
iPhone 4S vs. iPhone 4 comparison chart - Featured, iPhone, News

 iPhone 4S vs. iPhone 4 comparison chart
Table courtesy of The Verge. Go past the fold for the full version.

Our friends over at The Verge have beaten everyone to the comparison punch by creating this fine table that offers an at-the-glance overview of the key hardware features of the newly introduced iPhone 4S and the eighteen months old iPhone 4. Hope you don’t mind that the new iPhone 4S is a tad heavier than its predecessor, full three grams to be precise. We take it you’ll also appreciate Siri, an iPhone 4S exclusive personal assistant based on software which “helps you get things done just by asking”. We take it you’ll also appreciate an hour longer talk time on the iPhone 4S and the new 64GB model costing $399. The full table is right below the fold.

 iPhone 4S vs. iPhone 4 comparison chart