
[apple-iphone] Digest Number 2769

Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)

Re: iPad info help From: staryeyd74334@cox.net
Re: iPad info help From: Jim Saklad
Re: iPad info help From: Patti A Robertson
Re: iPad info help From: bj
Re: iPad info help (long) From: Alice Saunders
Re: iPad info help (long) From: staryeyd74334@cox.net
Re: iPad info help (long) From: Alice Saunders
Re: iPad info help From: Patrick Milligan
Re: iPad info help From: staryeyd74334@cox.net
Re: 4S Daylight Savings Time FAIL From: Susan Ferraglio
Re: 4S Daylight Savings Time FAIL From: Jim Saklad
Re: 4S Daylight Savings Time FAIL From: Jim Harry
Re: 4S Daylight Savings Time FAIL From: whiterabbit32@gmail.com
Re: 4S Daylight Savings Time FAIL From: N.A. Nada
Siri From: bj
Re: Siri From: Brent
Re: iPhone 4 Newbe Questions From: Charles Doubek
Re: Wifi From: N.A. Nada
Re: Wifi From: Alice Saunders
Re: Help From: N.A. Nada
Re: "Lock" screen I never saw before.... From: lenny frost
Re: "Lock" screen I never saw before.... From: Brent
Upgrade Issues to iPhone 4s From: Dave Clark
Re: Upgrade Issues to iPhone 4s From: Donald
Re: Upgrade Issues to iPhone 4s From: Jim Saklad



Re: iPad info help

Posted by: "staryeyd74334@cox.net" staryeyd74334@cox.net   vampire_fanatic@rocketmail.com

Sun Nov 6, 2011 10:25 am (PST)

I am a book reviewer outside of a full time college student, so I will probably be using the keyboard quite a bit. Once I have it I am pretty sure that I will be on it 24/7 and while I have wifi at work and school itd be nice when I travel to use 3g when possible.

I have at the moment probably 75 movies and am always adding to my collection so movies will be a yes, not sure on pictures since they will be on my iphone more than likely. And gps would be great so I don't get lost so much.

Thanks so much


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Saklad <jimdoc@me.com>
Sender: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sun, 06 Nov 2011 12:22:02
To: <apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com>
Reply-To: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [apple-iphone] iPad info help

> I am looking at buying an iPad2 around Christmas and I can't decide if I should go 32g or 64g (I have a 32g iPhone and 2 64g iPod and all of those are full of apps/music/movies)
> Outside of size I am trying to decide on whether to get the 3g ready or just stay with with wifi only. And I have heard that the white ipad looks washed out compared to the black one. Has anyone with a white ipad notice that?

Do you expect to watch a lot of movies on the iPad?
Do you expect to transfer a lot of photos to the iPad?
Do you want to be able to utilize GPS on the iPad?
Do you expect to want to connect much when away from home/Wifi access?

> And what are the best accessories for the ipad that y'all have noticed? I am looking for a keyboard, a nice case and at least a stand of some kind for my desk.

Wait until you have had it for a while. On the one hand, there's no cost advantage to getting these things at the same time as the iPad, and on the other hand, after owning and using it for a bit, you will have a MUCH better sense of, for example, how much typing you're actually going to be doing, and how (in)convenient the virtual keyboard is.

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: iPad info help

Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc@me.com   jimdoc01

Sun Nov 6, 2011 11:26 am (PST)

> I am a book reviewer outside of a full time college student, so I will probably be using the keyboard quite a bit. Once I have it I am pretty sure that I will be on it 24/7 and while I have wifi at work and school itd be nice when I travel to use 3g when possible.
> I have at the moment probably 75 movies and am always adding to my collection so movies will be a yes, not sure on pictures since they will be on my iphone more than likely. And gps would be great so I don't get lost so much.

Go for the 64 GB 3G version. You won't be disappointed. After a couple of weeks you'll forget how much you paid, and appreciate the space and accessibility.

As for keyboard, it sounds like you'll want one, but I'm not one of the people who can usefully advise on that.

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: iPad info help

Posted by: "Patti A Robertson" pattiandken@charter.net   parpiano

Sun Nov 6, 2011 12:32 pm (PST)

Yep - get the 64BG 3G - with what you've said, it's what you will need.

About keyboards: Zagg makes a nice little one, is the same as the Logitech one. So does Adonit. But neither one of those is any better to type on than the ipad keyboard itself. They both are undersized and if you're a fast touch typist you won't be happy with them.

I'd go with the same Apple bluetooth keyboard that they sell. The keys feel good, it's full sized and very light and quite portable.

Probably someone else has more ideas about other keyboards and possibly there's one that is close to the size of the ipad but has standard-sized keys.

That's my 2 cents worth, though.

A few weeks ago I took my iPad to a conference planning to take notes on it using my Zagg keyboard. Forgot to charge the keyboard and found it didn't have enough battery left to be useful, so I just typed on the keyboard on the iPad and it worked fine. Made more mistakes than usual, but between autocorrect and pauses in the lectures, I got it cleaned up.

So, the iPad itself isn't bad, etiher.


On Nov 6, 2011, at 11:22 AM, Jim Saklad wrote:

> > I am a book reviewer outside of a full time college student, so I will probably be using the keyboard quite a bit. Once I have it I am pretty sure that I will be on it 24/7 and while I have wifi at work and school itd be nice when I travel to use 3g when possible.
> >
> > I have at the moment probably 75 movies and am always adding to my collection so movies will be a yes, not sure on pictures since they will be on my iphone more than likely. And gps would be great so I don't get lost so much.
> Go for the 64 GB 3G version. You won't be disappointed. After a couple of weeks you'll forget how much you paid, and appreciate the space and accessibility.
> As for keyboard, it sounds like you'll want one, but I'm not one of the people who can usefully advise on that.


Re: iPad info help

Posted by: "bj" bjones44@verizon.net   jblair44

Sun Nov 6, 2011 1:12 pm (PST)

Yes, get the maxest you can!

Videos (movies) take a **LOT** of storage space so unless you want to be
frequently loading & unloading them you'll want as much as you can get your
hands on. Whether you sync by wifi or cable to a computer, or with the
cloud, it takes time & trouble -- sounds like you'll need to do some picking
& choosing so you can't just leave it all on auto-pilot.

You'll swear at yourself a lot less for spending the money for more storage
than you will if you're constantly running out of space or having to change
up your on-board-selection. :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Patti A Robertson
Sent: Sunday, November 06, 2011 3:30 PM
To: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [apple-iphone] iPad info help

Yep - get the 64BG 3G - with what you've said, it's what you will need.

On Nov 6, 2011, at 11:22 AM, Jim Saklad wrote:

> > I am a book reviewer outside of a full time college student, so I will
> > probably be using the keyboard quite a bit. Once I have it I am pretty
> > sure that I will be on it 24/7 and while I have wifi at work and school
> > itd be nice when I travel to use 3g when possible.
> >
> > I have at the moment probably 75 movies and am always adding to my
> > collection so movies will be a yes, not sure on pictures since they will
> > be on my iphone more than likely. And gps would be great so I don't get
> > lost so much.
> Go for the 64 GB 3G version. You won't be disappointed. After a couple of
> weeks you'll forget how much you paid, and appreciate the space and
> accessibility.
> As for keyboard, it sounds like you'll want one, but I'm not one of the
> people who can usefully advise on that.


Re: iPad info help (long)

Posted by: "Alice Saunders" whiterabbit32@gmail.com   lwr0032

Sun Nov 6, 2011 1:35 pm (PST)

Hi Ashleigh,

Glad you're getting an iPad 2. I'm sure you're going to like it as much as I do :-) So, on that note, here we go.

First, (IMHO) the iPad 2 is not a replacement for an MBP or an MBA for the power user. It doesn't do flash and it doesn't allow you to create document folders like you can do on your computer. Remember the limitations of an iPad 2 and you'll love it.

I have had an iPad since it first came out. I started with a wifi only iPad 16GB. There were times, not many, when I wished I had gotten the 3G one. My hubby had gotten the 3G one. He still has it. When the iPad 2 came out, I bought the 32GB 3G. I find the 32GB is the best for me but I don't need the 3G. There are plenty of hotspots where I can use their wifi when the need arrises. If you're going to be traveling quite a bit, then I suggest the 3G. You can turn it on when you need it on a month to month basis.

Given what you've said in your emails, I'm getting the idea that you'd be using your iPad 2 quite a bit and will be typing on it quite a bit. The easiest way for me to do this is to tell you how I've set mine up since I use it in somewhat the same way you do and have traveled with it for a couple weeks at a time. We'll be working with the 64GB 3G iPad 2 for this example.

Hardware and Cases

To go along with your iPad 2, you may want to get a camera connection kit. You will be able to read sd cards and offload pictures from your camera onto your iPad 2. You may find other uses for it searching around the web.

Doing book reviews, I imagine you'll be typing into your iPad 2 quite a bit. You may really like the virtual keyboard. I do but for extensive typing, I suggest checking out these cases: (the keyboards are bluetooth which will use up battery on your iPad)

Zaggmate for iPad 2 (http://www.zagg.com/accessories/logitech-ipad-2-keyboard-case?gclid=CK23h9LxoqwCFeoZQgodYF_jDg) seems to be the most popular keyboard case for the iPad 2 for those that use a keyboard with their iPad. I have asked friends on Twitter what they recommend and they always say the Zaggmate case. The only problem I see with the Zaggmate is that there is no protection for the back of your iPad 2. It's a bit pricey for me at $99.99.

Zaggfolio (http://www.zagg.com/accessories/zaggfolio-ipad-2-keyboard-case) for the iPad 2 is also a good case. You can use the case with or without the keyboard in the case. It is also a bit pricey at $99.99

Incase Book Jacket Classic (http://goincase.com/products/detail/book-jacket-classic-cl57924/4) is my favorite case for my iPad 2. This is not a keyboard case. I find I keep this case on my iPad all the time. I had one for my iPad 1 and just loved it. It doesn't have magnets in it, so it won't turn off your iPad screen. It wears very well and priced at $49.95.

I thought the Apple smartcover was a bit pricey ($39 for pleather and $69 for leather) for what you get and it doesn't protect the back of the iPad. My hubby got me one out of the blue, so I looked around and found on Amazon a clear plastic snapon back that works with the Apple smart cover (http://www.amazon.com/Smart-Cover-Partner-Slim-Fit-Apple/dp/B004XIT4NO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1320613859&sr=8-1). It works very well and I like it with the smartcover quite a bit.

An extra charging cord for your iPad might be nice too. One you keep at home and the other in your travel bag.


First thing, you'll want to get some offline (or cloud storage) to save your book reviews and whatever else to. I suggest Dropbox. You can get a free account with 2GB. If you find you use it all the time and 2GB isn't enough, you can buy 50GB for $9.99. I have the $9.99 account. I love the service, especially when I go on vacation. I put my pictures I've taken on Dropbox. If anything should happen to my iPad 2, I know I'll have my pictures when I get home.

One of my favorite apps that I use both on my iPad 2 and iPhone 4 is GoodReader (http://www.goodiware.com/goodreader.html) at $4.99. It's not only a reader of documents, it allows you to zip files and upload them to cloud storage like Dropbox. It is a very robust app. To learn all it's features and what it does, reading the manual for it is a good thing although there's a good overview at the link I put in.

Since you'll be doing book reviews, you'll want a book reader to read the books on. I would get iBook, Kindle, Google Books and Nook. That way you'll have choices to choose from and if the book you're wanting to read isn't in, for instance, iBook, you can check the other readers. The readers I've listed are FREE :-)

My hubby gave me a good find that he uses to take notes in college. He uses an app called Bento (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bento-for-ipad/id363230518?mt=8). It does so much more than what I'd use but for $4.99 it's well worth it. I don't know what it's compatible with in terms of writing notes and sending them to people. Hubby emails his notes to himself and then puts them into Pages on his computer.

There's also iWork for the iPad. It has Pages, Keynote and Numbers. Each is downloadable separately.

There's all kinds of fun apps out there too. Those that I mentioned are ones I think would work for you in what you described you'd be doing in your email. I probably have missed an app or 2 but I'm sure others in the group can help you out too.

BTW, my disclaimer is that I was not paid to mention any of the apps I've mentioned or cases that I've mentioned. They are just favorites of mine and/or something that might work for you :-)


On Nov 6, 2011, at 9:56 AM, staryeyd74334@cox.net wrote:

> I am a book reviewer outside of a full time college student, so I will probably be using the keyboard quite a bit. Once I have it I am pretty sure that I will be on it 24/7 and while I have wifi at work and school itd be nice when I travel to use 3g when possible.
> I have at the moment probably 75 movies and am always adding to my collection so movies will be a yes, not sure on pictures since they will be on my iphone more than likely. And gps would be great so I don't get lost so much.
> Thanks so much
> Ashleigh
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Saklad <jimdoc@me.com>
> Sender: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Sun, 06 Nov 2011 12:22:02
> To: <apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com>
> Reply-To: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [apple-iphone] iPad info help
> > I am looking at buying an iPad2 around Christmas and I can't decide if I should go 32g or 64g (I have a 32g iPhone and 2 64g iPod and all of those are full of apps/music/movies)
> >
> > Outside of size I am trying to decide on whether to get the 3g ready or just stay with with wifi only. And I have heard that the white ipad looks washed out compared to the black one. Has anyone with a white ipad notice that?
> Do you expect to watch a lot of movies on the iPad?
> Do you expect to transfer a lot of photos to the iPad?
> Do you want to be able to utilize GPS on the iPad?
> Do you expect to want to connect much when away from home/Wifi access?
> > And what are the best accessories for the ipad that y'all have noticed? I am looking for a keyboard, a nice case and at least a stand of some kind for my desk.
> Wait until you have had it for a while. On the one hand, there's no cost advantage to getting these things at the same time as the iPad, and on the other hand, after owning and using it for a bit, you will have a MUCH better sense of, for example, how much typing you're actually going to be doing, and how (in)convenient the virtual keyboard is.
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

\ /\
( )
.( ).

Alice Saunders

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: iPad info help (long)

Posted by: "staryeyd74334@cox.net" staryeyd74334@cox.net   vampire_fanatic@rocketmail.com

Sun Nov 6, 2011 3:10 pm (PST)

Alice and Jim,

Thanks for all the help in your email to my questions. You have cleared up quite a few questions that I have.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alice Saunders <whiterabbit32@gmail.com>
Sender: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2011 13:35:50
To: <apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com>
Reply-To: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [apple-iphone] iPad info help (long)

Hi Ashleigh,

Glad you're getting an iPad 2. I'm sure you're going to like it as much as I do :-) So, on that note, here we go.

First, (IMHO) the iPad 2 is not a replacement for an MBP or an MBA for the power user. It doesn't do flash and it doesn't allow you to create document folders like you can do on your computer. Remember the limitations of an iPad 2 and you'll love it.

I have had an iPad since it first came out. I started with a wifi only iPad 16GB. There were times, not many, when I wished I had gotten the 3G one. My hubby had gotten the 3G one. He still has it. When the iPad 2 came out, I bought the 32GB 3G. I find the 32GB is the best for me but I don't need the 3G. There are plenty of hotspots where I can use their wifi when the need arrises. If you're going to be traveling quite a bit, then I suggest the 3G. You can turn it on when you need it on a month to month basis.

Given what you've said in your emails, I'm getting the idea that you'd be using your iPad 2 quite a bit and will be typing on it quite a bit. The easiest way for me to do this is to tell you how I've set mine up since I use it in somewhat the same way you do and have traveled with it for a couple weeks at a time. We'll be working with the 64GB 3G iPad 2 for this example.

Hardware and Cases

To go along with your iPad 2, you may want to get a camera connection kit. You will be able to read sd cards and offload pictures from your camera onto your iPad 2. You may find other uses for it searching around the web.

Doing book reviews, I imagine you'll be typing into your iPad 2 quite a bit. You may really like the virtual keyboard. I do but for extensive typing, I suggest checking out these cases: (the keyboards are bluetooth which will use up battery on your iPad)

Zaggmate for iPad 2 (http://www.zagg.com/accessories/logitech-ipad-2-keyboard-case?gclid=CK23h9LxoqwCFeoZQgodYF_jDg) seems to be the most popular keyboard case for the iPad 2 for those that use a keyboard with their iPad. I have asked friends on Twitter what they recommend and they always say the Zaggmate case. The only problem I see with the Zaggmate is that there is no protection for the back of your iPad 2. It's a bit pricey for me at $99.99.

Zaggfolio (http://www.zagg.com/accessories/zaggfolio-ipad-2-keyboard-case) for the iPad 2 is also a good case. You can use the case with or without the keyboard in the case. It is also a bit pricey at $99.99

Incase Book Jacket Classic (http://goincase.com/products/detail/book-jacket-classic-cl57924/4) is my favorite case for my iPad 2. This is not a keyboard case. I find I keep this case on my iPad all the time. I had one for my iPad 1 and just loved it. It doesn't have magnets in it, so it won't turn off your iPad screen. It wears very well and priced at $49.95.

I thought the Apple smartcover was a bit pricey ($39 for pleather and $69 for leather) for what you get and it doesn't protect the back of the iPad. My hubby got me one out of the blue, so I looked around and found on Amazon a clear plastic snapon back that works with the Apple smart cover (http://www.amazon.com/Smart-Cover-Partner-Slim-Fit-Apple/dp/B004XIT4NO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1320613859&sr=8-1). It works very well and I like it with the smartcover quite a bit.

An extra charging cord for your iPad might be nice too. One you keep at home and the other in your travel bag.


First thing, you'll want to get some offline (or cloud storage) to save your book reviews and whatever else to. I suggest Dropbox. You can get a free account with 2GB. If you find you use it all the time and 2GB isn't enough, you can buy 50GB for $9.99. I have the $9.99 account. I love the service, especially when I go on vacation. I put my pictures I've taken on Dropbox. If anything should happen to my iPad 2, I know I'll have my pictures when I get home.

One of my favorite apps that I use both on my iPad 2 and iPhone 4 is GoodReader (http://www.goodiware.com/goodreader.html) at $4.99. It's not only a reader of documents, it allows you to zip files and upload them to cloud storage like Dropbox. It is a very robust app. To learn all it's features and what it does, reading the manual for it is a good thing although there's a good overview at the link I put in.

Since you'll be doing book reviews, you'll want a book reader to read the books on. I would get iBook, Kindle, Google Books and Nook. That way you'll have choices to choose from and if the book you're wanting to read isn't in, for instance, iBook, you can check the other readers. The readers I've listed are FREE :-)

My hubby gave me a good find that he uses to take notes in college. He uses an app called Bento (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bento-for-ipad/id363230518?mt=8). It does so much more than what I'd use but for $4.99 it's well worth it. I don't know what it's compatible with in terms of writing notes and sending them to people. Hubby emails his notes to himself and then puts them into Pages on his computer.

There's also iWork for the iPad. It has Pages, Keynote and Numbers. Each is downloadable separately.

There's all kinds of fun apps out there too. Those that I mentioned are ones I think would work for you in what you described you'd be doing in your email. I probably have missed an app or 2 but I'm sure others in the group can help you out too.

BTW, my disclaimer is that I was not paid to mention any of the apps I've mentioned or cases that I've mentioned. They are just favorites of mine and/or something that might work for you :-)


On Nov 6, 2011, at 9:56 AM, staryeyd74334@cox.net wrote:

> I am a book reviewer outside of a full time college student, so I will probably be using the keyboard quite a bit. Once I have it I am pretty sure that I will be on it 24/7 and while I have wifi at work and school itd be nice when I travel to use 3g when possible.
> I have at the moment probably 75 movies and am always adding to my collection so movies will be a yes, not sure on pictures since they will be on my iphone more than likely. And gps would be great so I don't get lost so much.
> Thanks so much
> Ashleigh
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Saklad <jimdoc@me.com>
> Sender: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Sun, 06 Nov 2011 12:22:02
> To: <apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com>
> Reply-To: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [apple-iphone] iPad info help
> > I am looking at buying an iPad2 around Christmas and I can't decide if I should go 32g or 64g (I have a 32g iPhone and 2 64g iPod and all of those are full of apps/music/movies)
> >
> > Outside of size I am trying to decide on whether to get the 3g ready or just stay with with wifi only. And I have heard that the white ipad looks washed out compared to the black one. Has anyone with a white ipad notice that?
> Do you expect to watch a lot of movies on the iPad?
> Do you expect to transfer a lot of photos to the iPad?
> Do you want to be able to utilize GPS on the iPad?
> Do you expect to want to connect much when away from home/Wifi access?
> > And what are the best accessories for the ipad that y'all have noticed? I am looking for a keyboard, a nice case and at least a stand of some kind for my desk.
> Wait until you have had it for a while. On the one hand, there's no cost advantage to getting these things at the same time as the iPad, and on the other hand, after owning and using it for a bit, you will have a MUCH better sense of, for example, how much typing you're actually going to be doing, and how (in)convenient the virtual keyboard is.
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

\ /\
( )
.( ).

Alice Saunders

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: iPad info help (long)

Posted by: "Alice Saunders" whiterabbit32@gmail.com   lwr0032

Sun Nov 6, 2011 3:44 pm (PST)

You are very welcome :-) We're here to help and I'm learning quite a bit reading this group which helps me better answer more questions members have.


On Nov 6, 2011, at 3:06 PM, staryeyd74334@cox.net wrote:

> Alice and Jim,
> Thanks for all the help in your email to my questions. You have cleared up quite a few questions that I have.
> Ashleigh
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alice Saunders <whiterabbit32@gmail.com>
> Sender: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2011 13:35:50
> To: <apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com>
> Reply-To: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [apple-iphone] iPad info help (long)
> Hi Ashleigh,
> Glad you're getting an iPad 2. I'm sure you're going to like it as much as I do :-) So, on that note, here we go.
> First, (IMHO) the iPad 2 is not a replacement for an MBP or an MBA for the power user. It doesn't do flash and it doesn't allow you to create document folders like you can do on your computer. Remember the limitations of an iPad 2 and you'll love it.
> I have had an iPad since it first came out. I started with a wifi only iPad 16GB. There were times, not many, when I wished I had gotten the 3G one. My hubby had gotten the 3G one. He still has it. When the iPad 2 came out, I bought the 32GB 3G. I find the 32GB is the best for me but I don't need the 3G. There are plenty of hotspots where I can use their wifi when the need arrises. If you're going to be traveling quite a bit, then I suggest the 3G. You can turn it on when you need it on a month to month basis.
> Given what you've said in your emails, I'm getting the idea that you'd be using your iPad 2 quite a bit and will be typing on it quite a bit. The easiest way for me to do this is to tell you how I've set mine up since I use it in somewhat the same way you do and have traveled with it for a couple weeks at a time. We'll be working with the 64GB 3G iPad 2 for this example.
> Hardware and Cases
> To go along with your iPad 2, you may want to get a camera connection kit. You will be able to read sd cards and offload pictures from your camera onto your iPad 2. You may find other uses for it searching around the web.
> Doing book reviews, I imagine you'll be typing into your iPad 2 quite a bit. You may really like the virtual keyboard. I do but for extensive typing, I suggest checking out these cases: (the keyboards are bluetooth which will use up battery on your iPad)
> Zaggmate for iPad 2 (http://www.zagg.com/accessories/logitech-ipad-2-keyboard-case?gclid=CK23h9LxoqwCFeoZQgodYF_jDg) seems to be the most popular keyboard case for the iPad 2 for those that use a keyboard with their iPad. I have asked friends on Twitter what they recommend and they always say the Zaggmate case. The only problem I see with the Zaggmate is that there is no protection for the back of your iPad 2. It's a bit pricey for me at $99.99.
> Zaggfolio (http://www.zagg.com/accessories/zaggfolio-ipad-2-keyboard-case) for the iPad 2 is also a good case. You can use the case with or without the keyboard in the case. It is also a bit pricey at $99.99
> Incase Book Jacket Classic (http://goincase.com/products/detail/book-jacket-classic-cl57924/4) is my favorite case for my iPad 2. This is not a keyboard case. I find I keep this case on my iPad all the time. I had one for my iPad 1 and just loved it. It doesn't have magnets in it, so it won't turn off your iPad screen. It wears very well and priced at $49.95.
> I thought the Apple smartcover was a bit pricey ($39 for pleather and $69 for leather) for what you get and it doesn't protect the back of the iPad. My hubby got me one out of the blue, so I looked around and found on Amazon a clear plastic snapon back that works with the Apple smart cover (http://www.amazon.com/Smart-Cover-Partner-Slim-Fit-Apple/dp/B004XIT4NO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1320613859&sr=8-1). It works very well and I like it with the smartcover quite a bit.
> An extra charging cord for your iPad might be nice too. One you keep at home and the other in your travel bag.
> Software:
> First thing, you'll want to get some offline (or cloud storage) to save your book reviews and whatever else to. I suggest Dropbox. You can get a free account with 2GB. If you find you use it all the time and 2GB isn't enough, you can buy 50GB for $9.99. I have the $9.99 account. I love the service, especially when I go on vacation. I put my pictures I've taken on Dropbox. If anything should happen to my iPad 2, I know I'll have my pictures when I get home.
> One of my favorite apps that I use both on my iPad 2 and iPhone 4 is GoodReader (http://www.goodiware.com/goodreader.html) at $4.99. It's not only a reader of documents, it allows you to zip files and upload them to cloud storage like Dropbox. It is a very robust app. To learn all it's features and what it does, reading the manual for it is a good thing although there's a good overview at the link I put in.
> Since you'll be doing book reviews, you'll want a book reader to read the books on. I would get iBook, Kindle, Google Books and Nook. That way you'll have choices to choose from and if the book you're wanting to read isn't in, for instance, iBook, you can check the other readers. The readers I've listed are FREE :-)
> My hubby gave me a good find that he uses to take notes in college. He uses an app called Bento (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bento-for-ipad/id363230518?mt=8). It does so much more than what I'd use but for $4.99 it's well worth it. I don't know what it's compatible with in terms of writing notes and sending them to people. Hubby emails his notes to himself and then puts them into Pages on his computer.
> There's also iWork for the iPad. It has Pages, Keynote and Numbers. Each is downloadable separately.
> There's all kinds of fun apps out there too. Those that I mentioned are ones I think would work for you in what you described you'd be doing in your email. I probably have missed an app or 2 but I'm sure others in the group can help you out too.
> BTW, my disclaimer is that I was not paid to mention any of the apps I've mentioned or cases that I've mentioned. They are just favorites of mine and/or something that might work for you :-)
> Alice
> On Nov 6, 2011, at 9:56 AM, staryeyd74334@cox.net wrote:
> > I am a book reviewer outside of a full time college student, so I will probably be using the keyboard quite a bit. Once I have it I am pretty sure that I will be on it 24/7 and while I have wifi at work and school itd be nice when I travel to use 3g when possible.
> >
> > I have at the moment probably 75 movies and am always adding to my collection so movies will be a yes, not sure on pictures since they will be on my iphone more than likely. And gps would be great so I don't get lost so much.
> >
> > Thanks so much
> >
> > Ashleigh
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jim Saklad <jimdoc@me.com>
> > Sender: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
> > Date: Sun, 06 Nov 2011 12:22:02
> > To: <apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com>
> > Reply-To: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: Re: [apple-iphone] iPad info help
> >
> > > I am looking at buying an iPad2 around Christmas and I can't decide if I should go 32g or 64g (I have a 32g iPhone and 2 64g iPod and all of those are full of apps/music/movies)
> > >
> > > Outside of size I am trying to decide on whether to get the 3g ready or just stay with with wifi only. And I have heard that the white ipad looks washed out compared to the black one. Has anyone with a white ipad notice that?
> >
> > Do you expect to watch a lot of movies on the iPad?
> > Do you expect to transfer a lot of photos to the iPad?
> > Do you want to be able to utilize GPS on the iPad?
> > Do you expect to want to connect much when away from home/Wifi access?
> >
> > > And what are the best accessories for the ipad that y'all have noticed? I am looking for a keyboard, a nice case and at least a stand of some kind for my desk.
> >
> > Wait until you have had it for a while. On the one hand, there's no cost advantage to getting these things at the same time as the iPad, and on the other hand, after owning and using it for a bit, you will have a MUCH better sense of, for example, how much typing you're actually going to be doing, and how (in)convenient the virtual keyboard is.
> >
> > --
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> \
> \ /\
> ( )
> .( ).
> Alice Saunders
> whiterabbit32@gmail.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

\ /\
( )
.( ).

Alice Saunders

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Re: iPad info help

Posted by: "Patrick Milligan" pmilligan@prodigy.net   pmilligan@prodigy.net

Sun Nov 6, 2011 4:31 pm (PST)

I have a white iPad2 and I don't have any problem with it regarding being "washed out". Regarding 32 vs 64g, I always buy the most memory I can get, knowing that I will fill it up regardless of how much I have. Regarding 3G service, I get that too, because I'm not always in reach of wi-fi service, and i always want all of my apps to work. If you don't have 3G some of your apps will not work when you're outside of wi-fi access.


Re: iPad info help

Posted by: "staryeyd74334@cox.net" staryeyd74334@cox.net   vampire_fanatic@rocketmail.com

Sun Nov 6, 2011 6:09 pm (PST)

Thanks Patrick,

I like the idea of a white ipad with my black iphone. Nice contrast.


-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Milligan <pmilligan@prodigy.net>
Sender: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2011 19:19:06
To: <apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com>
Reply-To: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [apple-iphone] Re: iPad info help

I have a white iPad2 and I don't have any problem with it regarding being "washed out". Regarding 32 vs 64g, I always buy the most memory I can get, knowing that I will fill it up regardless of how much I have. Regarding 3G service, I get that too, because I'm not always in reach of wi-fi service, and i always want all of my apps to work. If you don't have 3G some of your apps will not work when you're outside of wi-fi access.


Re: 4S Daylight Savings Time FAIL

Posted by: "Susan Ferraglio" bladessf@aol.com   bladessf2000

Sun Nov 6, 2011 11:09 am (PST)

I had a problem with my iPhone and pocket informant - all my appointments were put one hour ahead and the time on the phone was not changed to EST. I Did a hard reset (home button and off button held til apple logo showed) and all was proper. My iPad 2 had no problem!!!
My husbands pantech phone didn't display the proper time either until it was turned off and on.

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 6, 2011, at 12:40 PM, Jim Harry <jim.harry@harryfamily.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 9:55 AM, David Morganstein <drm0223@mac.com> wrote:
>> Indeed, it's the same time zone. Setting it to automatic doesn't find your city but it does find your time zone. I'm in DC and it found NY and our iPhone 4 correctly reset the time over nite (no reboot/restart was needed).
> Mine did not change either. I had to turn the phone off and then on
> again for the proper time to show.


Re: 4S Daylight Savings Time FAIL

Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc@me.com   jimdoc01

Sun Nov 6, 2011 11:31 am (PST)

>> Indeed, it's the same time zone. Setting it to automatic doesn't find your city but it does find your time zone. I'm in DC and it found NY and our iPhone 4 correctly reset the time over nite (no reboot/restart was needed).
> Mine did not change either. I had to turn the phone off and then on again for the proper time to show.


My iPad1 was plugged in overnight, with a digital clock display up showing the time in large, dim, red numbers, and when I awoke, the time was correct (EST in my case).

I suppose I could have made an effort to stay up from 1:59 AM EDT to 3:01 EDT/2:01 AM EST to actually watch it switch, but I trusted it.

The iPhone (4S) was also plugged in overnight, but display turned off. When I turned it on in the morning, the time was also correct (EST).

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com


Re: 4S Daylight Savings Time FAIL

Posted by: "Jim Harry" jim.harry@harryfamily.com   jnharry

Sun Nov 6, 2011 11:53 am (PST)

On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 2:26 PM, Jim Saklad <jimdoc@me.com> wrote:
> My iPad1 was plugged in overnight, with a digital clock display up showing the time in large, dim, red numbers, and when I awoke, the time was correct (EST in my case).
> The iPhone (4S) was also plugged in overnight, but display turned off. When I turned it on in the morning, the time was also correct (EST).

It is odd, as my iPad 2 and the three other iPhones (1 x 3GS, 2 x 4)
all changed correctly, along with the MacBook Pro and four Windows


Re: 4S Daylight Savings Time FAIL

Posted by: "whiterabbit32@gmail.com" whiterabbit32@gmail.com   lwr0032

Sun Nov 6, 2011 12:00 pm (PST)

Mine did everything just fine. Of course there's no Sacramento, CA in the city list even though it's our Capitol city. Northern CA seems to be forgotten all the time. Apple always has Cupertino, CA though. I'm just thankful all of CA is one time zone.


Sent from my iPhone 4

On Nov 6, 2011, at 11:03 AM, Susan Ferraglio <bladessf@aol.com> wrote:

> I had a problem with my iPhone and pocket informant - all my appointments were put one hour ahead and the time on the phone was not changed to EST. I Did a hard reset (home button and off button held til apple logo showed) and all was proper. My iPad 2 had no problem!!!
> My husbands pantech phone didn't display the proper time either until it was turned off and on.
> Sue
> Sent from my iPad
> On Nov 6, 2011, at 12:40 PM, Jim Harry <jim.harry@harryfamily.com> wrote:
> > On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 9:55 AM, David Morganstein <drm0223@mac.com> wrote:
> >> Indeed, it's the same time zone. Setting it to automatic doesn't find your city but it does find your time zone. I'm in DC and it found NY and our iPhone 4 correctly reset the time over nite (no reboot/restart was needed).
> >
> > Mine did not change either. I had to turn the phone off and then on
> > again for the proper time to show.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: 4S Daylight Savings Time FAIL

Posted by: "N.A. Nada" whodo678@comcast.net

Sun Nov 6, 2011 1:42 pm (PST)

Mine was correct then I woke up. I'm in PST.


On Nov 6, 2011, at 1:35 AM, Jim (Chicago) wrote:

> My phone didn't change to DTS at 2 am. A reboot did not fix this. I'm in Central time zone.



Posted by: "bj" bjones44@verizon.net   jblair44

Sun Nov 6, 2011 1:07 pm (PST)

I don't have iOS5 yet (waiting a bit on that!) but -- there's a character
named Siri on an NCIS episode (the one with the un-buried marine victim with
the multiple fiancees.)

I wonder where/how Apple got the name. :-)


Re: Siri

Posted by: "Brent" flapdoodle@gmail.com   flapdoodle44

Sun Nov 6, 2011 1:09 pm (PST)

Apple bought the name and the technology from a developer.

On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 2:26 PM, bj <bjones44@verizon.net> wrote:

> **
> I don't have iOS5 yet (waiting a bit on that!) but -- there's a character
> named Siri on an NCIS episode (the one with the un-buried marine victim
> with
> the multiple fiancees.)
> I wonder where/how Apple got the name. :-)
> bj

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: iPhone 4 Newbe Questions

Posted by: "Charles Doubek" hartselle48@yahoo.com   hartselle48

Sun Nov 6, 2011 1:11 pm (PST)

Mark, Jim and Richard,

Thanks guys, that was very helpful.

I have another question that should be of more general interest. I will post it in another message.

As a aside I might mention that I've decided to go ahead and get the iPhone4S. In for a penny, in for a pound as they say


From: Richard Bauer <rk911@yahoo.com>
To: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2011 8:16 AM
Subject: RE: [apple-iphone] iPhone 4 Newbe Questions

the MapQuest App (free) will provide turn-by-turn voice navigation. i'm on
Verizon, not AT&T, but it should be the same app.

There are 2 general classes of GPS app.

1. Guidance algorithms are built-in; maps are downloaded - over Wifi when
possible, or using your cellular data.

2. The app is 1.5 gigabytes, giver or take, because the entire map - and
point of interest - database is built into the app, and data connection is
used only for traffic updates.

I started using GPS with a Garmin in 1998. My current Garmin has been
relegated to my wife's minivan, because I use the TomTom App (with data
built-in) for guidance now.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Wifi

Posted by: "N.A. Nada" whodo678@comcast.net

Sun Nov 6, 2011 1:53 pm (PST)

And many hotels use passwords for their guest, whether you pay for the access or not.

In one hotel, even with the password to access their WiFi, I found I had a better signal using the WiFi for the motel across the street. I kept having horribly slow internet, which came from the neighboring residents using the hotel's WiFi for gaming. The neighbors were better hackers than the hired IT service providers for the hotel chain, but the WiFi from the motel did not reach the neighbors. I got refunded for the WiFi charge since I was a frequent flier with the hotel chain.


On Nov 6, 2011, at 6:10 AM, Richard Bauer wrote:

> have you tried asking a staff member for the password? it may be that the hospital restricts access to patients and staff to prevent nearby homes and businesses from piggybacking or to require their users to acknowledge and "sign" off on the rules before using the system (we see *that* all the time at campgrounds and RV parks). my mom-in-law just spent 10-days in a hospital which has free, high speed wifi throughout. it's been my experience that most hospitals do.
> lots of places offer "free" wifi. some, like libraries are truly free (meaning no out-of-pocket costs to users there is really no such thing as completely 'free') while others may require a purchase. some of these spots may require a user id and password for access while others may not.
> ___________________________
> Good evening group! I'm getting a little frustrated, I'm tired of buying data when I should be able to get on the wifi. It's to many wifi spots for me to keep having to buy data. I am siting in a hospital and it has wifi for guest! Well guess what, I can't get on. It will sign in to it the as for some type of password. I can't take it! Can someone give me the secret to getting wifi. What app can I use for the iPad2? HELP!


Re: Wifi

Posted by: "Alice Saunders" whiterabbit32@gmail.com   lwr0032

Sun Nov 6, 2011 1:56 pm (PST)

I really dislike most hotel internet wifi. As you said, it's horribly slow. I find 3G to be faster most of the time. So, if I have my iPad with me, I've always upgraded to the highest 3g access I can get for the month. At the end of the month, I go back to the smallest amount I can get.


On Nov 6, 2011, at 1:50 PM, N.A. Nada wrote:

> And many hotels use passwords for their guest, whether you pay for the access or not.
> In one hotel, even with the password to access their WiFi, I found I had a better signal using the WiFi for the motel across the street. I kept having horribly slow internet, which came from the neighboring residents using the hotel's WiFi for gaming. The neighbors were better hackers than the hired IT service providers for the hotel chain, but the WiFi from the motel did not reach the neighbors. I got refunded for the WiFi charge since I was a frequent flier with the hotel chain.
> Brent
> On Nov 6, 2011, at 6:10 AM, Richard Bauer wrote:
> > have you tried asking a staff member for the password? it may be that the hospital restricts access to patients and staff to prevent nearby homes and businesses from piggybacking or to require their users to acknowledge and "sign" off on the rules before using the system (we see *that* all the time at campgrounds and RV parks). my mom-in-law just spent 10-days in a hospital which has free, high speed wifi throughout. it's been my experience that most hospitals do.
> >
> > lots of places offer "free" wifi. some, like libraries are truly free (meaning no out-of-pocket costs to users there is really no such thing as completely 'free') while others may require a purchase. some of these spots may require a user id and password for access while others may not.
> >
> > ___________________________
> > Good evening group! I'm getting a little frustrated, I'm tired of buying data when I should be able to get on the wifi. It's to many wifi spots for me to keep having to buy data. I am siting in a hospital and it has wifi for guest! Well guess what, I can't get on. It will sign in to it the as for some type of password. I can't take it! Can someone give me the secret to getting wifi. What app can I use for the iPad2? HELP!

\ /\
( )
.( ).

Alice Saunders

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Help

Posted by: "N.A. Nada" whodo678@comcast.net

Sun Nov 6, 2011 1:54 pm (PST)

On Nov 6, 2011, at 9:16 AM, Jim Saklad wrote:

> >>> When I set up my new iPad 2 yesterday some apps do not appear but they are there if I do a Spotlight search, even some non-delete able ones, as Calculator. What can I do to get them to show up on pages?
> >>> Sue
> >>
> >> How many Apps do you have on your iPad?
> >> There is a limit of the *display* to 11 pages of Apps and folders.
> >>
> >> And sometimes an App will get pushed off page 1, creating a page 2 with a single app on it, but the rest are still there on pages 3, 4, etc.
> >
> > Not a page problem.
> > Sue
> Okay.
> Connect the iPad to your computer.
> Start iTunes.
> Click on the iPad in the left pane of iTunes.
> Click on Apps in the right pane of iTunes.
> Search for a "missing" App, double-click on it, see what page it's on.
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com

To continue with Jim's thinking, apparently when you synced the iPad the apps were loaded from what you have already purchased. It appears that they may be buried in a folder of apps.


Re: "Lock" screen I never saw before....

Posted by: "lenny frost" lenny_f_24@yahoo.com   lenny_f_24

Sun Nov 6, 2011 2:13 pm (PST)

Brent thanks for the link
I have a question maybe you can answer
I have a lock on my iphone4 but thecam icon is not there like it says in the video do I need to change a setting?
thanks for your help

From: Brent <flapdoodle@gmail.com>
To: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2011 9:46 AM
Subject: Re: [apple-iphone] "Lock" screen I never saw before....

Watch this 5 minute video about iOS5. They use an iPad for the demo but
most of the features will work on the iPhone.


On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 8:31 AM, Jim Inman <jiminmanjr@yahoo.com> wrote:

> **
> I have seen this a couple times, but I wasn't sure how to access it.  I
> had taken a screen-shot of it, and meant to email the group.
> Thanks for telling me how to access it!
> One thing - can a use customize what shows up on this screen?  Right now
> mine shows the weather, voicemails, CNN and eBay.  I see the X to close it,
> but I didn't know if I could add more to it.
> ________________________________
> From: Charles <the_chuckmann@yahoo.com>
> To: "apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com" <apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2011 9:25 AM
> Subject: Re: [apple-iphone] "Lock" screen I never saw before....
> Wow! And, thank you!
> So, is this an iOS 5 thing, or have I been missing this for a long time?
> Chuck F.
> On Nov 3, 2011, at 9:11, sharonx9 <sharonx9@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Put your finger up top on the bar where the clock is and pull down. It's
> > the notification center. This works when the phone is unlocked.
> >
> > --
> > -=[ Sharon Jean ]=-
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Yahoo! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: "Lock" screen I never saw before....

Posted by: "Brent" flapdoodle@gmail.com   flapdoodle44

Sun Nov 6, 2011 2:14 pm (PST)

Lenny, Double tap the home button while the iPhone is locked and the camera
icon will show up. Brent

On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 4:12 PM, lenny frost <lenny_f_24@yahoo.com> wrote:

> **
> Brent thanks for the link
> I have a question maybe you can answer
> I have a lock on my iphone4 but thecam icon is not there like it says in
> the video do I need to change a setting?
> thanks for your help
> From: Brent <flapdoodle@gmail.com>
> To: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2011 9:46 AM
> Subject: Re: [apple-iphone] "Lock" screen I never saw before....
> Watch this 5 minute video about iOS5. They use an iPad for the demo but
> most of the features will work on the iPhone.
> http://www.apple.com/ios/gallery.html#video-ios
> On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 8:31 AM, Jim Inman <jiminmanjr@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > **
> >
> >
> > I have seen this a couple times, but I wasn't sure how to access it. I
> > had taken a screen-shot of it, and meant to email the group.
> >
> > Thanks for telling me how to access it!
> >
> > One thing - can a use customize what shows up on this screen? Right now
> > mine shows the weather, voicemails, CNN and eBay. I see the X to close
> it,
> > but I didn't know if I could add more to it.
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: Charles <the_chuckmann@yahoo.com>
> > To: "apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com" <apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com>
> > Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2011 9:25 AM
> > Subject: Re: [apple-iphone] "Lock" screen I never saw before....
> >
> >
> >
> > Wow! And, thank you!
> >
> > So, is this an iOS 5 thing, or have I been missing this for a long time?
> >
> > Chuck F.
> > NE PA
> >
> > On Nov 3, 2011, at 9:11, sharonx9 <sharonx9@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > Put your finger up top on the bar where the clock is and pull down.
> It's
> > > the notification center. This works when the phone is unlocked.
> > >
> > > --
> > > -=[ Sharon Jean ]=-
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Upgrade Issues to iPhone 4s

Posted by: "Dave Clark" dc1999@gmail.com   dave24c

Sun Nov 6, 2011 2:42 pm (PST)

I just upgraded to a 4s and did a sync off my iTunes on the MacBookPro.

Virtually none of the data in numerous apps copied over to the 4s. I have an app named "Air Sharing" that I used for putting photos in folders on the device, and none of the folders or photos copied. None of my "Fuel Gauge" info on four vehicles copied over. My Starbucks Qreader shows $0.00 which I know is wrong.

My 3Gs was named DCX in iTunes. Does the new one need to receive the same name? How do I do that? Or, is it too late now? Or is there some other fix for all the missing data.



Dave Clark
Irvine, CA
2004 BMW R1200C

Copyright © 2011. All rights reserved.
Permission granted for discussion on this Email list only.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Upgrade Issues to iPhone 4s

Posted by: "Donald" xlnt74@sbcglobal.net   xlnt74@sbcglobal.net

Sun Nov 6, 2011 4:41 pm (PST)

Both times I've upgraded I did a restore from backup instead of a sync. I've found that works well.

--- In apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com, Dave Clark <dc1999@...> wrote:
> I just upgraded to a 4s and did a sync off my iTunes on the MacBookPro.
> Virtually none of the data in numerous apps copied over to the 4s. I have an app named "Air Sharing" that I used for putting photos in folders on the device, and none of the folders or photos copied. None of my "Fuel Gauge" info on four vehicles copied over. My Starbucks Qreader shows $0.00 which I know is wrong.
> My 3Gs was named DCX in iTunes. Does the new one need to receive the same name? How do I do that? Or, is it too late now? Or is there some other fix for all the missing data.
> Dave


Re: Upgrade Issues to iPhone 4s

Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc@me.com   jimdoc01

Sun Nov 6, 2011 4:41 pm (PST)

> I just upgraded to a 4s and did a sync off my iTunes on the MacBookPro.
> Virtually none of the data in numerous apps copied over to the 4s. I have an app named "Air Sharing" that I used for putting photos in folders on the device, and none of the folders or photos copied. None of my "Fuel Gauge" info on four vehicles copied over. My Starbucks Qreader shows $0.00 which I know is wrong.
> My 3Gs was named DCX in iTunes. Does the new one need to receive the same name? How do I do that? Or, is it too late now? Or is there some other fix for all the missing data.

I bought a 4S.
I backed up by wife's 3GS.
I backed up my old 4.
I restored the 3GS backup to the old 4.
I restored the old 4 backup to the 4S.

My wife now has a 4 with all the stuff on it that had been on her 3GS.
I now have a 4S with all the stuff on it that had been on the old 4.

The names can be changed, and are irrelevant to data continuity. They are a memory convenience for the user.

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@me.com

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