Messages In This Digest (24 Messages)
- 2a.
- Monitor/Display recommendation request From: redhillsranger
- 2b.
- Re: Monitor/Display recommendation request From: OBrien
- 2c.
- Re: Monitor/Display recommendation request From: N.A. Nada
- 2d.
- Re: Monitor/Display recommendation request From: Randy B. Singer
- 3a.
- Re: faster DNS 21% via namebench From: Rob Frankel
- 3b.
- Re: faster DNS 21% via namebench From: Randy B. Singer
- 4a.
- iPad choices? From: neelie
- 4b.
- Re: iPad choices? From: N.A. Nada
- 4c.
- Re: iPad choices? From: Barb Adamski
- 4d.
- Re: iPad choices? From: Jim Smith
- 4e.
- Re: iPad choices? From: Bekah
- 4f.
- Re: iPad choices? From: Terry Pogue
- 4g.
- Re: iPad choices? From: Jim Saklad
- 4h.
- Re: iPad choices? From: neelie
- 5a.
- Firefox Printing From: Ken
- 5b.
- Re: Firefox Printing From: neelie
- 5c.
- Re: Firefox Printing From: N.A. Nada
- 5d.
- Re: Firefox Printing From: Harry Flaxman
- 6a.
- Re: computer uptime From: Oneal Neumann
- 6b.
- Re: computer uptime From: Harry Flaxman
- 7.
- Is this spam? From: Keith Whaley
- 1.1.
Re: 3
Posted by: "N.A. Nada"
Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:37 pm (PST)
Jeanie, we apparently are not familiar with the same terms. I have been a Mac user for 12 years and only used Windows for 7. (They held a gun to my head at work.) Before that, I used punchcards and Fortran, on a IBM 360/80 and ARPnet.
What is "LR import panel"? What view are you seeing this in, icon, hierarchical or column?
Lion does not want your stuff at the top level, Macintosh HD. It wants your stuff in your user level, Macintosh HD/ Users/ Home level.
If you created a folder in you Home folder, like with Windows, you have to drill down to that level to see it. The pathway is in the previous paragraph.
To make those folders accessible by Lightroom and Photoshop, you just have to point or browse to them from within the applications.
On Nov 13, 2011, at 8:17 AM, Jeannie wrote:
> Thank you, Brent, I just did that , and you are right. Now to see if that
> folder will show up in my LR import panel.
> Ok just tried it, and it doesn't show up. The LR import panel only shows
> folders on my Macintosh Hard drive. How can I get that folder I just
> created in my home to show up in the macintosh Hard drive?
> I need those folders from each shoot to be able to be accessed by Light
> room, and then by Photoshop.
> Jeannie
> On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 12:16 AM, N.A. Nada < > wrote:
> > Jeanie, ok. I think I know where you are now.
> >
> > When you double click on the Macintosh HD, a window opens up. In the upper
> > portion, there is an area called View. Click on either the second or third
> > icon from the left. At this point you will see several folders,
> > Applications, Library, system, System, Users, and possibly others. You can
> > not add a folder at this level without a password.
> >
> > Click on the folder called Users. You will see one with a house icon, a
> > folder called Guest and another called Shared. Click on the house icon,
> > this is your Home folder, it will have your short name, possibly jeanie.
> > You can make all the folders you want at this point without a password.
> >
> > Or in the folder called Desktop or better yet Documents.
> >
> > Lion locks the top level from the new or casual user. The request for a
> > password is an indicator that that is not the best place to store your data
> > in that level. This is like Apple hiding the Library folder from the new or
> > casual user.
- 1.2.
Re: 3
Posted by: "Jeannie" chloe898
Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:59 pm (PST)
Hi Brent,
The LR import panel,is the short way of my saying Lightroom Import panel.
Just now , I was able to get that test folder that I set up in the Home
section to show in the import dialog in Lightroom, by clicking on select a
source, then I was able to get to that ne folder. I had been a windows
user for about 15 years, so I just continued to put folders on my hard
drive. Now Lion has taught me, with your help, that I have to do it another
way, although I am not sure for the reasoning.
Thanks again to you and all that helped. No book, and nothing on line put
me in the know, but you all did.
On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 2:37 PM, N.A. Nada < > wrote:
> Jeanie, we apparently are not familiar with the same terms. I have been a
> Mac user for 12 years and only used Windows for 7. (They held a gun to my
> head at work.) Before that, I used punchcards and Fortran, on a IBM 360/80
> and ARPnet.
> What is "LR import panel"? What view are you seeing this in, icon,
> hierarchical or column?
> Lion does not want your stuff at the top level, Macintosh HD. It wants
> your stuff in your user level, Macintosh HD/ Users/ Home level.
> If you created a folder in you Home folder, like with Windows, you have to
> drill down to that level to see it. The pathway is in the previous
> paragraph.
> To make those folders accessible by Lightroom and Photoshop, you just have
> to point or browse to them from within the applications.
> Brent
> On Nov 13, 2011, at 8:17 AM, Jeannie wrote:
> > Thank you, Brent, I just did that , and you are right. Now to see if that
> > folder will show up in my LR import panel.
> >
> > Ok just tried it, and it doesn't show up. The LR import panel only shows
> > folders on my Macintosh Hard drive. How can I get that folder I just
> > created in my home to show up in the macintosh Hard drive?
> >
> > I need those folders from each shoot to be able to be accessed by Light
> > room, and then by Photoshop.
> >
> > Jeannie
> >
> > On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 12:16 AM, N.A. Nada < >
> wrote:
> >
> > > Jeanie, ok. I think I know where you are now.
> > >
> > > When you double click on the Macintosh HD, a window opens up. In the
> upper
> > > portion, there is an area called View. Click on either the second or
> third
> > > icon from the left. At this point you will see several folders,
> > > Applications, Library, system, System, Users, and possibly others. You
> can
> > > not add a folder at this level without a password.
> > >
> > > Click on the folder called Users. You will see one with a house icon, a
> > > folder called Guest and another called Shared. Click on the house icon,
> > > this is your Home folder, it will have your short name, possibly
> jeanie.
> > > You can make all the folders you want at this point without a password.
> > >
> > > Or in the folder called Desktop or better yet Documents.
> > >
> > > Lion locks the top level from the new or casual user. The request for a
> > > password is an indicator that that is not the best place to store your
> data
> > > in that level. This is like Apple hiding the Library folder from the
> new or
> > > casual user.
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> Yahoo! Groups Links
View my images :
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 1.3.
Re: 3
Posted by: "N.A. Nada"
Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:58 pm (PST)
Glad you got it worked out.
On Nov 13, 2011, at 1:59 PM, Jeannie wrote:
> Hi Brent,
> The LR import panel,is the short way of my saying Lightroom Import panel.
> Just now , I was able to get that test folder that I set up in the Home
> section to show in the import dialog in Lightroom, by clicking on select a
> source, then I was able to get to that ne folder. I had been a windows
> user for about 15 years, so I just continued to put folders on my hard
> drive. Now Lion has taught me, with your help, that I have to do it another
> way, although I am not sure for the reasoning.
> Thanks again to you and all that helped. No book, and nothing on line put
> me in the know, but you all did.
> Thanks,
> Jeannie
> On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 2:37 PM, N.A. Nada < > wrote:
> > Jeanie, we apparently are not familiar with the same terms. I have been a
> > Mac user for 12 years and only used Windows for 7. (They held a gun to my
> > head at work.) Before that, I used punchcards and Fortran, on a IBM 360/80
> > and ARPnet.
> >
> > What is "LR import panel"? What view are you seeing this in, icon,
> > hierarchical or column?
> >
> > Lion does not want your stuff at the top level, Macintosh HD. It wants
> > your stuff in your user level, Macintosh HD/ Users/ Home level.
> >
> > If you created a folder in you Home folder, like with Windows, you have to
> > drill down to that level to see it. The pathway is in the previous
> > paragraph.
> >
> > To make those folders accessible by Lightroom and Photoshop, you just have
> > to point or browse to them from within the applications.
> >
> > Brent
> >
> >
> > On Nov 13, 2011, at 8:17 AM, Jeannie wrote:
> >
> > > Thank you, Brent, I just did that , and you are right. Now to see if that
> > > folder will show up in my LR import panel.
> > >
> > > Ok just tried it, and it doesn't show up. The LR import panel only shows
> > > folders on my Macintosh Hard drive. How can I get that folder I just
> > > created in my home to show up in the macintosh Hard drive?
> > >
> > > I need those folders from each shoot to be able to be accessed by Light
> > > room, and then by Photoshop.
> > >
> > > Jeannie
> > >
> > > On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 12:16 AM, N.A. Nada < >
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Jeanie, ok. I think I know where you are now.
> > > >
> > > > When you double click on the Macintosh HD, a window opens up. In the
> > upper
> > > > portion, there is an area called View. Click on either the second or
> > third
> > > > icon from the left. At this point you will see several folders,
> > > > Applications, Library, system, System, Users, and possibly others. You
> > can
> > > > not add a folder at this level without a password.
> > > >
> > > > Click on the folder called Users. You will see one with a house icon, a
> > > > folder called Guest and another called Shared. Click on the house icon,
> > > > this is your Home folder, it will have your short name, possibly
> > jeanie.
> > > > You can make all the folders you want at this point without a password.
> > > >
> > > > Or in the folder called Desktop or better yet Documents.
> > > >
> > > > Lion locks the top level from the new or casual user. The request for a
> > > > password is an indicator that that is not the best place to store your
> > data
> > > > in that level. This is like Apple hiding the Library folder from the
> > new or
> > > > casual user.
> >
> >
> > --------------------- --------- ------
> >
> > Group FAQ:
> > <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Jeannie
> View my images :
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 2a.
Monitor/Display recommendation request
Posted by: "redhillsranger" jsm5320432
Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:52 pm (PST)
I hope someone can help me with a recommendation for a monitor to use with my Macbook pro (OSX 10.5.8, 2.66 Ghz, Core 2 Duo, 4 GB, NVidia Geforce 9400M & GT).
I prefer a screen of at least 23 or 24 inches. While I prefer Apple products I am open to other brands.
Thanks in advance for any insights you can provide.
- 2b.
Re: Monitor/Display recommendation request
Posted by: "OBrien" conorboru
Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:53 pm (PST)
On Sun, 13 Nov 2011 21:52:12 -0000, redhillsranger wrote:
> I prefer a screen of at least 23 or 24 inches. While I prefer Apple
> products I am open to other brands.
< >ProductList. aspx?Submit= ENE&N=100007617% 2050001077& IsNodeId= 1&name=SAMSUNG
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
O'Brien ––– –... .-. .. . -. - 2c.
Re: Monitor/Display recommendation request
Posted by: "N.A. Nada"
Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:58 pm (PST)
On Nov 13, 2011, at 1:52 PM, redhillsranger wrote:
> I hope someone can help me with a recommendation for a monitor to use with my Macbook pro (OSX 10.5.8, 2.66 Ghz, Core 2 Duo, 4 GB, NVidia Geforce 9400M & GT).
> I prefer a screen of at least 23 or 24 inches. While I prefer Apple products I am open to other brands,
With no indication of how you plan to use your Mac, I'll tell you what I use, a 23" Vizio DTV.
I spend many evenings in my home office and so its duties switch between TV and second monitor for my MBP.
- 2d.
Re: Monitor/Display recommendation request
Posted by: "Randy B. Singer" randybrucesinger
Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:48 pm (PST)
On Nov 13, 2011, at 1:52 PM, redhillsranger wrote:
> I hope someone can help me with a recommendation for a monitor to
> use with my Macbook pro (OSX 10.5.8, 2.66 Ghz, Core 2 Duo, 4 GB,
> NVidia Geforce 9400M & GT).
> I prefer a screen of at least 23 or 24 inches. While I prefer Apple
> products I am open to other brands.
It is not very well known that Samsung makes all of Apple's external
monitors for them. So it should be no surprise that Samsung monitors
get great reviews in the PC press, even though they go for a fraction
of the price of an equivalent Apple monitor.
I've found refurbished Samsung monitors to be a fantastic deal.
Check out:
Samsung 2333T 23-inch LCD Computer Monitor (Refurbished)
$139 plus free shipping
_____________________ _________ _________ ____
Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)
Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance html
_____________________ _________ _________ ____
- 3a.
Re: faster DNS 21% via namebench
Posted by: "Rob Frankel" robfrankeldotcom
Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:08 pm (PST)
At the risk of seeming too elementary, once Namebench specifies a DNS
server, is it as simple as pasting that DNS into the field in Network
System Preferences to achieve the faster performance?
Rob Frankel, Branding Expert
Twitter: @brandingexpert
Yes, there's an RSS feed blog, if you can handle it:
- 3b.
Re: faster DNS 21% via namebench
Posted by: "Randy B. Singer" randybrucesinger
Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:56 pm (PST)
On Nov 13, 2011, at 2:59 PM, Rob Frankel wrote:
> At the risk of seeming too elementary, once Namebench specifies a DNS
> server, is it as simple as pasting that DNS into the field in Network
> System Preferences to achieve the faster performance?
Yes, it's that simple.
I should point out that the fastest DNS will change from day to day,
and vary by time of day.
So run Namebench during the time of day you do the most browsing, and
run it every now and then to make sure that things haven't changed
with regard to the best DNS.
_____________________ _________ _________ ____
Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)
Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance html
_____________________ _________ _________ ____
- 4a.
iPad choices?
Posted by: "neelie" neeliec2000
Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:06 pm (PST)
I know a lot has been posted about iPads in the past, but for the most part I just glanced over the info as I don't own one and wasn't ready to buy.�
But now I'm getting serious (and hoping for maybe a Black Friday sale??).
I've read about the differences between the WiFi and WiFi+3G models.�I'm thinking I would be just fine with the WiFi-only model.�I would use the iPad for receiving and sending emails and light browsing while traveling, using hotel and cafe hot spots.�
Are there any reasons that I should really consider getting the one with 3G capability?
If I bought one with 3G do I HAVE to sign up for a plan?�
If not, would the 3G iPad function basically like the WiFi-only model if I didn't subscribe to a 3G plan right away?
I'd sure appreciate some insight/opinions on the iPads!�Thanks!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 4b.
Re: iPad choices?
Posted by: "N.A. Nada"
Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:15 pm (PST)
I don't have one, but I have wanted one since they came out.
You don't have to sign up for a plan with the AT&T version, and you can go month-to-month with no commitment. I would check with Verizon if you prefer them.
Without an active plan you basically have a WiFi model.
If you don't think you would use it a lot, then the only other benefit of the 3G models is better resale value.
But that is coming from a guy who does not own one.
On Nov 13, 2011, at 4:06 PM, neelie wrote:
> I know a lot has been posted about iPads in the past, but for the most part I just glanced over the info as I don't own one and wasn't ready to buy.
> But now I'm getting serious (and hoping for maybe a Black Friday sale??).
> I've read about the differences between the WiFi and WiFi+3G models. I'm thinking I would be just fine with the WiFi-only model. I would use the iPad for receiving and sending emails and light browsing while traveling, using hotel and cafe hot spots.
> Are there any reasons that I should really consider getting the one with 3G capability?
> If I bought one with 3G do I HAVE to sign up for a plan?
> If not, would the 3G iPad function basically like the WiFi-only model if I didn't subscribe to a 3G plan right away?
- 4c.
Re: iPad choices?
Posted by: "Barb Adamski" bkadamski
Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:31 pm (PST)
I have the 3g model. My plan is $25/month. I use 3G a fair bit, and it was a lifesaver when my home internet went down one day.
Also, when you're travelling, the 3G will get you internet when you're between hotspots--very useful when traveling by car or train. Who wants to have to hit a cafe just to get internet?
No, you don't need a plan to use it as Wifi only.
********************* ********* ********* *********
Barbara K. Adamski, MA, certified proofreader
writing, editing, proofreading & photography
www.barbadamski.photoshelter. com
On 2011-11-13, at 4:06 PM, neelie wrote:
> I know a lot has been posted about iPads in the past, but for the most part I just glanced over the info as I don't own one and wasn't ready to buy.
> But now I'm getting serious (and hoping for maybe a Black Friday sale??).
> I've read about the differences between the WiFi and WiFi+3G models. I'm thinking I would be just fine with the WiFi-only model. I would use the iPad for receiving and sending emails and light browsing while traveling, using hotel and cafe hot spots.
> Are there any reasons that I should really consider getting the one with 3G capability?
> If I bought one with 3G do I HAVE to sign up for a plan?
> If not, would the 3G iPad function basically like the WiFi-only model if I didn't subscribe to a 3G plan right away?
> I'd sure appreciate some insight/opinions on the iPads! Thanks!
> neelie
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 4d.
Re: iPad choices?
Posted by: "Jim Smith" jimmacsmith
Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:39 pm (PST)
I have an iPad 1 and have both wifi+g3. Have NOT signed up for G3 service. So it act as if I did not have 3G. Just uses the wifi connection.
Can't say what G3 would be like or what I would have to do to get G3, just has not interested me. I pay Verizon enough already.
鵃�Jim Smith 鵃�br>
iMac 27 (2011), 3.4GHz Core i7. 8GB,OS X 10.7.2
iMac 21.5 (Late 2009), Memory 8GB,OS X 10.6.7
Mac Mini (Early 2009), Memory 4GB,OS X 10.6.7(wife)
iPod Touch (3rd Gen), 64GB; iPad WF+G3, 64GB
iPhone4 32GB Verizon
HP EX495 WHS; HP tx2 TouchSmart
On Nov 13, 2011, at 7:06 PM, neelie wrote:
> I know a lot has been posted about iPads in the past, but for the most part I just glanced over the info as I don't own one and wasn't ready to buy.
> But now I'm getting serious (and hoping for maybe a Black Friday sale??).
> I've read about the differences between the WiFi and WiFi+3G models. I'm thinking I would be just fine with the WiFi-only model. I would use the iPad for receiving and sending emails and light browsing while traveling, using hotel and cafe hot spots.
> Are there any reasons that I should really consider getting the one with 3G capability?
> If I bought one with 3G do I HAVE to sign up for a plan?
> If not, would the 3G iPad function basically like the WiFi-only model if I didn't subscribe to a 3G plan right away?
> I'd sure appreciate some insight/opinions on the iPads! Thanks!
> neelie
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 4e.
Re: iPad choices?
Posted by: "Bekah" bekalex
Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:49 pm (PST)
No, if you get the 3G you can sign up for the service later. But you should get the kind that has the service (AT&T or Verizon) you'll be using, because the device itself is configured for that provider.
I have 3G especially for when find myself in cafes or doctor's offices or lots of places where there is no wifi. (I live in a small town). Asking for wifi passwords is a hassle. I use the GPS service from my car. I took photos of my grandgirls playing volleyball and swimming this summer and was able to send them right away. I don't have a decent cell phone (don't need one).
Basically, I guess, I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it - but I really use it quite a lot.
On Nov 13, 2011, at 4:06 PM, neelie wrote:
> I know a lot has been posted about iPads in the past, but for the most part I just glanced over the info as I don't own one and wasn't ready to buy.
> But now I'm getting serious (and hoping for maybe a Black Friday sale??).
> I've read about the differences between the WiFi and WiFi+3G models. I'm thinking I would be just fine with the WiFi-only model. I would use the iPad for receiving and sending emails and light browsing while traveling, using hotel and cafe hot spots.
> Are there any reasons that I should really consider getting the one with 3G capability?
> If I bought one with 3G do I HAVE to sign up for a plan?
> If not, would the 3G iPad function basically like the WiFi-only model if I didn't subscribe to a 3G plan right away?
> I'd sure appreciate some insight/opinions on the iPads! Thanks!
> neelie
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> Yahoo! Groups Links
- 4f.
Re: iPad choices?
Posted by: "Terry Pogue" terrypogue_2000
Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:55 pm (PST)
I don't use the cellular service very often. I have AT&T service and I bought the cheapest monthly charge they have. Like you I only use it in Dr's offices or at the hairdressers. At home I turn it off and just use wi-fi.
Sent from my iPad
On Nov 13, 2011, at 7:49 PM, Bekah < > wrote:
> No, if you get the 3G you can sign up for the service later. But you should get the kind that has the service (AT&T or Verizon) you'll be using, because the device itself is configured for that provider.
> I have 3G especially for when find myself in cafes or doctor's offices or lots of places where there is no wifi. (I live in a small town). Asking for wifi passwords is a hassle. I use the GPS service from my car. I took photos of my grandgirls playing volleyball and swimming this summer and was able to send them right away. I don't have a decent cell phone (don't need one).
> Basically, I guess, I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it - but I really use it quite a lot.
> Bekah
> On Nov 13, 2011, at 4:06 PM, neelie wrote:
>> I know a lot has been posted about iPads in the past, but for the most part I just glanced over the info as I don't own one and wasn't ready to buy.
>> But now I'm getting serious (and hoping for maybe a Black Friday sale??).
>> I've read about the differences between the WiFi and WiFi+3G models. I'm thinking I would be just fine with the WiFi-only model. I would use the iPad for receiving and sending emails and light browsing while traveling, using hotel and cafe hot spots.
>> Are there any reasons that I should really consider getting the one with 3G capability?
>> If I bought one with 3G do I HAVE to sign up for a plan?
>> If not, would the 3G iPad function basically like the WiFi-only model if I didn't subscribe to a 3G plan right away?
>> I'd sure appreciate some insight/opinions on the iPads! Thanks!
>> neelie
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> --------------------- --------- ------
>> Group FAQ:
>> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
>> Yahoo! Groups Links
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Group FAQ:
> <http://www.macsupportcentral. >com/policies/
> Yahoo! Groups Links
- 4g.
Re: iPad choices?
Posted by: "Jim Saklad" jimdoc01
Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:42 pm (PST)
> I know a lot has been posted about iPads in the past, but for the most part I just glanced over the info as I don't own one and wasn't ready to buy.
> But now I'm getting serious (and hoping for maybe a Black Friday sale??).
Refurbished iPad 2's from Apple, with warranty, are only $50 off list:
< >us/browse/ home/specialdeal s/ipad/ipad2_ wi_fi_3g
> I've read about the differences between the WiFi and WiFi+3G models. I'm thinking I would be just fine with the WiFi-only model. I would use the iPad for receiving and sending emails and light browsing while traveling, using hotel and cafe hot spots.
> Are there any reasons that I should really consider getting the one with 3G capability?
1. Only the ones with 3G capability have a GPS receiver in them.
2. If you pay (once) for the capability, you will always have the option in the future of activating 3G connectivity, should you decide it is useful in some situation some day.
3. Buying one with 3G capability does not commit you automatically to signing up for a monthly data plan.
4. You can sign up for the data plan at any time, and discontinue it at any time (although I don't think any carriers pro-rate for part of a month).
> If I bought one with 3G do I HAVE to sign up for a plan?
> If not, would the 3G iPad function basically like the WiFi-only model if I didn't subscribe to a 3G plan right away?
Except that you would also have GPS functionality.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
Jim Saklad
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 4h.
Re: iPad choices?
Posted by: "neelie" neeliec2000
Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:59 pm (PST)
THANK YOU everyone who replied to my iPad questions!
I have decided that if and when I buy my iPad, I'll be getting the one with the 3G capability.
I hadn't taken into consideration all the stuff about having to get passwords to get on WiFi networks, or possibly wishing down the road that I did have 3G capability.
You all provided some extremely helpful information and I appreciate it!
--- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups. , neelie <neeliec2000@com ...> wrote:
> I know a lot has been posted about iPads in the past, but for the most part I just glanced over the info as I don't own one and wasn't ready to buy.�
> But now I'm getting serious (and hoping for maybe a Black Friday sale??).
> I've read about the differences between the WiFi and WiFi+3G models.�I'm thinking I would be just fine with the WiFi-only model.�I would use the iPad for receiving and sending emails and light browsing while traveling, using hotel and cafe hot spots.�
> Are there any reasons that I should really consider getting the one with 3G capability?
> If I bought one with 3G do I HAVE to sign up for a plan?�
> If not, would the 3G iPad function basically like the WiFi-only model if I didn't subscribe to a 3G plan right away?
> I'd sure appreciate some insight/opinions on the iPads!�Thanks!
> neelie
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 5a.
Firefox Printing
Posted by: "Ken" woodhill69
Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:41 pm (PST)
All of a sudden I've had a problem with printing from Firefox. Instead of printing a normal page, my printer is just spitting out a single blank page. I've tried printing to a PDF from FF, but the PDF is just a blank page.
I'm on SnowLeopard 10.6.8 on a late 2008 unibody Macbook, with Firefox 3.6.8.
Thanks for any suggestions.
- 5b.
Re: Firefox Printing
Posted by: "neelie" neeliec2000
Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:57 pm (PST)
Are your printer driver and software up to date?
I've found in the past that installing the latest driver helps get rid of some issues with printing.
--- In macsupportcentral@yahoogroups. , "Ken" <kkwoodhill@com ...> wrote:
> All of a sudden I've had a problem with printing from Firefox. Instead of printing a normal page, my printer is just spitting out a single blank page. I've tried printing to a PDF from FF, but the PDF is just a blank page.
> I'm on SnowLeopard 10.6.8 on a late 2008 unibody Macbook, with Firefox 3.6.8.
> Thanks for any suggestions.
- 5c.
Re: Firefox Printing
Posted by: "N.A. Nada"
Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:09 pm (PST)
Some webpages do that, it is not Firefox, your Mac or Printer.
The only work around I have found are screen shots. Less than satisfying.
On Nov 13, 2011, at 5:41 PM, Ken wrote:
> All of a sudden I've had a problem with printing from Firefox. Instead of printing a normal page, my printer is just spitting out a single blank page. I've tried printing to a PDF from FF, but the PDF is just a blank page.
> I'm on SnowLeopard 10.6.8 on a late 2008 unibody Macbook, with Firefox 3.6.8.
- 5d.
Re: Firefox Printing
Posted by: "Harry Flaxman" hflaxman001
Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:29 am (PST)
I have rarely visited such a website unless for some reason I'm using Windows. Yup, it's either a Javascript or Java applet that does that. One must click on a button or link to print something.
Ken, is that the way you're printing, or are you using Preview or some other application to print?
On Nov 14, 2011, at 1:09 AM, N.A. Nada wrote:
> Some webpages do that, it is not Firefox, your Mac or Printer.
> The only work around I have found are screen shots. Less than satisfying.
> On Nov 13, 2011, at 5:41 PM, Ken wrote:
>> All of a sudden I've had a problem with printing from Firefox. Instead of printing a normal page, my printer is just spitting out a single blank page. I've tried printing to a PDF from FF, but the PDF is just a blank page.
>> I'm on SnowLeopard 10.6.8 on a late 2008 unibody Macbook, with Firefox 3.6.8.
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- 6a.
Re: computer uptime
Posted by: "Oneal Neumann" newalander
Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:56 pm (PST)
I�e never really paid attention to computer uptime. When things start getting wonky with my apps --as for instance (most recently) my laptop not accepting my password, one (only four-keystrokes long) that I�e had forever-- I do a Safe Boot followed by a reboot.
What� the deal with uptime? Should one, as a matter of course, reboot regularly to prevent drifts into bad functioning, or shoud one reboot only when, as above, there is a manifest reason to do so?
I have the iSTAT NANO widget, which says that currently my laptop has been up for 1 day, 3 hours, 40 minutes. So far, so good.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 6b.
Re: computer uptime
Posted by: "Harry Flaxman" hflaxman001
Sun Nov 13, 2011 6:09 pm (PST)
If you read up on the dynamics of the Unix operating system, you'll find that the system seems to run more efficiently and 'faster' in certain aspects, the longer it is up without interruption. I find that memory dynamics are faster the longer the system is up. One might think that little free RAM is bad. Not true in this system. The figure to look at is INACTIVE memory. Programs and processes can be loaded into RAM more quickly by NOT clearing RAM out often. I never do, and I've never been in a low memory state as reported by the system.
Google around about uptime, Unix dynamics, Unix memory management...speed... etc. You'll be surprised. I like to see my system up without interruption, as long as I can. I forget what my record was, but it was in excess of 40 days.
I suspect that won't be the case with the current release of the system, at least from what I've experienced so far. I"ve created a second OS partition today for Snow Leopard. I've been running under that for the past several hours. There are some games and trhings that require 10.7 or higher, but I'm not missing anything. The stability, or perceived stability at this point, seems worth it compared to what I was experiencing. Not to mention the 3 times I've installed 10.7 so far. Not good, IMO.
On Nov 13, 2011, at 12:36 PM, Oneal Neumann wrote:
> I�e never really paid attention to computer uptime. When things start getting wonky with my apps --as for instance (most recently) my laptop not accepting my password, one (only four-keystrokes long) that I�e had forever-- I do a Safe Boot followed by a reboot.
> What� the deal with uptime? Should one, as a matter of course, reboot regularly to prevent drifts into bad functioning, or shoud one reboot only when, as above, there is a manifest reason to do so?
> I have the iSTAT NANO widget, which says that currently my laptop has been up for 1 day, 3 hours, 40 minutes. So far, so good.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 7.
Is this spam?
Posted by: "Keith Whaley" keith9600
Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:42 am (PST)
I keep getting messages whose body is the words "freelance writer".
I get so many of them I finally set up a filter for that phrase.
The messages don't seem to come from the same person twice, so I figured
it was spam.
Anybody know what that's all about?
OS 10.6.8
SeaMonkey 2.4.1
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