Messages In This Digest (13 Messages)
- 1a.
- Favorites From: flanboat
- 2a.
- Earphone Jack Not Making Good Contact From: Mark
- 2b.
- Re: Earphone Jack Not Making Good Contact From: flanboat
- 2c.
- Re: Earphone Jack Not Making Good Contact From: Peter Sealy
- 3a.
- iPhone discharging From: carolt62
- 3b.
- Re: iPhone discharging From: sharonx9
- 3c.
- Re: iPhone discharging From: Alvin Auerbach
- 3d.
- Re: iPhone discharging From: Clarke Jesse
- 3e.
- Re: iPhone discharging From: DavidG
- 3f.
- Re: iPhone discharging From: Jim Saklad
- 3g.
- Re: iPhone discharging From: Clark Martin
- 4.
- MobileMe phishing scam looks to swipe login data From: Brent
- 5.
- Contact name does not show up when receive a call From: ahmedwaked
- 1a.
Posted by: "flanboat" flanboat
Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:21 am (PST)
I don't have a + sign on the top right of favorites !!!I want to add some but the instructions say to touch the + sign .
- 2a.
Earphone Jack Not Making Good Contact
Posted by: "Mark" hargrme
Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:07 am (PST)
My iPhone 4 earphone jack is not making good contact. I have a brand new
Apple earphone, so I know that's not the problem.
I'm assuming that the contacts are dirty. What's the best way to clean
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 2b.
Re: Earphone Jack Not Making Good Contact
Posted by: "flanboat" flanboat
Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:46 am (PST)
I had a problem with the mic not working on my headphone with the mic cord and read a forum that said this could be caused by lint or dirt in the headphone jack . It said to remove most of the cotton off the head of a qtip and insert and clean very lightly.
--- In apple-iphone@yahoogroups. , Mark < > wrote:
> My iPhone 4 earphone jack is not making good contact. I have a brand new
> Apple earphone, so I know that's not the problem.
> I'm assuming that the contacts are dirty. What's the best way to clean
> them?
> Mark
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 2c.
Re: Earphone Jack Not Making Good Contact
Posted by: "Peter Sealy" sealy_peter
Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:35 pm (PST)
I would try a burst of compressed air into the jack space. If you haven't already got one of those pressure cans of compressed air from OfficeWorks, Dick Smith, etc I find they are very handy to keep nearby for such cleaning tasks. Such as the sensor space underneath the mouse can become clogged with dust and a burst of air cleans it out.
Peter Sealy
On 21/12/2011, at 1:48 AM, Mark wrote:
> My iPhone 4 earphone jack is not making good contact. I have a brand new
> Apple earphone, so I know that's not the problem.
> I'm assuming that the contacts are dirty. What's the best way to clean
> them?
> Mark
- 3a.
iPhone discharging
Posted by: "carolt62" carolt62
Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:58 pm (PST)
I have had an iPhone 3GS for a little over two years. About a month ago it started discharging really fast, even when I wasn't using it. Assuming that I had possibly downloaded an app that was constantly searching for something, I deleted many of the apps I had recently dl'd. It made no difference. So, after having been told by an AT&T rep in the AT&T store that I probably needed a new battery after two plus years of heavy use, I decided that there was no point in spending $85 for a battery when for $199 I could get a new 4S iPhone.
I did! It came yesterday and I synced it with iCloud. Today it is doing the same thing - discharging fast even when not being used (although not quite as fast as the old one).
My question: Is there any way to check what is running in the background that might be draining the battery? Or is there a list of apps that drain the battery rapidly?
There is no music playing and my GPS isn't searching - two of the ones that would drain it.
- 3b.
Re: iPhone discharging
Posted by: "sharonx9" sharonx1972
Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:11 pm (PST)
I found that the more notifications that were running the faster my
battery drained. I turned off everything not needed an this helped
my battery tremendously.
On Tuesday, December 20, 2011, carolt62 < > wrote:
> I have had an iPhone 3GS for a little over two years. About a month ago
it started discharging really fast, even when I wasn't using it. Assuming
that I had possibly downloaded an app that was constantly searching for
something, I deleted many of the apps I had recently dl'd. It made no
difference. So, after having been told by an AT&T rep in the AT&T store
that I probably needed a new battery after two plus years of heavy use, I
decided that there was no point in spending $85 for a battery when for $199
I could get a new 4S iPhone.
> I did! It came yesterday and I synced it with iCloud. Today it is doing
the same thing - discharging fast even when not being used (although not
quite as fast as the old one).
> My question: Is there any way to check what is running in the background
that might be draining the battery? Or is there a list of apps that drain
the battery rapidly?
> There is no music playing and my GPS isn't searching - two of the ones
that would drain it.
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Yahoo! Groups Links
-=[ Sharon Jean ]=-
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 3c.
Re: iPhone discharging
Posted by: "Alvin Auerbach" potentmap
Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:12 pm (PST)
The old fashioned way to track it down is to delete all of your (delete-able) apps (your backup computer or iCloud should retain them), then see what happens. If the battery still drains rapidly, then you have a warranty issue with Apple. If it no longer drains rapidly, then it's your apps. Replace half of them, and if the battery drains rapidly, remove half of them, etc. (You probably get the idea).
On Dec 20, 2011, at 4:04 PM, carolt62 wrote:
> I have had an iPhone 3GS for a little over two years. About a month ago it started discharging really fast, even when I wasn't using it. Assuming that I had possibly downloaded an app that was constantly searching for something, I deleted many of the apps I had recently dl'd. It made no difference. So, after having been told by an AT&T rep in the AT&T store that I probably needed a new battery after two plus years of heavy use, I decided that there was no point in spending $85 for a battery when for $199 I could get a new 4S iPhone.
> I did! It came yesterday and I synced it with iCloud. Today it is doing the same thing - discharging fast even when not being used (although not quite as fast as the old one).
> My question: Is there any way to check what is running in the background that might be draining the battery? Or is there a list of apps that drain the battery rapidly?
> There is no music playing and my GPS isn't searching - two of the ones that would drain it.
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- 3d.
Re: iPhone discharging
Posted by: "Clarke Jesse" lvjesse
Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:52 pm (PST)
Make sure you have the latest update/fix. Â Mine did the same thing when I first got it. Â Since installing the update I've had no problem. Â I'm finding it stays charged for up to 2 days with only medium use. Â Another member of our Mac User Group said to charge the phone for at least 2 hours beyond the recommended charge time.
>____________________ _________ ___
> From: carolt62 < >
>To: apple-iphone@yahoogroups. com
>Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2011 1:04 PM
>Subject: [apple-iphone] iPhone discharging
>I have had an iPhone 3GS for a little over two years. About a month ago it started discharging really fast, even when I wasn't using it. Assuming that I had possibly downloaded an app that was constantly searching for something, I deleted many of the apps I had recently dl'd. It made no difference. So, after having been told by an AT&T rep in the AT&T store that I probably needed a new battery after two plus years of heavy use, I decided that there was no point in spending $85 for a battery when for $199 I could get a new 4S iPhone.
>I did! It came yesterday and I synced it with iCloud. Today it is doing the same thing - discharging fast even when not being used (although not quite as fast as the old one).
>My question: Is there any way to check what is running in the background that might be draining the battery? Or is there a list of apps that drain the battery rapidly?
>There is no music playing and my GPS isn't searching - two of the ones that would drain it.
- 3e.
Re: iPhone discharging
Posted by: "DavidG" dmgraham98
Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:04 pm (PST)
Someone has not heard of the battery drain issue with iOS 5. My 4gs last 4 to 6 hours, before I have to recharge. I can not wait till iOS 5.1 is released.
--- In apple-iphone@yahoogroups. , Alvin Auerbach <Alvin.Auerbach@com ...> wrote:
> The old fashioned way to track it down is to delete all of your (delete-able) apps (your backup computer or iCloud should retain them), then see what happens. If the battery still drains rapidly, then you have a warranty issue with Apple. If it no longer drains rapidly, then it's your apps. Replace half of them, and if the battery drains rapidly, remove half of them, etc. (You probably get the idea).
> Alvin
> On Dec 20, 2011, at 4:04 PM, carolt62 wrote:
> > I have had an iPhone 3GS for a little over two years. About a month ago it started discharging really fast, even when I wasn't using it. Assuming that I had possibly downloaded an app that was constantly searching for something, I deleted many of the apps I had recently dl'd. It made no difference. So, after having been told by an AT&T rep in the AT&T store that I probably needed a new battery after two plus years of heavy use, I decided that there was no point in spending $85 for a battery when for $199 I could get a new 4S iPhone.
> >
> > I did! It came yesterday and I synced it with iCloud. Today it is doing the same thing - discharging fast even when not being used (although not quite as fast as the old one).
> >
> > My question: Is there any way to check what is running in the background that might be draining the battery? Or is there a list of apps that drain the battery rapidly?
> >
> > There is no music playing and my GPS isn't searching - two of the ones that would drain it.
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 3f.
Re: iPhone discharging
Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc01
Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:17 pm (PST)
> Someone has not heard of the battery drain issue with iOS 5. My 4gs last 4 to 6 hours, before I have to recharge. I can not wait till iOS 5.1 is released.
> dmg
There's a 3GS, a 4, and a 4S.
I presume you mean the latter.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
Jim Saklad
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- 3g.
Re: iPhone discharging
Posted by: "Clark Martin" cmartin1138
Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:54 pm (PST)
On Dec 20, 2011, at 1:04 PM, carolt62 wrote:
> I have had an iPhone 3GS for a little over two years. About a month ago it started discharging really fast, even when I wasn't using it. Assuming that I had possibly downloaded an app that was constantly searching for something, I deleted many of the apps I had recently dl'd. It made no difference. So, after having been told by an AT&T rep in the AT&T store that I probably needed a new battery after two plus years of heavy use, I decided that there was no point in spending $85 for a battery when for $199 I could get a new 4S iPhone.
> I did! It came yesterday and I synced it with iCloud. Today it is doing the same thing - discharging fast even when not being used (although not quite as fast as the old one).
> My question: Is there any way to check what is running in the background that might be draining the battery? Or is there a list of apps that drain the battery rapidly?
> There is no music playing and my GPS isn't searching - two of the ones that would drain it.
At the home screen double click the home button. This brings up the list (at the bottom of currently running apps. Press and hold one of them until the "Don't" symbol (red disk with white line) appears in the upper left corner of each app. Press the "Don't" symbol for each item until they are all gone. This quits the application. Now see how the battery fares. Don't launch any apps for the duration of the test.
If the battery stops discharging rapidly then you can try loading some apps to see if you can identify a problematic app.
Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting
"I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"
- 4.
MobileMe phishing scam looks to swipe login data
Posted by: "Brent" flapdoodle44
Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:08 pm (PST) 164417/2011/ 12/new_mobileme_ phishing_ scam_attempts_ to_relieve_ users_of_ login_data. html#lsrc. rss_main
Sent to you by Brent via Google Reader: MobileMe phishing scam looks to
swipe login data via Macworld by Serenity Caldwell on 12/20/11
While most treat the holidays as a time for goodwill toward all,
scammers don't really seem to have gotten the message. Their latest
tactic: a phishing scheme aimed at MobileMe users.
Things you can do from here:
- Subscribe to Macworld using Google Reader
- Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your
favorite sites
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 5.
Contact name does not show up when receive a call
Posted by: "ahmedwaked" ahmedwaked
Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:53 pm (PST)
I have just transferred my contacts to my new iPhone 4S, since that time most of my contacts which they have the country codes does not show up when I receive any call from them, currently I'm staying in Kuwait, the only thing I could do is Call P. the same contacts a gain and within no country code, anyone has any idea to solve this problem?
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