updates to URL scheme handling: Remoter can be invoked from webpages or other apps
* Lot's more updates and fixes. Check them all here:
Feature Highlights:
* Fast VNC protocol 3.8 supported. Compatible with Mac Screen Sharing, the latest UltraVNC for Windows and Linux VNC servers
* Support for sound/music redirection from your Mac and easy setup without port-forwarding / dynamic DNS with RemoterFusion add-on
* Support for RDP, SSH, Telnet, VNC over SSH, RDP over SSH, and arbitrary SSH port tunnels via In-App purchases
* Novel Virtual TrackPad allows for precise and intuitive control! right-click, and dragging. Scroll with a side-scroller bar! Three trackpad modes
* SSH supports public-key authentication. Included SSH Key management system to generate, email, copy to pasteboard the SSH keys
* Support for recording and running Macros
* UltraVNC MS Login Authentication Support, Server-Side Scaling and Multiple Monitor support
* Wake-on-Lan Support
* Bonjour and NetBIOS computer discovery
* Intuitive Pinch to Zoom and drag to scroll. Also presets: "Fit Height", "Fit Width" and "1:1"
* Special Keys: Including: Esc, Tab, Alt, Up, Down, Right, Left, PageUp, PageDown, F1..F12, Control-Alt-Delete, Command, Windows-key, etc.
* Clipboard synchronization (Paste is universal, but copy requires server support)
* Universal Binary: iPhone, iPad and iPod touch! Buy once, run on all your devices! All iOS firmware versions (3.1.2 - 5.x)
* Supports Landscape and Portrait orientations and FullScreen mode
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
* iOS 3.1.2 or later (iOS 5 included)
* Universal Binary
* 8.7 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Remoter VNC 3.4 is now at the special price of $1.99 (USD) with free lifetime upgrades, and is available worldwide through the App Store in the Productivity category. In-app purchases are available that enhance the functionality of Remoter VNC. The RDP add-on is $3.99. The RemoterFusion add-on is $2.99. The SSH add-on is $0.99. The Telnet add-on is $1.99. The Remoter Complete add-on is $5.99 and includes RemoterFusion, RDP, SSH and Telnet add-ons, plus free lifetime upgrades for all new and revised add-ons. Review copies are available upon request.
Remoter VNC 3.4:
Purchase and Download: app/id369626098
Screenshot 1: 079/Purple/ de/96/f1/ mzl.fmipcjsi. 320x480-75. jpg
Screenshot 2: 071/Purple/ d1/6b/5e/ mzl.nttpsxmj. 320x480-75. jpg
Screenshot 3: 099/Purple/ c1/41/50/ mzl.otslxjoh. 320x480-75. jpg
Application Icon: iTunesArtwork. png
Located in Vestal, New York, Remoter Labs was founded by Raf Cabezas in May, 2010. The company seeks to produce high quality software while maintaining a very low price point. Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Remoter Labs. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod, and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. VNC is a registered trademark of RealVNC Ltd.
Raf Cabezas
United States
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- 2.
RainAware - Breakthrough Weather App Forecasts Rain/Snow to the Minu
Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:02 am (PST)
RainAware - Breakthrough Weather App Forecasts Rain/Snow to the Minute - Published on 02/29/12
RainAware LLC today introduces RainAware, its breakthrough new app for the iPhone and iPad that uses a proprietary forecasting system to predict within minutes when rain, snow, sleet, and storms will reach the user's exact location, up to 3 hours in advance. RainAware uses the phone's GPS location, local radar, and exclusive algorithms to produce a reliable and precise weather forecast. To celebrate the launch, RainAware is offering this service for a special low price with no monthly fees.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - In a move that makes traditional weather forecasts as outdated as the typewriter, RainAware LLC today introduces RainAware, its breakthrough new app for the iPhone and iPad that uses a proprietary forecasting system to predict within minutes when rain, snow, sleet, and storms will reach the user's exact location. An Android version of RainAware will be released in the spring.
After years of testing, the meteorologists behind RainAware have developed a groundbreaking system to tell users precisely what time precipitation will begin and end, up to 3 hours in advance. RainAware uses the phone's GPS location, local radar, and their exclusive algorithms to produce a reliable and precise weather forecast.
"With RainAware, a new era of weather forecasting has begun," said the creators of RainAware. "We've been conditioned to expect bad forecasts, but hopefully this is about to change."
The app's creators, who have nearly 40 years of combined experience in meteorology and computer programming, sought out to improve upon what they saw as an outdated system of inaccurate and confusing weather forecasts virtually everywhere you look.
"Ask ten people what a '50% chance of rain today' means and you might get ten different answers. It doesn't tell you for sure if it's going to rain, and certainly not what time," said the creators of RainAware.
Conventional forecasts from TV and newspapers, weather sites and other mobile apps can only give generalized predictions about when precipitation will arrive in your area. As a result, many times the forecast ends up being wrong. "Weather can change rapidly over a very short distance. It might rain on half the people in the area, but that leaves the other half with a bad forecast," the app's creators said.
RainAware upgrades the traditional, general-area forecast to a much more specific one tailored to the individual, providing precipitation start and end times to within minutes, and removing a large amount of uncertainly in the short-term.
"Why get stuck in the rain if you don't have to? We now have the technology to help people stay dry and alert them when rain is on the way, up to a few hours in advance," said the creators of RainAware. "My wife and kids were running errands the other day and were about to go to their car when it started pouring. She called and I ran the algorithm for her coordinates. I told her to wait 12 minutes for it to stop."
The creators are also announcing that after purchasing RainAware, users will benefit from periodic server-level updates to the RainAware system that will improve the accuracy of their forecasts over time. "We know that weather prediction will never be perfect," they said. "But that won't stop us from trying."
Features of the new RainAware app include:
* Accurate weather forecasts: Shows precise time and intensity estimates for the user's exact location
* Easy to read: The main screen is a simple clock format, or see a 3-hour graph or unique 1-hour rain clock
* Points of interest: Offers exact precipitation times for nearby airports, golf courses, downtown areas, sports stadiums and more
* Radar maps: Displays up-to-date local radar images with the current location highlighted
* Smart backgrounds: Images change based on storm threat and time of day
Device requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad (Android coming soon)
* Compatible with all iOS versions
* 11 MB
Pricing and availability:
RainAware Service 1.0 is currently available for sale in the United States and Puerto Rico through the App Store in the Weather category for $6.99 USD. Review copies are available upon request (while supplies last). An Android version of the app will be released in the spring.
RainAware Service 1.0:
Feature Details:
Purchase and Download: app/id503757271
Many Uses:
Screenshot: content/themes/ Iphone%20Templat ic/images/ slider_countdown .jpg
App Icon: content/themes/ Iphone%20Templat ic/images/ icons/Icon@ 2x.png
Based in Oklahoma, RainAware LLC specializes in providing the most accurate and useful precipitation forecasts available, in an easy to understand format. The company's vision is for precipitation times to become as commonplace as a clock for all individuals, integrated into mobile apps, public display systems, in-home devices, and in-route navigation systems. Their mobile app, RainAware, was recently released in the App Store. Copyright (C) 2012 RainAware LLC. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Ryan Jewell
Co-President, RainAware LLC
United States
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- 3.
Blowing bubbles away is more fun than ever w/ Bouncing Bubbles LITE
Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:15 am (PST)
Blowing bubbles away is more fun than ever w/ Bouncing Bubbles LITE 2.55 - Published on 02/29/12
JRSoftWorX announced a recent update of Bouncing Bubbles LITE for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. A new spin on classic bubble shooter games, this app challenges users to rid their screen of all bubbles in as few shots as possible. Newly enhanced, Bouncing Bubbles LITE 2.55 offers players access to an all-new game mode called Quattro, as well as integration with AddThis, an innovative service that lets gamers share their scores on almost any social network right through the app.
Aurich, Germany - JRSoftWorX, an innovative new mobile game developer, was excited today to announce the launch of a newly updated version of Bouncing Bubbles LITE for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Bouncing Bubbles LITE 2.0 represents a dynamic new spin on the classic bubble shooter arcade game which challenges users to blast away every bubble in their column in as little shots as possible. The game's newest update gives players access to an all new game mode called Quattro that ups the challenge - and the action - as well as integration with an innovative score sharing service called AddThis. Offered as a free download, access to the full game via in-app purchase is available for die-hard bubble shooters as well. Offering a more varied bubble shooting experience than ever before, Bouncing Bubbles LITE 2.55 is currently available on the Apple App Store for free in the Games category.
This is a well-rounded app to say the least. Bouncing Bubble LITE 2.55 includes ultra-realistic bubble motion courtesy of a powerful physics engine, and offers users a number of wild features and modes of play to keep players motivated and interested for hours on end. Upping the social integration ante the game now offers full integration with AddThis, which lets users share scores on Facebook, Twitter, and hundreds of other social networks too. Adding to its wealth of exciting play modes, the newest version of Bouncing Bubbles LITE introduces Quattro, a game mode tailor-made for dedicated bubble shooters. It's an eloquently simple step up in stakes, and in Quattro players are charged with firing four same colored bubbles into a row instead of three if they want to explode them!
This addicting yet easy to play adventure tasks players with the simple yet endlessly entertaining challenge of decimating a block of bubbles by shooting, well, more bubbles at it. In keeping with classic arcade puzzle shooters such as bejeweled and other classic titles, players can make bubbles disappear by creating same colored bubble lines that have three or more bubbles attached to one another. The goal is to use as few shots as possible, as quickly as possible, in order to reign supreme and achieve the highest score possible and survive each level. To boot, Bouncing Bubbles LITE 2.55 comes complete with loads of unique bubbles skins, whose themes run from wooden blocks to cute round ladybugs, and many others in between. Don't hesitate, redefine what it means to get a bubbly feeling and let the action roll with Bouncing Bubbles LITE 2.55 on iOS.
Bouncing Bubbles LITE 2.55: id=454
Download from iTunes: app/id413895698
YouTube Video:
Screenshot 1: 093/Purple/ 9d/f7/6c/ mzl.tadakopd. 320x480-75. jpg
Screenshot 2 : 108/Purple/ f5/45/68/ mzl.tnywuqti. 320x480-75. jpg
Founded in Germany, JRSoftWorX is an innovative mobile applications developer focused on creating dynamic entertainment apps across a diverse set of mobile platforms. (C) JRSoftWorX 2012. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Jens Rieckhof
+49 (0) 173 817 1589
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