Messages In This Digest (7 Messages)
- 1.
- Can an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch App Make You a Better Person? - Ye From: prMac Mailer
- 2.
- Animation Desk Offers Early Christmas Discount for Animation Hobbyis From: prMac Mailer
- 3.
- KijomagiDay releases Lost Pirate for iPhone and iPod touch From: prMac Mailer
- 4.
- Share your Pictures to Twitter with ImageTweet for iOS From: prMac Mailer
- 5.
- Imaginatr releases Ideatron 1.0 for iOS - Creative Idea Generator From: prMac Mailer
- 6.
- Free Smart Fashion Game hits Apple App Store From: prMac Mailer
- 7.
- All I Want for XMas is ITGO Calorie - The New iPhone Interval Timer From: prMac Mailer
- 1.
Can an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch App Make You a Better Person? - Ye
Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:00 am (PST)
Can an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch App Make You a Better Person? - Yes - Published on 12/17/11
Massachusetts based independent developer James Hollender recently updated his Life Inventory apps to ver. 2.0. Using an iPad, iPhone or iPod touch, users can learn more about themselves than they ever thought possible, and only at a small fraction the cost of a single office visit to a therapist. Life Inventory is the new name for the Step 4 Moral Inventory apps. Originally designed for 12-steppers it was discovered the inventory would also be of benefit to anyone, which is why the name change.
Revere, Massachusetts - Independent developer James Hollender recently updated his Life Inventory apps to ver. 2.0. Using an iPad, iPhone or iPod touch, users can learn more about themselves than they ever thought possible, and only at a small fraction the cost of a single office visit to a therapist. Life Inventory is the new name for the Step 4 Moral Inventory apps. Originally designed for 12-steppers it was discovered the inventory would also be of benefit to anyone, which is why the name change.
Note: The terms "Life Inventory" and "Moral Inventory" are interchangeable.
Life Inventories Can Help Anyone:
Although originally designed for persons participating in 12-Step programs, it has since been discovered a Moral Inventory can help anyone analyze their life to learn more about themselves than ever imagined possible ... and at only a small fraction the cost of a single visit to a therapist. Examine your reactions to:
* People
* Institutions and Organizations
* Principles, Ideals and Beliefs
* Sources of Anxiety and Excitement
* Fears
* Sex Relations
Create your own personal Life Inventory using an iPad, iPhone or iPod touch. "Life Inventory iPad" is for the iPad, and "Life Inventory" is for the iPhone or iPod touch.
The Life Inventory apps were created because of the complexity and length of time needed to complete a proper Moral Inventory. When persons working their way through a 12-step program start creating their own moral inventory and discover that some ways of doing a Moral Inventory might require a thousand spreadsheets, the task seems daunting and many never get around to finishing it, thus depriving themselves of the rewards a completed Moral Inventory can provide. This app is an attempt at finding a way to make the task less time consuming, while at the same time helping the user create a valuable asset in their recovery process.
Storage of the Life Inventory data is done using an underlying database which can be backed up and restored as necessary.
Disclaimer - This app is neither officially produced nor approved by Alcoholics Anonymous or any other Addiction Recovery program. From what is known there have been many Moral Inventory spreadsheets circulating unofficially among AA members for at least 50 years in various versions and this app is based on one the developer found to be useful and more comprehensive than most.
Many thanks to "George" and his "Dungeon Prison Complete" spreadsheet which has been used as the outline for this app. This spreadsheet was developed based on years of his own personal research of the AA Big Book, along with help from many others who had already gone through the process of completing their own Moral Inventories. This was done in order to more fully understand the concepts necessary for completing his own Moral Inventory. George's extensive research resulted in the creation of the "Dungeon Prison Complete" spreadsheet, a detailed set of instructions on how to create a Moral Inventory, including several new concepts not directly covered in the AA Big Book: Sources of Anxiety/Excitement as a 4th Category; and a set of Sex Relations exercises. Both of these new elements were discovered to be critical in eventually understanding why we do what we do, the end result of completing your own Moral Inventory.
Anyone, Not Just 12-Steppers, Can Benefit from Completing a Life Inventory:
The process of completing a Life Inventory doesn't directly address addictions specifically, but rather helps the user examine in detail events that have transpired in their life. The Life Inventory apps gently assists the user in probing into not only what happened, but also why it happened. The questions asked help the user delve into areas often never considered before like:
* What did I want?
* Why did I want it?
* What am I not admitting?
* What lie did I tell myself? (always present)
* What did I leave out or not say?
* What lie did I tell others?
* Have I ever done the same thing?
* Was it any of my business?
* Were my expectations reasonable?
* What was the real truth?
* What was I not seeing?
* Did I fail to see the facts of the situation?
* What actions did I take to get what I wanted?
* What actions did I omit to get what I wanted?
Sometimes the questions are difficult to answer, but once done, they help provide significant insight into why certain choices were made and, more importantly, determining there are often alternative choices available which will make life so much better in the future.
Available Activities:
Tab 1 - Life Inventory
* Get App Information
* Learn about Life Inventories
* Learn about Build Lists
* Learn about Causes & Effects
* Learn about My Part
* Learn about Fears Analysis
* Learn about Fear Questions
* Learn about Sex Relations
* Learn about Step 5 Report
* Change Settings
* Backup & Restore
Tab 2 - Build Lists
* Build Lists Help
* Edit Lists Sub-Categories
* Edit Entities in Lists
* View Lists Hierarchy
Tab 3 - Causes & Effects
* Causes & Effects Help
* Edit Incidents for Entities
* View Lists Hierarchy with Incidents
* Determine Effects
Tab 4 - My Part
* My Part Help
* Examination of My Part
* Review Incidents
Tab 5 - Fears Analysis
* Fears Analysis Help
* Edit Fears
* Categorize Fears
* Edit Fear Categories
* View Fear Categories by Tally
Tab 6 - Fear Questions
* Fear Questions Help
* Answer Fear Questions
* Review Fear Answers
Tab 7 - Sex Relations
* Sex Relations Help
* Edit Sex Relationships
* Answer Sex Relations Questions
* Review Sex Relations Answers
* Write Your Sex Ideal
* Review Your Sex Ideal
Tab 8 - Reports (optional except for 12-steppers)
* Reports Help
* Read Incidents
* Read Fear Answers
* Read Sex Relations Answers
* Read Your Sex Ideal
The above tab list is for the iPad version. On the iPhone and iPod touch, there are 5 tabs instead of 8, but all the same activities are available.
Device Requirements:
* Compatible with iPad (Life Inventory iPad) and iPhone and iPod touch (Life Inventory)
* Requires iOS 4.3 or later
Pricing and Availability:
The Life Inventory apps are available in the iTunes App Store. The current price is $9.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and can be found in the Lifestyle and Education categories. Promo codes are available for qualified reviewers. Please specify the website, blog or organization you represent when making your request.
James Hollender:
Life Inventory Version 2.0: tory.html
Purchase and Download: app/id463922586
Screenshots: tory.html# screenshots2
App Icon: toryLogo. html
James Hollender, a well seasoned Information Technology professional, has been familiar with Apple products since the days of the first Macintosh computer and has been involved with object oriented programming since the introduction of Java, culminating most recently writing apps in Objective C for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. His innovative ideas have resulted in numerous suggestion and other awards including a commendation from The President of the United States. Copyright (C) 2011 James Hollender. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
James Hollender
United States
LinkedIn Profile: nder
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- 2.
Animation Desk Offers Early Christmas Discount for Animation Hobbyis
Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:00 am (PST)
Animation Desk Offers Early Christmas Discount for Animation Hobbyists - Published on 12/17/11
Kdan Mobile announced today that the company is offering a 65% discount on its award-winning creativity app, Animation Desk for iPhone, in celebration of the upcoming Christmas holiday. The discounted period will last until December 19th. Kdan Mobile also announced that both the iPhone and the iPad versions of Animation Desk were updated earlier this week, with support to the new patented stamp features that allows users to add shapes, insert pictures, and copy and paste selected area.
Tainan, Taiwan - Kdan Mobile announced today that the company is offering a 65% discount on its award-winning creativity app, Animation Desk for iPhone, in celebration of the upcoming Christmas holiday. The discounted period will last until December 19th, giving animation hobbyists a chance to experience the real working environment of professional animators at a price of $0.99. After the latest update, Animation Desk is now equipped with the patented stamp features that allow users to add shapes, insert pictures, and copy and paste selected area on the drawing canvas. Other functions like opacity adjustment of the eraser and multiple language support are also supported.
"By introducing the stamp tool, we hope to bring ease and fun to the general public. Now you can import pictures stored on your iPhone and create a lively animation of your own story," said Kevin Huang, Chief Designer of Kdan Mobile. "We believe there is an animator inside everyone, but you don't have to be a professional to enjoy yourself in the process of making animations. That's why we created Animation Desk and we hope it will help our users to explore their creativity."
According to Kdan Mobile, Animation Desk has established itself as an inspiring and entertaining tool for creating animations on both the iPhone and the iPad. The company also released free versions of the app to benefit a wider user base.
Animation Desk has received high recognition from prestigious reviewers as PadGadget and Appolicious. Furthermore, it was named the best of the iPhone/iPad Entertainment category in App Store Rewind 2011 in US, Canada, Australia, Japan, China, and three other countries around the world. "We would like to thank App Store editorial team for giving us this honor. We will continue to do what we are best at to benefit the lives of our users," remarked Kenny Su, CEO of Kdan Mobile.
Device Requirements:
* Animation Desk(TM) for iPhone
* Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 3.1.2 or later
* 44.5 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Animation Desk(TM) for iPhone 1.3 is now $0.99 USD for a limited time and is available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Entertainment category.
Kdan Mobile Software:
Animation Desk for iPhone 1.3: animation- desk/
Purchase and Download: us/app/animation -desk-for- iphone/id4489381 92?mt=8
Screenshot: 066/Purple/ d3/06/c6/ mzl.lzavqntw. 320x480-75. jpg
Screenshot: 116/Purple/ f7/68/ab/ mzl.gjmrtcfo. 320x480-75. jpg
App Icon: http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn. net/hphotos- ak-snc6/225601_ 221899734489695_ 204746639538338_ 949262_1886649_ n.jpg
Kdan Mobile Software is a company specializing in mobile application development. Kdan aims to bring a ubiquitous mobile operating environment to end users by providing innovative service and powerful technology. (C) 2011 Kdan Mobile Software Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Kelly Pai
Public Relations Specialist
886-6-3131660 #229
Facebook Profile:
LinkedIn Profile: 2103738?trk= tyah
Twitter Profile:
Leah Kao
Public Relations Specialist
886-6-3131660 #230
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- 3.
KijomagiDay releases Lost Pirate for iPhone and iPod touch
Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:17 am (PST)
KijomagiDay releases Lost Pirate for iPhone and iPod touch - Published on 12/17/11
Paris based game developer KijomagiDay today introduces Lost Pirate 1.0, their new gaming title developed exclusively for iPhone and iPod touch devices. Players will have to help a little Lost Pirate who has strayed too far from his secret Pirate Island to come back home. Not only fun to play, but also pleasant to watch, Lost Pirate features hours of gameplay, awesome sea management and amazing graphics. Lost Pirate offers Game Center support with leader boards and achievements.
Paris, France - Renowned game developer KijomagiDay, is pleased to announce today the release of "Lost Pirate". The game will be available for purchase exclusively on the Apple App Store for iPhone and iPod touch on December 16, 2011 for $0.99. Based on an original idea, "Lost Pirate" is a game never seen before. The player will have to help a little Lost Pirate, who have gone too far from his secret Pirate Island, come back home. Lost Pirate features hours of gameplay, awesome sea management and amazing graphics. It's not only fun to play, but also pleasant to watch.
Lost Pirate features:
* Awesome graphics
* Awesome music and sound effects
* New levels at every game
* Ultra realistic sea with dynamic waves
* Ultra realistic sea storms and natural elements
* Upgradable ship
* Game Center: leaderboards and achievements
* Special atmosphere that will make you feel like a real Pirate
Device Requirements:
* Compatible with iPhone 3GS, 4 and 4GS and 3/4G iPod touch
* Requires iOS 3.2 or later
* < 20 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Lost Pirate will be available worldwide exclusively through the Apple App Store in the Games category on December 16, 2011 for $0.99 (or equivalent amount in other currencies). KijomagiDay invites all reviewers interested in the game to contact them in order to receive redeem codes.
Lost Pirate 1.0: Day/Lost_ Pirate.html
Purchase and Download: app/lost- pirate/id4843324 48
Screenshot 1: 066/Purple/ f3/08/f6/ mzl.eefelqwh. 320x480-75. jpg
Screenshot 2: 068/Purple/ ee/a7/f9/ mzl.uztrinmt. 320x480-75. jpg
Screenshot 3: 066/Purple/ fc/73/fa/ mzl.qaaofxia. 320x480-75. jpg
App Icon: te512.png
Founded in 2009, KijomagiDay is an independent game development studio based in Paris, France. KijomagiDay has successfully developed and published many games on the iPhone and iPad platforms. KijomagiDay focuses on creating funny, innovative and highly addictive titles for the general public. Copyright (C) 2011 KijomagiDay. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Kirkor Alis
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- 4.
Share your Pictures to Twitter with ImageTweet for iOS
Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:00 am (PST)
Share your Pictures to Twitter with ImageTweet for iOS - Published on 12/17/11
16 Year Old App Developer, James Shaw today introduces ImageTweet 1.0 for iPhone and iPod touch. ImageTweet is a fantastic new App to let you share images to your Twitter friends and followers. With the sleek, easy-to-use interface you can easily choose any image from your device's photo library or simply use your device's camera to take an image there and then. You can also add a caption for the image and then with you one click you can upload to your Twitter account.
Scarborough, United Kingdom - JAS Applications today is proud to announce the release of version 1.0 of their new iPhone and iPod touch App 'ImageTweet'. ImageTweet is a fantastic new App to let you share images to your Twitter friends and followers. With the sleek, easy to use interface you can easily choose any image from your device's photo library or simply use your device's camera to take an image there and then. You can also add a caption for the image and then with you one click you can upload to your Twitter account.
Simply run ImageTweet and then select the image you would like to tweet from your device's photo library or camera. Then simply press the 'tweet' button and add a caption to the image. You can even add your current location so Twitter followers can see where the image was posted from! Then press 'send' and the image will be posted to Twitter. With ImageTweet, you can easily tell the world about your current mood with your photography life!
Main Features:
* Tweet any image to Twitter.
* Select the image from your device's photo library or camera
* Sleek, easy to use interface
* Add Captions to images
* Add GPS Location to images
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch
* Requires iOS 5.0 or later
* 2.0 MB
Pricing and Availability:
ImageTweet 1.0 is 0.69 GDP ($0.99 USD) (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and is available exclusively for iOS on the App Store in the Social Networking category. Please enjoy the App and email us with any questions or problems.
JAS Applications:
ImageTweet 1.0: ImageTweet. html
Purchase and Download: app/id488588062
Screenshot 1: Purple/6e/ d4/05/mzl. yjsvjqfn. 320x480-75. jpg
Screenshot 2: Purple/6e/ 04/63/mzl. gfaxpnhv. 320x480-75. jpg
Screenshot 3: Purple/5f/ bb/c6/mzl. nkklwvds. 320x480-75. jpg
JAS Applications headed by 16 Year Old James Shaw creates useful, intuitive Apps for iOS Devices. Our aim how we can develop amazing Apps to make the experience of for the consumer as pleasant and fun as we can. Copyright (C) 2011 JAS Applications. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
James Shaw
United Kingdom
jasiphoneapps@googlemail. com
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- 5.
Imaginatr releases Ideatron 1.0 for iOS - Creative Idea Generator
Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:31 am (PST)
Imaginatr releases Ideatron 1.0 for iOS - Creative Idea Generator - Published on 12/17/11
Imaginatr today introduces Ideatron 1.0, their new creative idea generator for iOS devices. Ideatron is the ideal tool for entrepreneurs, artists, actors, musicians, teachers, students or anyone that is seeking for that elusive moment of inspiration. Write a song, find ideas for your painting, brainstorm with your friends, Ideatron has endless applications to help you to be more creative. Combat creative block, get inspiration for doodling, sketching, drawing or anything that comes to your mind.
Paris, France - Imaginatr today is pleased to announce the release and worldwide availability of the new application Ideatron - a creative idea generator in a form of a notebook. Ideatron is the ideal tool for entrepreneurs, artists, actors, musicians, teachers, students or anyone that is seeking for that elusive moment of inspiration. Write a song, find ideas for your painting, brainstorm with your friends, Ideatron has endless applications to help you to be more creative. Combat creative block, get inspiration for doodling, sketching, drawing, composing or anything that comes to your mind.
Ideatron is easy to use, with an elegant and minimalist design to help you creating your next innovative idea. Loaded with thousands of words and images, ideatron has endless idea generation possibilities. Ideatron is the right tool for you to improve and incentive your creative mind. Stay tuned to Imaginatr website for promotional events this christmas, some applications will have discounts especially for this holydays.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch and iPad
* Requires iOS 3.1 or later
* 25.8 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Ideatron 1.0 is only $2.99 (USD) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Entertainment category.
Ideatron 1.0: ns/ideatron/
Purchase and Download: app/ideatron/ id488912131
Screenshot: com/us/r30/ Purple/87/ 26/fb/mzl. ixlvnsdz. png?downloadKey= 1324680019_ acf0b05704812ed1 3e3a4eb2a0c2fe68
App Icon: com/us/r30/ Purple/c7/ 7c/ed/mzm. zikfmddj. png?downloadKey= 1324680019_ f36e98dfbea39212 484bec5b9016ca8b
Imaginatr is a new Paris based independent development studio dedicated to creating fun and challenging iPhone games and apps. Copyright (C) 2011 Imaginatr. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Christophe Conceicao
Media Contact
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- 6.
Free Smart Fashion Game hits Apple App Store
Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:46 am (PST)
Free Smart Fashion Game hits Apple App Store - Published on 12/17/11
Virginia based ICON, LLC today introduces DressApp 1.0, a brand new fashion dress up game for iOS devices. DressApp features four beautiful models from the leading fashion capitals of the world. Dress up each model in style. Then recognize and complete patterns using their latest fashion collection. Beware you are timed against the clock. The game also includes global leaderboards with Apple Game Center that adds competitive edge.
McLean, Virginia - ICON, LLC today debuts DressApp 1.0, a brand new fashion dress up game on Apple's App Store. To celebrate its launch, DressApp is currently free. DressApp features four beautiful models from the leading fashion capitals of the world. Dress up each model in style. Then recognize and complete patterns using their latest fashion collection. DressApp allows the player to capture photos and email the latest designs from within the app. Beware you are timed against the clock. The game also includes global leaderboards with Apple Game Center that adds competitive edge. DressApp is a universal app designed for iPhone, iPod touch and plays in HD on the iPad.
"We worked very hard to launch DressApp this Holiday season," said senior member of DressApp development team. "This is just in time to celebrate the beauty in diversity. DressApp is smart, stylish and very entertaining for the entire family. Strike a pose and play DressApp now!"
Take advantage of the free launch special and download the new fashion game, DressApp.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.2 or later
* Universal Application
* 7.9 MB
Pricing and Availability:
DressApp 1.0 is free for a limited time, exclusively through the App Store in the Game and Entertainment categories.
DressApp 1.0: us/app/dressapp/ id469821062
Screenshot: Purple/be/ 8d/24/mzl. lfrismpo. 320x480-75. jpg
App Icon: Purple/69/ e3/3f/mzm. rtasguri. 175x175-75. jpg
ICON, LLC is a technology company with extensive expertise in intelligent software development. ICON, LLC is focused on emerging technologies for mobile enterprise applications. Copyright (C) 2011 ICON, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Walt Boland
PR Manager
United States
Facebook Profile:
Twitter Profile:
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- 7.
All I Want for XMas is ITGO Calorie - The New iPhone Interval Timer
Posted by: "prMac Mailer"
Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:00 am (PST)
All I Want for XMas is ITGO Calorie - The New iPhone Interval Timer App - Published on 12/18/11
Santa and his reindeer can breath a sigh of relief for his annual squeeze down the chimney. UK based Appnoose today introduces ITGO CALORIE 1.0, their newest and most advanced ratio based interval timer for iOS devices. ITGO CALORIE features dual music playlists and Calorie information based on your exercise, in addition to the standard ITGO features of visual, beep, and vibration interval change alerts and automatic fast and slow iPod music playlists switching.
London, United Kingdom - Santa and his reindeer can breath a sigh of relief and in fact this announcement may help Santa get ready for his annual squeeze down the chimney for the jolly fellows at Appnoose have announced the release of their newest and most advanced ratio based interval timer, ITGO CALORIE. Interval Trainer GO CALORIE, the full name for ITGO CALORIE, is the world's first iOS Interval Trainer to feature dual music playlists and Calorie information based on your exercise, in addition to the standard ITGO features of visual, beep, and vibration interval change alerts and automatic fast and slow iPod music playlists switching.
With ITGO CALORIE's Active Calorie Monitor(TM) feature, users can set up their workout to burn a specific number of calories based on their weight and chosen exercise. ITGO CALORIE will then set their total session length automatically. Alternatively, users may set their session time, including warm up and cool down time, enter their weight and choose an exercise and ITGO CALORIE will display the approximate calories to be burned in that session. There is also a real time display of calories burned during the exercise.
"ITGO's suite of interval timer training apps have been leading the iOS field in terms of design aesthetics and features being not only the most distinguishable of interval trainers with its dual concentric timers but also ITGO was the first to introduce dual automated playlists", states ITGO inventor Owen Hunte. "Now we've upped the ante by adding Active Calorie Monitor(TM) algorithms which will allow users to use ITGO in new inspiring ways. And with Christmas coming up that can only be a good thing", concludes Hunte.
The original Interval Trainer, ITGO sports dual concentric dial timers and separate numerical progress indicators while ITGO Matrix again boasts another world first with programmable 'pods' that store interval times with distinguishable fast and slow pods coded by color. In addition to the original features, ITGO CALORIE adds programmable warm up and cool down phases, superior ratio control, improved numerical entry operation, upgraded graphics and of course Active Calorie Monitor(TM) algorithms.
"There are many conclusive studies by leading medical research facilities that emphatically prove that interval training is the most effective form of cardiovascular exercise and as nearly 60% of adults in most countries are overweight or obese what could be a more practical, cheap but beneficial gift from the App store for a loved one or oneself concludes", concludes Hunte.
ITGO CALORIE instructions are available in 9 languages from the Appnoose website including English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Korean.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, 4G iPod touch
* iPad 2 Wi-Fi, and iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G
* Requires iOS 4.3 or later
* 7.1 MB
Pricing and Availability:
ITGO CALORIE 1.0 is $3.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Health & Fitness category. Only devices supporting multi-tasking will support all the above features. Vibration alerts is not supported on the iPod touch.
ITGO CALORIE 1.0: calorie-en/
Purchase and Download: app/itgo- calorie-interval -trainer/ id488772672
Screenshot: Appnoose- ITGO-CALORIE- ALL-Screens- Download- On-The-App- Store.jpg
Application Icon: ITGO-CALORIE- icon_512- APPNOOSE- LTD.png
Appnoose Logo: AppnooseLogo- press-50. png
APPNOOSE LTD is a new London based iPhone and iPod touch software development company started by OD Hunte in 2009. ITGO - Interval Trainer GO has been featured as an Apple Staff Favorite. OD Hunte is an Urban Producer/Writer/Remixer signed to Levels/EMI Publishing UK with many film TV and game placements. He has also written for Extreme Music/Sony ATV, Megatrax LA, PigFactory LA and KPMH Music House/ EMI in London. All Material and Software (C) 2009-2011 APPNOOSE LTD / All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Owen Hunte
+44 (0)7774 265 211
United Kingdom
Facebook Profile: Appnoose/ 138715506168238? ref=ts
LinkedIn Profile: od-hunte/ 13/195/b80
Twitter Profile:
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