Messages In This Digest (17 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: How to reinstall Windows using Bootcamp? From: Harry Flaxman
- 1b.
- Re: How to reinstall Windows using Bootcamp? From: vixpix
- 1c.
- Re: How to reinstall Windows using Bootcamp? From: Tim O'Donoghue
- 2a.
- Re: Printer issues w updates From: hester reik
- 3a.
- Re: Defragment Or Not To Defragment? From: Jim Hamm
- 4.
- Steve Jobs Grammy From: pat412255
- 5a.
- Re: Testing websites for IE on Mac From: James Robertson
- 6a.
- My desktop scrambles all files on start From: Larson
- 6b.
- Re: My desktop scrambles all files on start From: Denver Dan
- 6c.
- Re: My desktop scrambles all files on start From: Larson
- 6d.
- Re: My desktop scrambles all files on start From: Tim O'Donoghue
- 6e.
- Update Re: [macsupport] My desktop scrambles all files on start From: Tim O'Donoghue
- 6f.
- Re: My desktop scrambles all files on start From: Larson
- 6g.
- Re: Update Re: [macsupport] My desktop scrambles all files on start From: Larson
- 7a.
- Intel Core i7 From: Michael Moloney
- 7b.
- Re: Intel Core i7 From: Jim Saklad
- 7c.
- Re: Intel Core i7 From: Harry Flaxman
- 1a.
Re: How to reinstall Windows using Bootcamp?
Posted by: "Harry Flaxman" hflaxman001
Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:20 am (PST)
On Dec 24, 2011, at 7:09 AM, vixpix wrote:
> Thanks, Harry. Did you mean to say Snow Leopard? I'm not using Lion.
> Vickie
Nope, Lion's Bootcamp no longer supports XP.
Under 10.6, I have been able to create a FAT partition using Disk Utility, boot from a Windows DVD in the normal manner, (restart while holding option down and selecting the DVD from the menu), and running the standard Win install, when it comes up.
This no longer works properly under Lion. One must use Bootcamp Assistant under Lion.
Yes, 10.6 still supports XP!
Good luck Vicky.
Harry Flaxman
- 1b.
Re: How to reinstall Windows using Bootcamp?
Posted by: "vixpix" nyskater
Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:45 am (PST)
But I'm still not using Lion. Does this hold true for Snow Leopard, do you know? I believe it was Windows XP that I had on my old computer that worked. Why it wouldn't work on the other iMac running the same Snow Leopard, I don't know.
Sent from my iPad's big sister
On Dec 24, 2011, at 7:20 AM, Harry Flaxman wrote:
> On Dec 24, 2011, at 7:09 AM, vixpix wrote:
>> Thanks, Harry. Did you mean to say Snow Leopard? I'm not using Lion.
>> Vickie
> Nope, Lion's Bootcamp no longer supports XP.
> Under 10.6, I have been able to create a FAT partition using Disk Utility, boot from a Windows DVD in the normal manner, (restart while holding option down and selecting the DVD from the menu), and running the standard Win install, when it comes up.
> This no longer works properly under Lion. One must use Bootcamp Assistant under Lion.
> Yes, 10.6 still supports XP!
> Good luck Vicky.
> Harry
> Harry Flaxman
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 1c.
Re: How to reinstall Windows using Bootcamp?
Posted by: "Tim O'Donoghue" timodonoghue
Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:04 am (PST)
Hi Vickie;
You may be running into one or more aspects of what Microsoft uses to determine if Windows is "genuine".
1. Windows authentication method uses some combination of factors including, but not limited to Windows serial #, MAC address of the net cards or WiFi cards, hard drive S/N, etc. If one or more of those factors changes over some period of time, Windows is no longer "genuine" (Microsoft's definition) and you may be asked to re-enter the serial # or get a new Serial #
2. The serial number itself can only be used a limited number of times - possibly only once these days.
You may be in the position where you need to get a new serial number from Microsoft and install a completely new iteration of Bootcamp.
On Dec 24, 2011, at 4:01 AM, vixpix wrote:
> I recently migrated from a white 27" iMac to a 27" silver, shiny screen iMac. Both are Intel and Snow Leopard. I was able to use Bootcamp to access the partition that had Windows on it, but on the silver one I cannot. I just get a message that states that Windows is not genuine and goes no further. Yes, it is not genuine, but it does not give me a chance to install an original. I have no idea why Windows doesn't open on this white computer. My friend, who gave it to me, said it didn't work for him either when he owned it. (We both had used the same Windows disk.).
> Any thoughts on how to get into that partition or how to reinstall Windows on it?
> Vickie
> Sent from a spoiled little iPad
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- 2a.
Re: Printer issues w updates
Posted by: "hester reik" drhester_06107
Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:29 am (PST)
Re: Printer issues w
updates< >Postedgroup/macsupport central/message/ 138637;_ylc= X3oDMTJzMmZiODlp BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE1 BGdycElkAzI4MDA3 NzIEZ3Jwc3BJZAMx NzA1OTI4NTUzBG1z Z0lkAzEzODYzNwRz ZWMDZG1zZwRzbGsD dm1zZwRzdGltZQMx MzI0NzI4OTM3
by: "Don" y-groups.96705@hawaiiantel. net
<y-groups.96705@hawaiiantel. ?Subject=+Re%net 3A%20Printer% 20issues% 20w%20updates>
don.96705 < >Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:45 pmdon.96705
I have been a member of this group for some time but don't post much. As a
relative newcomer to all things Mac it seems a problem is posted and solved
before I get it posted.
This group is more civil than many when a problem thread ends without the
answer shown. To use your terminology "This is getting to be a pita. It's
solved again, but irritating."
I am sure most of us in the group would like to know the solution to your
problem of duplex printing going away with every software update. Please
consider this as "Just a point of information.**"
Don at 21.9N 159.6W
Mac Pro 6GB Ram
OS X 10.7.2
Hello Don,
Oh, Just a couple days before I sent that post, Denver Dan posted the
solution. I am an avid mac user, even if not a techie. I usually assume my
issues are trivial to others, even if not to me and abhor cluttering up the
list with the same stuff over and over. My apologies to you personally. I
didn't rehash the issue, because Denver Dan had posted the solution.
Basically all I did was this:
I went into system preferences, to print and fax.
I deleted the printer.
Went online to download the drivers.
Then I went back to system preferences, to print and fax.
Then I added it back.
Happy Holidays to all.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 3a.
Re: Defragment Or Not To Defragment?
Posted by: "Jim Hamm" jimhamm90
Sat Dec 24, 2011 6:49 am (PST)
As a further comment on this subject, here's a video that clearly
explains the mechanics
of de-fragmentation and why it isn't usually necessary in OS X. I
found the video to be informative and helpful....Jim v=MuZcYiyHKyQ
YouTube - Videos from this email
- 4.
Steve Jobs Grammy
Posted by: "pat412255" pat412255
Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:03 am (PST)
Steve Jobs is to receive a Grammy:
< >apples-boss- steve-jobs- receive-grammy- 214243198. html
- 5a.
Re: Testing websites for IE on Mac
Posted by: "James Robertson" jamesrob328i
Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:30 am (PST)
On Dec 23, 2011, at 9:03 AM, Harry Flaxman wrote:
> The closest you're going to get to IE with Safari is to enable developer menu, then you can select a user agent, which includes IE, all releases AFAIK.
> As far as what kind of testing you can do with this? I don't know.
I can offer at least one datapoint.
If I activate the Developer Menu, select any of the IE choices (7, 8. or 9) as my User Agent, then Navigate to the IE-only web-based electronic health record application I use at one of the places I practice, I can log in, but pages are horribly mis-formatted, many links don't work, etc., etc.
In other words, Safari's IE User Agent doesn't recreate Microsoft's peculiar notions of how to write html or display the results :-)
And, I'll bet it wouldn't have a clue what to do with the dreaded IE popup "download and activate this Active-X Control?".
In other words, if a developer really needs to test IE, he really needs to run IE in Windows (or, preferably, forget about developing for IE as the reference environment).
Jim Robertson
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 6a.
My desktop scrambles all files on start
Posted by: "Larson"
Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:21 am (PST)
After (new)start all files I kept on the desktop are moved to the right side of the screen. This happens frequently, sometimes several times a day.
Apparently this is caused by a corrupt, hidden .DS_Store file in the Desktop folder and the solution is to fix this with Terminal. I have followed the instructions given by the Apple Support Communities but to no avail. I'm wondering whether the Terminal commands are correct after all.
Could anyone be so kind and tell me whether the commands are correct? Here is the procedure based on:
< >message/15779186 #15779186
Run this in the Terminal app, log out and back in, and reset the Desktop icons.
rm ~/Desktop/.DS_Store
Once that's done, one should make a copy using this Terminal command:
cp ~/Desktop/.DS_Store ~/Desktop/.DS_ Store.bak
Then, use this Terminal command to restore it when the corruption happens again:
cp ~/Desktop/.DS_Store.bak ~/Desktop/.DS_ Store
I have been having this issue all the way since Tiger, I'm now using OS 10.6.8 on a MacBook Pro 17''.
Thanks for any help,
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 6b.
Re: My desktop scrambles all files on start
Posted by: "Denver Dan" denverdan22180
Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:09 am (PST)
In addition to trying the things you've listed here, check for settings
and preferences that can affect the Desktop's icon arrangement.
Look at the View Options dialog for the Desktop.
To do this click on the Desktop to be sure it's the active thing. Then
use your mouse and select the View menu on the Menu bar and the Show
View Options command.
A dialog should open.
Check the Icon size slider.
Check the Grid spacing slider.
Check the Sort by popup menu.
I suggest experimenting with all three of these to see what happens.
You should also check some different commands also found on the View
-Clean Up
-Clean Up By
-Sort By
Each of these will sort and/or move icons in different ways but also
can be impacted by setting in the Show View Options dialog that I
mentioned first.
Good luck.
Top of the Season.
Denver Dan
On Sat, 24 Dec 2011 18:21:46 +0100, Larson wrote:
> After (new)start all files I kept on the desktop are moved to the
> right side of the screen. This happens frequently, sometimes several
> times a day.
> Apparently this is caused by a corrupt, hidden .DS_Store file in the
> Desktop folder and the solution is to fix this with Terminal. I have
> followed the instructions given by the Apple Support Communities but
> to no avail. I'm wondering whether the Terminal commands are correct
> after all.
> Could anyone be so kind and tell me whether the commands are correct?
> Here is the procedure based on:
> < >message/15779186 #15779186
> Run this in the Terminal app, log out and back in, and reset the
> Desktop icons.
> rm ~/Desktop/.DS_Store
> Once that's done, one should make a copy using this Terminal command:
> cp ~/Desktop/.DS_Store ~/Desktop/.DS_ Store.bak
> Then, use this Terminal command to restore it when the corruption
> happens again:
> cp ~/Desktop/.DS_Store.bak ~/Desktop/.DS_ Store
> I have been having this issue all the way since Tiger, I'm now using
> OS 10.6.8 on a MacBook Pro 17''.
> Thanks for any help,
> Anna
- 6c.
Re: My desktop scrambles all files on start
Posted by: "Larson"
Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:37 am (PST)
On 24.12.2011, at 19:09, Denver Dan wrote:
> In addition to trying the things you've listed here, check for settings
> and preferences that can affect the Desktop's icon arrangement.
> Look at the View Options dialog for the Desktop.
> To do this click on the Desktop to be sure it's the active thing. Then
> use your mouse and select the View menu on the Menu bar and the Show
> View Options command.
> A dialog should open.
> Check the Icon size slider.
> Check the Grid spacing slider.
> Check the Sort by popup menu.
> I suggest experimenting with all three of these to see what happens.
This was indeed the first thing I tried. Unfortunately it does not solve the problem.
> You should also check some different commands also found on the View
> menu.
> -Clean Up
> -Clean Up By
> -Sort By
Does not solve the problem either.
I use Desktop Icon Manager (DIM) which is free, it saves and restores the icon positions on the desktop but it does not actually solve the problem either. mac/19789/ desktop-icon- manager
Isn't this just a bug in the Finder?
I usually do not keep more than ca. 20 folder and aliases on the Desktop.
> On Sat, 24 Dec 2011 18:21:46 +0100, Larson wrote:
>> After (new)start all files I kept on the desktop are moved to the
>> right side of the screen. This happens frequently, sometimes several
>> times a day.
>> Apparently this is caused by a corrupt, hidden .DS_Store file in the
>> Desktop folder and the solution is to fix this with Terminal. I have
>> followed the instructions given by the Apple Support Communities but
>> to no avail. I'm wondering whether the Terminal commands are correct
>> after all.
>> Could anyone be so kind and tell me whether the commands are correct?
>> Here is the procedure based on:
>> < >message/15779186 #15779186
>> Run this in the Terminal app, log out and back in, and reset the
>> Desktop icons.
>> rm ~/Desktop/.DS_Store
>> Once that's done, one should make a copy using this Terminal command:
>> cp ~/Desktop/.DS_Store ~/Desktop/.DS_ Store.bak
>> Then, use this Terminal command to restore it when the corruption
>> happens again:
>> cp ~/Desktop/.DS_Store.bak ~/Desktop/.DS_ Store
>> I have been having this issue all the way since Tiger, I'm now using
>> OS 10.6.8 on a MacBook Pro 17''.
>> Thanks for any help,
>> Anna
- 6d.
Re: My desktop scrambles all files on start
Posted by: "Tim O'Donoghue" timodonoghue
Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:47 am (PST)
This article appears to describe your situation, and at least one way to repair it:
On Dec 24, 2011, at 9:21 AM, Larson wrote:
> After (new)start all files I kept on the desktop are moved to the right side of the screen. This happens frequently, sometimes several times a day.
> Apparently this is caused by a corrupt, hidden .DS_Store file in the Desktop folder and the solution is to fix this with Terminal. I have followed the instructions given by the Apple Support Communities but to no avail. I'm wondering whether the Terminal commands are correct after all.
> Could anyone be so kind and tell me whether the commands are correct? Here is the procedure based on:
> < >message/15779186 #15779186
> Run this in the Terminal app, log out and back in, and reset the Desktop icons.
> rm ~/Desktop/.DS_Store
> Once that's done, one should make a copy using this Terminal command:
> cp ~/Desktop/.DS_Store ~/Desktop/.DS_ Store.bak
> Then, use this Terminal command to restore it when the corruption happens again:
> cp ~/Desktop/.DS_Store.bak ~/Desktop/.DS_ Store
> I have been having this issue all the way since Tiger, I'm now using OS 10.6.8 on a MacBook Pro 17''.
> Thanks for any help,
> Anna
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> Yahoo! Groups Links
- 6e.
Update Re: [macsupport] My desktop scrambles all files on start
Posted by: "Tim O'Donoghue" timodonoghue
Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:16 am (PST)
Apparently, 10.6.8 does not have the "None" option under the View menu directly. You need to go one more level in the View menu to "Show View Options" and select "None" from the list there.
See the screen grab on the group Files area here:
I confirmed that this works on my 10.6.8 Snow Leopard server version. Hopefully it carries over to the standard 10.6.8 as well
On Dec 24, 2011, at 10:47 AM, Tim O'Donoghue wrote:
> This article appears to describe your situation, and at least one way to repair it:
> Tim
> On Dec 24, 2011, at 9:21 AM, Larson wrote:
>> After (new)start all files I kept on the desktop are moved to the right side of the screen. This happens frequently, sometimes several times a day.
>> Apparently this is caused by a corrupt, hidden .DS_Store file in the Desktop folder and the solution is to fix this with Terminal. I have followed the instructions given by the Apple Support Communities but to no avail. I'm wondering whether the Terminal commands are correct after all.
>> Could anyone be so kind and tell me whether the commands are correct? Here is the procedure based on:
>> < >message/15779186 #15779186
>> Run this in the Terminal app, log out and back in, and reset the Desktop icons.
>> rm ~/Desktop/.DS_Store
>> Once that's done, one should make a copy using this Terminal command:
>> cp ~/Desktop/.DS_Store ~/Desktop/.DS_ Store.bak
>> Then, use this Terminal command to restore it when the corruption happens again:
>> cp ~/Desktop/.DS_Store.bak ~/Desktop/.DS_ Store
>> I have been having this issue all the way since Tiger, I'm now using OS 10.6.8 on a MacBook Pro 17''.
>> Thanks for any help,
>> Anna
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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>> Group FAQ:
>> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
>> Yahoo! Groups Links
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> Yahoo! Groups Links
- 6f.
Re: My desktop scrambles all files on start
Posted by: "Larson"
Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:46 pm (PST)
On 24.12.2011, at 19:47, Tim O'Donoghue wrote:
> This article appears to describe your situation, and at least one way to repair it:
Thank you Tim for the tip although it's basically the same as Denver Dan was suggesting. I and a large number of other Mac users have been doing this for ages.
Seems you did not read the comments on the page before you posted (scroll down and read the "19 Comments"). :-)
OS X 10.6.8
MacBook Pro 17''
- 6g.
Re: Update Re: [macsupport] My desktop scrambles all files on start
Posted by: "Larson"
Sun Dec 25, 2011 12:11 am (PST)
On 24.12.2011, at 20:16, Tim O'Donoghue wrote:
> Interesting.
> Apparently, 10.6.8 does not have the "None" option under the View menu directly. You need to go one more level in the View menu to "Show View Options" and select "None" from the list there.
Again, read the comments on the page. This is no permanent solution to the problem.
> See the screen grab on the group Files area here:
This does not seem to be a valid link, it says:
"Document Not Found
The document you requested could not be found."
> I confirmed that this works on my 10.6.8 Snow Leopard server version. Hopefully it carries over to the standard 10.6.8 as well
All versions I have used (from Tiger to Lion) are affected. Wait approximately 3 weeks and tell us then if it really works. It happens irregularly, by me usually at least once a week, especially after I have downloaded a large number of files simultaneously from the Internet. I cannot reproduce it.
> On Dec 24, 2011, at 10:47 AM, Tim O'Donoghue wrote:
>> This article appears to describe your situation, and at least one way to repair it:
>> Tim
- 7a.
Intel Core i7
Posted by: "Michael Moloney" moloney_mj
Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:56 pm (PST)
Hi there,
Just wondering if the Core i7 is available for the iMac 21" ???
Michael Moloney
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 7b.
Re: Intel Core i7
Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc01
Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:31 pm (PST)
> Just wondering if the Core i7 is available for the iMac 21" ?
< >us/configure/ MC812LL/A? select=select& product=MC812LL% 2FA
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
Jim Saklad
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 7c.
Re: Intel Core i7
Posted by: "Harry Flaxman" hflaxman001
Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:23 pm (PST)
On 12/24/2011 8:56 PM, Michael Moloney wrote:
> Just wondering if the Core i7 is available for the iMac 21" ???
Absolutely, as Jim points out.
And worth EVERY penny of it!
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