Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1.
- The cloud From: Blaine Gordon
- 2a.
- No Sound with HDMI? From:
- 2b.
- Re: No Sound with HDMI? From: Chris Jones
- 2c.
- Re: No Sound with HDMI? From: Randy B. Singer
- 2d.
- Re: No Sound with HDMI? From: Denver Dan
- 3a.
- Re: Mail 5.1 Attached vs Inline? From: Tod Hopkins
- 4a.
- Find my Mac From: Bill B.
- 4b.
- Re: Find my Mac From: Daly Jessup
- 5a.
- Re: That other kind of drawing software From: Otto Nikolaus
- 6a.
- Re: Difficulties creating an iCloud account From: Alan Fry
- 6b.
- Re: Difficulties creating an iCloud account From: Tod Hopkins
- 6c.
- Re: Difficulties creating an iCloud account From: Alan Fry
- 6d.
- Re: Difficulties creating an iCloud account From: John Engberg
- 6e.
- Re: Difficulties creating an iCloud account From: John Engberg
- 7a.
- Video surveillance to iPad From: vixpix
- 7b.
- Re: Video surveillance to iPad From: Jim Saklad
- 8.
- Apple's opportunity to expand retail into India From: Denver dan
- 9a.
- Re: reason not to GoDaddy ??? From: Oneal Neumann
- 9b.
- Re: reason not to GoDaddy ??? From: Rob Frankel
- 9c.
- Re: reason not to GoDaddy ??? From: Andrew Buc
- 9d.
- Re: reason not to GoDaddy ??? From: Tod Hopkins
- 9e.
- Re: reason not to GoDaddy ??? From: Larry Weissman
- 9f.
- Re: reason not to GoDaddy ??? From: OBrien
- 9g.
- Re: reason not to GoDaddy ??? From: Christopher Collins
- 10.
- OS X on SSD - User Account folders on HD - How To From: Denver Dan
- 1.
The cloud
Posted by: "Blaine Gordon"
Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:29 am (PST)
I went to system preferences and signed into the cloud using my apple ID. I have two apple IDs. I chose the one for the cloud. I don't understand how to put things into the 5GB cloud but when I went to my iPad and iPhone, all the music I had ever purchased on my Mac was available under the purchased section of iTunes on the respective gadgets. The ones I hadn't downloaded were available in little cloud icons. I downloaded them and the clouds disappeared and I just got a downloaded message. I don'[t know if I am using the cloud or not. I think so.
There is a lot about the cloud I wish I knew but it seems to be working for purchased music at least. I don't know how to put things in the cloud. It seems to have a mind of it's own.
- 2a.
No Sound with HDMI?
Posted by: "" mstupinski
Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:56 am (PST)
I just purchased a DVI to HDMI adapter cable to be able connect my MBP to my new HDTV. When I hook it up, however, although I get a good picture I get no sound. Doesn't my 2008 MBP provide sound out of its DVI (not mini-DVI) port? If not, I guess I have to use the sound out port on the MBP and connect to the RCA-type jacks on the TV, unless I bought the wrong cable (I thought they were all alike).
- 2b.
Re: No Sound with HDMI?
Posted by: "Chris Jones" bobstermcbob
Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:07 am (PST)
As far as I am aware no device has ever sent sound via DVI, its video
only, so this is no surprise...
On 23/01/12 15:56, wrote:
> I just purchased a DVI to HDMI adapter cable to be able connect my MBP to my new HDTV. When I hook it up, however, although I get a good picture I get no sound. Doesn't my 2008 MBP provide sound out of its DVI (not mini-DVI) port? If not, I guess I have to use the sound out port on the MBP and connect to the RCA-type jacks on the TV, unless I bought the wrong cable (I thought they were all alike).
> Thanks,
> .................Mike
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> Yahoo! Groups Links
- 2c.
Re: No Sound with HDMI?
Posted by: "Randy B. Singer" randybrucesinger
Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:35 am (PST)
On Jan 23, 2012, at 7:56 AM, wrote:
> I just purchased a DVI to HDMI adapter cable to be able connect my
> MBP to my new HDTV. When I hook it up, however, although I get a
> good picture I get no sound. Doesn't my 2008 MBP provide sound out
> of its DVI (not mini-DVI) port? If not, I guess I have to use the
> sound out port on the MBP and connect to the RCA-type jacks on the
> TV, unless I bought the wrong cable (I thought they were all alike).
HDMI and Mini Display Port can carry audio. (Which doesn't mean that
they always do.) DVI does not.
< dvi-carry- audio-signals- as-well-as-
_____________________ _________ _________ ____
Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)
Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance html
_____________________ _________ _________ ____
- 2d.
Re: No Sound with HDMI?
Posted by: "Denver Dan" denverdan22180
Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:18 am (PST)
You need to get a separate audio cable to connect from audio out port
on MBP to the TV's audio in port.
You can get a good quality RCA type cable & connectors and a number of
makers have an adapter for the MBP end that has a L and R port on it
and ends in a single L&R stereo jack.
Denver Dan
On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 15:56:18 +0000, wrote:
> I just purchased a DVI to HDMI adapter cable to be able connect my
> MBP to my new HDTV. When I hook it up, however, although I get a
> good picture I get no sound. Doesn't my 2008 MBP provide sound out
> of its DVI (not mini-DVI) port? If not, I guess I have to use the
> sound out port on the MBP and connect to the RCA-type jacks on the
> TV, unless I bought the wrong cable (I thought they were all alike).
> Thanks,
> .................Mike
- 3a.
Re: Mail 5.1 Attached vs Inline?
Posted by: "Tod Hopkins" todhop
Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:22 am (PST)
On Jan 22, 2012, at 12:15 PM, Oneal Neumann wrote:
> This was a bit confusing, Tod. Going to have to reread it a few times.
Yes it is. Partially because what any given client can do is up to the client. All email is pure text, meaning that it contains only letters and symbols in a standard character set, but it can contain any type of text encoding you like, MIME, HTML, C++ code, whatever, as long as that code is represented using only standard text characters. Whether the recipients client can recognize that encoding is the key. In the early days, this was a major problem (which I why I know something about this). These day, there are several common standards for this encoding, such as "Rich Text" (See below) and HTML so such confusion is rare.
> Mail offers the choice of Plain Text (which is the precondition for communicating with this group via Yahoo!) and Rich Text. I think that Rich Text emails are converted to Plain Text upon receipt.
Well, if you really want to get complicated, go read the Wikipedia page on "Rich Text." Bottom line is that this MIME Rich Text is not to be confused with the Rich Text document format, aka RFT. However, I think that Mail is, in fact, conflating the two deliberately and using "Rich Text" as a generic term to refer to text with formatting. They are probably very closely related. I honestly don't know what Apple uses in Mail for formatted text.
> I select Rich Text as my Mail default setting because it allows the use of markup languages, such as HTML. It is because of the latter that I can include inline (or wherever) pictures with my text.
MIME Rich Text is itself essentially a markup language like HTML, and you don't technically need it to send HTML as HTML code is already simple text. That's not to say that Rich Text does not make it easier for clients to recognize and use embedded HTML properly.
> According to you, if I'm not mistaken, pictures CAN be included in Plain Text, which is not how I see it. Can you elaborate? Thanx. Oneal
Semantics. What Mail and others mean when they say "Plain Text" is text without any encoding. That is, no Rich Text, no HTML, no MIME. If you have no encoding, you can't have pictures or any other files.
When I was referring to "pure text" I mean no binary information, just text characters.
Yes, it's confusing, especially if you are not familiar with text encoding like MIME and HTML.
Tod Hopkins
Hillmann & Carr Inc.
- 4a.
Find my Mac
Posted by: "Bill B." kernos501
Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:27 am (PST)
I was robbed last nite and a MBP taken. Does 10.6.8 have location prefs? I cant remember and too upset to do anything.
- 4b.
Re: Find my Mac
Posted by: "Daly Jessup"
Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:09 pm (PST)
On Jan 23, 2012, at 8:27 AM, Bill B. wrote:
> I was robbed last nite and a MBP taken. Does 10.6.8 have location prefs? I cant remember and too upset to do anything.
Oh, that is a shame.
If you have MobileMe, and if you had set up "Back to My Mac," you could go to the MobileMe System Pref pane and turn on "Back to my Mac."
Here's an article about using it, in case you did have it turned on:
< >mobileme/ docs/L358808A_ BackMac_UG_ 20090401. pdf
If not, you may have to do what we did when we were robbed last spring:
Go to every bank account, paypal account, login account, computer login, investment account, bank pin numbers, etc., etc., and change your passwords on all of them.
Cancel your credit cards and get new ones. The police recommended we sign up for ProtectMyID, which we did. For a year.
I'm s sorry this happened to you. It's quite a hassle. Make a list of what you have to do, and DO it. But if you had Back to My Mac active, that may be your first line of defense.
- 5a.
Re: That other kind of drawing software
Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" nikyzf
Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:20 am (PST)
On 23 January 2012 02:57, Barry Austern < > wrote:
> Assign each person a number and use a random number generator. There
> are several on the app store, many free.
There's a random number function in the OS X Calculator.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 6a.
Re: Difficulties creating an iCloud account
Posted by: "Alan Fry" alanjohnfry
Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:27 am (PST)
On 22 Jan 2012, at 20:42, John Engberg wrote:
> On Jan 22, 2012, at 12:10 PM, Alan Fry wrote:
> > Having got Lion running on a brand new disc I thought I would open an iCloud account to explore it. I have an Apple ID (consisting, as recommended) of my email address as user name and a password. This Apple ID lets me in to the 'App Store' and iTunes. However using it to create a new 'iCloud' I get the following error message:
> >
> > "This Apple ID email address cannot be verified. Change your Apple ID's email address at to sign into Mobile Me."
> >
> > Clicking 'Change email...' button takes me to ' WebObjects/ MyAppleID. woa'. This page offers two options; 'Manage your account', and 'Reset your password', neither of which seem relevant. There is also a button to 'Find out if you have an Apple ID'. That did seem relevant.
> >
> > Clicking 'Find out...' leads to a form asking some questions and promises 'authentication by email'. That 'authentication' email turns out to be a link to 'reset your password'.
> >
> > First time round I did just that, which got me into the position at the start of this email. Login name and password work on 'App Store' and 'iTunes' but are rejected (as detailed above) by iCloud.
> >
> > What can one do to get out of this merry-go-round?
> >
> > Any thoughts would be gratefully received.
> >
> > Alan Fry
> I thought he was reading my mind! I could have written that. I have had the exact problem. Everything I've tried resulted in no change. I think the solution is to call Apple and have them straighten out the problem. That's my next step.
John, I think I have more or less resolved my problem. The procedure below may perhaps also work for you.
Going to '' leads as I said in an earlier email to a page which amongst other things offers 'Manage your account'. Clicking that leads to a page directing you to verify your address. The verification takes the form of an email to the address you have given (as ID) and that email from Apple has a 'Verify Now' link to click. Having done that yet another window pops up asking for the Apple ID and Password you have given to be entered again. After that, the Apple ID address is confirmed as 'verified'.
The point of all this is (as explained in the Apple email) to eliminate fraudulent attempts by others to use one's email address. Somehow I managed to miss that step first time round. I think it never occurred to me that to 'Manage your Account' might be relevant before the account (in this case iCloud) had even been opened. It really does seem to be a most obscure and convoluted web page for setting up an ID and a Password to say the least.
Nevertheless, having done that the Apple ID and Password were accepted by iCloud and also by 'App Store'. However, going to my account in the App Store it turned out to be empty; even the purchase of Lion a couple of days ago isn't listed there. Logging out and in again with the old AppleID and Password, lo and behold there is the list of past purchases.
So it seems I have two quite independent 'App Store' accounts and two 'Developer Connection' accounts, one for the old Apple ID and one for the new. I have no idea how to close one of each, nor indeed even if it can be done.
I hope this helps sort out your difficulty; please write if anything here is not clear.
Alan Fry
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- 6b.
Re: Difficulties creating an iCloud account
Posted by: "Tod Hopkins" todhop
Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:54 am (PST)
This is Apple's basic advice: kb/HT4895
As of today, it appears that Apple is not, and will not, offer a means of "merging" old accounts. Evidence suggests that this has proven to be too complicated for Apple to bother with.
On Jan 22, 2012, at 12:10 PM, Alan Fry wrote:
> Having got Lion running on a brand new disc I thought I would open an iCloud account to explore it. I have an Apple ID (consisting, as recommended) of my email address as user name and a password. This Apple ID lets me in to the 'App Store' and iTunes. However using it to create a new 'iCloud' I get the following error message:
> "This Apple ID email address cannot be verified. Change your Apple ID's email address at to sign into Mobile Me."
> Clicking 'Change email...' button takes me to ' WebObjects/ MyAppleID. woa'. This page offers two options; 'Manage your account', and 'Reset your password', neither of which seem relevant. There is also a button to 'Find out if you have an Apple ID'. That did seem relevant.
> Clicking 'Find out...' leads to a form asking some questions and promises 'authentication by email'. That 'authentication' email turns out to be a link to 'reset your password'.
> First time round I did just that, which got me into the position at the start of this email. Login name and password work on 'App Store' and 'iTunes' but are rejected (as detailed above) by iCloud.
> What can one do to get out of this merry-go-round?
> Any thoughts would be gratefully received.
> Alan Fry
Tod Hopkins
Hillmann & Carr Inc.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 6c.
Re: Difficulties creating an iCloud account
Posted by: "Alan Fry" alanjohnfry
Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:47 am (PST)
On 23 Jan 2012, at 18:54, Tod Hopkins wrote:
> This is Apple's basic advice:
> kb/HT4895
> As of today, it appears that Apple is not, and will not, offer a means of "merging" old accounts. Evidence suggests that this has proven to be too complicated for Apple to bother with.
Interesting -- thank you for the reference.
- 6d.
Re: Difficulties creating an iCloud account
Posted by: "John Engberg" mrbyte
Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:21 pm (PST)
On Jan 23, 2012, at 1:54 PM, Tod Hopkins wrote:
> This is Apple's basic advice:
> kb/HT4895
> As of today, it appears that Apple is not, and will not, offer a means of "merging" old accounts. Evidence suggests that this has proven to be too complicated for Apple to bother with.
> Cheers,
> tod
It certainly seems so.
John Engberg
- 6e.
Re: Difficulties creating an iCloud account
Posted by: "John Engberg" mrbyte
Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:23 pm (PST)
On Jan 23, 2012, at 1:27 PM, Alan Fry wrote:
> John, I think I have more or less resolved my problem. The procedure below may perhaps also work for you.
> Going to '' leads as I said in an earlier email to a page which amongst other things offers 'Manage your account'. Clicking that leads to a page directing you to verify your address. The verification takes the form of an email to the address you have given (as ID) and that email from Apple has a 'Verify Now' link to click. Having done that yet another window pops up asking for the Apple ID and Password you have given to be entered again. After that, the Apple ID address is confirmed as 'verified'.
> The point of all this is (as explained in the Apple email) to eliminate fraudulent attempts by others to use one's email address. Somehow I managed to miss that step first time round. I think it never occurred to me that to 'Manage your Account' might be relevant before the account (in this case iCloud) had even been opened. It really does seem to be a most obscure and convoluted web page for setting up an ID and a Password to say the least.
> Nevertheless, having done that the Apple ID and Password were accepted by iCloud and also by 'App Store'. However, going to my account in the App Store it turned out to be empty; even the purchase of Lion a couple of days ago isn't listed there. Logging out and in again with the old AppleID and Password, lo and behold there is the list of past purchases.
> So it seems I have two quite independent 'App Store' accounts and two 'Developer Connection' accounts, one for the old Apple ID and one for the new. I have no idea how to close one of each, nor indeed even if it can be done.
> I hope this helps sort out your difficulty; please write if anything here is not clear.
> Alan Fry
Thanks for the additional info, Alan.
John Engberg
- 7a.
Video surveillance to iPad
Posted by: "vixpix" nyskater
Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:58 am (PST)
I would like to get a wifi video camera that I can view on my iPad when I'm away from home. I know this would be simple if I just used the camera on my Mac, but the location I want the camera to be does not make that practical. Has anyone done this with good results? I don't need anything expensive. I'm looking to monitor my wood burning stove to see if it's burning well or needs more firewood to keep it going.
Sent from a spoiled little iPad
- 7b.
Re: Video surveillance to iPad
Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc01
Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:25 am (PST)
> I would like to get a wifi video camera that I can view on my iPad when I'm away from home. I know this would be simple if I just used the camera on my Mac, but the location I want the camera to be does not make that practical. Has anyone done this with good results? I don't need anything expensive. I'm looking to monitor my wood burning stove to see if it's burning well or needs more firewood to keep it going.
> Vickie
Logitech has a bunch of webcams:
< >webcam-communica tions/webcams
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
Jim Saklad
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 8.
Apple's opportunity to expand retail into India
Posted by: "Denver dan" denverdan22180
Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:58 am (PST)
Article in TUAW talking about Apple considering opening Apple Stores in India.
The Indian Government, according to this article, only recently changed Indian law that prohibited non Indian companies like Apple from owning and operating retail stores in India.
It would appear, Nada, that your own government and not Apple is what prevented the presence of Apple Stores in India.
< >01/21/apples- opportunity- to-expand- retail-into- india/
!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i! i!i!i!i!i! i!i!i!i!i! i!i!i!i!i! i!i!i!i!i! i!i!i!i
iFrom Denver Dan's iPhone
â" my magical animal is a butterfly
- 9a.
Re: reason not to GoDaddy ???
Posted by: "Oneal Neumann" newalander
Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:45 pm (PST)
This may be deemed OT; so be it.
I am looking for a website host. Not sure that I want to GoDaddy the babes are great and the Super Bowl is around the corner even though its prices are low.
Can anyone talk me into/out of it? Thanx. Oneal
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 9b.
Re: reason not to GoDaddy ???
Posted by: "Rob Frankel" robfrankeldotcom
Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:57 pm (PST)
At 4:17 AM -0500 1/23/12, Oneal Neumann wrote thusly:
>This may be deemed OT; so be it.
>I am looking for a website host. Not sure that I
>want to GoDaddy the babes are great and the
>Super Bowl is around the corner even though its
>prices are low.
>Can anyone talk me into/out of it? Thanx. Oneal
I've had no problem with them.
Rob Frankel, Branding Expert
Twitter: @brandingexpert
Yes, there's an RSS feed blog, if you can handle
- 9c.
Re: reason not to GoDaddy ???
Posted by: "Andrew Buc" andrewbuc
Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:03 pm (PST)
I have my domain with them for several years and use it for email
only, no website. I've been pleased with them.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 9d.
Re: reason not to GoDaddy ???
Posted by: "Tod Hopkins" todhop
Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:49 pm (PST)
While the constant, over the top marketing is a bit excessive, they actually do a pretty good job of what they do.
On Jan 23, 2012, at 4:17 AM, Oneal Neumann wrote:
> This may be deemed OT; so be it.
> I am looking for a website host. Not sure that I want to GoDaddy the babes are great and the Super Bowl is around the corner even though its prices are low.
> Can anyone talk me into/out of it? Thanx. Oneal
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> Yahoo! Groups Links
Tod Hopkins
Hillmann & Carr Inc.
- 9e.
Re: reason not to GoDaddy ???
Posted by: "Larry Weissman" lweissman_2000
Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:42 pm (PST)
I use them. I called with questions before I did anything and they
were very helpful. They have excellent support staff, and the price is
right. No real business reason not to use them --- only philosophical
reasons, like you're offended by the CEO.
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 4:49 PM, Tod Hopkins < > wrote:
> While the constant, over the top marketing is a bit excessive, they actually do a pretty good job of what they do.
> tod
> On Jan 23, 2012, at 4:17 AM, Oneal Neumann wrote:
>> This may be deemed OT; so be it.
>> I am looking for a website host. Not sure that I want to GoDaddy Ëthe babes are great and the Super Bowl is around the cornerË even though its prices are low.
>> Can anyone talk me into/out of it? Thanx. Oneal
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> --------------------- --------- ------
>> Group FAQ:
>> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
>> Yahoo! Groups Links
> Tod Hopkins
> Hillmann & Carr Inc.
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> Â Yahoo! Groups Links
- 9f.
Re: reason not to GoDaddy ???
Posted by: "OBrien" conorboru
Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:17 pm (PST)
On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 04:17:20 -0500, Oneal Neumann wrote:
> Can anyone talk me into/out of it? Thanx. Oneal
AFAIK, they're fine. I use , also.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
O'Brien ¡V¡V¡V ¡V... .-. .. . -. - 9g.
Re: reason not to GoDaddy ???
Posted by: "Christopher Collins" cjc1959au
Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:23 pm (PST)
Their support for SOPA?
On 24/01/2012, at 11:17 AM, OBrien wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 04:17:20 -0500, Oneal Neumann wrote:
> > Can anyone talk me into/out of it? Thanx. Oneal
> AFAIK, they're fine. I use , also.
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> O'Brien ... .-. .. . -.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 10.
OS X on SSD - User Account folders on HD - How To
Posted by: "Denver Dan" denverdan22180
Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:58 pm (PST)
For those with a SSD AND a HD on the same Macintosh.
SSD means Solid State Drive.
TUAW has a pretty good article that discusses two different ways to
have OS X on a fast SSD drive and some or many of the files/folders
from your User account on a HDD on same computer.
< >01/20/ask- tuaw-how- do-i-setup- a-mac-with- both-an-ssd- and-a-regular- hd/
This article has a link to an article in Macworld by Christopher Breen
on same topic.
< >164891/2012/ 01/keeping_ mac_os_and_ data_on_separate _drives.html
I suggest reading both articles which describe two different ways to go
about doing this.
Denver Dan
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