
[macsupport] Digest Number 8688

Messages In This Digest (6 Messages)

Reinstalling Mail From: robfrankeldotcom
Re: Reinstalling Mail From: Jim Saklad
Re: SSD Advice From: Jim Saklad
Re: SSD Advice From: Bob Cook
Re: SSD Advice From: Harry Flaxman
Re: Missing folder in application support From: Jurgen Richter



Reinstalling Mail

Posted by: "robfrankeldotcom" rob@robfrankel.com   robfrankeldotcom

Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:10 pm (PST)

Greetings all:

So here's the deal. I suspect that my MBP running 10.6.8 has a problem with Mail. I'd like to re-install just Mail, nothing else.


What are the steps to doing this intelligently? And by that, I mean NOT re-installing the entire System.

1. Is there a way to cleanly remove Mail and its components?
2. Is there a way to install Mail cleanly?

Appreciate any tips and pointers.


Rob Frankel


Re: Reinstalling Mail

Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc@me.com   jimdoc01

Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:34 pm (PST)

> So here's the deal. I suspect that my MBP running 10.6.8 has a problem with Mail. I'd like to re-install just Mail, nothing else.
> Question:
> What are the steps to doing this intelligently? And by that, I mean NOT re-installing the entire System.
> 1. Is there a way to cleanly remove Mail and its components?
> 2. Is there a way to install Mail cleanly?

Try this:
1. Download Pacifist (<http://www.charlessoft.com/>)
2. Locate your Snow Leopard disk -- whether one purchased for an upgrade from Leopard or packaged with the machine as a restore disk.
3. While booted as usual from your hard drive, insert the SL disk.
4. Open Pacifist, and navigate to the relevant installer .pkg file
5. Within Pacifist, you should be able to navigate the "tree" and find the "branch" with Mail
6. Unpack just Mail

You should be able to delete Mail from ./Applications, although you *will* need an administrator password to do so.

I'm not sure what to tell you about removing stuff in ~/Library/Mail

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: SSD Advice

Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc@me.com   jimdoc01

Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:42 pm (PST)

>> Thanks for mentioning Corsair.
> I've been archiving information about SSD's. Have a look at:
> Best SSD
> Kingston's SNV425-S2 64GB drive stood out by delivering blazing performance on the (relative) cheap. (Sep 1, 2010)
> That model has been superseded by the Kingston SSDNow SV100S2/64GZ, which is going for only $110:
> http://is.gd/BTgvlh

As usual, Randy, you have a broader survey of what's available and reliable than I.

When thinking about getting an SSD, it always comes down to speed for me. Which means I'm not looking much at SATA-2 (3 Gbps max) packages, but at SATA-3 (6 Gbps) ones.

I would really like an OWC "6G" SSD in a Thunderbolt external case (which I would also want to have a Firewire 800 port). I could use it now with FW, and later with TB.

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: SSD Advice

Posted by: "Bob Cook" cookrd1@discoveryowners.com   cookrd1

Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:48 pm (PST)

Wow, everyone had some really great and helpful info.


Re: SSD Advice

Posted by: "Harry Flaxman" harry.flaxman@comcast.net   hflaxman001

Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:57 am (PST)

On Jan 16, 2012, at 5:23 PM, Collin wrote:

> Yes, I bought my Corsair Force SATA 3 SSD on Amazon for $125 a few months ago.


Just double checked on Corsair 120gb SSDs on Amazon and the least expensive I see now is $189! I wonder what happened?


Harry Flaxman


Re: Missing folder in application support

Posted by: "Jurgen Richter" yahoo-1@sympatico.ca   epsongroups

Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:14 pm (PST)

This from the Topaz Labs Knowledge Base:

"I can't find Topaz plug-ins in the Photoshop Filters menu."

Try this:
For both Windows and Mac, download and run the appropriate installers.
If you still can't see the filter after you quit and restart Photoshop,
try the following:

For Mac :
Go to HD -> Library -> Application Support -> Topaz Labs -> Adjust ->
Copy and paste the Topaz_adjust.plugin file to your Photoshop Plug-Ins
folder. This is usually located in Applications -> Adobe Photoshop CS3
-> Plug-Ins. Delete the TopazAdjust shortcut already in that folder, if
there is one. Restart Photoshop and you'll see it in the Filters menu.

For Windows:
Go to C:\Programs Files -> Topaz Labs -> Topaz Adjust -> Plugins and
copy and paste the tladjust.8bf file into your Photoshop Plug-Ins
folder. This is usually located in C:\Program Files -> Adobe -> Adobe
Photoshop CS3 -> Plug-Ins. Delete the TopazAdjust shortcut already in
that folder, if there is one. Restart Photoshop and you'll see it in the
Filters menu.

The example given is with Topaz Adjust. If it's a problem with Topaz
Simplify or Topaz DeNoise, just replace "Adjust" with the appropriate
product name.


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