Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1a.
- Problem updating Safari using Software Update From: davidpriceuk
- 1b.
- Re: Problem updating Safari using Software Update From: Harry Flaxman
- 1c.
- Re: Problem updating Safari using Software Update From: Harry Flaxman
- 1d.
- Re: Problem updating Safari using Software Update From: Jim Showalter
- 2a.
- Re: Mac Virus From: Bob Cook
- 2b.
- Re: Mac Virus From: HAL9000
- 2c.
- Re: Mac Virus From: Tod Hopkins
- 2d.
- Re: Mac Virus From: Keith Whaley
- 3a.
- Oxford English Dictionary on the Mac From: Forrest Leedy
- 4a.
- Re: Downloads From:
- 4b.
- Re: Downloads From: Jurgen Richter
- 4c.
- Re: Downloads From: Tim O'Donoghue
- 4d.
- Re: Downloads From: Denver Dan
- 5a.
- Re: Problem installing Oxford English Dictionary on the Mac From: Larson
- 5b.
- Re: Problem installing Oxford English Dictionary on the Mac From: Larson
- 5c.
- Re: Problem installing Oxford English Dictionary on the Mac From: Larson
- 5d.
- Re: Problem installing Oxford English Dictionary on the Mac From: Larson
- 5e.
- Re: Problem installing Oxford English Dictionary on the Mac From: Chris Randazzo
- 5f.
- Re: Problem installing Oxford English Dictionary on the Mac From: Larson
- 6.1.
- Re: Space Available Drastically Wrong! From: Denver Dan
- 6.2.
- Re: Space Available Drastically Wrong! From: Harry Flaxman
- 7a.
- Google - Let it snow From: Denver Dan
- 7b.
- Re: Google - Let it snow From: Harry Flaxman
- 7c.
- Re: Google - Let it snow From: Curt Hudson
- 7d.
- Re: Google - Let it snow From: Arjun Singhal
- 1a.
Problem updating Safari using Software Update
Posted by: "davidpriceuk" davidpriceuk
Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:14 am (PST)
I got a message yesterday from Software Update saying that there were updates to install. I tried doing so and it said I had to restart the computer, which I did. The little window showing the progress with the update appeared and it got stuck at "Running Package Scripts". I've tried three times, and the same thing happens every time. One of the updates was iTunes, which I've installed separately. It's the update to Safari that causes the problem. Any ideas what to do - or should I just ignore it and wait for the next update? This is an Intel Core 1 Duo iMac with OS X 7.2.
- 1b.
Re: Problem updating Safari using Software Update
Posted by: "Harry Flaxman" hflaxman001
Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:26 am (PST)
On Dec 19, 2011, at 8:14 AM, davidpriceuk wrote:
> I got a message yesterday from Software Update saying that there were updates to install. I tried doing so and it said I had to restart the computer, which I did. The little window showing the progress with the update appeared and it got stuck at "Running Package Scripts". I've tried three times, and the same thing happens every time. One of the updates was iTunes, which I've installed separately. It's the update to Safari that causes the problem. Any ideas what to do - or should I just ignore it and wait for the next update? This is an Intel Core 1 Duo iMac with OS X 7.2.
Go on Apple's support site and download the Safari package separately and install it that way.
Harry Flaxman
- 1c.
Re: Problem updating Safari using Software Update
Posted by: "Harry Flaxman" hflaxman001
Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:28 am (PST)
On Dec 19, 2011, at 8:26 AM, Harry Flaxman wrote:
> On Dec 19, 2011, at 8:14 AM, davidpriceuk wrote:
>> I got a message yesterday from Software Update saying that there were updates to install. I tried doing so and it said I had to restart the computer, which I did. The little window showing the progress with the update appeared and it got stuck at "Running Package Scripts". I've tried three times, and the same thing happens every time. One of the updates was iTunes, which I've installed separately. It's the update to Safari that causes the problem. Any ideas what to do - or should I just ignore it and wait for the next update? This is an Intel Core 1 Duo iMac with OS X 7.2.
> Go on Apple's support site and download the Safari package separately and install it that way.
> Harry
BTW, Safari 5.1.2 is the latest and there is an independent install package up on Apple's support/downloads site.
Harry Flaxman
- 1d.
Re: Problem updating Safari using Software Update
Posted by: "Jim Showalter" jshowalt94127
Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:46 am (PST)
I had that problem. My solution was to close Safari before starting the update.
On Dec 19, 2011, at 5:14 AM, davidpriceuk wrote:
> I got a message yesterday from Software Update saying that there were updates to install. I tried doing so and it said I had to restart the computer, which I did. The little window showing the progress with the update appeared and it got stuck at "Running Package Scripts". I've tried three times, and the same thing happens every time. One of the updates was iTunes, which I've installed separately. It's the update to Safari that causes the problem. Any ideas what to do - or should I just ignore it and wait for the next update? This is an Intel Core 1 Duo iMac with OS X 7.2.
> David
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> Yahoo! Groups Links
- 2a.
Re: Mac Virus
Posted by: "Bob Cook" cookrd1
Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:16 am (PST)
On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 12:03 AM, imran khan < > wrote:
> **
> Hi Mac friends,
> Good Day.
> I am writing this email after finding no fix for what is happening to two
> of my friends Mac.
> First my friends office has a Snow leopard server (which i had setup) ,
> connecting to 18 Macs and 12 PC. It has been running fine for nearly 16
> months.
> Two weeks back one of the PC user connected a USB flash drive to her laptop
> to copy files to the Mac server as they use the server for storing all the
> files.
> The moment she copied the files , the server started to create files with
> the extension .vb01 , .vb02............ and started to fill the server
> storage quickly. I ran sophos Anti virus it found three virus and deleted
> but no use , Avast no use , Clamx AV no use and Virus barrier no use.
> Even if i were to format it , i will have to restore the same files back
> and we will be having the same trouble. Note the server OS is up to date.
> To add to this when we access the server hard drive we can see Autorun.inf
> and some hidden files , when we ran Anti virus on the drives from PC it
> can't find the virus!!!!
> Guys please help.
> Second a friend of mine has MacBook Pro with Snow Leopard.
> last week suddenly his Mac hung and when he restarted none of his apps
> opened , so we booted with the DVD to run Disk utility and found the hard
> has only 11GB left and my friend says he has nearly 120GB free. I restarted
> in safe mood and found same kind of files and other file with jumbled
> alphabets and characters. We put a new hard drive in clean installed Snow
> Leopard and connected his infected Hard drive and noticed in 5 mins 10GB
> disappeared , almost 100GB in one hour and all he copied was some excel
> files.
> First, I am sorry that you are having problems, but the detailed
information you provided has some great clues.
The .vb file extension is Visual Basic Application. You mentioned this is
an office environment with PC's. Your client is most likely using MS
Office on both the Mac and PC's. Macros used by MS Office are written in
Visual Basic and I believe that at least some versions of Office for Mac
can use these macros. Office for Mac 2004 and 2011 can run macros, 2004
cannot. Maybe this is your problem?
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 2b.
Re: Mac Virus
Posted by: "HAL9000" jrswebhome
Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:08 am (PST)
When bizarre things occur on my Mac I immediately go to Application/Utilities/ Activity Monitor first. I set priority as % CPU. What is the process that is using all the cpu? After that step, there are many ways to correct the Mac. The LAST thing I would ever do, and rarely have to do within the past few years is to reformat and clean install a Mac. jr
--- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups. , imran khan < .> wrote:
> Hi Mac friends,
> Good Day.
> I am writing this email after finding no fix for what is happening to two
> of my friends Mac.
> First my friends office has a Snow leopard server (which i had setup) ,
> connecting to 18 Macs and 12 PC. It has been running fine for nearly 16
> months.
> Two weeks back one of the PC user connected a USB flash drive to her laptop
> to copy files to the Mac server as they use the server for storing all the
> files.
> The moment she copied the files , the server started to create files with
> the extension .vb01 , .vb02............ and started to fill the server
> storage quickly. I ran sophos Anti virus it found three virus and deleted
> but no use , Avast no use , Clamx AV no use and Virus barrier no use.
> Even if i were to format it , i will have to restore the same files back
> and we will be having the same trouble. Note the server OS is up to date.
> To add to this when we access the server hard drive we can see Autorun.inf
> and some hidden files , when we ran Anti virus on the drives from PC it
> can't find the virus!!!!
> Guys please help.
> Second a friend of mine has MacBook Pro with Snow Leopard.
> last week suddenly his Mac hung and when he restarted none of his apps
> opened , so we booted with the DVD to run Disk utility and found the hard
> has only 11GB left and my friend says he has nearly 120GB free. I restarted
> in safe mood and found same kind of files and other file with jumbled
> alphabets and characters. We put a new hard drive in clean installed Snow
> Leopard and connected his infected Hard drive and noticed in 5 mins 10GB
> disappeared , almost 100GB in one hour and all he copied was some excel
> files.
> Regards
> IK
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 2c.
Re: Mac Virus
Posted by: "Tod Hopkins" todhop
Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:38 am (PST)
I'm with the Office macro angle. And using Activity Mon to figure out what's going on is also a good idea. Windows macro virus running wild on Mac? Surprising, but I guess it's possible.
On Dec 19, 2011, at 8:16 AM, Bob Cook wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 12:03 AM, imran khan < > wrote:
> > **
> >
> >
> > Hi Mac friends,
> >
> > Good Day.
> >
> > I am writing this email after finding no fix for what is happening to two
> > of my friends Mac.
> >
> > First my friends office has a Snow leopard server (which i had setup) ,
> > connecting to 18 Macs and 12 PC. It has been running fine for nearly 16
> > months.
> >
> > Two weeks back one of the PC user connected a USB flash drive to her laptop
> > to copy files to the Mac server as they use the server for storing all the
> > files.
> >
> > The moment she copied the files , the server started to create files with
> > the extension .vb01 , .vb02............ and started to fill the server
> > storage quickly. I ran sophos Anti virus it found three virus and deleted
> > but no use , Avast no use , Clamx AV no use and Virus barrier no use.
> >
> > Even if i were to format it , i will have to restore the same files back
> > and we will be having the same trouble. Note the server OS is up to date.
> >
> > To add to this when we access the server hard drive we can see Autorun.inf
> > and some hidden files , when we ran Anti virus on the drives from PC it
> > can't find the virus!!!!
> >
> > Guys please help.
> >
> > Second a friend of mine has MacBook Pro with Snow Leopard.
> >
> > last week suddenly his Mac hung and when he restarted none of his apps
> > opened , so we booted with the DVD to run Disk utility and found the hard
> > has only 11GB left and my friend says he has nearly 120GB free. I restarted
> > in safe mood and found same kind of files and other file with jumbled
> > alphabets and characters. We put a new hard drive in clean installed Snow
> > Leopard and connected his infected Hard drive and noticed in 5 mins 10GB
> > disappeared , almost 100GB in one hour and all he copied was some excel
> > files.
> >
> > First, I am sorry that you are having problems, but the detailed
> information you provided has some great clues.
> The .vb file extension is Visual Basic Application. You mentioned this is
> an office environment with PC's. Your client is most likely using MS
> Office on both the Mac and PC's. Macros used by MS Office are written in
> Visual Basic and I believe that at least some versions of Office for Mac
> can use these macros. Office for Mac 2004 and 2011 can run macros, 2004
> cannot. Maybe this is your problem?
> Bob
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Tod Hopkins
Hillmann & Carr Inc.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 2d.
Re: Mac Virus
Posted by: "Keith Whaley" keith9600
Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:31 am (PST)
Bob Cook wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 12:03 AM, imran khan <
> <> > wrote:
> > **
> >
> >
> > Hi Mac friends,
> >
> > Good Day.
> >
> > I am writing this email after finding no fix for what is happening to two
> > of my friends Mac.
> >
> > First my friends office has a Snow leopard server (which i had setup) ,
> > connecting to 18 Macs and 12 PC. It has been running fine for nearly 16
> > months.
> >
> > Two weeks back one of the PC user connected a USB flash drive to her
> > laptop to copy files to the Mac server as they use the server
> > for storing all the files.
> The .vb file extension is Visual Basic Application. You mentioned this is
> an office environment with PC's. Your client is most likely using MS
> Office on both the Mac and PC's. Macros used by MS Office are written in
> Visual Basic and I believe that at least some versions of Office for Mac
> can use these macros. Office for Mac 2004 and 2011 can run macros, 2004
> cannot. Maybe this is your problem?
> Bob
Since I have 2008, and your message above mentioned 2004 twice, but left
out 2008, I'm just guessing one of them should have been 2008. Yes?
keith whaley
- 3a.
Oxford English Dictionary on the Mac
Posted by: "Forrest Leedy" forrkazu
Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:32 am (PST)
Thanks Jim for setting me straight on that point.
On Dec 18, 2011, at 5:46 PM, Jim Saklad wrote:
>> Okay Anna, you already should have a copy of the Oxford English Dictionary on your hard drive. It is located in applications and called You be surprised what this application can do. It offers more that just being a dictionary.
> Forrest, the OED, 2nd edition, is ONLY a commercial product that sells (in the USA) for at LEAST $200 (MSRP = $295).
> It does NOT come with MacOS in any way, shape, or form.
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
> Jim Saklad
- 4a.
Re: Downloads
Posted by: ""
Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:19 am (PST)
I have Safari which does not have that option. Even if I could do this, I still can't download to the folder of my choice because those folders are on the Windows side of my Mac.
--- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups. , Otto Nikolaus <otto.nikolaus@com ...> wrote:
> I agree. Exactly how many steps required in each case?
> (In the past I've often found that steps are omitted/forgotten because the
> process is so familiar.)
> Otto
> On 18 December 2011 23:02, Denver Dan <denver.dan@...> wrote:
> > Howdy.
> >
> > I'm not sure that I see what the problem is.
> >
> > In Firefox > Preferences > General icon
> >
> > Check Show the Downloads window when downloading a file.
> >
> > Then pick the radio button named "Always ask me where to save files."
> >
> > or,
> >
> > Right click an attached file and direct it to the folder you want.
> > (right click or Command left click)
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 4b.
Re: Downloads
Posted by: "Jurgen Richter" epsongroups
Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:37 am (PST)
Seems to me the OP wants to create several download paths, whereas the
browsers only let you assign 1 path in the preferences. That is not to
say, as some other posts have mentioned, that you can't specify exactly
where you want the file to be saved to, if not the default downloads
folder that was set in the preferences.
- If you just click to download the file it will go the default folder.
- If you RIGHT CLICK and use the drop down option to SAVE AS... you are
presented with a window to name the file to your choosing, as well as
"where" to save to... via a drop-down list.
Perhaps this is where your issue lies.
At least in Firefox, this drop down list is the same that the [Snow
Leopard] FINDER has set in the sidebar window. So you cannot actually
type a path here, though that would be nice. I agree, in Windows you do
get the option to "browse" the path directly to where you want to save
the files to.
OSX is not exactly the same and there is no work around per-se, but if
you are downloading files to specific folders on a regular basis, and
you want them to appear in the drop down list, then you have to put
those folders in the sidebar pane under the OSX Finder (click on your
desktop, or downloads folder and navigate to where you can see all those
specific sub-folders. Perhaps you have a structure like, "Downloads >
Embroidery > Designs > Angels..." .)
Once you locate the desired target folder names, you then drag them to
the Finder Sidebar under "Places" and only then will they appear in the
drop down list when next you choose a download and Save As...
In my setup, my default path is into a folder called "Downloads Seagate
250". Other target folders are also inside this folder and I have
dragged those folders' names to the sidebar with the main downloads
folder open in Finder. I also have these sub-folders there, such as Mac
Support, Apple Stuff, Utilities, Receipts, among others. Just dragging a
folder to an area under "Places" puts an alias there, and you can then
juggle its location up or down by dragging it to where you want.
I'm pretty sure this is what you want.
""" This is my problem...I do machine embroidery. I store all my designs
in specific folders...angels, patriotic, winter, etc. Many free designs
are offered on the net. I want to download them to a specific
folder...not Downloads. In Windows I have the option to save them and
browse to the folder I want. I can't seem to do that on my Mac. Also, if
I want to download a zipped file, it always goes to Downloads with no
- 4c.
Re: Downloads
Posted by: "Tim O'Donoghue" timodonoghue
Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:01 am (PST)
To the OP:
Have you considered using a separate download manager?
or #hl=en&cp= 15&gs_id= 2s&xhr=t& q=os+x+download+ manager&tok= -Cw0E_vvORyPnNug uBzfMQ&pf= p&sclient= psy-ab&source= hp&pbx=1& oq=os+x+download +m&aq=0&aqi= g3g-v1&aql= &gs_sm=&gs_ upl=&bav= on.2,or.r_ gc.r_pw.r_ cp.,cf.osb& fp=75c72e6ffd8ae 8d7&biw=1514& bih=852
On Dec 19, 2011, at 7:37 AM, Jurgen Richter wrote:
> Seems to me the OP wants to create several download paths, whereas the
> browsers only let you assign 1 path in the preferences. That is not to
> say, as some other posts have mentioned, that you can't specify exactly
> where you want the file to be saved to, if not the default downloads
> folder that was set in the preferences.
> - If you just click to download the file it will go the default folder.
> - If you RIGHT CLICK and use the drop down option to SAVE AS... you are
> presented with a window to name the file to your choosing, as well as
> "where" to save to... via a drop-down list.
> Perhaps this is where your issue lies.
> At least in Firefox, this drop down list is the same that the [Snow
> Leopard] FINDER has set in the sidebar window. So you cannot actually
> type a path here, though that would be nice. I agree, in Windows you do
> get the option to "browse" the path directly to where you want to save
> the files to.
> OSX is not exactly the same and there is no work around per-se, but if
> you are downloading files to specific folders on a regular basis, and
> you want them to appear in the drop down list, then you have to put
> those folders in the sidebar pane under the OSX Finder (click on your
> desktop, or downloads folder and navigate to where you can see all those
> specific sub-folders. Perhaps you have a structure like, "Downloads >
> Embroidery > Designs > Angels..." .)
> Once you locate the desired target folder names, you then drag them to
> the Finder Sidebar under "Places" and only then will they appear in the
> drop down list when next you choose a download and Save As...
> In my setup, my default path is into a folder called "Downloads Seagate
> 250". Other target folders are also inside this folder and I have
> dragged those folders' names to the sidebar with the main downloads
> folder open in Finder. I also have these sub-folders there, such as Mac
> Support, Apple Stuff, Utilities, Receipts, among others. Just dragging a
> folder to an area under "Places" puts an alias there, and you can then
> juggle its location up or down by dragging it to where you want.
> I'm pretty sure this is what you want.
> """ This is my problem...I do machine embroidery. I store all my designs
> in specific folders...angels, patriotic, winter, etc. Many free designs
> are offered on the net. I want to download them to a specific
> folder...not Downloads. In Windows I have the option to save them and
> browse to the folder I want. I can't seem to do that on my Mac. Also, if
> I want to download a zipped file, it always goes to Downloads with no
> options.""
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> Yahoo! Groups Links
- 4d.
Re: Downloads
Posted by: "Denver Dan" denverdan22180
Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:13 am (PST)
In Safari, with a web site open, right click an image or a file, select
the appropriate download command from the contextual menu.
My goodness folks, this is not rocket science.
Denver Dan
On Mon, 19 Dec 2011 15:19:24 +0000, gloriajstitcher@sbcglobal. wrote:net
> I have Safari which does not have that option. Even if I could do
> this, I still can't download to the folder of my choice because those
> folders are on the Windows side of my Mac.
> --- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups. , Otto Nikolauscom
> <otto.nikolaus@...> wrote:
>> I agree. Exactly how many steps required in each case?
>> (In the past I've often found that steps are omitted/forgotten because the
>> process is so familiar.)
>> Otto
>> On 18 December 2011 23:02, Denver Dan <denver.dan@...> wrote:
>>> Howdy.
>>> I'm not sure that I see what the problem is.
>>> In Firefox > Preferences > General icon
>>> Check Show the Downloads window when downloading a file.
>>> Then pick the radio button named "Always ask me where to save files."
>>> or,
>>> Right click an attached file and direct it to the folder you want.
>>> (right click or Command left click)
- 5a.
Re: Problem installing Oxford English Dictionary on the Mac
Posted by: "Larson"
Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:04 am (PST)
On 18.12.2011, at 20:39, Otto Nikolaus wrote:
> The OS X Dictionary includes the 'New Oxford American Dictionary' not the
> 'Oxford English Dictionary'. You can choose British pronunciation but not a
> British dictionary.
Otto, we are talking about the big Oxford English Dictionary (OED), take a look at this: Oxford_English_ Dictionary
- 5b.
Re: Problem installing Oxford English Dictionary on the Mac
Posted by: "Larson"
Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:06 am (PST)
On 18.12.2011, at 20:41, Otto Nikolaus wrote:
> Is there a folder on the CD called Mac or OS X, or a file with the .pkg
> extension?
You can see all the files here:
- 5c.
Re: Problem installing Oxford English Dictionary on the Mac
Posted by: "Larson"
Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:37 am (PST)
On 18.12.2011, at 21:01, Forrest Leedy wrote:
> Okay Anna, you already should have a copy of the Oxford English Dictionary on your hard drive. It is located in applications and called
What you are talking about is "New Oxford American Dictionary" which has nothing to do with the big OED. Read the following article, it contains important information that every English speaking person, regardless where in this world, should be familiar with.
Oxford English Dictionary (OED) Oxford_English_ Dictionary
> You be surprised what this application can do. It offers more that just being a dictionary.
What more does it offer? Apart from a few foreign language dictionaries and an English Thesaurus (which in itself is a dictionary) it can look up in Wikipedia in several languages simultaneously and the "Holy Bible" (American Standard). Is that what you mean?
> However, to answer your question concerning the CD. Without seeing what is on that disc it is hard to tell you what to look for.
You can see all the files here:
- 5d.
Re: Problem installing Oxford English Dictionary on the Mac
Posted by: "Larson"
Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:40 am (PST)
On 18.12.2011, at 23:42, neelie wrote:
> It seems to me that with many Mac applications, all you need to do to install is drag the application icon to your Applications folder.
But where is the application here?
- 5e.
Re: Problem installing Oxford English Dictionary on the Mac
Posted by: "Chris Randazzo" cdazzo64
Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:44 am (PST)
This looks as though it's a windows PC. There isn't going to be an application on it that the mac can install. If you look down the list on screen shot you provide, there is an .exe file in one of the folders. This file is the executable file used on a PC. Check the disk to make sure it is mac compatible.
_____________________ _________ _________ _
From: macsupportcentral@yahoogroups. [macsupportcentral@com yahoogroups. ] on behalf of Larson [ de ]
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 11:40 AM
To: macsupportcentral@yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [macsupport] Re: Problem installing Oxford English Dictionary on the Mac
On 18.12.2011, at 23:42, neelie wrote:
> It seems to me that with many Mac applications, all you need to do to install is drag the application icon to your Applications folder.
But where is the application here?
--------------------- --------- ------
Group FAQ:
<http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
Yahoo! Groups Links
- 5f.
Re: Problem installing Oxford English Dictionary on the Mac
Posted by: "Larson"
Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:28 am (PST)
On 19.12.2011, at 17:44, Chris Randazzo wrote:
> This looks as though it's a windows PC.
That's my impression too.
> Check the disk to make sure it is mac compatible.
Mac compatible yes, that's what they say. I personally think something is missing, that's the reason I asked the group.
This is an English speaking group with nearly 3.000 participants, therefore I originally thought the chances were good to find here at least one member who uses the OED on the Mac. :-)
- 6.1.
Re: Space Available Drastically Wrong!
Posted by: "Denver Dan" denverdan22180
Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:26 am (PST)
I've been trying to do some research on this question.
But the info I'm finding begs me to ask more questions.
Here are the questions.
Are folks who are seeing different available space reports . . . . .
1. Using a sparse disk image anywhere that could be involved?
2. Using FileVault 1?
3. Using FileVault 2?
4. Using a SSD (solid state type HD) drive?
5. Have a Time Machine backup folder on the boot drive (instead of on
a separate HD?
Denver Dan
On Fri, 16 Dec 2011 12:06:51 -0500, Harry Flaxman wrote:
> Here's my situation. Finder is reporting that I have 205gb available
> on a 330gb partition. Disk Utility and DiskWarrior are reporting
> 82gb free. I know that it's the lower figure and the two are
> drastically off, but I don't know what's causing this or how to
> rectify it, or even if something is terribly corrupt somewhere.
> As I mentioned, I ran DiskWarrior, which found a few minor errors,
> but nothing drastically wrong.
> Finder has been sort of behaving strangely, especially when emptying
> the Trash. When emptying Trash, the progress bar will halt partially
> through, stay that way for what seems like minutes, then continue
> until it's empty.
> Anyone have any ideas here?
> Help appreciated!
> Harry
- 6.2.
Re: Space Available Drastically Wrong!
Posted by: "Harry Flaxman" hflaxman001
Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:46 am (PST)
On Dec 19, 2011, at 12:25 PM, Denver Dan wrote:
> I've been trying to do some research on this question.
> But the info I'm finding begs me to ask more questions.
Since doing the erase and install, there have been no size differences reported here.
Harry Flaxman
- 7a.
Google - Let it snow
Posted by: "Denver Dan" denverdan22180
Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:35 am (PST)
This may be old news for most.
In the spirit of the holiday season, do a Google search and type "Let
it snow."
Wait just a moment.
At some after the snow starts, try pressing Option and click-drag over
screen with mouse arrow.
Top of the Season to all!
Denver Dan
- 7b.
Re: Google - Let it snow
Posted by: "Harry Flaxman" hflaxman001
Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:48 am (PST)
On Dec 19, 2011, at 12:35 PM, Denver Dan wrote:
> Howdy.
> This may be old news for most.
> In the spirit of the holiday season, do a Google search and type "Let
> it snow."
> Wait just a moment.
> At some after the snow starts, try pressing Option and click-drag over
> screen with mouse arrow.
> Top of the Season to all!
All it's doing here is highlighting text.
What am I doing wrong?
Harry Flaxman
- 7c.
Re: Google - Let it snow
Posted by: "Curt Hudson" orion183
Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:53 am (PST)
Give the snow a minute to fall and obscure the screen
On Dec 19, 2011, at 12:48 PM, Harry Flaxman wrote:
> On Dec 19, 2011, at 12:35 PM, Denver Dan wrote:
> > Howdy.
> >
> > This may be old news for most.
> >
> > In the spirit of the holiday season, do a Google search and type "Let
> > it snow."
> >
> > Wait just a moment.
> >
> > At some after the snow starts, try pressing Option and click-drag over
> > screen with mouse arrow.
> >
> > Top of the Season to all!
> All it's doing here is highlighting text.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Harry
> Harry Flaxman
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 7d.
Re: Google - Let it snow
Posted by: "Arjun Singhal" arjunsinghal
Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:55 am (PST)
I hope you're not in Australia
On 19-Dec-2011, at 11:18 PM, Harry Flaxman wrote:
> On Dec 19, 2011, at 12:35 PM, Denver Dan wrote:
> > Howdy.
> >
> > This may be old news for most.
> >
> > In the spirit of the holiday season, do a Google search and type "Let
> > it snow."
> >
> > Wait just a moment.
> >
> > At some after the snow starts, try pressing Option and click-drag over
> > screen with mouse arrow.
> >
> > Top of the Season to all!
> All it's doing here is highlighting text.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Harry
> Harry Flaxman
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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