Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: New MacBook Pros From: Bill B.
- 1b.
- Re: New MacBook Pros From: Collin
- 1c.
- Re: New MacBook Pros From: Harry Flaxman
- 2a.
- Re: OT: Screed about Steve Jobs From: DaveC
- 2b.
- Re: OT: Screed about Steve Jobs From: hester
- 2c.
- Re: OT: Screed about Steve Jobs From: Laura Velez
- 2d.
- Re: OT: Screed about Steve Jobs From: Brian
- 2e.
- Re: OT: Screed about Steve Jobs From: Doug Yelmen
- 2f.
- Re: OT: Screed about Steve Jobs From: Jim Saklad
- 2g.
- Re: OT: Screed about Steve Jobs From: Jim Saklad
- 3a.
- iphone noob - resources? From: Jurgen Richter
- 3b.
- Re: iphone noob - resources? From: Otto Nikolaus
- 4a.
- Re: OT-non-iPhone smartphone From: Jim Robertson
- 5a.
- Re: Mac & Parallels From: Jurgen Richter
- 5b.
- Re: Mac & Parallels From: Tod Hopkins
- 5c.
- Re: Mac & Parallels From: Tod Hopkins
- 5d.
- Re: Mac & Parallels From: Jim Showalter
- 5e.
- Re: Mac & Parallels From: Harry Flaxman
- 5f.
- Re: Mac & Parallels From: Jim Saklad
- 5g.
- Re: Mac & Parallels From: Jim Showalter
- 6a.
- iCloud issue From: walkerbrens
- 6b.
- Re: iCloud issue From: Bill Boulware
- 6c.
- Re: iCloud issue From: Harry Flaxman
- 6d.
- Re: f/u iCloud issue From: walkerbrens
- 7.
- Iphone doesn't perform complete Sync From: Bill Morton
- 1a.
Re: New MacBook Pros
Posted by: "Bill B." kernos501
Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:39 am (PDT)
At 10:18 AM -0400 10/26/11, Bill Boulware wrote:
>Sure, you just won't have thunderbolt or iCloud.
According to the system requirements for Apples Thunderbolt display < > it requires 10.6.8 or later. I wonder if this will also apply to drives etc?specs.html
_____________________ _______
Sent using Eudora in 10.6.8
- 1b.
Re: New MacBook Pros
Posted by: "Collin" collinwhuber
Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:41 am (PDT)
I find all of this very interesting because I can boot my MacBook Pro
2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 8GB RAM, 60GB internal SSD + 320 GB
internal HDD(2009 model) into Leopard or Tiger even though it came
with 10.6. I can also boot my iBook G4 1.33 GHz into 10.3.5 even
though it came with 10.3.7 on it.
Does it differ on different machines? Some can't boot into older
versions of OS X because of incompatible hardware or something?
- Collin
On Oct 26, 2011, at 1:17 PM, Harry Flaxman wrote:
> On 10/26/2011 12:01 PM, Bill Boulware wrote:
> > Harry, I can't speak as to pre Leopard as my first mac was an iMac
> that
> > shipped with Leopard I bought when Snow Leopard came out and only
> ran
> > Leopard for a few days until Best Buy got more copies of Snow
> Leopard (which
> > was free with Mac purchase).
> >
> > I have bought several Mac Minis and two Airs since and I recently
> bought a
> > 2011 Lion Mini to use as a Server for an office that came with
> Lion and I
> > was able to boot it, format hard drive and install Snow Leopard
> Server with
> > the unopened disk that came with the 2010 Mini Server I have at
> home (which
> > is running Lion after I upgraded from Snow Leopard which had been
> formatted
> > and installed over Snow Leopard Server).
> You might have misunderstood what I was referring to. I have a
> mid-2010
> iMac that shipped with 10.6.4. If I try to start with any release of
> the OS below that, 10.6.3 or lower, the machine will not start. It has
> to be 10.6.4 or greater.
> The iMac I had before that came with 10.4.8 or so.. I forget at this
> point. I could not boot with a lower release of the operating system.
> The machine would not start. It would sit at the spinning gear forever
> if I let it.
> I had a release of Diskwarrior that had an earlier boot than 10.6.4
> and
> could not use it. Alsoft replaced the disc with a newer one, for
> nothing.
> I started early on in the OS X days, not during the public beta, but
> during one of the first commercial releases. Prior to that, I used
> System 8, I believe it was. I had a clone back when Apple did it's
> 'licensing thing'.
> Harry
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 1c.
Re: New MacBook Pros
Posted by: "Harry Flaxman" hflaxman001
Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:47 am (PDT)
On 10/26/2011 1:41 PM, Collin wrote:
> I find all of this very interesting because I can boot my MacBook Pro
> 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 8GB RAM, 60GB internal SSD + 320 GB
> internal HDD(2009 model) into Leopard or Tiger even though it came
> with 10.6. I can also boot my iBook G4 1.33 GHz into 10.3.5 even
> though it came with 10.3.7 on it.
> Does it differ on different machines? Some can't boot into older
> versions of OS X because of incompatible hardware or something?
I'm not sure of this at all. I just know what I've experienced. I have
to make a trip to the Genius Bar on the 3rd of next month, or so. I'll
be sure to ask about this. I could have sworn that I confirmed this at
one point, but I'll double check.
Even if it was 'deemed to be so' by Apple, there is plenty of evidence
and testimony here that it isn't so.
- 2a.
Re: OT: Screed about Steve Jobs
Posted by: "DaveC" davec2468
Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:42 am (PDT)
You miss the raison d'etre of news outlets, NYT included: to sell advertising.
Dowd's piece will increase hits to their web site and maybe sell a
few more papers to both those who are aghast at and those entertained
by her piece. Both will result in the ticking up of the perceived
value of NYT as an advertiser's showplace so they can be charged a
higher rate (pennies, by my guess).
News sells conflict and tragedy. The editors couldn't care less about
the topics they splash on the pages as long as it sells.
And if we were all in agreement there would be no need for most of
the "news" outlets. We'd be informed via FaceBook, et. al. .
Dowd probably received a nice check and a pat on the back from NYT
management. To them "It's just business."
>Today's NY times has a horrible harangue about Jobs by the ever nasty
>Maureen Dowd. I was so po'ed I wrote a LTE. It lies below
>To the Editor:
>> Ms. Dowd's op-ed piece in today's paper was unusually nasty, even for her.
>> What was the point in publishing such a diatribe? Mr. Jobs was a terribly
>> flawed human being, like every other one on the face of the earth. His
>> enormous contributions makes his imperfections more poignant and tragic,
>> especially since they might have shortened his incredibly productive life.
>> The nits Ms. Dowd picks highlight her own skewed perspective as well as
> > doing your paper a huge disservice.
- 2b.
Re: OT: Screed about Steve Jobs
Posted by: "hester" drhester_06107
Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:55 am (PDT)
--- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups. , DaveC < ..> wrote:
> Hester,
> You miss the raison d'etre of news outlets, NYT included: to sell advertising.
Ha ha. I'm certain you are correct. 100% certain. Only revenues matter. :).
- 2c.
Re: OT: Screed about Steve Jobs
Posted by: "Laura Velez" lgvelez
Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:02 am (PDT)
Supposedly there is a fine line between Genius and Insanity.
LauraV in TX
On Oct 26, 2011, at 11:21 AM, Terry Pogue wrote:
> I feel the same. He did have a dark side. Don't most people of genius? Think of the other artists in history, many were quite batty in one way or another. It seems to come with the territory.
> Terry
> Sent from my iPad
> On Oct 26, 2011, at 11:28 AM, vixpix < > wrote:
> > Maybe I'm missing something, but I didn't take it as such an attack. It appears she's just reporting what's in the book, and much of what she wrote was already revealed on 60 Minutes. Yes, it points out his darker side, but that seems to be all the buzz right now anyway.
> >
> > The article is available online.
> >
> > Vickie
> >
> > Sent from a spoiled little iPad
> >
> > On Oct 26, 2011, at 8:41 AM, hester reik < > wrote:
> >
> >> Today's NY times has a horrible harangue about Jobs by the ever nasty
> >> Maureen Dowd. I was so po'ed I wrote a LTE. It lies below
> >>
> >> To the Editor:
> >>> Ms. Dowd's op-ed piece in today's paper was unusually nasty, even for her.
> >>> What was the point in publishing such a diatribe? Mr. Jobs was a terribly
> >>> flawed human being, like every other one on the face of the earth. His
> >>> enormous contributions makes his imperfections more poignant and tragic,
> >>> especially since they might have shortened his incredibly productive life.
> >>>
> >>> The nits Ms. Dowd picks highlight her own skewed perspective as well as
> >>> doing your paper a huge disservice.
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --------------------- --------- ------
> >>
> >> Group FAQ:
> >> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> >>
> >
> >
> > --------------------- --------- ------
> >
> > Group FAQ:
> > <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 2d.
Re: OT: Screed about Steve Jobs
Posted by: "Brian" cuatro.calla
Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:58 pm (PDT)
Re: OT: Screed about Steve Jobs
Posted by: "Terry Pogue" terrypogue_2000
Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:21 am (PDT)
I feel the same. He did have a dark side. Don't most people of genius? Think of the other artists in history, many were quite batty in one way or another. It seems to come with the territory.
Intellect forms a circle, and genius, at it's zenith, passes into madness
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- 2e.
Re: OT: Screed about Steve Jobs
Posted by: "Doug Yelmen" dougyelmen
Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:34 pm (PDT)
right on, Hester. Good for you.
Doug Yelmen
The resistance to the unpleasant situation is the root of suffering.
- - Ram Dass
On Oct 26, 2011, at 5:41 AM, hester reik wrote:
> Today's NY times has a horrible harangue about Jobs by the ever nasty
> Maureen Dowd. I was so po'ed I wrote a LTE. It lies below
> To the Editor:
>> Ms. Dowd's op-ed piece in today's paper was unusually nasty, even for her.
>> What was the point in publishing such a diatribe? Mr. Jobs was a terribly
>> flawed human being, like every other one on the face of the earth. His
>> enormous contributions makes his imperfections more poignant and tragic,
>> especially since they might have shortened his incredibly productive life.
>> The nits Ms. Dowd picks highlight her own skewed perspective as well as
>> doing your paper a huge disservice.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> Yahoo! Groups Links
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 2f.
Re: OT: Screed about Steve Jobs
Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc01
Wed Oct 26, 2011 2:43 pm (PDT)
> Supposedly there is a fine line between Genius and Insanity.
> LauraV in TX
Not uncommonly, there is NO line whatsoever....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
Jim Saklad
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- 2g.
Re: OT: Screed about Steve Jobs
Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc01
Wed Oct 26, 2011 2:44 pm (PDT)
> I feel the same. He did have a dark side. Don't most people of genius? Think of the other artists in history, many were quite batty in one way or another. It seems to come with the territory.
> Terry
If you learn of a dark side to Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, Leonardo daVinci - let me know.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
Jim Saklad
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- 3a.
iphone noob - resources?
Posted by: "Jurgen Richter" epsongroups
Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:47 am (PDT)
Just joined this century and got an iPhone 4s - nice!!! shame about a 36
month contract though, but the last phone was not used much and on a
usurous "plan" with few benefits except to the provider.
Anyhoo, I tinkered with it for a couple of days, but have some tech
questions that many of you would consider basic. Just wondering if you
can recommend another yahoo group, a good book (is there an "iphone for
dummies"?) and whether this is on topic for THIS group, or if I should
save my questions for the genius bar at my local Apple store... in the
meantime I'll make a list of my questions that are inconclusively
answered by searching the web.
- 3b.
Re: iphone noob - resources?
Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" nikyzf
Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:06 am (PDT)
Well, we do have a number of very knowledgeable iPhone users here, and many
of us are also members of
< >com/group/ apple-iphone/
On 26 October 2011 18:47, Jurgen Richter < > wrote:
> Just joined this century and got an iPhone 4s - nice!!! shame about a 36
> month contract though, but the last phone was not used much and on a
> usurous "plan" with few benefits except to the provider.
> Anyhoo, I tinkered with it for a couple of days, but have some tech
> questions that many of you would consider basic. Just wondering if you
> can recommend another yahoo group, a good book (is there an "iphone for
> dummies"?) and whether this is on topic for THIS group, or if I should
> save my questions for the genius bar at my local Apple store... in the
> meantime I'll make a list of my questions that are inconclusively
> answered by searching the web.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 4a.
Re: OT-non-iPhone smartphone
Posted by: "Jim Robertson" jamesrob328i
Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:57 am (PDT)
I have 2 iPhone 4 handsets that I'm going to bequeath to family members. ATT
tells me they can be used on my "family" plan and that they won't be on
contracts because we've not purchased new equipment.
So, if you can get an iPhone 4 in the burgeoning "used" market you probably
could take it to ATT and get no-contract service.
Jim Robertson
- 5a.
Re: Mac & Parallels
Posted by: "Jurgen Richter" epsongroups
Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:07 am (PDT)
re: My Kapersky anti-virus ran out for my Parallels desktop and I want
to install the free AVG for the windows side. I went to the Add/Remove
screen, clicked on the Kapersky and it started to uninstall. It gets to
a screen that says "stopping utilities" and goes not farther...says
there is an error and I need to have privileges to do this. I am lost.
Help! The AVG won't install until the Kapersky is gone.
>>> Perhaps have nothing else running in the background in Parallels
firstly. Then run the control panel to remove the Kaspersky software
(unless this is the initial process that failed for you).
o> Contact the Kaspersky support line via email or phone... perhaps they
have a Kaspersky Removal app you can download.
o> Contact sales to see if they have an attractive renewal price (not
free I'm sure, but may avoid this aggravation completely)
o> Check out,, and other big box
sites for current sales promotions.
Here in Canada I was able to purchase Kaspersky Internet Suite 2012 for
$30 (half price) which I don't need to install until next March, when
the current installation expires.
I would suggest/recommend staying with Kaspersky since they seem to be
integrated into the Parallels program to begin with, but that is up to
you. I know they had a trial version that came with Parallels, this may
be what you have.
Jim Robertson also had a good suggestion with Microsoft's free software.
Probably your best other free solution.
- 5b.
Re: Mac & Parallels
Posted by: "Tod Hopkins" todhop
Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:55 pm (PDT)
If you do not do email, web browsing, or downloading using Windows apps, you don't need anti-virus at all for your Windows installation under Parallels.
First, make sure you completely uninstall any existing anti-virus app you have (like Kaspersky). Assuming AVG did not install, you don't need to uninstall. If you would feel better with anti-virus, I suggest you get "Microsoft Security Essentials" which is free for personal use. You don't need anything else. I like AVG and I don't want to cast aspersions. I use it on several machines, both free and commercial, but Microsoft Security Essentials is the simplest and most trouble free anti-virus I've used, and is good enough for most casual users.
On Oct 25, 2011, at 10:00 AM, gloriajstitcher@sbcglobal. wrote:net
> First let me say that I am not a computer genius like you all seem to be. I am amazed at all the knowledge on this group.
> I have a Mac with Parallels running on it so I can have Windows XP for my embroidery programs. My Kapersky anti-virus ran out for my Parallels desktop and I want to install the free AVG for the windows side. I went to the Add/Remove screen, clicked on the Kapersky and it started to uninstall. It gets to a screen that says "stopping utilities" and goes not farther...says there is an error and I need to have privileges to do this. I am lost. Help! The AVG won't install until the Kapersky is gone.
Tod Hopkins
Hillmann & Carr Inc.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 5c.
Re: Mac & Parallels
Posted by: "Tod Hopkins" todhop
Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:00 pm (PDT)
> That's a Windows OS question [:)]
I would argue that Windows is now a part of the "Apple" ecosystem. 8O
Clearly, we had the answer.
On Oct 26, 2011, at 8:59 AM, wrote:
> --- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups. , "gloriajstitcher@com ..."
> <gloriamraz@...> wrote:
> >
> > First let me say that I am not a computer genius like you all seem to
> be. I am amazed at all the knowledge on this group.
> >
> > I have a Mac with Parallels running on it so I can have Windows XP for
> my embroidery programs. My Kapersky anti-virus ran out for my Parallels
> desktop and I want to install the free AVG for the windows side. I went
> to the Add/Remove screen, clicked on the Kapersky and it started to
> uninstall. It gets to a screen that says "stopping utilities" and goes
> not farther...says there is an error and I need to have privileges to do
> this. I am lost. Help! The AVG won't install until the Kapersky is
> gone.
> >
> That's a Windows OS question [:)]
> Many of us use Windows for various reasons, but the focus of the group
> is the Mac and other elements of the Apple ecosystem. There are Windows
> mailing lists and almost certainly Windows security Yahoo groups where
> you'd have a much better chance of getting help.
> This won't help you get rid of Kapersky, but my advice, once you manage
> to do so, would be not to install Free AVG but rather Microsoft's own
> "Microsoft Security Essentials." It runs on XP. It won't try desperately
> to get you to purchase a fee-based product every year by hiding the free
> download page; it won't bloat the installation with Internet Explorer
> toolbars that send you to a search provider you don't want. It just
> works.
> Jim Robertson
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Tod Hopkins
Hillmann & Carr Inc.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 5d.
Re: Mac & Parallels
Posted by: "Jim Showalter" jshowalt94127
Wed Oct 26, 2011 2:20 pm (PDT)
I seriously question whether you need any Win AV if you are only running Win on a Mac using one of the virtual support apps.
Mac OSX has a great firewall that should do most of the protecting.
Please correct me if I am wrong, gurus.
On Oct 26, 2011, at 11:07 AM, Jurgen Richter wrote:
> re: My Kapersky anti-virus ran out for my Parallels desktop and I want
> to install the free AVG for the windows side. I went to the Add/Remove
> screen, clicked on the Kapersky and it started to uninstall. It gets to
> a screen that says "stopping utilities" and goes not farther...says
> there is an error and I need to have privileges to do this. I am lost.
> Help! The AVG won't install until the Kapersky is gone.
> ===
>>>> Perhaps have nothing else running in the background in Parallels
> firstly. Then run the control panel to remove the Kaspersky software
> (unless this is the initial process that failed for you).
> o> Contact the Kaspersky support line via email or phone... perhaps they
> have a Kaspersky Removal app you can download.
> o> Contact sales to see if they have an attractive renewal price (not
> free I'm sure, but may avoid this aggravation completely)
> o> Check out,, and other big box
> sites for current sales promotions.
> Here in Canada I was able to purchase Kaspersky Internet Suite 2012 for
> $30 (half price) which I don't need to install until next March, when
> the current installation expires.
> I would suggest/recommend staying with Kaspersky since they seem to be
> integrated into the Parallels program to begin with, but that is up to
> you. I know they had a trial version that came with Parallels, this may
> be what you have.
> Jim Robertson also had a good suggestion with Microsoft's free software.
> Probably your best other free solution.
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> Yahoo! Groups Links
- 5e.
Re: Mac & Parallels
Posted by: "Harry Flaxman" hflaxman001
Wed Oct 26, 2011 2:25 pm (PDT)
On 10/26/2011 5:20 PM, Jim Showalter wrote:
> I seriously question whether you need any Win AV if you are only running Win on a Mac using one of the virtual support apps.
> Mac OSX has a great firewall that should do most of the protecting.
> Please correct me if I am wrong, gurus.
Running Win as a VM does not exclude it from the same threats as a
standard Windows machine. The VM does not go through the OS X
firewall. There is nothing between the internet connection and Windows
in this instance.
Even though it is virtual, malware can still get through, and do.
- 5f.
Re: Mac & Parallels
Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc01
Wed Oct 26, 2011 2:47 pm (PDT)
>> That's a Windows OS question [:)]
> I would argue that Windows is now a part of the "Apple" ecosystem. 8O
No more than is electricity, or lithium-ion technology.
This is not the correct forum for inquiring about them.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
Jim Saklad
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- 5g.
Re: Mac & Parallels
Posted by: "Jim Showalter" jshowalt94127
Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:55 pm (PDT)
On Oct 26, 2011, at 2:24 PM, Harry Flaxman wrote:
> On 10/26/2011 5:20 PM, Jim Showalter wrote:
>> I seriously question whether you need any Win AV if you are only running Win on a Mac using one of the virtual support apps.
>> Mac OSX has a great firewall that should do most of the protecting.
>> Please correct me if I am wrong, gurus.
> Running Win as a VM does not exclude it from the same threats as a
> standard Windows machine. The VM does not go through the OS X
> firewall. There is nothing between the internet connection and Windows
> in this instance.
> Even though it is virtual, malware can still get through, and do.
> Harry
Speaking only from my own personal experience, when I ran Win XP on a PC without an AV it was violated within 3 minutes of booting. Clean up, reboot, violated again. I currently run Win XP under Parallels on OSX without any AV on the Win side and just do not have any issues. YMMV.
- 6a.
iCloud issue
Posted by: "walkerbrens" walkerbrens
Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:09 pm (PDT)
I really don't fit anyplace but thought I'd ask here.
Recently updated iPad and added iCloud to pc. I am using Outlook 2007 for contact, email and calendar. Everything worked perfectly, I thought. Except all the contacts disappeared from pc. They are still in iCloud but nothing on the pc. Can anyone tell me how to get them back into Outlook. Thank you. Any help would be appreciated. Brenda
- 6b.
Re: iCloud issue
Posted by: "Bill Boulware" boulware0224
Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:19 pm (PDT)
Turn contacts off then back on in iCloud control panel should re-download
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 16:09, walkerbrens < >wrote:
> **
> I really don't fit anyplace but thought I'd ask here.
> Recently updated iPad and added iCloud to pc. I am using Outlook 2007 for
> contact, email and calendar. Everything worked perfectly, I thought. Except
> all the contacts disappeared from pc. They are still in iCloud but nothing
> on the pc. Can anyone tell me how to get them back into Outlook. Thank you.
> Any help would be appreciated. Brenda
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- 6c.
Re: iCloud issue
Posted by: "Harry Flaxman" hflaxman001
Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:36 pm (PDT)
On 10/26/2011 4:09 PM, walkerbrens wrote:
> I really don't fit anyplace but thought I'd ask here.
> Recently updated iPad and added iCloud to pc. I am using Outlook 2007 for contact, email and calendar. Everything worked perfectly, I thought. Except all the contacts disappeared from pc. They are still in iCloud but nothing on the pc. Can anyone tell me how to get them back into Outlook. Thank you. Any help would be appreciated. Brenda
I find iCloud to be flakey with Win 7 and Office 2010. I had it
installed properly and had to reinstall Office. After the reinstall,
the iCloud control panel complained that there was no default profile in
I have yet to get it to work. I even uninstalled and reinstalled
Office. No luck.
- 6d.
Re: f/u iCloud issue
Posted by: "walkerbrens" walkerbrens
Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:37 pm (PDT)
Tried turning off and then turning on contacts in control panel....did not download contacts....still hanging out in icloud but not on pc. Any additional ideas for me to try? Brenda
- 7.
Iphone doesn't perform complete Sync
Posted by: "Bill Morton" redpup99
Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:40 pm (PDT)
I have an Iphone 3 running 4.2.1, and a new Macbook Pro running 10.7.2 Lion.
When I
plug the Iphone into the computer, it says "Syncing with Iphone" or words to
that effect,
but it doesn't even try to synch either calendar items, or address book
items. What am
I doing wrong? This phone was 'paired' to an Apple G5 before I got the
Do I need to do something to "unpair" it from the old machine and "pair" it
to the new one?
Thanks in advance!
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